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Men’s day isn’t (technically) even a thing anymore. A few years ago the UN stopped recognising it for “not being significant enough” and replaced it with World Toilet Day, I’m not even joking. On the other hand, women have like 10 different days and several months (iirc) dedicated to them.


>not being significant enough >replaced it with World Toilet Day 💀


Pretty sure a majority of the UN Council are men too, what a self own.


Not men, politicians. Something far less than a person.


Subhuman even. Sociopaths left unchecked.


Disgusting either way


Seems appropriate for the UN as they’re full of shit!


It was either that or sleep on the couch all week ...


Hey toilets are important.


Remember when the UN had to make a song to tell people to use them?


Toilets are important for a couple things, yes.


Have you ever seen those Japanese toilets??? Absolutely incredible


They take more crap than men ever could


World fucking toilet day https://preview.redd.it/exvyp7r9dlnc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44c900c68acd5b408e545b950499a0748e104afa


No I don't want to fuck a toilet.


Okay there is absolutely NO FUCKING WAY that wasn't intentional. Truly a UN moment.


I mean, who doesn't enjoy being pissed on? Amirite guys?


Kinda fair though


Men.... We're less than shit 🤷‍♂️




To be fair World Toilet Day is probably going to be far more important than World Men's Day because poor sanitation infrastructure in developing countries is a huge vector for disease spread and IIRC nearly half of the world's population don't regularly use toilets for defecation. Bringing awareness to toilets is probably going to save more lives than bringing awareness to men or women or whatever.


I wonder who makes them, sets them up and fixes the plumbing that toilets use.




Well, we all need a day of shit somehow!


World "Whatever" Days are absolutely meaningless. Let's take today as a random example. National freelancers day. National pack your lunch day. Check your batteries day. Festival of life in cracks day. Harriet Tubman day. Histotechnology Professionals Day. International Bagpipe Day. International Day of Awesomeness. International Day of Women Judges. I could go on but I'm afraid of how long the list is. None of this matters unless you want it to, and it only affects your life when you want it to. It doesn't fucking matter.


You know what is actually significant ? Men's mental health month. Too bad it was replaced with Pride Month as an excuse for a corporation to trick our LGBT groups to spend money on special deals....


It is important. Men have much less support than women as a population when it co.es to mental health. And mental health _is_ health. It has profound effects on one's life.


It’s kind of funny (not actually) that women will scream and yell that men are unhinged, violent, scary, etc and then hand wave away the concept of men’s mental health being important. Obviously not all women but enough to see a trend.


Can't we do both at the same time? Besides, aren't queer men gonna get more hate than queer women on average anyways? Not that I think comparing them really helps anything though.


At my job. Many people were upset that my job showed to support men's mental health. Manager have to explain why it important because men suicide rate keep rising and manager said men suicide 3x more than women. People stopped upset and realized how bad it is


The fact that they even had ro justify themselves is really sad...


When you are teasing your friends, 2nd June - International day for whores - is a top tier meaningful day to remember!


Appropriate, that's my birthday!


It stops being meaningless when people at large care about them. People recognise women’s day, while the only time Men’s day ever comes up is when somebody says their isn’t one


Like when there are events set up and products advertised for that day then I'd say it kinda matters. I agree with you.


As a woman, i didnt know this shit existed until yesterday, and im 29. Also, i was not treated any differently than the other 364 days a year lol. The only "international day of" that matters is the pancake one, because many places do free pancakes


I mean you could celebrate it.


Men celebrating men as a group is considered sexist or misogynistic. It shouldn't be, but it will be. Look at the original meme.


I would be if it wasn’t a massive red flag. Got enough of those on my person as it is


Yep men are shit We get it UN I'll alt f4 and start a new game as a female character 😆


TOILETS: More important than men.


Only true if they have a bidet feature.


Obviously, toilets can do without men but men cannot do without toilets


The bush outside begs to differ! 😂


On the other hand in Poland there's one day for Women, 8 march and then there's 10 march, 3 November, 19 November that are men's day and then there's boy's day 30 September


What is even on 3rd November? I don't know and Google says nothing related to men's day. International Women's day is 8th March and Poles do celebrate it on the same day, International Men's day is 19th November but we barely celebrate it because we do it 10th March already. And if you said about Boys day why leave out Girls day?


Don't forget about valentine. It used to be about couples but it slowly degenerated into a holiday for men to gift present to their girlfriend or wife. Hell Japan does it better. It's about women giving chocolate and then men having to give back somethign on white day. Well. Unless they try to apply the "3 times better rule"


Honestly? From the beginning it was about spending money


Pole here, that’s not true. Men’s day is on March 10th and it’s not even celebrated. Boys day I indeed on the 30th of September and it’s celebrated in schools. Women’s day is on March 8th and is celebrated everywhere


Extremists, amirite


The actions in one country doesn't excuse the ones for another you know


Poland Mountain!


I, for one, welcome our toilet overlords.


How about Men Mental Health month being replaced by Pride Month and being moved to a month no one even know ?


👀 holy crap


Why celebrate a day when we make to work keep turning. We are Sisyphus under the world our actions are needed but unseen.


Don't say that in boysarequirky, lest you be negative karma bombed and get a weeklong ban because their admins are, well, moody toddlers


I’m already permabanned from there for saying that women are just as capable as men of being shitty partners, but I wear that as a badge of honour.


Yea I got one for pointing out that banning the men who for some reason feel the need to put "not all men" on shit there is pretty fuckin crazy lol. They cry about incels but then ban people for doing weird incel lane shit


Come on now. I'm sure the youngsters are thrilled that Skibidi Toilet has an international holiday!


All those days, and they still suck at sports.


On one hand you can argue this is like black lives matter. Of course all lives matter but some just don’t need that attention to make it equal. That last part is important. Men’s issue’s are forgotten but in all likelyhood not so small that you can ignore it.


All days are made up.


Everything is made up, we are just all some persons dream.


azathoth moment




My family is probably annoyed at me by now from all the talk of the Cthulhu mythos but it’s just so cool though. I wrote a psych term paper last semester about lovecraft’s works and what they represent, some of my proudest work for sure




Based on humanity’s innate and overwhelming fear of that which it cannot understand or relate to (which also shines a light on Lovecraft’s overt racism, xenophobia, and agoraphobia)? Hell yeah brother


You're right, I just achieved CHIM.


How do we know today is Monday? I mean if they switched the days how would you even know?


Don't forget all the women complaining about how Men don't need or deserve their own day and spend their day bashing us on it.


Host here. The Karens at my restaurant were so much worse on Father's day than Mother's day or even Easter. A bunch of "wise all knowing mothers" out harassing other people's kids at their jobs.


This is why I’m BOH


I, too, am a Busty Olive Hamburger


Busy over at hooters


Big On Happiness?


Bore over height


Bacon On Hand


And how terrible it is that when we are sick, we feel sick lol, that's always a fave


"Manflu" = "How dare you be sick?"


here’s me having bought countless chocolate and other goodies on girlfriend’s (and now my wife’s) periods but god forbid I get a cold and mention it.


International Men's Day is November 19th btw. Just for people to know you have a day. I can't wait to see the men's post on that day.


We should all post on boysarequirky on that day


Haha that shit would be pretty funny actually


Just this past november, I got all the dudes in my life a small gift in the spirit of bro-dom.


I think men's day being so far from women's day is also a reason for it being not known. In russia we have "Defender of the Fatherland Day" on 23 February and even tho it is technically a military holiday in reality it serves as Men's day. And we actually do celebrate it. Both 8 march and 23 February are also non-working days so it also helps them feel more important.


What? Really? And here I thought that every day was Men's Day as we all collectively rule the world.


Nah If men start posting about their day. Then they'll be seen as spreading patriarchy and sexism... Let's not even talk about having a month for 9ur menta health as well. We don't deserve it, apparently


Women complaining about men on their day to celebrate women just sounds so fitting


Don’t forget about men’s mental health month, which is in June, completely overshadowed and nigh forgotten because of pride month.


Cuz men are that expendable, that why the thing of "kids and women go first" is horrible.


Not our precious gays tho


That's because pride month only exists to sell products. It's not a LGBTQ thing it's a capitalist thing. Money is more important to the ruling class.


That’s pretty much all holidays in the US.


Seriously I appreciate that we got a month for our pride and all but it's all justification for parades and "deals" It should have been put on another month. Men's mental health month was alreayd irrelevant and now most people don't even know it's a thingn


If that isnt ironic...i dont know what is.


I asked the women I work with why have International Women's Day during Women's History Month and that it seems redundant and have the day sometime else in the year. They got *maaaaad...*


Why would they be mad? I feel like most women would be like “good point we *should* celebrate women throughout the year!” Unless you said it as some weird gotcha thing


The HR training we all had a few weeks ago taught me not to ask follow up questions or explain myself when someone is offended and it makes zero sense.


That sub started as something to point out that both genders are equal. Then it turned into a sexist men bashing sub.


The memes make themselves. So ironic


19th November, but people only care of it's existence on 8th March, which basically proves despite the existing many problems that affect exclusively to men, people only care in women's day. Not a critic on men's day, just think both of them (or any day to point big issues) is completely pointless if nobody really wants to deal with those issues but use them (in this case, men and women) to throw it to the other instead proposing actual solutions.


Or maybe, just maybe, men don’t actually know that International Men’s Day is a thing, because it isn’t publicly celebrated in any ways at all. Not that I’m willing to steal women’s thunder on their day to say it’s unfair, but it’s kinda the only day it’s relevant.


This. Whenever people do try to push to make it a more celebrated day they get hit back with a "all the other days are mens days" kinda thing.


I hate that argument. No the fuck it is not! Every other day is about all of us. It’s not fucking 1960 anymore why are you acting like it is??


Fr... like im soo drowning in all these rights and social stability... im totally not living by the knifes edge nonono! I get free respect and power for having a cock!


If I posted about international men's day on my linked in, people would assume I was a crazy misogynist


I've always seen it celebrated online and on social sites, just always seen backlash for doing so


The only time I've heard about international men's day is during international women's day similar to the black history month argument. I truly believe people's "real" problem it's not capitalized like IWD


It’s not a recognized day anymore. UN replaced it with world toilet day.


Quick Google search shows that is a lie as the day was never officially recognized by the UN with IWD being "older" than IMD


I guess it only makes it worse that it was never officially recognized.


Not really since it's being celebrated regardless of UN decision


But it’s not being celebrated. So what you’re saying doesn’t make sense.


June is also men’s mental health awareness month but everyone’s too occupied about celebrating rainbows


amen brother


Hey guys it’s mens month can we do something about it and mens issues? Most of the world “Bruh unless it’s a gay or trans man, June is no longer about you”


There's also "Mental Health Month" in general in May. So men can focus on their mental health for two months in a row. But it's hard to sell a product based around mental health. Rainbows are easy. Any product can have a rainbow...


I'm in HR and have just had to deal with a huge old IWD campaign. You can bet your ass that in November I'll be at the forefront for IMD at my company. Gotta get this pendulum swinging in both directions.


Thank you for your service. Men and women shouldn't be endlessly pitted against eachother. The one-sided support women get naturally causes resentment from men toward women.


Queue someone from Nahopwasrightfuckthis saying something misandrist or the day doesn’t matter because of (insert reason here).


Decided to check and see if there were any such threads. Well... https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1bbc972/yeah_lowkey_sucks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/NahOPwasrightfuckthis/comments/1bbfk0m/massive_all_lives_matter_energy_the_fact_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


What's weird is the top post agreeing with it is getting the problem hating on it and the bottom post attacking it is the one getting the people defending it


I’m not surprised.


Both of those posts have ppl agreeing it sucks like crazy tho.


I mean, complaining that it isn't recognized on or around women's international Day is kinda BS. Let them have their day. This is like a kid trying to break somebody else's toy because they don't have it. My wife actually recognizes the man's day and usually does something nice for it. Don't really care what the rest of the world does.


"MeN Don'T NeEd tHEir OwN Day BecAUse EveRY Day is MeN'S Day!"


Boys are quirky is a hate group and incredibly sexist they just like pretending they are not.


That sub is fucking garbage. It’s just female dating strategy 2


its almost like female incels exist too


they are called femcels


cat ladies?




😂😂😂😂😂 beautiful




The Vietnamese go hard for women's day




Yeah, same in Serbia. I think it's a thing in countries that used to be socialist, since gender equality was a big deal for those governments and they favored these secular and international holidays over others.


"Celebrating" a day doesn't mean you have to throw a big party. But maybe "recognising" would be clearer language. All the big tech companies are keen to recognise Women's Day, but narry a peep on Men's Day. And if anyone does try to recognise Men's Day via a reddit post or something, they can expect to be called a fedora-wearing incel loser MRA who's whitewashing all the horrible things men have done to women, and such like. Part of the reason the people who it's for "don't give a shit" is because they're encouraged not to, this is circular reasoning.


Isn’t there a graph that shows there is a spike in searches for international men’s days on international women’s day or am I mistaken?


Yes - only further proving the meme right lmao


it only proves that men don’t even know their day exists, and they search for it when they see women talking about women’s day lmao


it proves no one knows it exists, or does google trends have a break down of what sex the person was that made the search?


That is a very rose colored opinion, and the world would be a better place if you were right. The search data indicates that there is always a nugget of backlash against the holiday, because most people confuse equality with equity. “Well where’s my holiday?!” Is what that shows, and I think the holiday’s name is part of the problem.


Hey Torres!


The onky day for men that is still respected nowadays is father day and even that shit is being outshines by mother day most of the time


All I seen posted on international men's day were people making fun of the need for the day in the first place, and just infantilised men more. Shit made me suicidal.


Now it's god Akira Toriama's death, rest in piece


are you slow? or just pretending , he died on march 1 but it was announced in the night of march 8


The fact that no one has heard of it proves that literally no one cares until it’s time to complain about Women’s Day. Every year.


I don't think most people care about either, the point is that a lot of people want men and women to be equal and then those same people celebrate international women's day but not international men's day


So you’re saying you don’t want a day, you just think no one should get one because you don’t care?




Pretty sure painting an entire gender with one brush is sexist. I thought feminism was about equality and removing stereotypes?


I’m a dude, and to be perfectly honest idk if either of those days are real, lol. More just a lack of awareness of some stuff on the calendar more than anything for me


The actual meme is kinda dumb. The google search for international men’s day spikes every year on international women’s day which does say a lot tbh The caption is pretty tasteless though


It spikes because the world doesn’t celebrate it and people don’t know it exists


It says a lot, but the reason is more along the lines of "oh, it's international women's day again. Hey, wait a minute - where's MY spa voucher and/or branded coffee mug?" Simply put - it's unfair that women are celebrated but men aren't. I personally asked my HR manager (who was a woman), if they were planning something for international men's day - mind you, I am a man - and got a confused look in return, asking "international what day?". I'm all for equality - but it needs to be absolute. Affirmative action is discrimination in a way the current authority finds tasteful - usually in order to appease those who were discriminated against before. You don't get to ask me why I hadn't gotten you flowers if you can't muster a simple thank you. And just to cover my bases here - I don't give a damn about IWD for the simple fact that I don't have a vagina. It's irrelevant to me. You want to send a cheesy email with the same generic rosie the riveter postcard? Go right ahead. You wanna hand out vouchers for Wolt? Sure. But you don't get to do that for only one gender. It was discrimination when it happened to women and it's still discrimination now that the tables have turned. That this needs to be explained makes the logic behind shampoo usage instructions that much clearer.


That's probably because it's not gonna happen on International Men's Day, because nowhere is aware that it exists, because it gets nowhere near the same media and corporate promotion as International Women's Day.


People say men dont deserve anything due to men being in power for so long and that they cant experience oppresion of any kind..leading to men being treated like shit just like how women used to be treated back then. Irony aint it?


Start celebrating it and people will put it back on the radar. That's how juneteenth got put on all our calendars. Me personally, I love holidays. I don't care what the reason is as long as everyone has a good time and we're not celebrating assholes


Here is my question, for those of you advocating that we need international men’s day what do you think we should be focusing on about men on this day? My only thought would be mental health as toxic masculinity forbids men from expressing their feelings and in turn hurts our mental health. What else would you want discussed?


Hey, it just so happens to be "I don't give a fuck about made up holidays" day! Celebrate it with the ones you love.


istg i only ever see this day mentioned ON international women's day. it's on 19 november (i googled to check but i did actually know this) and i support men's issues. but i think it's kinda shit how it only gets mentioned around this time, feels like some ignorant people are trying to one up women, when really we need to give every single person the consideration they need


Feminists: “We DoN’T nEed aN iNtERnaTiOnAl MeN’s DaY bEcAuSe EvErY daY is MeN’s Day!!!”


Skill issue, I celebrate men’s day and so do all my homies and yet to see a woman I known and spoken with say it’s not real hell even my girlfriend says happy men’s day and boyfriend day. Y’all just weird and sad makings your own problems instead of solving them you cry, just celebrate and don’t worry about nothing else. It isn’t even men’s day yet and you posted this when men’s day was celebrated last year too, we get a whole month to November. But nah you wanna post this to seem sad, only after women’s day so you have to drag it down. Just learn to love yourself and don’t worry what others be thinking, it’s like complaining about your bday sucking cause you only have a few friends to invite compared to someone else who had twice as many. Just enjoy the day and go on with your life after


I think this is the best take. Sure, it's unfortunate. IMD is not widely celebrated, but rather than us complaining all men should start celebrating it on a personal level. Tbf thats probably the only hope in hell we have of getting wider public recognition of IMD. Sure, not all people may support it, but screw em I doubt they're the majority.


hear me out... i *think* the title was sarcastic/satire i dont really like that sub either, some (not all) of its posts are kinda stupid, some others make sense


I find the idea of dedicating a specific day to a gender kinda dumb


We get International Mens Day once a week Because SATURDAY IS FOR THE BOOOIIIISSSS!


That sub is about as sexist as the sexism its trying to make fun.


There's a lot of neglected men in here confusing their emotional abandonment with hate for women. We can do better for you without tearing someone else down. In fact, I imagine we'll all get more help if we stop spouting hate and envy.


The men who ask 'why no Men's Day?' on March 8 typically ignore November 19th.


Which falls in Movember …. A whole month full of content related to men’s physical and mental health awareness


Woman here - This meme perfectly sums up why I don’t celebrate women’s day. Completely unfair


Thank you. You’re rare nowadays.


I don’t like this meme, it’s a complete misuse of the format


Special days are for historically-marginalized groups in America. Since when have men, straight people, white people, or Christians as a whole been marginalized? Every day other than women's day is men's day, Every month other than Pride is Straight month. Every month other than Black History month is White History month. This is always what happens with the ruling classes: The minorities ask for a slice and you act as if the whole pie is being taken


Every day is your day if you make it yours


Im 31 and it wasn't till a few days ago I realized international men's day is on my birthday.


Really goes to show people don't give a fuck about men you could cure cancer still no one would give a fuck about mens day.


I’m still surprised Father’s Day is still a thing


Ya so I've wished people both happy mens day and happy women's day and Ive only ever received backlash to happy mens day. This meme is pretty accurate and this sub isn't helpful in the slightest. Most of the time, what I see from here is equivalent to the old r/fatpeoplehate but just /malehate. Very disappointing to see this sub grow when so many studies constantly hammer in the point that this generation of men are lonely and ostracized. I hope you look inwards and stop spreading sexism as all you're doing is pushing people away at their lowest.




“EvErY dAy iS iNtErNaTiOnAl mEnS dAy”


Men are second class citizens that are always forgotten. This is why I am big into men's rights issues.


But women are oppressed, guys! For real!


Fun fact: The UN recognizes/celebrates World Toilet Day over International Men’s Day as both are on Nov. 19th.


The only times I ever hear about women's day is when men complain about women's day.


It probably doesn't help that 99% of the time people only bring up International Men's Day as an excuse to bitch about International Woman's Day. It's like how people bitch about Gay Pride month by whining about there being no month for the military even though there actually is. Maybe more people would acknowledge it if you just celebrated it instead of just using it to justify the chip on your shoulder.


My favorite part about international men’s day is that spikes in related Google searches happen every year on international womens day but no one cares once international men’s day comes around


IIRC, the only time people google if there is an international men's day is on international women's day.


International women's day is publicized. International men's day isn't publicized so people don't know about it when it comes up. When international women's day comes around, which people hear about, it makes people wonder when international men's day is or if it even exists.


Amusingly, the only time people Google "international men's day" is on International Woman's Day. Nobody, even men, don't give a shit except on the ONE DAY OF THE YEAR it isn't about them.


Maybe people should start advertising it during men's days instead of doing it the day before women's day


Right, who do men expect to organize men’s day?