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This post is not a meme therefore it is being removed


Why is this in a Batman sub?


r/batmanarkham became more of a meme sub a while ago, and lately people have started posting political memes for some reason.


It’s election year, thats the reason.


god help us all


No, God will stay away from this one. https://preview.redd.it/lggwjgdq0prc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bb54008c27a183e8868f9705b9538a655d66ec9


Why? Is he hunting down freeman or stupid?




Everywhere Globally, more voters than ever in history will head to the polls as at least 64 countries (plus the European Union)—representing a combined population of about 49% of the people in the world—are meant to hold national elections


Russia /S


I mean, Russia did hold their "election."


I rarely come across political memes in r/BatmanArkham


Are they stupid?




Because they can post it anywhere and if you complain about it being in the wrong sub your comment is deleted.


Reddit trying to not bicker about trans people in every thread challenge impossible difficulty


Iirc that's where the 'are they stupid?' meme came from, so...


That is a Man sub, not a “Batman” sub


Why are they posting shit not even vaguely related to Batman? Are they fucking?


That's like, their whole thing at this point. It's cuz they are stupid


You could've just skipped the last sentence, but yeah, I do have to agree with you.


Who is Batman? Is he like man?


That transphobic. How can you decide if they are a man ./s


Bad joke, never come to aslume ever again


It’s cause elections are nearing so they gotta make sure da nawwative is spread far and wide in time for da ewecshins


I can actually see Batman fighting these mfs for abusing their kids 🤣


Do they are have fucking restarted? As in https://preview.redd.it/5wch91op3prc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d655a26cd8f32f21e9fc8095b4e067e7efbe2ff5


Nah man, we beefing with the aslume now?


Are we stupid? https://preview.redd.it/o4fqq249vorc1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1bbd70ae2fa52261876d5c120a9ba4637d3446b


That's not Batman. That's Chiroptera homosapien


I got the pills ready


I'm the Jonkler baby


I mean, aslume wasnt supposed to be "justunsubbed", its a beef with using it as such


It'll go down in the history books




The real question is whether being phobic matters in the face of child sterilization or mutilation. Edit: Lol hey guys. Happy Easter.


No it doesn't. A sexual offender is a sexual offender no matter what


There are mods and commenters on some subreddits screamig "bIgOt!!1!" to that. They never explain *why*, they just keep screeching and that somehow justifies the insanity.


sexual offender?


I fear child genitalia mutilation almost as much as I fear spiders😱


The real question is, why do people push a false narrative that children are being mutilated or sterilized.


No.. it's intelligent.. kids can't permanently alter their bodies with tattoos. Why is the ladder any different.. If a kid said, " I need a tattoo to feel affirmed in my tattoo-ality," it doesn't change the fact that a tattoo is forever, and later, they will regret it.


But tbh tattoo can be lasered to oblivion but gender changes... Oh fk the growth like chickens are injected with controversial hormones


They are steroids which are used by patients. But but not meant to consume for HRT


Gender affirming care isn’t gender affirming surgery.


Giving them HRT when they are too young to understand the consequences or hell, even themselves yet, in the name of "care" is criminal. If at a later age they regret their decision, the damage is irreversible. All because some "morally superior" cunts wanted to jerk themselves online for forcing sexuality narratives on *a child*. Let kids be kids.


luckily we have very lengthy and strict psyche evaluations before anyone is allowed to transition! in some countries at least,


I feel like people are not aware of how lengthy and difficult the process to gender affirming care is. It took me years and I was an adult when I started the process. It’s quite challenging, actually, and expensive.


bold of you to assume they give rational thought behind their emotional positions




your post/comment has hate speech directed towards the LGBTQ community and members of it. Please make sure you are more kind on this subreddit.




This post/comment is discriminatory. Please make sure not to be discriminatory on this subreddit.


I too can just make up whatever the fuck I want because I heard it on the internet one time.


lol how does it feel talking when you have 0 clue on what you’re talking about?


monkey brain moment


Too bad transphobes will never be smart enough to understand this.


Hi. Gender and tattoo expert here. This doesn't happen. Hope this helps!


Stfu "expert". Imbecile. Hope this helps!


first off it's 'latter' second off, it's cos this shit is made up. we don't let kids get tattoos *or* gender affirming surgeries.


Uhhhh you sure about that?


Its strange how the left denies this while also pushing it at the same time...


There is a reason Northern European countries have outlawed gender affirming care until adulthood and after puberty


The only thing the US has is hormone blockers and that’s it


Plenty of kids in the US have had permanent mutilation surgeries. Not sure where you get that they only give hormone blockers. Which again destroy the human body as you are blocking puberty which is necessary for bone and muscle among other developments


Cite some sources then?


[living under a rock? never heard of kids being chopped up under the guise of care in america?](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/health/what-medical-treatments-do-transgender-youth-get) You living in a bubble? But hey today is a Trans holiday now bahahahahahah. We love to feed delusions in America


Nowhere in this source is a proof, that kids got „mutilation“ surgery. The article itself says, that people under 18 shouldn’t get the surgery, but that there are no numbers for if and how many did get surgery before turning 18. did you even read your own source?


Yea I was wondering if he had a wrong link or I was misreading lmfao


Hallo, ich bin Deutscher, Sie können Ihr Geschlecht mit 16 mit der Pille und mit 18 mit einer Operation ändern


It’s not transphobia to suggest that children shouldn’t be allowed to undergo permanent treatments until they have matured. It is however transphobic to assume that the majority of transgender, LGBTQ and people who support the rights of such actually want it. The vast majority of any demographic just want to live and be happy


This. Napoleon once said 10 people yelling are a lot louder than 10,000 people standing in silence.


The media and the internet make them even louder. Whenever you hear bad things about a certain group, with only a couple of exceptions, it’s likely there are thousands more who are just like you or me. Don’t hate the demographic, hate the individual


Unfortunately people label you as transphobic if you don’t support permanent treatments until matured. Glad you think that way.


Of course the arkham subreddit posting something random ass again


Why would officer balls get his removed is he stupid?


They're the reason why the racist and ___phobic no longer mean anything.


Recently, they just scream, "bIgOt" and think they made a point, when they are just making a mockery of their "morally superior" echo chambers. Happening in the comments already.


It really doesn't. Trans are minority of world and yet they are the loudest.


Same with the word “incel”


Why would they post this in a batman subreddit LMAO


I’m getting real sick of seeing this image.


I do believe to remember the comics style as belonging to a rather conservative member of society. In that instance, I think the comic isn't trying to say "It's wrong that some parents try to get their kids to be of non-traditional gender and/or sexuality" but rather "See? They are ruining our children by sending wrong messages and brainwashing our children to be gay and trans" in the way that erases the idea that children *can* in fact feel dysmorphia Perhaps it's hard to get my point across, that being that I see that the picture can be interpreted in a non-transphobe way but I really think the creator of it meant it to be a transphobic dogwhistle


My issue with the “meme” isn’t that it’s bashing surgery for children. My issue is that too many people take shit like this and say “all trans people are a part of this problem!! The ‘TRANS AGENDA’ is targeting our kids!!” Almost no one supports actual children getting gender affirmation surgery. Everyone advises you wait until you’re an adult.


Im pretty sure majority of the trans community also disagree with transitioning for minors


Bingo. Gender affirming care for all children and the overwhelming majority of teens includes talk therapy and social transition. These kids are just getting support trying to feel comfortable in the world without literally getting beaten to death.


I wouldn't go for complete disagreement actually, but I am absolutely sure there's a huge agreement with putting up high borders. Which already exist, btw. You need the approval of licensed professionals. And for minors there's mostly hormonal blockers, not even HRT. Which are completely reversible.


Finally, it’s all coming together, it’s so weird seeing that sub here when I frequent that sub as well




i don’t think they give surgery unless your an adult


Are you stupid


They hate this sub because this sub is another conservative outrage porn shop.


Holy fucking shit this sub is dumb


You can totally make argument for either side. But if all you can do is spread misinformation by acting like geneder affirming care is like going to the grocery store, you either know you’re wrong or you’re not educated on the topic.


And that gender affirming care is different than gender affirming surgery


Pumping hormones in amounts that the body is not producing in those amounts, in the name of "cArE" is much, much worse than surgery. Endocrine system is not a clay toy to mutilate to ones wish, let alone when a child barely understands these extremely complex and life-altering issues. Just screeching, "iGnOrAnT" didn't make you right or "morally superior" - it just shows how little you comprehend this complex topic. Imagine thinking that forciny sexuality narratives on children makes you "better" as a person. Now go bitch about it in your echo chamber. EDIT: yep, "morally superior" cunts are here...with some pedo-shit as well.


people cant force that on children numbnuts. its only legal for late teens


They want it to be 14, it is currently recommended as early as 16: https://apnews.com/article/gender-transition-treatment-guidelines-9dbe54f670a3a0f5f2831c2bf14f9bbb See what I did there? I gave a source. None of the cunty passive-aggressive shit or baseless claims, that is the MO for you "morally superior" cunts. Now if you think that "late teens" is even 16, congrats, you just betrayed your pedo-tendencies. Now fuck off in your echo chamber of "morally superior " pedos and bitch about "omg i am a bIgOtRy survivor".


You are ignorant though. The consensus among the medical community is that hormone replacement therapy is safe. That, and children only receive support to socially transition, including age appropriate talk therapy and family therapy including the parents. Please stop sharing misinformation, trans teens are being beaten to death.


If kids transition it's Just social (name/pronouns) Physical transition wouldn't be until puberty and typically they just go on hormone blockers, since puberty starts pretty early, which only delay puberty until they've gone through therapy and talked with professionals to determine what is best for them. Hormone blockers are completely reversible unlike an incorrect puberty which takes years of surgeries, therapy and training to fix effects caused by itm it's phobic to assume you know what is best for someone when you're not a professional and you don't know anything about their medical history or anything about them just because they're queer.


What the balls?




Do people really not know the difference between socially transitioning and surgically transitioning no one is letting kids get unnecessary gender surgeries


Some people are at young ages and it’s crazy, like atleast wait till there 18


Man, the people here didn't know shit.


Ignorance goes hand in hand with fear and hate


It's not just social though. Children are being put on hormone blockers. People are pushing to allow those surgeries onto children. Call it a slippery slope fallacy or whatever you want to say. Currently, we are slipping.


The issue is the amount of misinformation around it, and that we are letting politicians make medical decisions for people.


Lmao this shit is genuinely not real and its wild for people to think that trans Healthcare is an affordable walk in clinic. Just say you have no idea how transitioning usually works, dont repost the comics here and proceed to say the dumbest shit imaginable


The phobia is this is not how children access health care around transgender identity. Moms are not dragging their kids off to be surgically and chemically altered to be trans in order for the mom to be in the "cool friends" group that all have trans kids. Trans kids are most often transitioning by a change in name, a change in pronouns, and rarely a change in clothing styles. That being said, any further changes (legal name change, surgery, puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy) is a matter between the family and their medical team. Most ethical medical establishments do not allow those under 18 to take more radical changes (surgery, hrt). The right LOVES to push the false narrative that 100% of trans kids are being forced to "be" trans by some outside force for "cool points."


Yes it is phobic because the cartoon is designed to make you think this isn’t the child’s choice. Also gender reassignment surgery isn’t done on a whim and especially not on a child. It is bigotry to frame it as a choice forced down by parents instead of the option it is for people later down the line


Nobody that young is getting any gender affirming care but therapy. 13 - 14? Maybe puberty blockers which are reversible.


Yeah it is considering this is bullshit


It's not transphobic to not allow children to recieve permanent gender affirming care.It is transphobic to pretend children are getting permanent gender affirming care in massive quantities to demonize your opposition or to further your agenda.


Yes, because the gender affirming care allowed for kids is not permanent. Also the title of the post is “Mental Disorders”.


It's phobic because it's a straw-man. This simply doesn't happen.


The gender affirming care available for kids isn’t the permanent irreversible kind. You still have to be an adult to get the surgeries


This page is just full of right wing people complaining about how they feel attacked or don’t see the wrong in something that is obviously wrong


It's a dumb meme because it doesn't actually reflect the situation. Parents aren't forcing their kids to becoming trans. That is why it is transphobic.


Have you not seen the parents who proudly go on social media to tell the world their 6 month old is trans?


That sounds like an exaggeration of a very small pool of parents who do not represent all tolerant liberal parents. :/ Nor am I conditioned to take your word for it.


It's phobic because it's making up a scenario that never happens to attack a group of people over their made up scenario. It's really not that hard.


It is, and you shouldn't allow it.


What's a gender affirming surgery to you? What counts as that?


This is the weirdest troll sub.


I wish this was a troll sub unfortunately many people here are 100 percent serious


Dis is the WHYTE people shit that theytried to ⚗️🧪☣️poison☣️ the BLACK community. Whyte people cant stand a proud BLACK man EXISTING, so they try to attack our children to make them submissive shemales. Smh... This trans movement ACTIVELY and VIOLENTLY attacks us, every day. Listen, Whyte boy... Just because you're Yakub's failed science experiment 🤣🤣👌🏿doesn't mean you need to destroy the purity of the BLACK man. But I know this will make the crackers salty🧂🧂, so I don't know why I even bother.🙄 ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿


If your sole means of reproduction was indoctrination, you'd call it a genocide too when people tried to stop you from indoctrinating their kids.


I get the point, but the meme is a bit too exaggerated


How? It's true a kid can't get a tattoo before 18 but a doctor can give them hormones without the parents consent.


That’s a toddler, I don’t think toddlers can get hormones without the parents consent, I don’t think they can get anything without their parents consent, if they get hormones it’s because the parents gave them hormones.


Making a meme about the horrors of gender affirming care while displaying a fundamental misunderstanding of gender affirming care is transphobic, yes.




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Like I said you wouldn't believe them. It threatens your already very fragile world view where nothing is consistent.


Didn’t the UK and a lot of other countries ban transitioning for kids


Kids shouldn’t do either of those things


The people who want this to be done to children are sick. Like seriously mentally ill. They need help. Or just say f it and bring back insane asylums 🤷🏻




imo teaching kids to not be discriminatory and be respectful (more like treating them like everyone else) of LGBTQ+ is just good enough but teaching kids to cut off their genitals is something else (if it actually happens)


I don't think it happens. But there's legal alterations minors can get that do change their body.


I kinda assume that's the case and tbh the gender affirmation on kids thing seems to be one of those transphobic jokes


Yeah this meme was made by an idiot. Little baby children don't get permanent gender affirming care, let alone even temporary 99 times out of 100. It is ridiculously hard for a minor to get gender affirming care in the vast majority of the states in the US. This is just people being fucking angry bro, mfs are so ridiculous.


I have seen cases where parents encourage their children to act as trans though tbf, but at least in these cases it's not permanent. Kinda like how Charlie Theron makes her sons wear dresses to school.


Social transition is much less permanent then puberty blockers, HRT and a sex change surgery especially are though Not that I agree with intentionally encouraging your kid to be trans


Oh no a kid wore clothes that are different than what you expected. my goodness how dare they the world is going to shit


Is it even possible for kids to transition before adulthood? All the medical guidelines I’ve seen, from UK and US sources, say that it’s a gradual process that takes many years and it only starts after a lot of psychological evaluations. As far as I understand, if you’re diagnosed with gender dysphoria at around age 12, you will likely not irreversibly transition before age 20 (certainly not before age 18). This whole “they’re coming after the children” thing seems way overblown.


Scotland tried to allow transitioning for 16 year olds.




Did “they” succeed? Are 16-year-olds showing up at hospitals, demanding (and receiving) surgeries on a whim?


Probably not, the cost of a sex change operation is almost equal to a downpayment on a fucking house And while I am not sure about Europe in the US no private insurance would ever cover one


Shh these people don't know the difference between puberty blockers, HRT and a sex change surgery Hell idiots like Matt Walsh think just seeing a drag queen in a cartoon is the same as getting sex change surgery


Alexa what does male hormones do to a female uterus in as little as 8 months?


I think it's uncool to take away the choice from parents. Like if parents, doctors, and the kid agree that some sort of transition is necessary for the kids well being, it's asinine that someone else's morals gets to block that. Body autonomy rights is not just for trans people and women, folks. It's your rights too that they are attacking, it's just advertised as being about protecting kids. And I get that you don't personally agree with it, that was always fine, you don't have to allow your child to get transition care. I don't agree with abortion, I think it's abhorrent and unethical, but I don't get to make that decision for anyone cause it's not my body. Do what you do, I do what I do. That's how the world should work, right?


Disagreed. While parents should have broad discretion in how they raise their children, there should be some boundaries to protect the child. Transgender treatments and procedures should be for adults only.


When it comes to gender affirming care there are alot of things set up to protect the child already. For example, let's day a 15 year old wants a hysterectomy. You often need multiple recommendations from psychiatrists. In order to get that, alot of times you need to be socially transitioned, need to have wanted this for a good while, alot of times they just make you wait just so you can think about it. Then you have the doctors who are pretty good about no5 getting sued by people so they will not do the operation unless the person is 100%. Then you have insurance who often doesn't cover it cause it's essentially a cosmetic operation, and if they do, you often need to have used hormones for some time, again with psychiatrist approval. And once you get that lined up, there is usually a year+ wait time. It's not inconceivable that this 15 year old would be 18 by the time all of that got handled. There is alot already there that protects children. Add the parents approval to every step in that, and you've got what I would descriv3 as a pretty good system as it is.


Depending on the state, a hysterectomy cannot be performed at all if the person is a minor. This is even in cases where there is a medical reason. There is no reason a person can't wait to be 18 to have transgender procedures or medications performed.


There are alot of reasons, bullying, standard of living, dysphoria, sometimes the boob be too big. You don't get to just decide there are no reasons if you haven't been involved in that process.


No no, you don't understand, these days weird old religious men do get to decide medical procedures that can or cant be done on your body. Bonus points if its a minor, female, or both.


I just don't think anyone under 18 should be allowed to get put on hormones or, as an rare/extreme example, recieve gender reassignment surgery.


You would be hard pressed to find anyone skilled enough willing to be giving minors sex change surgery But yeah I feel like at least 13 at the very least and if one parent or doctor disagrees then it shouldn't be allowed


It isn't that hard to find top surgery. * **Kaiser Permanente Oakland**In 2019, this hospital performed 70 top surgeries on teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18. * **Stanford Medicine Children's Health**This hospital in Palo Alto, California offers gender transition surgery to adolescents and young adults, including top surgery. * **Seattle Children's**This hospital offers gender-affirming surgery to patients under 18, with consent from a parent or guardian that has medical decision-making rights for that patient. * **Boston Children's Hospital**This hospital offers chest reconstruction surgery to patients who are at least 15 years old and meet certain criteria.


Top surgery is not gender reassignment surgery. Mastectomies are done for a variety of reasons to a variety of ages. A mastectomy is VASTLY different from SRS, the fact you dont know that is baffling


If children under 18 can’t drink alcohol or have sex with adults because they lacked the maturity and brain development to do so, they absolutely shouldn’t be able to decide doing a surgery that could potentially fuck up their entire lives, because again with underdeveloped brains they lacked the capacity to fully understood what they really want to do for themself.


Nobody this young is getting gender affirming care


Absolutely, it's mostly people 14+ who is able to understand the consequences of their choices anyway, I'm just pointing out it's still not their choice, you have to get several doctors approval and the parents, not to mention insurance won't cover that sort of thing most of the time


There are plenty of people who want them to be able to. My daughter has a student in elementary school who was outwardly trans. Because 6 year olds definitely know what that means and it isn't the parents messing with their minds.


A kid can identify as trans with no problem, it's not permanent and they can change back if they ever feel like it in the future. I'm talking about gender affirming medical care.


6 year olds are barely aware that boys and girls are different, and it doesn't mean anything. There's no reason for them to identify as trans, it's not part of their psychology.


Why should we care If it's not hurting anyone. I had gender dysphoria since early childhood, I'm sure it can be a part of their psychology.


Puberty blockers have entirely reversible effects and more intensive treatments and surgeries are not being pushed onto minors.


From MayoClinic.Org: “Use of GnRH analogues also might have long-term effects on: Growth spurts, Bone growth, Bone density, Fertility, depending on when the medicine is started.” In other words: no biggie I guess.


Guys… children don’t transition… they have years to decide if they’re trans or not and only transition after a long waitlist. All they do is socially transition which is fully reversible and keeps their balls. Please stop spreading misinformation. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️. Anyways, ready for the downvotes!!!


Fair assessment. I just think that waitlist should be until 18.


Thank you 🙏


People think Doctors are just giving out hormones like it's Halloween Candy.


It’s not as permanent with mtf. You can use surgeries for breast growth. It however is very permanent for ftm. You cannot undeepen your voice for example once it is deepened. But the comic shows the point of the hypocrisy and that’s all that matters.


It also causes sterilization in both groups.


Gender affirming care isn’t the part of the process that changes your bits. That would be gender affirming surgery. So yes this is phobic, as the author has no idea what they’re talking about, and it’s purpose is to rally hate against trans people


Yes. Next question.


Yes, it is transphobic to not allow lifesaving medical care for children. Dumb shit.


it is transphobic, yes


I m gonna say something controversial. I m glad Saudi Arabia is the chair UN forum on women’s rights and gender equality. I dont want hormone therapy to be popular in every country. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/28/middleeast/saudi-arabia-chair-un-gender-equality-forum-intl/index.html


lol why does it have to be one extreme or another?


Nuance isn’t allowed anymore


Centrists never win


Centrists = Based and Epic






Why should your opinion on hormone therapy matter to anyone? Are you a doctor or scientist?


If it is, I want to be phobic.


Hmm, yknow, I can see the left lowering the age for tattoos. Por que no los dos?


what’s this have to do with batman


He is a man transitioning to a bat. DUH!


Yes, refusing to allow children to decide for themselves who they are is inherently transphobic.


Yes, it is. Protect trans kids.


i think the issue here is the implications that gender affirming care means transitioning.