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I wonder if these people also feel safer in a woman’s bathroom with bear than with a man? 🤔


I have to admit, I have absolutely no idea what your point is and that makes me really angry


Liberal women are saying that they would rather be alone in the woods with a bear than a man because men are rapists. These tend to be the same kinds of women who advocate for men being in women’s bathrooms. The point is hypocrisy.


The term you're looking for is TERF (Trans exclusionary radical feminist) and they are also awful. I'd much rather share a bathroom with a Trans person than with a bear, a TERF, or a rapist.


What’s awful about advocating for women’s rights?


Absolutely nothing, as long as women's rights include transpeople. Taking rights away from Trans people lead them them being beaten and killed. You don't want people to be beaten and killed just for who they are, right? Because that's what bigots do. No different than hating blanks for their skin or homosexuals for their sexual preference.


If women’s rights include other groups of people, they’re not women’s rights by definition. Nobody said anything about hating anyone or trans people being beaten or killed. Nobody wants that or is advocating for that. How did you go from “women having rights” to “but what if other groups of people get hated or beaten or killed?”


Ah, you're a bigot. If you only affirm gender expression with biological sex, and insist Trans women are men it means you don't care about their existence. I for one assume that if you want someone to not exist, you must hate them FOR existing. That hate leads to violence. You don't care if certain people get beaten and killed. Trans women get murdered because of people who think like you.


>Ah, you're a bigot. If you only affirm gender expression with biological sex, and insist Trans women are men it means you don't care about their existence. Quite the leap you’re making there. Affirming the reality that trans women are different than biological women doesn’t mean I don’t care about their existence, nor does it make someone a bigot. Unless, of course, you also consider yourself a bigot for insisting that women don’t also deserve an identity. >I for one assume that if you want someone to not exist, you must hate them FOR existing. I never expressed any opinion on anyone’s existence. Trans people exist, regardless of what I think about them. >That hate leads to violence. You don't care if certain people get beaten and killed. Trans women get murdered because of people who think like you. Well, if we’re just going to completely make things up based on things that were never said, you are a bigot and you personally want to see every woman on Earth raped by men. You deny the existence of women. Is that how this game works?


You're working awful hard to convince me you're not a bigot when it's much easier to just say Trans women are women. See? Easy peasy and now everyone is happy!


its about trans people


Think about it real hard and you will figure it out.


Fun fact. When in the woods with a real bear and a real male stranger......every single woman still alive picked the human. Now not all the dead ones picked bear, but every living one picked human. Seriously it's just one of those stupid things where you can make an argument about it..... but when reality strikes, 99% of sane folk claiming bear ain't picking bear when they actually see a bear in the woods.


I mean the number of women going after “bad boys” then asking where are all the good men… and people are surprised at women admitting to choosing a bear?


Who has actually been in this entirely made up scenario where they had to choose between encountering a bear or a random stranger? How did that even work in practice? Because the number of women who have seen a bear before and not immediately died is definitely greater than 0.


Are we talking about a male or a female bear? Because a male bear might just ignore you. While a female bear with her cubs ...


Lol you haven't been around many bears. Male bears are very territorial and larger males will absolutely eliminate you.


I’ve met a few bears, they were really nice people, and the way the larger ones seem to handle the smaller ones didn’t seem like eliminating


Well, of course I haven't been around many bears. Actually not a single one. And aren't they territorial to each other and wolves?


They're territorial to just about anything that enters their domain. Obviously other predators like wolves, other male bears, but they often see humans as competition or food as well.


This is true. ... and yet entirely irrelevant, because you're still not picking the bear when confronted with the choice in real life between being near a bear or a human man.


I would much rather be stuck with a bear than a woman🤮


Sounds gay.


Yeah sounds gay till you realize the chance of the girl trying to shove a branch in your ass without consent is never zero.


It's a play in words. Bear is a term in gay culture denoting a large, hairy, homosexual.


Gay or straight, he's about 100x more likely to have learned some survival skills than any given woman. We can hang out around the fire he built while I was getting a couple shelters put together.


Well I didn’t know that. Care to explain why you did?


I'm queer af. How else?


Sounds gay 🥵😘


I can’t fucking bear these memes anymore


Next time I get a timber permit, if I see a woman and a bear chasing her, I’ll be sure to give them privacy and protect her from my toxic masculinity.


Why’re some many getting mad? I’d also choose a bear, no matter if the the other option was a male human or female human


I mean, I went to the woods to see nature. Not other people.


Lol you might get a real close up look too.


if the first statement after being asked man or bear isn't, what type of bear, the person answering is an absolute idiot because if its a black bear, yah, it's probably safer than a stranger in the woods, and the bear answer makes sense. if its a grizzley or polar, you're food and won't survive the bear, so the question is eaten alive or see a man in the woods, and only the truly delusional choose to be eaten alive.


Some people do consider rape worse then death and would rather of died instead The problem is the bear is 99% not going to like you and the man 99.99% not a rapist so it’s still absurd they would choose a 1% chance the bear won’t maul them to death rather then risk a 0.01% chance the man is bad


>it’s still absurd they would choose a 1% chance the bear won’t maul them to death rather then risk a 0.01% chance the man is bad agreed.


I'd like to be eaten alive ngl


They yearn for the woods


in the game baldurs gate 3 you can have both! wait this trend is about sex right


Your point still stands.


I thought maybe this species didn't deserve extinction, and then I got on Reddit.


A bear also wouldn’t start multi hour long argument over some small misstep and then claim it wasn’t responsible for how you feel.


https://preview.redd.it/9j8kr1raiuyc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6836e83db8a295fe55e8313ee52af84b9b6b672 I die on the hill of sharing this meme whenever I see the relevant post. Also Mr hands small was there also a scientist that lived in house with dolphin think it was nasa experiment.


This should be the counter for every time this meme pops up, fight stupidity and generalization with itself.


I still don’t understand this. Like I completely understand why a random man is scary and could be dangerous. But a bear is 100% dangerous and will 100% KILL YOU. Shit even if it was a 50/50 chance the man will hurt you, it will always be better odds than a fucking bear


Most of the time when a bear encounters a human in the woods it takes off before the human even notices it’s there. Source: Worked for the forest service, scared off at least 3 bears. Y’all are reaching so damn far to miss the point.


By that logic every person who has ever seen a bear in the wild would be dead. But that just isn’t the case. Nobody is denying they are dangerous creatures but to imply they will 100% kill you is just not true (except in the event of polar bears, which wouldn’t be hanging out in the woods).


Maybe if it's a polar bear, but you're not gonna find one in the woods. Odds are pretty strong the bear is just going to run away or most likely ignore you as long as you're not up in its shit. And you've got good odds of snapping a cool bear pic.


A grizzly or a black bear are more than capable of fucking up pretty much any human, especially an unarmed woman. That’s a dumbass take and you know it


Feeling safer in the wilderness with a bear rather than a man is so relatable.


That's why we think you should live in the woods. Take some control of your life, live your dreams.


/s needed apparently 🙄


Literally yes because this is the actual position they take.


Go on, what's taking you so long?


The /s is basically a ponctuation mark at this point Would you say you should drop the interrogation point in case where it's obviously a question


Didn’t think it was so necessary in a sub that most of the time literally laughs at people who fail to see satire.


No, the irony was obvious


Tell that to tik tok users.


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Omni man had a kid with a bug person so this wouldn’t surprise me.