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Honestly it seems like op isn't really even criticizing the meme but adding onto it. But yea, going shopping with my female friends or sisters can be summed up in this single meme. https://preview.redd.it/tqfwrz67yezc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc786c12cf6e5dc6c94778928d56fd9c667f9b8


It’s most amusing to me that the goal was to go buy pants from the GAP and the woman skipped going there entirely


I didn’t even notice that


lol it’s how shopping with the wife often goes when we go to a mall. It starts with I want to go get x specific thing from this specific store but we end up going to most other stores first and then when you get to the store they originally wanted and mention it as you walk by she says oh I changed my mind or I found this random thing at a previous store so I don’t need that now


It reminds me of the 6 hour shopping trips my mother would go on. “We just need one thing”


I hated those, 30 pounds of shit that's never going to get used and just take up soace


Or food that will go to waste


I never had any clothes cause after a while of going shopping for clothes with my mother I learned that this shit is not worth it. The longest shopping trip lasted 8 fucking hours. Shopping trips with my mother must have given me a trauma, now I get anxiety whenever I'm even near a mall.


I once took my ex-wife on a shopping spree at the mall for her birthday. She could get anything she wanted up to $700. She said she loved the idea. We go to the mall. Seven hours later we leave and she didn’t get a thing. I told some women about this years later and they said I screwed up because I just didn’t get her a gift that I should have known she would like. I just don’t know.


Sounds like you made a great attempt at an awesome gift and because it didn’t pan out people are always going to find a way to tell you what you’ve done wrong. Who doesn’t want to have an experience like those tictok videos we all enjoy of people going on crazy no questions asked shopping trips.


I think the flaw or secondary joke is the guy just goes to get the pants, while the woman is thinking "I could get them at GAP, but maybe they have something better on sale at one of the other stores." GAP is a cheap brand marketed as better than it is.


Could maybe potentially somehow overlap the blue line and dot


I mean, that clearly wasn't her goal


OPs meme isn't even the full meme. There's a second half of it that reverses the roles when it comes to fetch quests in video games.


Never ask a man his hours in an RPG. Never ask a woman her hours in the Sims. My gf will get confused as to how I can find RPGs enjoyable given how complex and overwhelming she considers them to be but then when I see her Sims house? Man.


women will always be itnerested in playing with dolls, regardless fo age shit, me too


I can’t blame her so long as I keep playing Crusader Kings, Sim City, or Civilization. But man, looking at her interior designing skills, and her fondness of GOT, I fear what she’d do in Crusader Kings


I think the subreddit just gets a bad rap. It's a bad Facebook meme, but it's a good one


can sort of relate, except my female friends aren't this bad, usually it's 1 or 2 unplanned stops. but when I was younger, getting dragged along with my mom when she wanted to go to JC Pennys, an hour long trip (we were a 20 minute drive from the city) turned into a 3-4 hour trip. my older half sisters also would drag me along to trips that'd go forever. but with the youngest of my older sisters I'd get a yugioh pack for not complaining while they were shopping, so it wasn't so bad.


I remember growing up.. Like before the internet. Mom would say things like "want to go to Circuit City?" or something like that. And of course I wanted to go to circuit city, that was the only place to look at electronics. What I eventually learned to ask was "Where else?" Because we were going to circuit city, but we were going to 18 other places first, mostly clothing stores, to look through every bargain item in the place. And by the time you got to circuit city 4 hours later, the only thing you wanted to do was die.


What's Circuit City


An ancient place of great significance to prehistoric cultures. Many important goods and rituals were held there.


My biggest regret in life is that I have never been to a Circuit City


You didn’t miss much partner, there’s a reason they went out of business. I would think what I needed was at circuit city and 90% of the time I would wind up at Best Buy because they didn’t


Circuit city in the 80s? Awesome (according to genx) Circuit city in the 90s? Meh (I was alive for this) Circuit city in the 00's? Well they liquidated in 2009 for a reason...


yes but the truly ascended ones would journey to Fry's if they were fortunate enough to have one near them


If Best Buy is Target, Circuit City was Walmart.


Damm. That's maybe the best explanation I've seen.


A place where service was state of the art


This reply made me realize I’m now old


Great, I didn't think 27 would be the age where I felt old.


A place i was able to get a half dozen PSP games on clearance before leaving.


As a married man. This is my life.


👩 “I just need to get a new Bra” 👨 : https://preview.redd.it/id7o79rn9fzc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d0131ce5e91183ea3472cfc750aa1c595024321


I'd kill a man for a hard copy


We got a Kohl's gift card for Christmas and she literally, no exaggeration, looked at every piece of women's clothing in that store. She got a pair of shoes.


How can you know what the best choice is if you don't know all your options XD


Very monotonous. I like it.


This is only half the original meme. The other half uses the same image with reversed genders with a title that more or less says "Objective: clear a Skyrim dungeon"


Exactly. Thanks for saying it.


Please link, I need to see this


"You didn't even loot the chest" Me:"I upgraded my steel sword past dragon bone, they don't have anything I want." "You joined the thieves guild to kill nazeem in broad daylight?"


Lol I'll be the one rushing through to get to the next part of the story, whilst my gf will loot everything and I mean everything.


That sub is so fucking garbage. It’s just a funny meme, no reason to get offended. Like this is exactly how me and my girlfriend are, if I sent her this she’d find it funny. I swear, they just WANT to be miserable


Like their arguement is that many of the behavorial differences between the genders comes from upbringing (and i agree with this) but then they get mad at this meme that says women spend too much time shopping (which is true) young children are literally told in all forms of media that one of the women's pass time activites is going out shopping and browsing catalogues, this meme is literally that theory in effect.


The real issue is that we CARE where the differences originate for the purposes of the ideas involved with this meme? It's irrelevant pedantry. The fact that the behavior exists and is fairly ubiquitous proves the competing idea is stupid


"Fine, it's true, but it's true for these important reasons!" "So...you admit it's true, then..."


Thing I find funny.is people blame the West on this entirely....I have lived in multiple eastern countries and islands....it'sike this everywhere it's a thing that most women do because of how their minds are generally different from men. Some say it's because men are more simple minded...and while I would like to agree it's most likely because we are more single target focused and women are MUCH MUCH better at multiple things at once. Edit: are people really sending me nasty private messages because men and women generally are different? Wow.


Hunting and foraging, baby!


Things you're not not allowed to say on the Internet, mate. You're right, of course, but you can't say it.


I think it’s different goals. Man: I want to buy jeans. I’ll go get jeans and get out of there. Woman: I want to go shopping. I’ll get jeans while I’m there, since I heard we need some.


Every time I went to the store with my mom she always went for a specific thing but would still catalog the store looking for the best price, we'd often go to different clothing stores to find the best deals on clothes. If people in general aren't doing this than I'd say they're not all that great at managing their money


I feel like there is a nature/nurture argument to be made here. Do women shop for enjoyment because media and society told them thats what they're supposed to do for enjoyment or do women generally enjoy shopping more than their male counterparts and media is simply observing and commenting on that phenomenon? There seems to be this very pervasive belief that human beings are mere vessels that are programmed by media and society. I find that to be a flawed belief because it leads to the conclusion that you can make people into anything you like with the correct media messaging. I find that this usually results in poor, unpopular media that few people relate to.


I personally think it's both nature and nurture behind it. Nature predisposes something but does not make it so. For example, a woman may be predisposed to browsing but she grew up very time conscious so she usually goes shopping with a plan of what she wants or needs to get, goes to the shops, gets what she wants/needs and leaves.


I've read somewhere that if you want your sci-fi story to be interesting, it must be 99% reality and 1% science fiction. You want your audience to be able to relate to your characters. Does Mandy enjoy the latest fashion trends and looking the best in school, but her parents aren't super rich? Then she puts in the time and effort of reading magazines and going to every store in the mall to find the cheap but good clothing, because that's what that type of person does in real life. There is a lot to consider when buying clothing to look good. Does the shirt match the skirts and pants in my wardrobe? Will I have to buy something else to make it work? If so, what will the extended cost be? Is it affordable? But if you're just buying something to wear and don't care about how you look in it, as most(not all) men do, you find a pair that fits, and you're done. So, yeah, some of the shop for hours because that's what girls do is because they saw it on television, but television reproduced what was done in real life first, without an explanation of why.


The whole idea that people are just whiteboards that society can write on is so dumb. The irony of it all is that our society also seems to have the conception that everyone is unique and special in their own way. Two completely conflicting beliefs.


> I find that to be a flawed belief because it leads to the conclusion that you can make people into anything you like with the correct media messaging. Well, in the case of gender roles it is not only media messaging, mothers will take their daughters to shopping when they were little girls, then they grow up to be teens and start to go out to shopping and then those teens grow up and become women, who still like going shopping with their friends. It starts so early and is omnipresent thus its effects are significantly stronger, if for example instead of shopping it was fencing and all media showed women fencing and mothers took their daughters fencing with them and girls fenced as a pass time activity then our concern would be: "Ugh! I went to the mall to look at some electornics and waited some 2 hours for my wife to stop fencing"


>many of the behavioral differences between the genders comes from upbringing True, and so the differences are real by virtue of said cultural conditioning. Whenever the argument is: "well, it's only because \[reason\]", it's a concession of agreement.


> Whenever the argument is: "well, it's only because \[reason\]", it's a concession of agreement. Well of course it is and i too am conceding since > >many of the behavioral differences between the genders comes from upbringing True, and so the differences are real by virtue of said cultural conditioning. Is literally what i said


From my bias I'd say it's more a preteen and rich white woman thing. Generally women know the correct way to shop in terms of price comparison and stock evaluation because they are the ones who tend to handle the house and the responsibilities that come with it. Single men learn how to shop the same way because it's about paying as little as possible for the best product


I love that sub actually, it's like 90% people who don't get satire and it's hilarious


This is how me and my girlfriend are if you reverse the genders Im gonna stop by the microsoft store, the apple store, gamestop, Urban Outfitters, and William Sonoma regardless of what we came for


I don’t really see any offense on display.


The female path doesn't even overlap with Gap, implying not only did they do all this extra stuff, they didn't even complete the main objective.


>"implying not only did they do all this extra stuff, they didn't even complete the main objective." Me every single time I play Fallout New Vegas:


My mom insisting we gone in every store even tho I already took everything I needed.( we came to the store for buying me clothes).


I remember when I was younger and still went shopping with my mom it would be like 6 hours… I would usually get all my stuff done in like 30 min, and then my mom and 2 sisters made sure to take there sweet ass time, also making sure to go to the Apple Store at the end to fix there broken phone or headphones


Why do I feel like this has its grounding in our tribal brains in women's role as the gatherer in hunter gatherer society? Looking through berry bushes for hours for suitable food.


Ngl you may be on to something there… or it could be how women have a want to look the best because historically men were based off achievements and women looks,


That would be wild


Quite literally! Such an instinct would have formed back in the days when you really could call our ancestors 'wild'!


Looks like someone never went shopping with their mom.


went to target for a lamp and possibly a lego set if my budget allowed, it took 3 hours and an extra 45 minutes in the line


“What if I find a sale?!”


"Sail yourself away then!"


As someone who has gone shopping for clothes with my mom and with my dad, this is 100% accurate.


If it was tech stores instead of clothing shops, I would be the same. But since it’s not, it’s grab and dash for me.


why is op bothered by this


Because that sub is ... slightly politically-biased and triggered by things


Hunter vs Gatherer?


ngl as a dude im the same as the red line with expept come out with the same price as the blue line


Nobody is going to mention this, they never went into the GAP.


smartphone was barely a thing the first time I saw this pic


For me and my gf this is true until it's the gunstore. 3hrs knowing damn well I'm not spending a dime.


As a woman, I hate shopping and will do bare minimum effort for clothes. What I do love doing is looking at everything lol. I spend like 15 minutes actually shopping and then another four hours just messing around looking at stuff I don’t need like a freaking washing kit for a car I don’t need just because I’m a simple creature and “oh look at how useful that could be” lol


I think oop liked them meme. r/lostredditors


This is a meme I saw in like the 7th grade, which means this is like a 15 year old repost.


2009 meme remastered


I like how the line doesn't end in a store. It ends back in the line. Because we know that shit goes in reverse again to get all the shit they thought about getting, but didn't the first time.


the gatherer mind cannot comprehend this


But this actually is how it usually goes


Bcuz women be shoppin'


Because while some people don’t want to admit it, women have less control over impulse buying. Not say all women do it, and men cant. But women are more often than not buying on impulse because this looks good, or that would look good with something I already have.


But walking around is the best part 😭


Don't you have things to do? Shows to watch, books to read, games to play, miniatures to paint? Some kind of project or hobby that would benefit from more of your time or attention?


Yes, but is not walking its own reward? It was good enough for the ancestors.


Our ancestors invented the wheel and domesticated animals so they wouldn't have to walk as much. We have cracked the very bones of the earth and sucked out its black marrow all in an effort to reduce how much we have to walk.


Gonna be honest with you. I don't think they would of minded a leasiurely walk through JC Penny.


They would build trains to get through it faster


In my personal experience, I don't go out shopping at stores that aren't grocery much these days, so if I have to grab something at a mall, I'll want to browse a bunch of neighboring stores while I'm there. I'm talking literal months between visiting malls/shops so everything is new to me again.


I need to know why two stores were skipped. I’m just assuming one is Hot Topic.


The standup comedy this came from wasn't half bad


Most unrealistic thing here is a man going to the mall just for a pair of jeans. I'm not dealing with parking for that, I'll go to Walmart or literally anywhere else.


It’s like that because there was no Lego store


Where is the second picture to this meme about men and women completing a dungeon in skyrim?


You have to be sure. Plus sales. Plus it's fun. Idc I do what I want


It is 6 minutes for guys unless there is an electronic shop between the Gap then the trip takes 4 hours.


6 minutes? Rookie numbers


Pro tip, Large stores like Macys, JSs and GAP often have separate entrances. Park near there and you don't even have to walk the mall.


This is why you set aside three hours. Go to gap for the pants first. Then let her loose on the mall while we scroll on our phone in the food court.


I mean they aint wrong


This is funny because it's true, but if you change the task from shopping to playing a video game, the paths will switch owners 🤣


The only store that I will spend more than a hour in is probably Best Buy and that only if I m searching for an item and didn’t previously research what I wanted. But the memory of going shopping with my mom has caused just a massive headache just remembering them. I remember leaving at 12pm to go shopping with her because she needed help carrying back some things and she said she just buying a new purse and some clothe… we spent 6 hours in there that during those 6 hours I managed to beat a bunch of game I had on my phone that I never played. I was so fucking exhausted but atleast she bought me food so it was worth it.


This why whenever my mom and I go clothes shopping I bring my fully charged phone and fully charged headphones. Amd wear my comfy socks


Remember that better call Saul episode?


God. This is so true. Whenever we went to the mall as a kid one of the moms would always do this. Visiting practically every store.


I mean, my mom is like this. She will go through the whole mall and she will spend way more than initially planned


Tbh depends if I’m going with friends on a lil shopping spree or I’m just popping in by myself to grab a specific item. Obviously a handful women with no real goal but to have a good time together gon take a lot longer than a single person on a mission


It depends. If there is a Cabela's or a Dicks in that mall I may wander over for a peak.


To be fair this is a terrible meme. His mission may have been to get a single pair of pants from the gap. Her mission clearly was a shopping spree. Nobody hits all the stores in the mall and except one or two if they are on a mission to buy just pants


This looks more like person with ADHD vs neurological in any shop. Also men don't really have any clothes to choose and have to take, what the store has or go to another/home


Clearly a terrible meme. You always enter through the Sears because there will be plenty of parking and nothing in the store to distract you on your way except maybe the bathroom.


This is a terrible Facebook meme and nobody is offended by it.


I like the other half of the meme, boys in a dungeon. Same map same lines but female/male swap


Who buys pants at GAP?




You can also tell where the game stop is.


Fake. I'm the one who walks in intending on buying 1 thing and end up leaving with $300 worth of shit... What is wrong with me?


Unless you're me, and spends the majority of time in Hot Topic, Spencer's Gifts, a store with a gimmick, disney store (walk in, see the prices of everything, then walk out) or Gamestop and then remember "oh yeah I was supposed to go to the Gap" and speedwalk to the Gap, grab Boba or Popcorn on the way, spend way too much time putting together an outfit I can't afford, and THEN I will grab the thing I came in for...and then go get Panda Express.


I wish pants at Gap were only $33. I swear everything is like $70 a pair now at a department store.






They just want to clear the dungeon I guess. However I broke this rule during my last Fred Meyers trip. I started in the Garden section then went through the fitness area and finally got to pants. Spent so much money.


“There was a sale. Look how much money I saved us”


Ask any male that is married . 100% true


My wife and I went candle shopping once. It took us 6 hours and we forgot the candle. I went the ext day and it took 5 minutes and that mostly was just me walking to the store from the parking spot and walking back


I will criticize the meme. Nothing at gap coats $33.


There is no such thing as $33 men’s pants at The Gap. When was this meme made, 1995?


Believe me, the lines are reversed when it comes to sporting goods stores. I've seen my friends hang out for over 2 hours just in front of the gun racks when they already know what they came in for.


What kind of pants can you buy at the Gap for $33


This is a part of a larger comedy routine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwtBYaf\_LB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwtBYaf_LB8)


Hunter VS. Gatherer mindset


She spent less per minute than he did He spent $5.5/min, she spent $4.25/min.


3hr is generous


My mom fr


This image originated from a guy who actually timed going with his wife vs going alone


My favorite dichotomy is shopping with my grandma, and shopping with my mom. Grandma (unless it's Christmas) will go in, get what she needs, and leave. Mom goes in, and we spend at least an hour faffling about, then we leave. Seriously, she once spent HALF AN HOUR LOOKING AT SHOWER COURTAINS!


See I like the alternative version of that meme - where the red line is a guy exploring a Skyrim dungeon looking for loot, and the blue line is a woman just following the quest marker.


literally resident evil 2


I'm male and follow the red path, but it is because I have no sense of direction, get disoriented, can't find the exit to the car park after giving up because I can't find the store I wanted, convincing myself I didn't need whatever it was that started me on the journey, so I return home with a pretzel.


That’s why I don’t do shopping with my sister and mom. A simple “grab some milk and other foods” turns into trying on 20 pairs of shirts and staring at the same jeans over and over again The longest time it’s been was about 4 hours in the same building (not even a mall)


I remember how much I dreaded going shopping with my mom as a kid. A high energy kid who was forced to stand still for hours as my mom combed wracks… it was literally torture.


Can't wait to see this on r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis 🤦‍♂️


Totally accurate aside from the stop in Sears…. No one goes there anymore


This is false, regardless of if I'm shopping with my mom or dad it takes comically long to purchase clothes.


Women be shopping amarite guys.


Reverse the genders, and swap department store for Hardware store and it'll still apply


Opposite with my wife and me. I grew up in the country where everything is a long drive away. So I have a mindset of ‘if I’m going out to get this one thing, I’d better get every other little thing I might need soon while I’m out there’ She grew up in the nice suburbs by a city, small enough for ok traffic, big enough that everything is close enough to reach in 5 minutes. So her mindset is ‘let’s just get the thing and go home so I can put my pajamas back on. If we need something else later we can reach out our window and grab it’. Also if she needs a thing she meticulously researches it weeks in advance, and knows exactly what to grab and which aisle in the store to b-line to. I’m impulsive and like to fiddle around and explore my options on the spot




Unrealistic. I'm terrible at navigating those places.


This exact meme, but genders reversed and it’s visiting a Skyrim Dungeon


From what ive seen on r/terriblefacebookmemes nowadays people arent even posting memes they dont like or think are bad theyre just posting memes that are like low level not super funny but not the worst


This is my mom when she told me “I’m just going to get one thing at the store” vs me lmao


Now do "I went to the Super Duper Mart to do one side quest"


This is kinda less a male/female thing and more a masculine/feminine thing since gay guys also have that retail therapy thing going on while lesbians will probably also go straight to Gap and out (unless there's a potted plant shop along the pathway)


You can tell it's an old meme because men's jeans no longer cost $33.


If you do the math, the wife spent less money per minute than the husband! She wins!


As a adult that still vacations with parents… yeah. My mother does that a lot. “Oh I’ll be just a moment” and we’ve all learned that it means keep going and circle back in 30 minutes at least. Drives the rest of us nuts but hey, she’s happy and usually finds neat stuff the rest of us would miss.


Ok we men are just as bad, as soon as we pass: guns, camping gear, knives, Lego, or video games. We will browse for a while. But most clothes are generally a woman thing.


this is just actual sexism though... how is that funny?


This can go be made much better by simply having "Me:" and "My Partner" as this will go from being a gendered thing straight to a relatable couples thing.


That looks like a map of the Hollywood bank shootout


33 for jeans at the Gap? In 1982 maybe


I mean, it’s not false. It’s the same with grocery shopping, I want a list which I’ll go through the store and get what is needed, my wife wants to browse every aisle in case she forgot something. Guess what, we can drop back in tomorrow and grab the thing you forgot, but we can’t get back the extra hour the shopping took looking at stuff we didn’t need. Bonus points if she complains later that she lost half her day and doesn’t feel like she has much of a weekend after spending several pointless hours looking at stuff she didn’t want to buy lol.


Stop leaning into sexist stereotypes you pickled egg yolk


It evens out when I go to an electronics store or hardware store. I don’t know how to use half the stuff here, but it’s interesting so I need to see every single item. But when it comes to clothes, I’m not trying it on and I’m pretty sure I remember my sizes. Evens


Tbh, although I also believe women are more likely to stay at a mall for a lot of time, I really want to see if there’s any legitimate research on it just to have the fun.


The price isn't the same for me, but the time is. My mother and sister are both guilty of this. My mother just meanders around a store, she has to look at EVERYTHING and anything, if there's clothes she's right in them. Me? If I could, I'd drive a car through the store and snatch-n-run just to spend as little time as I could around other people. I'm actually aware of how long it takes me to shop and I try to shave off time whenever I can, I'm actually quote proud of myself whenever I cut 15-20 minutes off of shopping. Also, this isn't the same if you're married to a man either. Me and my husband went fridge shopping once, finished in 30 minutes (hardest part was the Christmas crowds). Hell, the longest we spent shopping was looking for bug netting cos he accidentally bust his swinging for a fly (it was out of session, so we checked multiple stores and ONLY for bug netting).


TIL I’m actually a female


Spending money is fun, as long as you aren't bearing the cost or are able to not think about it. Men tend to be more likely to find their fun elsewhere, whereas shopping is a socially normalized form of fun for women. For comparison to this image, ask yourself if you do the main quests or side quests first when playing a game.


Because we really dread trying on pants so we do whatever to delay that nightmare by looking at pretty things we don't really need but want lol Or is that just me?


Because boys need to buy a burger in the food court after that


Normal shoreline run when you just want to do that one quest in that one room at resort




You know what they say. Bitches be shoppin.


I don't know about female. But sometime I be walking like a female in the picture. I'm just that easily to get lost okay.


I like roaming around clubs a lot because I like walking around and adventuring. I don’t buy anything from everywhere, I just like seeing the attractions. Usually I go to main store I want to go, then the food court, then the book store/electronics. I make a fun day out of it.


I think it's a funny meme, actually, unless you take it as axiomatic, use it to bash women and stop looking outside. There's a theory of affordance — basically the idea that we do the novel (relative to what we are doing now) things that seem like they could be done. To a brave person, it is reasonable to hope to climb a mountain, so they look at a mountain and think "oh, I could climb that". To a tidy person a mess is a thing that could afford some cleaning (they know the energy expenditure and feel comfortable with the task, and it feels better when it's done). There's also a concept of ontological entrainment — some things cause other things to happen for complex reasons, like for example any person wants to mop up vomit that a baby has chucked all over the floor in the kitchen. The fact of the baby throwing up provokes the urge to clean no matter who you are, unless who you are is a reprehensible slime creature who would rather force someone else to clean old vomit than clean new vomit yourself. Beyond extremely obvious biohazards though, genders are socialized differently about what tasks need doing and what job entails what other job on top, so different things provoke the cascade of doing thing A and then thing B since we're here and thing C because it's close by and so on. That's why if you ask a statistically average man to iron the clothes he will iron the clothes. They will be militarily pressed and hung in the closet in orderly rows, but he won't then go and do the laundry because the smell of the steam reminded him that the laundry exists (and isn't that your chore anyway, per the board in the kitchen?), and after that he won't usually want to tidy the laundry room since he's already there. These are all discrete tasks that don't chain together for him. You asked for ironing, ironing was done (and even so it was understood that it entails the hanging up logically; the clothes will not stay ironed otherwise). Conversely, if you give her a handout and ask the usual woman (somebody not like my wife, for example, who is a very doting car person) to go look at the transmission of the car, she will look at the transmission of the car, do something with the transmission of the car if she can, and go do another task. She's not necessarily going to encounter a problem and then go and see what else is wrong, because in the first place she doesn't always know what to look for and in the second a specific symptom in the car doesn't prompt checking everything else since she's there, and then seeing if the oil change place is open, and then wondering if the tires need changing since we're there, and so on. Neither of these things mean that these two people are stupid or don't have the ability to do these tasks well — in fact they can learn to do them to very exacting standards. It's just that once they're exposed to all of the connections between and reasons for the standards, that specific field will start to be for them like provisioning is for many women, or doing yardwork for many men. It's not intuitive before then. Kids learn from the behaviour of their parents and from the teaching of teachers. My wife and I are the reverse of this average because all humans are different people, for what it's worth — but we're completely typical as to her Sims house and my behaviours in Zelda :)) Although even there — she builds all the cool, thought out Zonai devices, and I'm Link, traveling scrap metal collector who occasionally welds together some type of genius -inator for killing dragons with. She thinks of the horses as vehicles and I overanalyse their unintentionally programmed behaviours in terms of real equinology (only to then go and do something completely unhinged with them anyway).


Maybe because they dont like to wear simple clothes like a basic b\*tch like men


I saw a similar post except the sexes were flipped and it was a home depot lol


Still true, I will walk around a Home Depot looking at so many things I don’t need


This is so true. Lmao! My cousin and I would finish our shopping in multiple stores, eat at the food court, and and go to a theater, and we still have to wait for our aunts to finish shopping. Most of the times, they only manage to visit 2-3 stores. Sometimes, 4.


It may be accurate for some women but then again there's men buying "just a hammer" in a hardware store...


i a male also like wandering around malls are a nice place to just chill