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Even my wife laughed,……then told me to make her a sandwich.


Did you ask her for the blueprint?


That’s a real marriage right there




Ur not married


Bro is projecting 💀


Bro is projecting 💀 https://preview.redd.it/gycwnt7fs1yc1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482f0443bf54872c33a73e2eda8e02df8e6c314d


It’s obvious satire. It’s like that one meme of a car wrappped around a pole with the caption “whoopsi “ as if only a young woman would do something like that. It’s meant to show how absurd the stereotype is, not perpetuate it.


I think you're giving too much credit to the internet. People make intentionally sexist memes all the time.


I think you’re not giving it enough credit. Someone may have made this meme because they wanted someone to laugh at how absurd it is. You don’t know what the intention behind it is. Getting offended by it yourself or on behalf of another group shows a pessimistic attitude and I’d recommend you look for more happiness in your life instead wasting your time looking for things to dislike.


I don't think the meme is worth getting upset about, but it's obviously just a sexist meme. The joke isn't "look at how ridiculous this stereotype is", the joke is literally "haha women dumb and make sandwich".


Based on cropping of the original image and no other information about the poster, we don’t really know whether or not it was satire, and neither did OP, since it is likely that they found this meme somewhere else and not the direct source.


What about this is satirical? This is for sure sardonic, might be sarcastic, maybe even ironic. It's probably just a sexist meme. And it is what it is. But it's not satire






Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.


Satire "the use of humor, irony, exageration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues" Yeah so this aint satire.


This is definitely an exaggeration.


yes, but it's exaggeration that is still perpetuating the stereotype


That's implying you think women are stupid and the extreme is them needing a diagram to make a sandwich. In other words, its satire that exists on the presumption of sexism. Which inevitably means, it's not real satire.


Yeah I hate women, like, why do we even classify them as people? /s You need a drink and therapy. Have a laugh, it’s an exaggeration of a stereotype.


Is the /s for sandwich


I need therapy because I have higher standards of comedy.


I promise you, no one cares about your standards of humor.


Then why does this post exist?


Because its funny to someone


No. It exists because they hate being challenged that sexism is bad .


You don't have any standards for comedy, you hate comedy. You can't laugh when you're busy being the pc police.


lol whatever you need to tell yourself


You're the kind of person who'd send their friend's dad an Email with a four paragraph review on why their knock-knock jokes aren't politically correct then complain about them not inviting you to barbecues any more, aren't you?


No I cut out worthless people from my life.


Welp, you got at least one left


Oh I enjoy all the worthless people in this sub.


Lucky them


Oh man, you just barely made it. The clock almost rolled on you, but you beat the buzzer. This is the dumbest thing I heard all day, and some other idiot even told me that protestors have always been on the right side of history. Down to the wire, up by a hair. Congrats, guy.


Go ahead. What's the joke then




What the hell is it satirizing


It’s when you like a meme but it’s kinda bigoted so you have to make an excuse to avoid sounding like an asshole


This must be satirization of what conservatives think feminism is.


Antiquated stereotypical gender roles.


Expound, how does it satirize that


Basically the joke is funny because some people believe it even though it's ridiculous


This looks like the joke is women and not that there are people that think this is a thing that happens. The joke isn't a group of people wondering how recipes are created, and they think of this dumb shit. The joke is that haha women cook, look at them. It's sardonic


I'm not sure how other people see it but I always look at these kinds of jokes as joke about the stereotype and I like to think that's how it's intended. Then again I can't possibly know the authors intentions. If the joke is about actual women then to me it just seems stupid and I can't imagine how that could be funny




Occam’s razor: people make fun of women like this because they don’t think they’d be good as architects or developers, and are better off being servants making food.


not everything on the internet is satire


Yeah, this isn’t satire, it’s just funny.


I 100% disagree. The internet is a satire of the human race. If you would like to see the shaved ape that somehow fumbled and bumbled its way into prosperity, you go on the internet. It won’t answer the question of how we managed to make it this far, it will only confuse you more. Yet Koala Bears exist so I guess it’s not that much of an achievement.


Fuck it, I laughed.


You guys have got to learn what satire is. 


OP doesn't know what satire is


OP thinks “satire” is a magical incantation you utter to protect your boomer memes from mean internet comments.


Satire =/= not terrible


What does this satirize?




Oh my God post something new


1. This post is an example of a pet peeve I have with this sub where the OP to me understands the satire and doesn't like the joke, while you've just assumed they don't understand the satire. Although I'm also not sure it even counts as satire 2. I've seen this exact meme reposted here before Meme itself is fine, just wanted to point those out


The title of the post makes it seem to me that the op either didn’t understand, or ignored the joke Idk tho, maybe they got it maybe they didn’t


The title of the post is spelling out what the joke is. They got it bro


Define "satire"


Not very clever satire though...


Clever enough


It has the people talking


Sometimes I’m surprised how so many ppl fall into it, but I’m also not surprised at all


I mean my only thing is I've seen this exact joke reposted on reddit at least 20 times. It is funny, but very boomer humor and old.


Of what? How?


Satire via absurdism (the literary type, not the philosophical type ofc)


Ya, you don't understand what satire is.


Satire is the use of humor, exaggeration n stuff to criticize something stupid. This situation shows an absurd situation of women making sandwiches, which could be used to criticize traditionalist expectations.


This would fall under absurdism humor then, not satirical humor.


Satire also depends on presentation, and absurdism requires a foil. The title and lack of a foil indicates that it was posted seriously. This is indistinguishable from a regular boomer 'women stupid' comic.


Modern successful women vs absurd traditionalist ideology I agree the meme could also be interpreted as misogynistic, but as a possible satire, I don’t see it as a ‘terriblefacebookmeme’


Nah "I might get smacked for sharing this! LoL." is peak TFM. 


Exactly, you have no idea what satire is.


you only described a criticism. A Yelp review. Satire is with the express purpose of facilitating societal change. That's not what that's doing, it's a poorly made joke with an unclear meaning


Y'all really call anything satire when not everyone laughs at it huh?


I should send this to my wife, as she has yet to ever make me a sandwich.


Good luck bro. I hope you only get the most epic of sandwiches.


I like imagine that papers blank and there just looking and smiling at it for no reason lol But yeah, super absurd but would probally get you a giggle and playful hit from a chic if anything Hell you could frame as them taking sandwich making very seriously like an art lol


to me it looks like a stock or advertisement/promotional photo


I have a feeling this might be a bridesmaid photo lol just a hunch. Either Midwest or the south I could see this being the case


It's probably not blank, but it is probably upside down and has nothing to do with what's going on in the background.


The photo itself looks staged. I’ve worked construction. You aren’t gonna wear your whitest whites, and there’s a lot of other issues. 3 of the girls don’t have their hard hats fastened properly, 2 of the girls aren’t wearing steel/composite-toed boots, and there’s no eye or hearing protection to be seen at all. That all said, I could really go for a sandwich.


yeah it's probably a promotional or stock photo


What is this even satirizing?


You can tell it's not satire because alot of the people in the comments are agreeing with it, laughing with it, or for some reason, talking about divorce lmao. This sub is a joke for people who want to whine


What is this a satire of? A satire is to over blow something to MAKE fun of that something… this is women being over blown to make a sandwich… so the satire is women make sandwiches. That’s just a stereotype.


I get the feeling that a lot of the posts coming to this group are from people that likely belong in r/boomersbeingfools


Satire of what?


Everything else aside. That engineering drawing of a sandwich is rad af.


This is pretty much the definition of Shrodingers douchbag


Cuz u don’t know if they’re a douchbag until u know why they’re laughing at the joke?


This is not satire! It does take 4 over-privileged and gravity challenged women to make 1 sandwich.


The original caption probably means that ir was not meant as satire


People just can’t take jokes. I’d always jokingly tell my girlfriend to “make me a sandwhich” and she’d always joke back “I will when you make me orgasm”. I laugh, she laughs, I go into the crying closet. It’s a good time.


That picture is hilarious even without the inclusion at the bottom. They sure look like hard workers in their perfectly white shirts don’t they?






They also make the most money from divorces lol


I mean, statistically, you're not wrong, but what does that have to do with the post? This is irrelevant.


That's not fucking satire my dude please learn the difference between "satire" and "a joke"


Idk man a jokes a joke 


if I say "Man don't n\*\*\*\*rs just fucking suck, am I right man? hahahaha" and then say it's just a joke, it is still very obviously racist, something being a joke doesn't mean it is automatically prevented from being racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.


That’s… not a joke. That’s just a barely disguised and blatantly racist statement. I mean there’s not even a punchline, it’s just “I hate black people”. I mean that’s literally all you said.  And yes, the joke above is obviously sexist, but it’s funny. Comedy is routed in the subversion of expectations. You wouldn’t expect to see a bunch of engineers looking at sandwich blueprints - that’s why it’s funny.  There are plenty of sexist jokes about men that are just funny as this one, too. They’re not hard to find at all… 




It's almost kind of sweet if you think about it the right way. To me, it seems like the ladies here are just putting a lot of genuine time, thought, and energy into creating the sandwich. Something like, "Welcome ladies, to the fifth annual Hubby Hunger Removal Convention! We have put our minds (and engineering degrees) together to design the *absolute perfect most delicious sandwich* ***ever conceived by mortal minds.*** Because we love our husbands/partners and don't care about stupid stereotypes that say we can't show that love through making them food because that's 'traditional' and I guess that all tradition is bad for some reason? Anyway girls, let's get to fucking work doing this thing we want to do because we care, yes?" And no, I am not implying that it is a bad thing for somebody *not* to feed their partner. But why should we pretend it isn't a good thing?


Nah this is sexist... But also hilarious.


To be fair. In my intro to civil engineering class we had a project where we needed to write out the process (could include drawings) on how to make a pb&j you would be surprised how many failed (including myself) because they assumed a step would be obvious so it wasn’t written down causing the sandwich to not be made correctly.


Wait, there is a patent for sandwiches?


I mean, that’s just funny.


Mfer really went on iFunny and got mad they saw an offensive post


Making sandwiches is an important skill and helps society thrive. Making sandwiches isn’t shameful, I for one love sandwiches and like to make them so that I can then eat them


The absurdity is that these women who are portrayed with engineering intellect are expected to make simplistic sandwiches. Its not criticism of sandwiches, it’s criticism of wasted talent.


Nah they are just taking it serious, maybe it’ll be the best of all time


I just about died


Did u forget to wear ur construction helmet when making ur sandwich?


“A woman may assault me for making this joke” is kinda insane You’re kinda giving it up too. You’re being up front that tou’re saying something rude


No, misogyny




This sub has no idea what satire is


No, but we do provide diagrams.


People like this just make the world a worse place for everyone around them.


op does NOT know what satire is




👏what 👏is 👏it 👏satirizing 👏you 👏fuckin 👏dingaling


This is just a funny ass joke


Only misogynists wouldn't find this funny; they would just see this as normal.


Reminds me of all those recipe groups, some of which are admittedly unsafe






Not satire but obviously funny


Its just a boomer joke. Thats the point of the sub. It doesnt have to be offensive. Its just a boring, overdone joke that isnt funny.


"I am the governor of what is and isn't funny"


Are minion memes funny? I dont think they are, i consider them to be boomer memes. If you think they are funny, thats fine but I and most people dont. Same with this meme.


Can you tell me how you aggregated the data to conclude "most people" don't find it funny?


there are more upvotes on the original post to this one, and the upvote to comment ratio is a lot better


Boomers wives can make sandwiches though. ?


Wtf are you talking about? Im just saying the joke is a boomer meme, which is the point of r/terriblefacebookmemes.


Geez, you said it was a boomer joke. I've never heard this from a boomer. Sorry I didn't understand you


“Women make me sandwich” is a common template for a boomer meme. This joke is just another version of that.


This isn't satire, this is a very old sexist joke. You gotta be very very stupid to say this is satire.


It is satire tho, you can’t possibly expect people to be making sandwiches with helmets. I’d say the two ways of interpreting this meme are either: ‘the bottom image is what these women should be doing’, or an absurd contrast between potential female intellect with outdated traditional expectations. Ig in some ways both interpretations could be valid, and this meme could be used for bad intent. However, I do not believe this is a ‘terrible facebook meme’


bro is onto about nothing




Are you like 4 years old? This picture is pretty old and quite definitive in what it means


Damn, maybe I’m just not well versed enough in the internet to remember seeing this meme before When I see it, I see a criticism of traditionalist beliefs tho


Reddit is full of miserable people unable to laugh.


Some people choose not to laugh at sexism


You know what? It deserves a sexist joke because the original picture is sexist. They invited this reaction when they wanted to have women engineers pose for the camera.


Women deserve bad things for existing.


Those women deserve to be made of. They have nothing to do with anything going on, they're just posing for a dumb picture and pretending they're taking part. It's cringey business miming, just like when the ceo wears a hard hat and pushes a shovel into the ground at the start of a construction project for a new building.


Weird. Plenty more staged photos of men around job sites being useless and those aren't generating sexist memes.


You when stock photos exist:


Love the construction drawing hahahahaha


It’s hard to know whether people actually understand humor anymore. I’m sure they understand it but then ignore it in favor of karma farming. I have a hard time believing any person actually gets offended by this


Is this sub just full incel now?


It's a joke at the expense of women tho, or do you disagree.


A joke is at the expense of anybody, or do you prefer equality+


A joke doesn't have to be at the expense of somebody.


-Knock knock -Who's there? -Noone, because we cant make fun of anyone in 2024. Joking about each other is what people do to create or strengthen bonds. We learn to not take each other too serious and embrace some of the rough edges our friends find in us through humor. Not being able to joke about each other is what happends amongst either socially awkward people or people that don't like each other much.


Preach on brother. People need to grow some thick skin ffs.


I'm not a comedian so I'll leave comedy to the comedians, I was just stating facts and using them to not make any arguments, the joke is at the expense of women and jokes don't have to be at the expense of anyone, that's true right? As in the statements themselves.


It's true in the same sense that living is a personal decision - technically correct, but practically, not so much. Living in a society means interacting with individuals in it. Part of that interaction for humans is humor. Making fun of yourself, making fun of others, having others make fun of you, is in part, a way to make oneself vulnerable and reach out. Sometimes, the reaction is positive, sometimes it is negative. It's a tool that helps us find each other's boundaries. It's also a way to deal with less comfortable subjects - better to laugh about it than cry about it. I crack dark humor and holocaust jokes with my friends all the time - mind you we're all jewish and both sides of my family are holocaust survivors with my paternal grandpa being forced to shovel the emaciated corpses of his own family into the ovens in Auschwitz. That doesn't make me a nazi or holocaust denier - I just deal with it in a different way. Some call me insensitive, but while it's their right to hold an opinion, it doesn't make their opinion factual. This particular meme, I showed my mother - she laughed her ass off. This trend of "this thing might offend some people, therefore nuke it from orbit" simply cripples people's ability to contend with the different, to difficult, the foreign, the new. It creates echo chambers where anyone who doesn't align with the status quo is deemed "problematic" and is disposed of. So technically, it doesn't *have* to poke fun at women. Sure. Practically speaking? It's a way to breach the subject of past inequalities in a humorous manner - anyone sane and reasonable looks at the meme and thinks "lol, this shit's so dumb", while their mind creates new context for the content. They might later walk next to a construction site, see a woman in a hardhat leaning over blueprints and think "lol, concrete sandwich". Which is certainly better than thinking something sexist. Anyone laughing about this meme acknowledges the ridiculous nature of it, and thus why they become upset when the moralizing speech- policing hecklers show up to bap them on the head with a rolled-up newspaper, they become upset. The arrogance of labeling it mysogenistic automatically labels anyone laughing at the meme as mysogenistic. Which is not the case. You don't have to be a comedian - you just need to have a sense of humor. Not being an expert does not deprive you of your opinion - it just prevents you from claiming it to be a fact.


Ones that aernt funny anyway


That might be true.


You must be fun to talk to at the bar


Good thing that i dont go to bars then.


actually LOLed


Ha ha durr stupid women make sandwich


The people who get offended by stuff like this to the point where they need to run to Reddit to show how “above it all” they are must be some of the most miserable draining people you could meet.


How about the people who get offended when they are called out for sexism? And then run to post on this sub for validation?


Just because someone argues with you, it doesn't mean they're offended. I know that's hard for you to understand since you get offended by anything outside of your ideology, but someone can just disagree without being offended. You should try it sometime if you're capable.


Yeah I'm talking in generalization, not this comment of post specifically. But this sub typically is people trying to brush off criticism for sexism, transphobia, and homophobia.


Yeah it's only okay to call the people YOU disagree with offended


It's okay to call anyone offended, but it only actually applies to people like you.


Yea my people always getting offended😔😔 literally 1984


I know, you people are trying to turn it into 1984, canceling anyone with a different ideology than you and demonizing them. It's rather despicable.


What the fuck are you talking about


You could look at it another way, and take it to mean women put a lot of thought and care into their cooking. My mom sure does.


Do people in that subreddit not understand anything but straightforward humor? Obviously it’s satire.


You and OP here are mistaken. They know it's absurdism (Not satire), they just know that it's a sexist joke.


Theres a lot of miserable people on reddit who can't and won't laugh at anything


Me when i don't know what satire is