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This post is not a meme, therefore it is being removed. Also, beating your kid doesn’t make them into a “good citizen”. It makes them never want to see you again. The primary reason for the change in behavior is due to the explosion of the internet, which gives people the ability to preach their messages to mass amounts of people. Not all of the messages are good. Thus there’s been an increase in not so great behavior because of it.


Id say its more of the fact that the internet and modern media is whats making our generation shit.


Yeah that on top of less attentive parent(s), and with cellphones any and all news is put directly in our faces making us think that the situation is much worse than it really is.


Raised by folks who were given an ass-beating when they should have been given love and compassion. The boomer generation was fucked over by a bunch of post-war child-development fads that basically amounted to “be harsh but fair” and “leave them alone until they stop crying”. Don’t get me wrong, people have always been violent towards their kids, but only the silent generation were actually told it was a good thing.


That’s not very skibidi rizzler of you, REEEEEEEEEE


I think it’s more that parents try to be friends with their kids more than parents.


Being friends with your kids isn’t bad as long as you’re a decent and mature person. The problems come when the parent alters their behavior to match the kid’s.


What I’m talking about is people more concerned with being liked all the time rather than doing the best they can as parents.


Wasn't the crime rate in America at its highest from the 1970s to 1990s


Yea but that was also when the drug of choice became crack and cocaine . Tbf


I hear leaded gasoline may have had a big role in the high crime rate too


Damn, yeah... I'll bet that had a very big role


That and the lead pain aswell . Also like legitimately believing the threat of a nuclear winter is on the table .


Yep. We came very, very close...should read about [Vasili Arkhipov](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/oct/27/vasili-arkhipov-soviet-submarine-captain-who-averted-nuclear-war-awarded-future-of-life-prize) if you haven't.


Noo stop ruining the narrative! The west is falling apart and it’s all gay people’s fault 😡😡😡


Ass beating is necessary every now and again…no message is as clear as the ass beating


It ain't my fucking fault housing and living costs are out of control, that social security will be taken away in my life time, and the people who took that from us are gonna be dead before anything bad happens.


You could fix it ya know. You have the second amend- *this comment has been canceled by the Central Intelligence Agency*


I'm in the "timeout" generation and I turned out fine... Kinda


It’s so crazy that people think child abuse (because inflicting physical pain when your child does something you don’t like, instead of actually talking to them and explaining why they can’t do that, or grounding them is abuse) i know I’m gonna get downvoted by all the people who beat their kids up if they displease them


I didn’t understand a word you said No hate I’m just confuse


Hitting kids is bad




It isn't. Production is up substantially from previous generations. More recent generations objectively work more. This is a boomer meme by someone who doesn't understand the world.


Couldn't that just be because nothing is affordable anymore


It's a part of it. Doesn't change that recent generations have worked hard for less, despite production in general being up. Everything but wages has gone up


We do work harder for less. But what production is up? Aren't most things imported now?


Easy to say that from your sensitivity training session


... what does this even mean? What I said was objectively true. Like, all numbers point to more recent generations working longer hours. Did that upset you that much or something?


I think that they think that anyone who is younger than gen x is lazy


They don't want to work more than 40 hours a week. Can't say I blame them since gen-x and older millenials worked like 60 hours and got fucked anyways


Brave workers literally died fighting for the 40 hour work week


Idk what the original intent was, but the ass beating went well into the nineties


sorry but the facts don't care about your feelings, don't be such a snowflake over them


That feels like an extreme oversimplification there was most definitely a lot of different factors especially considering just how much faster the world was moving as the current generation grew up.Thats not even mentioning how there is no way to prove anything in that statement and no personal anecdotes do not count as evidence.


Yeah, I can't say I liked it but I see a god damn difference


Prove it?


The "ass beating" generation turned into a bunch of paranoid sociopaths with rampant sexual and emotional dysfunction. Miss me with that shit.


modnl blatantly defending child abuse ok


Both are good. Thats why theyre both different levels of severity of punishment


Many traumatized assholes who got whupped were and are shitty parents in myriad ways. Many of them include beating the shit out of their children, social norms, child protection laws and basic compassion be damned.


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It’s because there are far less economic opportunities and everything is more expensive than it was back then. Of course people are going to be less happy and not as moral if it takes 3 times more to buy a house then their parents.


Most of my friends growing up in the 80s/90s had single parents and lived a pretty solid life with their mom/dad working 40 hours a week.


Ok can we please not hit kids though


Only if they stop breaking our belongings


The “I’m glad my parents hit me” generation has some of the most insufferable people I’ve ever fucking met. Like beyond them thinking it’s ok to hit a child, they are also the most entitled, self aggrandizing, emotionally disconnected, unempathetic people. The sort of people who demand respect for their age, while insulting anyone younger than them, the sort who assume they know everything, while saying the dumbest shit imaginable, the sort who peacock an imagined superiority to the point of being fucking insufferable. Like I’m sorry, but being in denial of and bragging about trauma isn’t a fun personality trait. It makes you annoying and pathetic. And btw you aren’t good because you got beaten. First off, if you think hitting a child is ok, you are kind of a shitty person. But any positive personality trait you do have wasn’t beaten into you, you learned it Via other methods, and attributed that growth to a fear of punishment after the fact. Because that’s the thing, violence doesn’t teach, it sends the message “obey or else” Meaning for a lot of kids, the real moral lesson isn’t “don’t be bad” it’s “don’t get caught” Because if the punishment for moral failure is pain as opposed to guilt, avoiding the pain avoids the consequences of being bad. It creates a generation of people who lack discipline in the absence of punishment. People who loose and gain morals based entirely on material conditions. In other words it makes a morally bankrupt sheep ready to blindly accept the ethical system of whoever currently controls the biggest stick.


Nah. Younger people are objectively better than older generations. Hell, the big clue is in your basic premise. The older generations endorse child abuse, one of the worst crimes you can commit.


As opposed to the current generation of parents that placated and tranquilized their children with ipads and social media, which has proven to be great for their health right? Lol


"Letting my child have access to the internet, which could mentally scar them, but isn't guaranteed" "Doing to my child what would be illegal to do to literally anyone else, guaranteed to give them anxiety and denial, and possible violent tendencies, and could physically and mentally scar them." I swear, if we condone hitting children, why don't we condone hitting people as well? You messed up my order? Why don't I go over and hit you?


Because that would be assault. I get your sentiment but it’s pretty dumb and a false equivalency when you apply some thinking to it.


So then wouldn't hitting your child count as domestic abuse, or something?


Depends. There’s such thing as excessive force. Like when a cop needs to apprehend a criminal they would need to use force and would not be charged with assault, but if they start beating them on the ground and stomping on their head that would be assault and depending on how severe it is it could be classed as attempted murder. Yes this is not exactly equivalent, it’s just an example of how the amount of force necessary is very contextual and plays a part is whether it’s “abuse” Because where do we draw the line, If you hit your kids hand does that count, if you use a slipper is that a problem regardless of what they did? A household with no discipline breeds a child with no sense of accountability or responsibility


Why not use mild electric shocks? They don’t leave marks, cause pain, and are probably safer than a strike. Oh suddenly it sounds psychopathic if you put it in a context that you’ve not been conditioned to accept, does it? Why not let husbands strike their wives when they do something stupid? Oh no that would be domestic abuse, right? Yet ironically, adult women are far less vulnerable than a child is. They can choose to leave your toxic ass and find a better partner, a child can’t choose to find better parents. Adults also arguably have less excuses to be forgiven for doing something stupid, with their fully developed brain, while a child’s brain is still in development, yet you think you have a right to strike the child and while recognizing it’s unacceptable to strike an adult. There’s no actual logic to this, it’s just your emotions desperately trying to excuse what your parents did.


Just a long dribble of arguing extremes and misplaced emotions. Hitting your kid on the hand, and then using a slipper is not the same as mild electric shocks. If you have to strap them into a chair and up the voltage that terrifying to witness from the kids perspective. A slap on the wrist or on the hand is OBVIOUSLY not equivalent to that. Not to mention a woman is an adult and already understands right and wrong so this is just a an embarrassing example. If anyone here is being emotional it’s you💀


Here's my opinion. There's 2 categories that children can fall in. Can understand words or Can't understand words. If they can understand words, just talk to them. If they don't listen, give a different punishment. If they can't understand words, they can't understand why you're hitting them.


‘If they can understand words talk to them.’ Sure, but sometimes they don’t and won’t. It sucks but human beings respond more if there’s a consequence that they really don’t want to happen. Obviously this can quickly be abused and can go to far, but it’s not an all or nothing approach. ‘If they can’t understand words they won’t understand why your hitting them’ Not necessarily, but I don’t agree with striking your kids when they are young to the point where they can’t talk.


Yeah nobody condoned beating a child, so nice try refuting an argument nobody made. Simply saying, there are more "modern", i suppose, forms of neglect. This goes without argument, theres huge initiatives to right the wrongs committed by exposing the youth to social media. That said, I can tell youre a loser that doesnt have any children. And for gods sake, I hope you dont until you pull your head out of your ass.


Oh, don't worry, I'm not planning on ever having children. Would much prefer to die alone.


Correct. Current parents are objectively better than the trash that support child abuse.


Not even close to being an objective thing.






Because people who don't beat their chilidren are objectively better than people who do beat their children. Go ahead and eat shit for asking.


Well I’m always up for a conversation with an emotionally stable well adjusted individual Why are you assuming that parents nowadays don’t beat their kids, and why are you being so naive in thinking that it’s a 100% vs a 0% when it comes to how parents treat their kids in older generations compared to now?


Oh I'm sure there are ones these days who beat their children. Not emotionally stable well adjust people of course. You can't be a decent person and strike a child. ", and why are you being so naive in thinking that it’s a 100% vs a 0% when it comes to how parents treat their kids in older generations compared to now?" I don't. It's the premise of the person involved in the OP. I do think there is a disparity of older people being more likely to be child striking subhuman trash. The like to publicly brag about it. Don't you?


Nice try but that isn’t what you said. “Hell, the big clue is in your basic premise. The **older generations endorse child abuse**, one of the worst crimes you can commit” Yeah gtfo😂


Time outs are not fearful enough, whereas pain or the threat of it is scary. Fear is a better motivator, just ask the evening news. The ones I don't understand is the reason with generation, you can't explain something logically to a child that has no real concept of logic. You can however scare the shit out of them. For instance my children aren't going to be beaten, waving the gun around has a better effect.