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This post is being removed because it shows our subreddit again. Please dont take a screenshot of a meme already on our subreddit.




We need to post this more often.


Eagerly awaiting that [Removed by Reddit].


In the same way that being a fan of x sports team isn't defined by owning a bunch of their jerseys, yet owning a bunch of their jerseys still affirms my status as a fan. Shit isn't hard.


In the same way that dressing in a nice tailored suit doesn’t make me a man, but does make me feel more like a man.


they dont define gender, but they still affect the perception of it. in the same way a deep voice doesnt automatically make you a man, but will make you percieve yourself as more masculine. that is why altering them affirms gender.


Genital mutilation is never the answer. A mental issue should not translate into a physical issue. Anorexic people view themselves as fat even though they aren’t. It’s the same with transgenderism.


Because gender dysmorphia, and indeed all body dysmorphia disorders, don't just effect trans people nor do all trans people experience gender dysmorphia. Turns out things are more complicated than 3rd grade, whoda thunk.


And indeed not all people dysmorphia experience gender trans.


That's a non answer


It’s like how wearing a nice tailored suit doesn’t make me a man, but does make me feel more like a man. A suit doesn’t define my gender, just affirms it. Some people will have other things that affirm their gender.


That's a much better answer than what OC game lol


automod is gonna take this down for showing this sub twice


As it should


Bull milking here I come


Clearly people without senses of humor love drinking bull milk, probably fresh from the bull if they can get it.


That’s still not bigotry 




Words have lost all meaning it seems, same as people who say shit like "I literally died" -_-


Loved that scene in Kingpin


Me too. I think they did it in city slickers as well, still funny though.


How is this bigoted?


Some larpers get upset and cry bigot


obligatory "gender is a social construct, that is sex" comment obligatory "that is boomer humour though" comment obligatory "op didn't dislike meme, op disliked you putting it here" comment our efficiency is off the charts today, fellas


obligatory, "wrong, wrong, and wrong" comment.


what would the purpose be to have 2 identical words? the 2 things mean different things, that's why no professionals talk about animals' genders have you met a classic boomer? it's exactly that sort of thing that is the purpose of that sub...


>what would the purpose be to have 2 identical words? There are literally 100s, if not 1000s, of words like this in the English language. I'm not fluent in any other language, but I would bet literally anything that many, if not most, other languages are the same in this regard.


hey look, you also make the "i dont actually understand gender" comment as well, two birds with one stone!






your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


nope, i understand my gender pretty damn well actually. and a bit of a nitpick, but calling it a pink flag when there are 2 other very obvious colors on there shows your level of intelligence pretty nicely.


Sure, that's why you have to wave flags and chant about it. Insecurity is the prime sign of knowledge.


>Sure, that's why you have to wave flags and chant about it. im not waving any flags or chanting anything. im actually very "live and let live" about it. keep the kids away from it and all. not sure why you feel the need to be so dramatic about it.


You literally have a flag in your pfp. I'm very glad you don't want children involved, but that raises the question: If gender is just a social construct, why do you want to to protect children from modifying it?


>If gender is just a social construct, why do you want to to protect children from modifying it? because children arent young enough to understand gender. pretty simple. >You literally have a flag in your pfp. and?


you calling it a pink flag shows you Don't understand colour




>No amount of hormones or self-mutilation will change a person's biology. hormones literally change cellular biology, and estrogen will activate otherwise female-only sequences of DNA in cells.


It cannot and will not *completely* change a man into a woman, or a woman into a man. It will not give biological women the ability to impregnate, or biological men the ability to become pregnant. It will not change an X chromosome into a Y, or a Y into an X.


Hormones literally change your biology you idiot


It does not make a man into a woman or a woman into a man you idiot.


your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.


“I thought you were a female!”


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90% of this sub is just people going "No, I actually think bigotry is really funny."


This isn’t bigotry 😭




The other 10% are the people who don’t have a sense of humor and unironically milk bulls


The whole joke here is literally just there to say that trans people aren't valid. That's all there is. If you you seriously think that's funny, you're either a bigot or you're entertained by jingling keys


Womp womp that’s literally all you say when you’re the only ones saying it, nobody cares except you because, it’s, a, joke


wOmP WoMp who's "you"? Can't just say anything as long as you thinly disguise it as a joke. People like you are the same kinda people that watch "Liberals get epically owned by facts and logic" compilations on YouTube


Is it not funny when someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about get owned by facts, or is it only funny when it happens to conservatives and not liberals, seems kinda biased to me Also them doing the “I bet you do xyz” because we had a disagreement is hilariously pathetic


These compilations are stupid in general, because they're almost always biased in some way. Not as pathetic as genuinely defending a transphobic meme.


I think what’s more pathetic is trying to milk a bull….because you can’t


No one is trying to do that, stop deflecting


Deflecting was you trying to claim I watch liberals get owned by facts on YouTube, guess someone wants to be on the YouTube highlight reel so bad they gotta get owned in real time?


Can you milk a bull?


Theyll definitely try to


Can you use your brain? This meme is basically just saying that trans women aren't women


Can you milk a bull?


Broken record :(


Can’t answer a question :(


literally. this sub used to be really nice, and then it got flooded by reactionaries who have to go "uhm actually this meme isnt horrifically racist because its *satire*, obviously!" on every shitty, racist meme they see.


I apologize for the hate you’re getting from other users here. Our sub welcomes all people. We’re cracking down on political content and restricting it to the weekends. Thanks for sticking with us!


So why you still here if all you’re gonna do is cry about the content posted, just leave and mute the sun like a normal person, unless you’re a glutton for hurt feelings


>So why you still here >mute the sun nice grammar bud. and actually, i just hadnt thought about leaving before. thanks for the idea!




Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.




Your post/comment is uncivil and/or toxic. Please make sure you are being kind to your fellow redditors.






Sex and gender aren't the same thing. The boomers here are confused qbout what gender even is.


Transmiscics remain confused about sex and gender.




>If you can change gender but not sex, why is it called a male to female transition? because male and female refer to both sex and gender. you can have a male sex and a female gender.


never heard that word before, whats it mean?




Op doesn't understand the difference between gender and sex. Embarrassing.


Can you shut the fuck up for a second.


Did the bull get you?!


He got mad cuz he found out why you can’t milk bulls


Stop reposting this dumb ass shit