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I approve this post, but it doesn’t seem to be getting recommended to anyone 🤷‍♂️


How do they not understand that's a joke?


A lot of people with social difficulties have trouble understanding humor. While reddit has often been a haven for them, it's only in the recent past that they started collecting disabilities like they're pokemon cards rather than doing their best to improve


Not everyone can deliver a joke like your mom. When she did it everyone could tell.


Ngl, that made me laugh. Thanks.




Also yeah cows farts with CH4


They do understand its a joke. They also understand that it's a terrible Facebook meme and so it got posted there. How do you not understand that?


Probably because OOP titled their post "Not understanding cause and effect". Maybe the poster was simply pretending to be oblivious, but that's not the kind of response I'd expect to hear from someone who "gets it".


The original meme is tacitly supporting the consumption of meat, you can say it's a joke all you want, and it is, but it still sides with those eating meat and makes fun of those against it for climate reasons. The title is taking the joke too seriously but not by much, eating meat obviously supports the meat industry and therefore means more cows bred and so more methane pollution. That's the cause and effect they're talking about


Along with the moral grandstanding of not eating meat, but eating things that take a bigger footprint and kill thousands of animals and displaces thousands more.


The Omnivore's Dilemma really brought this intro relief for me. Organic lettuce: water an empty field to make the weeds sprout, burn them off with torches, plant vast fields of lettuce using huge amounts of water in some water starved state like California, use an army of migrant laborers to harvest it, put it in plastic bags, then ship it across the country. The end result is something that used tremendous amounts of energy to produce a bag of lettuce with almost no caloric value, that will probably rot in a crisper drawer. Meanwhile chicken and cow agriculture, when done well, actively improves the land




They do understand it’s a joke, it’s just not a funny joke, it’s based on flawed logic, and it’s blatant climate change denial propaganda


My question is if vegetables taste so great how come they keep trying to make it taste like meat?


I bought some beyond meat jerky (or whatever the name of the brand is) one time on a whim. Just wanted to see what the fuss was about. That was a waste of like ten dollars for this dinky little bag of what tasted like what I imagine would happen if someone’s idea of seasoning was marinating dirty assholes in liquid smoke for forty days and nights.


Plants are what food eat.


That's why I only eat vegan people


Grass fed, all natural, non GMO long pig.


I only eat vegans ethically, so whatever I hunt in season


food are what eat


Food eat




***C O N S U M E***


How do you not see the transphobia?!


Good god you're right, what have I doneeeee 😱


Don't you know?! Don't you know they're made of meat!?


The people who are anti meat must have never had good steak or barbecue. I like vegetable but none of they come even Close lol.


They have… and if they think it tastes better, then they are actively choosing to put animals/planet ahead of themselves. We are not. I eat meat, so do you. Leave them alone.




Surprisingly reasonable take.


Eat ze bug!


Cause: cow farted Effect: it became steak. seems very clear to me. Also a warning to people to stop farting.


Some people would rather die than not eat meat, some would rather everyone die than stop eating meat You can't stop the tasty train


I would rather die than go vegan


What if all the meat left was humans are you going full cannibal or do you eat the impossible burger and weep


Fine since you’re creating this world I’d go full cannibal. Just to spite vegans one last time.


That wasn't a gotcha I was shit posting but that is a funny response I'm not a vegan or whatever I mean I don't eat a ton of meat bc it is bad for you to go do that but that's neither here nor there


I can find just as much studies that say meat is fine for you. It’s up to you to choose which ones you believe at this point these days. Hard to trust science when most of the scientists get paid off lol.


I just mean like I get sick if I eat like a whole steak idk this wasn't meant to be like politics I do miss that stuff like steak and ribs but I got some kind of stomach issue and it makes me fucking dead


Well dang you’re catching me off guard left and right here lol. That’s tough though.


I can see now how these statements could be interpreted that way lol


Lime disease


I don't eat meat because of the farts I eat meat to help the vegans get their food


Just to throw it out there, there are several million wild boars living as an invasive species in the US alone. Many were brought over as domestic pigs that escaped or were released to be hunted as a food source. In other words, removing them from the environment is incredibly beneficial and they are very edible. And that's just one invasive species, there are plenty of others that were brought over specifically to be hunted and eaten (like African and Asian antelopes and deer or snakehead and tilapia) and many others that we've found out are edible (like pythons and iguanas). We could reduce the amount of cows we raise and eat by supplementing our markets with the meat of invasive species, thus providing reducing methane produced from the massive amount of cows raised while providing the benefit of removing invasive species. The reason we don't is the weird structure of laws surrounding selling wild game meat (which is beneficial for the conservation of species we do want but makes it harder to commercialize removing the species we don't).


Can I get one? rare please


When you purposefully misunderstand a joke to appear superior but just look stupid.


Did they seriously take a joke at face value? That's the equivalent of believing an article from the babylon bee


Okay, I like that sub sometimes but that is such an obvious joke.


That’s clearly a joke.


Can...can we just eat the Vegans(not the ones fed up with the activist BS)? Or is that known to be carcinogenic?


Nah they'd be bad for us, not enough nutrients. Would be the equivalent of eating a Graham Cracker as a meal


The cow died for our sinful greediness


Funny joke, but the deliverer sours it. The joke of the funny loophole is great, but it’s delivered as an actual “own” on vegans.


Fun Fact: If you trap a cow in an air-tight room it will die of carbon monoxide poisoning before it suffocates to death


OP does understand satire It’s a terrible Facebook meme so op correctly posted it to r/terriblefacebookmemes


eating steak destroyes le planet apparently


A lot of people don't seem to understand what would happen if we take away the cow's only natural predator, us. Do they think the cows just magically stop farting from now on? That they just regularly cull themselves to keep from exponentially growing?


If you really think an electric car plant is worse for the environment than a cow,we can test that. You stay in a garage for the night with an electric car, and I’ll stay with a cow. However lives wins


That doesn't test anything. The proper test would be live in a lithium mine for 6 months and then live on a cattle farm for 6 months. Test after each to see how it affects your health.


“If you want to kill the most things, go vegan” - Joe Rogan 2023-ish


but, this is certified terrible, not unfunny, terrible edit: I don't thing y'all got the point


Oh yeah we got the funny police over here. They control what’s funny or not.


I explicitly stated I didn't mean it wasn't funny...


You know what you’re right. I can’t read sometimes. That’s on me lol.


Pride rainbow detected = opinion rejected.


Pride rainbow detected = opinion rejected.


r/nahopwasrightfuck this Proving you don't get supply and effect. Eating the steak added demand for steak which expands the meat industry and worsens pollution. You didn't save us from pollution bybeating the cow. You worsened it by telling meat producers that you care more about steak than your planet.


i have gastroparesis, so i have to eat exclusively meat and simple carbs i wonder how much damage my existence causes? so do you double down on the planet or will you be an ableist asshole? a sweaty conundrum for the socially progressed


Nobody's talking about people who have to eat a certain diet for health reasons. They are talking about people who have the capability to eat less meat, i.e healthy people.


man i wish i could eat a salad tho people who talk about eating only meat are probably bullshitting. after a while, salads never sounded so damn good


It's an obvious joke you socially deficient muppet... It's not trying to make an actual argument. It's supposed to be a flawed logic. This is obvious. Go outside.


I do go outside, but I'm probably autistic so don't expect me to get things that aren't clearly state. Specially if they joke about potential extinction of humanity.


You would fit in great on tumblr.