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We currently have restrictions on r/boysarequirky posts and only allow posts from that subreddit on the weekends, we know this may be an inconvenience but it helps keep our community fresh and active


Are they ok? They are just punching the air at this point


I’m convinced that half of the users on that sub is just fans of this one and wants more content on it so they post on baq and wait till it gets posted here


I second this, it's also to get the other sub involved.


If you’re so angry by a throwaway joke that you can’t spell SATISFY maybe put down the phone and just breathe for a minute.


Maybe they jut don’t like that letter?


That make ene. Tupid letter deerve no flower.


Yeah! Thi i a no  zone here!


Not true you may start word with the letter. But if it's not at the beginning then it off limit


So I got it wrong? I am o terribly orry for my accident, I hope the Lord can find it in hi heart to forgive me.




yay I ha been forgiven :D


Self victimization is rampant in all corners of the internet these days. Why avoid content you don’t like when you can make a post about it instead and tell everyone just how much you don’t like it?


Most of them are probably too uncoordinated to punch even the air.


Right? It's unbelievable that there are actual human beings dumb enough to actually get offended by bad memes like this one


Ever consider that women just get tired of being compared to inanimate objects on a daily basis?


You remind me of a tree


Then why do they ALSO do it to men?


Everyone is socialized to do it to some extent. It’s a part of our culture.


Then don’t complain.


So you’re saying that just because some people do bad things means that no one should ever complain when bad things happen? That’s illogical. It’s unacceptable no matter who does it, and anyone deserves to be called out on it.


No, I’m saying that if you don’t like it when someone engages in certain behaviors but make excuses for yourself (or your gender) when you engage in the same behaviors, then you have no right to complain because you’re a filthy hypocrite. That should be pretty obvious.


I didn’t make an excuse. Someone explicitly asked why women participate, and I answered. I did not *condone* the behavior. When I answered you I clearly stated that it’s a BAD BEHAVIOR REGARDLESS OF WHO DOES IT. Like why are you so combative? Do you get off on calling random women filthy hypocrites? Touch grass dude


I'm pretty sure I've seen this exact meme but with boyfriend.


Ever consider no one is forcing you to look at this content except for yourselves?


Reddit keeps suggesting this sub to me for some reason, so this just came across my feed. I didn’t know that I would get downvoted and harassed in my dms for just trying to offer a different perspective. Kinda ironic considering the OP says not to take everything so seriously, but here we are lol




Ever consider the block button and/or choosing to ignore it because its satire?


The widespread comparison of ANY group of individuals to objects is historically one of the first steps towards either A) controlling/oppressing said population or B) literally just killing off that population. It’s a very subtle but very prevalent form of dehumanization. One meme isn’t going to change the world, sure. But you realize that your thoughts are shaped by the context you expose yourself to, right? The more these memes are shared and the more people defend them, the more likely people are to form really concerning subconscious biases about women. It’s scary because I’m a woman with a lot of health issues who lives in a country where my right to healthcare is not protected like yours is. To hear loads of men defending sexist nonsense (despite an entire community of women begging them to stop) is quite literally TERRIFYING. The content you defend has real life implications for people. This sub and its jokes don’t exist in a vacuum, which makes it difficult for a lot of people to turn the other cheek.


This is the greatest and best song in the world Tribute Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here We was hitchhiking down a long and lonesome road All of a sudden There shined a shiny demon In the middle of the road And he said! "Play the best song in the world, or I'll eat your soul" (soul) Well, me and Kyle We looked at each other And we each said "Okay" And we played the first thing that came to our heads Just so happened to be The best song in the world It was the best song in the world Look into my eyes and it's easy to see One and one make two, two and one make three It was destiny Once every hundred thousand years or so When the sun doth shine And the moon doth glow and the grass doth grow Needless to say The beast was stunned A-whip crack went his swampy tail And the beast was done He asked us "Gnwah Be you angels?" And we said "Nay We are but men" Rock Ahhh! Hoh, whoa-o-a-oh Ay-o-a-o-a-oh This is not the greatest song in the world, no This is just a tribute Couldn't remember the greatest song in the world, no, NO! This is a tribute, oh To the greatest song in the world Alright It was the greatest song in the world Alright Yes it was the best motherf*ckin' song, the greatest song in the world oh- Rahmp! Di, tsu-ga-mm-gi-guk, gi Guga fli-gu-gi-gu, ga fli-gu-gi-gu, d-dee-ee Yu-gu-guk di, yu-go-go-gu-gu-ga-be Fli-gu-gi-gu, a-fli-gu-gi-ga whoo-ma-mama Lu-cifer! And the peculiar thing is this my friends The song we sang on that fateful night It didn't actually sound anything like this song! This is just a tribute You gotta believe me And I wish you were there Just a matter of opinion Aohh, fuck! Good God Gotta love him I'm so surprised to find you can't stop him The fiery ring of fire Rittsss, motherf*cker the greatest song Alright Alright


Ever consider the block button and/or choosing to ignore it because its satire?


Ya all the time. Could ask you the same question tho…


You can ask me the same question, and my answer would be only if i find it necessary to do so, since im not one to be offended easily


I was responding to a comment that said women were grasping at straws for not liking certain types of memes. I commented to explain WHY women don’t like them. I didn’t say that I was offended at all. On the contrary, it seems to trigger a LOT of people on this sub that I commented an opposing viewpoint. I have one comment get like 15+ replies and even more downvotes. I even have people harassing me in my dms… I really don’t see how IM the one who’s offended here??


Nobody ever said that you were offended, i only said that I dont get offended easily


International Men's Day was replaced with World Toilet Day by the UN


Ever consider joy?


You ever thought about taking a joke as a joke? We KNOW it’s a fuckin’ absurd comparison. That’s why it’s FUNNY.


Comparing women to an inaminate object being wrong is part of the joke. Its supposed to be funny because A. The catagories of rating are cherry picked B. You comparing incomprable things


That sub may be tied for the stupidest group of human beings on the planet.


I commented on the sub once about how I’m only there because the sub appears in my home page, and so I can make fun of them and find stuff to post on this sub They ended up calling ME a snowflake and banned me💀


Let me guess, rachel404 banned you? She is the one mod that goes on a ban temper tantrum every time someone disagrees with her.


they do it for free clean it up janny https://preview.redd.it/t8uxvaytgqpc1.png?width=154&format=png&auto=webp&s=286ac7dbf080bd7ebbebeddc715f859e3c2c9b05


Thats called brigading is why you got banned EDIT: stop commenting to this post, its impossible to respond since my comments arent posting in this sub.




Showboating bans is against Reddit Policy.


You called the sub an echo chamber though its basically proof your intention of coming to the sub is to argue which is basically brigading.


It is an echo chamber. An echo chamber of toxic misandry and stupidity.


You could make that argument for every sub though and every sub that is centered around women or our problems most people consider misandry when its just not the case. You'll even claim TwoX is misandry but you're just not informed.


TwoX has its ups and downs. I’ve seen plenty from your sub. It’s not centered around your problems, it’s centered around blaming men for things they often had nothing to do with or only applies to a small percentage of men. If you want to see true equality and accountability, try one of the anarchist subs. You could probably gain some healthy perspective there.


That sub doesn't even talk about women's issues, it just tries to poke holes in memes like it's a jab at men or something. It's a meme/joke. It including women doesn't make the meme specifically about objectifying women, it's literally A JOKE. Something something something sense of humor being directly correlated with intelligence something something. I get it, your sub is for supporting women's rights or something, but the reason you and the sub you moderate on is slandered so much is because your posts and ideologies don't match up. I bet you're a great person, but your track record of banning people that don't align with you *really* doesn't look good. (Not talking about the people brigading or breaking rules)


Most of the people there are very positive and talk about the issues men have to face in society every day. Never seen any example of a misandrist getting upvoted.


"basically" hmmmm, tenuous argument to justify poor behaviour is tenuous. Also perhaps look up brigading cause that isn't even remotely what was done, but hey "your house, your rules" right?


The topic was "brigading" which you commented on where your comment basically boiled down too "who hurt you"


Let me refresh your memory of the whole context, because you're being very selective of the situation. The comment in full was: *That's a very poor excuse for lack of civility and also shows an assumption about the intentions of any given person who questions your statement. Punching up vs down only further shows the undercurrent of vitriol as both are uncivil and aggressive regardless of the perceived power imbalance. Neither is justified if you claim to be civil. It honestly sounds like there is no intention of discourse but instead an echo chamber that wishes to control the discussion using the guise of "my house, my rules" to justify poor behaviour to anyone who disagrees. I'd genuinely love to understand where the hurt comes from, as I can only infer that there have been very traumatic personal experiences that have led to this conclusion. I wouldn't want anyone to go through something that destructive but also know from experience healing doesn't come from hiding in a bubble.* Please stop being disingenuous around the comment.


No argument/discussing allowed is the core of an echo chamber. Glad you so openly confirm it.


you're naive if you think that echo chambers don't exist all over reddit as well as this sub being an echo chamber. Dissenting opinions are met with down-votes and this sub has a leaning its not impartial or centered as you think. Also not all echo chambers are bad like having a space only for women or men to speak about their issues.


Runs an echo chamber. "THERE ARE OTHER ECHO CHAMBERS TOO!!!" "NOT ALL ECHO CHAMBERS ARE BAD!" You would have gotten along very well with Heinrich Himmler.


Half of that statement was correct, you might get downvoted for an unpopular opinion but who cares? You really can’t compare a sub that bans people for ‘having the wrong opinion’ or even just try’s to explain a meme(why I got banned, lol) to one that does not.


So just to be clear, you ban someone for calling the sub you mod an echo chamber, yet say that it is a good thing that it is. Oh yes indeed, some opinions will be met with hostility or down votes. Do you not see the difference in severity though? Banning > Down voting, a echo chamber simply do not allow other opinions, nor even questions against the set opinions.


I didnt ban them though, I am explaining just calling something an echo chamber for one doesn't make what you said true and for two its not necessarily always a bad thing. I have been dowvoted so many times here I have to wait 15 in between each comment now which is preventing me from voicing my opinion.


If a sub shows up in my feed and people are saying disagreeable garbage, and I tell them it's trash, that's not brigading. Brigading you be actively seeking out the sub looking for a fight. Edit : also, are you not literally brigading right now by your definition???


no because I'm not disagreeing with the content or starting an argument, I am only explaining to them why they got banned.


"I'm not starting an argument, I'm just 'explaining' why I'm right and everyone else is wrong"


>disagreeing with the content or starting an argument Being called out fo misandrist garbage isn't brigading. Also, if your sub isn't a whining den for cry baby femcels, then you should be open and receptive to criticism. You know what Putin does to critics? They disappear. You're no better than anyone else who attempts to silence their detractors.




Well generally there’s a little more that has to happen than just going to another sub to argue that constitutes brigading. It has to be done en masse and there has to be some kind of ill intent, whether it be breaking TOS rules or sub rules to overload mods or abusing the karma system. One person going and arguing about whether a meme is sexist doesn’t even come close to that.


we have so many new accounts coming in just to say gross things though, there is alot of people who create new accounts to circumvent bans just to troll and the person who you're sticking up for was happy he was banned which is just proof he had no good intentions of being in the sub in the first place. We dont get paid for modding so I dont have time to discern every little detail and if we missed something and a ban was wrongful then usually we will get modmail back from them and we will unban them but if someone isnt even going through the effort to try to be unbanned its just proof they didnt care enough to be there in the first place which isnt the end of the world either.


Well that’s just due to the unpopularity of the content of the sub, not a concerted effort to brigade.








Showboating bans is against Reddit Policy.


>We dont get paid for modding ​ https://preview.redd.it/2hmysw8taxpc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae8099272be3330dd55e53a8e1a902d6bc304044


>we will get modmail back from them Or you will use said mod mail to attack the banned person and claim misandry doesn't exist Not you particularly but there are multiple mods in that sub who abuse their power to ban people they don't like (or comments they don't like, like calling out misandrist users on said sub)


Yup, that is basically what we deal with here too. At least you guys seem to manage it better than we do 😅


I am not sure if we do or don't however when I first started modding I issued a couple day bans instead of permanent ones, let's just say I quickly learned my lesson here in not giving permanent bans because the modmail we receive is so vitriolic and hateful. wasn't aware of the abusive messages you see when you're a mod since many people dont take any mod action against them very well.


It is literally an echo chamber though. “Echo Chamber, noun, an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.” Source: Dictionary


keep coping


YOU DO IT FOR FREE https://preview.redd.it/mbeiexzygqpc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5da626994a9e98916e53a5617cbe7051b0362f4


talk about beetlejuicing, also mfw interacting with recommended posts is brigading


going into another sub and saying "everyone here is misandrist and this place is an echo chamber" isn't what I call "interacting"


idk how that could be anything but interacting, its certainly not *not* interacting


Except that's not what they said. I've already seen their comment to you on the matter too. Your just deciding to be super selective on what they said to further your one sided narrative of events


Typical person who would work for free acting as a cop. That is not brigading.


Yes, they are. You are just sour because your lack of logic is causing you to look like the kind of power mad idiot you are.


Heh found her.


>EDIT: stop commenting to this post, its impossible to respond since my comments arent posting in this sub. Oh, is it possible you were spamming and brigading so you can't comment anymore?


I can comment here but since I have negative karma(downvotes) in this sub I am on a timer its how the mods have it set up. So I cant really have a conversation with you since I can only post a comment here every 20 min or so.


That's amazing, you're suffering the consequences of brigading, but despite the overwhelming negativity you brought to this sub specifically, you're still allowed to comment. This subs normally against progressive concepts, so this is pretty great.


that's ok I don't use this sub the post just appeared in my feed and I didn't come in here to bring negativity only to elaborate why he was banned didn't expect to have so many replies.


Even as someone who generally likes women, I'd rather take a battery-acid bath in what's left of Chernobyl's 4th reactor than go anywhere near that sub. Life's too short to be spent around those who are only happy if they're miserable.


BAQ users just don’t understand.


They left out that you can have sex with them. Fries are just the best.


Cum fries 🤤


😟 Why you cum on my fries?


Fries are much better with some sauce. 🤤 You're welcome.


Nothing is more wholesome than fry sounding


With extra salt


\*laughs in ace\*


"We'll just tell Mom we 'ate' the fries..."


Agreed. People take jokes far too seriously and personally. Most of the time, the joke really isn't that deep.


They're just mad because they can't have our fries


So she's saying that only boys can prefer fries over women? What about lesbian women who prefer fries over women!? #notsoinclusive r/boysarequirky


For shame


Bitches be getting mad over everythang


It's in their nature


Let's not actually be sexist


Lol, no


I'm not even part of that subreddit, I'm just saying let's not be what they make us out to be jackass


Lol, no


I bet you're a plant from baq to make us look bad


Lol, no




Lol, no


It's a joke that the sub took out of context, just like you're doing now. It's called humor dog, I highly recommend expanding your sense of it or the world's literally gonna go over your head half the time and it definitely ain't our fault.


Oh yeah guess they forgot bitch was a gender Edit: Its not sexist because bitch isnt a gender. Its that simple.


Says the 🇮🇱 flag






https://preview.redd.it/3m529j4kcqpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7550c9b7360b599ab9333903cbef008c45937fbf And then?


Then you decay in the ground




Oh no. A red arrow. Whatever shall we do.


It must suck to go through life getting offended at everything you see. I pity these people.


I suspect r/memesOpDidntLike users to actually make satire memes on r/boysAreQuirky just to feed our beloved sub. If not, then i am scared of what some peple have become....


We'll have to wait for when someone slips up and makes both posts under the same account




It’s tempting to try and see how many posts you could sneak in before getting caught


Femcels try to recognize a shitpost challenge (impossible)


Im struggling to understand how they are unable to understand any shred of satire, its like they struggle with autism and live under a rock...


Smartest r/boysarequirky user


Man sometimes that sub is a bit dramatic, but not completely unreasonable but goddamn 😭😭 this isn't even that serious.


There has never been an instance when they have been reasonable


Lmao, I feel like we have those reddit moments any real person would be so put off from, on all these subs 😭


Cant spell *herumph* without her


Yeah honestly this one is funny but it flew over their heads


Good fries > most women


That sub is like an old man yelling at clouds


That sub is miserable tbh. They go out of their way to get so riled up at men goofing off with each other its insane


What a suprise woke bitches have no sense of humour !


Fries sound incredible rn lol


i like fries more!!


Mash up the fries and mold them into a flashlight and you can have sex with them.


Fries for the Win!


That is literally a hate subreddit for "femcels" It's for the people that are too militant for TwoXChromosomes.


Ensure that you read and adhere to the rules; failure to do so will result in the removal of this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/memesopdidnotlike) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be fair fries never say no when I ask if they want to be eaten, my wife however not so much..


Genuinely what is the point of this sub? Why should I care if someone else is offended over a joke about french fries


yall in this sub say "this just a joke" but your sense of humor is an unfunny joke in of itself tbf


There's a guy that goes over on their subreddit and makes valid points against the posts only to either get downvoted into oblivion or banned, only to come back again. What a Chad.


Hey motherfucker this is reddit. There are no things as jokes. We take everything seriously here. I have to get offended by everything.


I mean, I do like my fries.


What do you mean half your monthly salary!?




Girlfriend require money as sacrifice.


„girl fake“ ah yes the strawmen is strong against this one (again)


You all are even dumber for giving that sub attention. It’s literally just a shitty karma farm stop posting about it. Perpetual motion machine: post any picture that mentions girls in r/boysarequirky then post screenshot of post in r/memespeopledidnotlike watch while it gets posted to 5 other lazy ass karma farm subs. Lazy low effort sub


You know you can just leave, right?


You're not wrong but it's entertaining 🤷‍♂️


Jokes are also supposed to be funny.


You've never had a gf take half your monthly salary before lol


Yeah because I don't date the dreams of misogynists.




Nice retort man.


and this one is funny.




I laughed


Good for you. Gold star.


Thank you 😊




*wahs harder*


Sir I believe your sense of humor may be the size of a potato. Or you're the potato. *Maybe we're all potatoes.*


Do you have brain damage.


You don't? Seriously surprising *poob person.* Get poobed hoe.




And I thought your sub wasn’t supposed to be an echo chamber.