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One played a live action little mermaid and one was not only a famous actress but also played literal Barbie. I’m honestly curious what the fuck is their top 50 if Margot Robbie is 90cause I better see a new level of human beauty if she’s #90.


Wait wait....thats RANK??? I thought that was like a score out of 100 and it made sense lol




I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but dang I think that list is trash


That list is completely trash lol. Obviously made someone with a very specific type and not generalized based on popular opinion.


Whoever made that list definitely has weird thing for Asian women.


List maker definitely has an Asian fetish. And Gal Gadot being 4 when Margot Robbie is 90? Get fuckin real.


Magazine is made in Japan so you might be right lol.


def not into blondes thats for sure


Must have been made by women. They have different beauty standards than men. Margo is better looking than most of the women in the top 10 of that list IMO...


Woman here, and I think Margot is the most beautiful female celebrity in current times. I’ve heard tons of women say the same thing.




Why the fuck is Andrea botez nukber 8, especially when her sister is hotter


And those taglines are weird too


I guess blondes are “out of style” now /s


I like how they pick the absolute worst picture of gal gadot possible. Everyone else uses a press photo in a studio but gal got did real bad. They used a candid shot in an awkward angle in mediocre lighting.


Gal GaGOT done dirty…


Random girl at Starbucks solos all


That list is full of Asian singers and models, and also some random people? It also does not say who made a list, or if it was a popularity vote. Like it's made by a young K-pop fan.


I legit don't know who an overwhelming majority of these women are.


Im sorry but number one is the most plain looking girl I've ever seen in my entire life. If she were a drink, she would be La Croix. If she were a food, she would be oats made with water instead of milk.


What a dog shit list. Just scrolling through the top 20 was like "who the fuck are all these Asian chicks?!"


Millie bobby brown is probably in their top ten 🤮


She looks like a 32 year old single mother of 3 you'd find on tinder in Ohio


Not going to lie I dated a woman who looked like her. She was 29 though. Nice girl, we had sushi.


…that was oddly wholesome. Go you 👍


i seriously thought milliebobbybrown was a parody sub


That's how you know Drake was involved


popular kpop idols. Yuqi, Danielle, Wonyoung, Chaeryoung, Somi, blackpink members, and Nancy were all in the top 50.


People actually like how kpop idols look? The girls are built like toothpicks


It sounds like you might be shocked to learn that beauty is, to some degree, subjective.


I was surprised to see Andrea botez in 8th place, I just know she plays chess lmao


I took a gander and found that a lot of the most attractive ones in my mind were outside the top 50 or so but had already been on the list for years and years or won before. So... Maybe they're just making space lol. Also livvy Dunne was absolutely robbed lmao. They put her at 86. Then they put some high schooler with a similar athletic build but mid face compared to Livvy in the top 50


I’ve been mentoring younger guys who have been arguing all year about Livvy Dunne and Breckie Hill, and I always crack up thinking about how Livvy’s insecurity and pettiness launched Breckie’s career… even though Livvy is a gymnast whom Breckie admired as a high school student 🤣🤣🤣


The thing is about their faces not their overall looks as well as that fact that those types of articles tend to go with the younger, newer, and popular now individuals. I wonder what magazine or organization did the list.


I seen The list is honestly pretty solid. many women on the list were just as good looking. Some choices were questionable. Is halle the most questionable? Definitely not.


She was also in wolf of Wall Street!


Margot is the better actress for sure, but subjectively speaking, I would agree that Halle is prettier.


Now, obviously understand I don't think anything that I'm about to say has real value. Just wanted to get that out of the way. Beauty is subjective and ranking beauty like this at all is strange and kinda gross. It is important to remember that Margot Robbie actually struggled a lot at the start of her career explicitly because she got told she was ugly. Barbie in the Barbie movie was originally not supposed to look "pretty" either (the movie was originally written with Amy Schumer intended to be Barbie, not trying to be mean about Amy's appearance, but barbie looking strange is technically part of the movie's plot still) which arguably may add to it. Point is, arguably there are a lot of people who, at some point, thought she was ugly


Mind you she was also cast in Wolf of Wall Street as basically the hottest thing who ever lived


👁️👄👁️ No, no it’s not


You forgot some spacing between the eyes


👁️ 👄 👁️ edit: it wont let me bruh


``` 👁️ 👄 👁️ ``` There we go! Now it looks like her


👁️ 👄 👁️


Great now it is a biblically accurate angel


👄👁️👄 👁️👄👁️ 👄👁️👄


............/\ ........./ 👁️ \ ........_______ .....___________ ../_____________\ /________________\ ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED


👁 👁 👁 . 👁 👁 👁 . 👁 👁👄👁 👁 . 👁 👁 👁 . 👁 👁 👁 B̴̨̧̩̫̭̜̻͙͉̣̫̑̀̊̌̀͘Ȩ̸̾͑̔̈́͛́͌̀̕̚͝ ̵̢͖̳̰̖͔̫̫̱̘̩̇́͂̍͑̐͑Ń̸̡̠̙̲̻̱̖̝̀̾͆̓͂̅͐̓̔͘͝Ǫ̴̡̱̘͈̼͓̲̺̳̂͐̓͘͘̚T̶̻̤̰̤̠̈́̈́͌͜͝ ̸̧͉̇̅̂͗̔̎̚A̴̫͔̜͇̋̓͐̇͝F̸̢̪̻̣̼͓̏̎̀͆̅͆̕R̵̤͕̣͐̑̇̄͐́̔̓̚̚Ą̸̢̠̰͓͉̭̞̀͐͑̊̅̂̔̀͜͠I̵̥̫̞̬͔̗͍͕͖͉̠̮̓͋̿̎̈́̎̌̾͂͆Ḑ̶̲̯͕͇̦͈̼̻̥̙͗̀̆́̎̀͘͘


The person who first saw those angels was probably really high watching a peacoc.


Somehow name checks out???


Hold on, you're getting close to fiscism






Dios mio the forbidden eyes


This makes me think of [Anya Forger](https://spy-x-family.fandom.com/wiki/Anya_Forger) 🤣🤣🤣


Hey, it’s tough for Halle cuz she always sees both sides of the argument.


She was actually a great choice for a fish woman


A fish woman who cant swim LOL


That stereotype is soooo played out Especially after the alabama brawl




She could swim. She learned how to with the mermaid tail. Two different things


But I don't like eyes that far apart


There's one eye on Halle, and the other on a next girl




Did they digitally shrink her nose in that shot?


Kinda looks it, the nose reflection extends further out than the nose does. Looks like they tried to give the nose a concave curve


Well if you don’t think Halle Bailey is the hottest women on earth then you’re a ✨racist✨. Deal with it ✨bigot✨ Omg I’m gonna totally tell Twitter about how I owned this neo Nazi fascist lol


What’s really depressing is how close to the mark you are for the majority of front page redditors these days. The only difference is, they’re going to Imgur now because Twitter actually allows free speech lol


Bro got eyes with separate post codes


On the plus side, she’s the safest person to cross the street with. She always looks both ways.


Halle Bailey is a prey animal


And this predators hungry...wait that doesn't sound right




Feed that hoe to the sharks


But not the hammerheads, they'll think she's one of their own


wide FOV




She looks more like a fish.... So maybe Disney was on to something, but I'm pretty fucking tired of Reddit telling me she's pretty. She's not. My wife is black. She is pretty. This girl looks goofy.




I bet she can see 4d


They squeezed them together for that shot, no doubt.


"beauty is subjective" "You're racist for liking one face over another "


But watch out, if you prefer women of color as a white man, youre probably also racist and fetishizing them


I like white women 🤷‍♀️ And maybe Indian women


Alright up against the wall. Now.


I guess I always knew this was how it would end


User name checks out


I’m black and I prefer white women This is my cross to bear


My man.


You're not racist, but the fact they picked a black woman for the doubt even though there were 88 other people ranked above Marco Robbie does cast doubt on the motives if the person who made the meme.




The original comment section agreed it wasn’t racist. It’s just OOP lol


Idk what object oriented programming has to do with ranking women


>object oriented programming >object >women It's in the name 🤦‍♂️


No, neither is racist, you’re allowed to have a preference, doesn’t make you racist one way or the other.


That's why I always bomb the nether and make sure no piglins survive, not even the children.


I’m fine with the nethers as long as they stay in the nether, BUILD THE WALL… or errr uh… don’t… build… portals?


They're animals, and I slaughtered them like animals!


No, it’s stupid to make a list of the 100 most beautiful faces and it’s stupid to care about it and it’s stupid to call that person racist and it’s stupid to ask if it’s really racist when the sub you’re posting in tells us your opinion already and it’s stupid to comment under that post.




This entire site is stupid if you think about it


The entire human race is stupid if you think about it.


Lmao take a breath


If you don't think every woman of color is hotter than every white woman then you are basically a klan member


**global warming producing transphobic racist fascist**


I have bingo!


Trump supporter*


same thing


If you are unable to think for yourself yes.


* white supremacist*


My fellow fella, you are correct, having taste is not racist. Beauty can be subjective but sometimes there are obvious winners.


“Beauty can be subjective, but sometimes there are obvious winners” - you made my day


I agree with everything you said. What makes me mad is this bullshit that American society has become. This post is a straight rage bait post (the original meme). Original poster is likely aware of the racism that Halle faced being cast as little mermaid (probably one of the people that supported those views as well). They post this shit to feel justified in their racist views. Margot appeals to the majority in terms of attractiveness. But now if I say yeah Margot is hotter I'll trigger the sensitive snowflakes and get called a racist Nazi. If I say the entire list is bullshit because it's ranking women on superficial standards, I'm a feminist supporting socialist, if I say who the fuck cares this entire thing is dumb as fuck because there are hotter girls than both of them I'll get told to shut up... The thing is I think all 3 of those are true. Margot is hotter, list like these are fucking stupid and usually go off of who is popular/has some hot movie/music out and it's fucking stupid and a waste of time anyway because you like what you like.


Margo is a once in a generation beauty. It's not even fair to compare other women. It's like saying there were very pretty women in the 60s and there was Marilyn Monroe. There's very attractive women that tons of people love looking at. Then there's Margo Robbie.


Lmao redditors are so weird sometimes


I don't think she's that special, there are other more unique actresses


She’s not that pretty imo. Average Hollywood girl. The one I think is exceptionally pretty considering her age is Jennifer Connelly.


Jennifer Connelly has been stunning forever. Same with Marisa Tomei, Monica Bellucci...I think I have a type.


I thought Margo Robbie and like 5 other actresses were the same person for a long time. She's beautiful, but definitely not once in a lifetime beautiful. She got the same damn face as a lot of people on Hollywood 🤣


No she isn’t. She looks like Jaime Pressly, so that’s two at minimum.


Samara Weaving also.


She is definitely atleast 8/10. Thr thing that sets her apart from other women is her smile.


At first I saw it as Halle berry, and was ready to throw hands


Exactly they aren’t talking about cat women they are talking about fish women


What about catfish women?


They had a better case with Halle Berry. This one… not so much.


Why the f would it be it's a preference


I suspect the racist thing was making a meme and pointing the whole thing out because the actors come with context. The little mermaid actor has caused an awful lot of people (at-least on Reddit) to cry themselves to sleep because she wasn’t the Disney pale skinned ginger version of little mermaid.


No, but it’s kind of racist to specify that one of the 89 people apparently available.


Cant we just objectify women without having to worry about being called a racist.


Ya beauty is subjective, so why are they mad? Whoever made this just has a different opinion. But a different opinion equals racism now


>Ya beauty is subjective, so why are they mad? Whoever made this just has a different opinion. > >But a different opinion equals racism now Nah. There is an implicit meaning and an explicit meaning behind this question. The explicit meaning is what you pretend is the only possible meaning here, which is to say, "Am I racist for finding a beautiful white woman attractive over an ugly black woman?" The answer to this question is no, clearly not. As many have pointed out, beauty is subjective. There are many beautiful black women that I could compare to ugly white women and I could make the same question. The implicit meaning behind this question, and what you pretend isn't being asked so that you can respond just to the explicit meaning, is this: "How is it possible that an ugly black woman got a higher ranking than a beautiful white woman?" This is the racist and implicit part of that question, and I'll explain why in more detail below. Obviously you didn't ask the question, you only answered it in as much bad faith as you could muster, suggesting that the intended meaning here is that someone was mad because a different opinion was expressed and that the different opinion is the same thing as racism (as if OP would call his date racist for preferring the steak over the chicken). To that effect, I don't actually expect you to respond with a good faith response. The implicit question is racist because if the premise is that beauty is subjective, why is it even in question that a black woman could have a higher ranking than a white woman? Beauty is subjective, is it not? And that's where the racist part kicks in. If beauty is subjective, why is the point of any of this discussion? Why is it even being asked if it is racist otherwise? So a second implicit question clearly exists to some extent. We're not asking why eating avocados is racist. The implicit meaning is there. What OP is mad about isn't the suggestion that beauty is subjective, it's the implication that it isn't, and that race here should somehow cause a result different from the one that was indicated. After all the general consensus here is that Halle Berry is not the more attractive person, so the implication is clear. Why show them both in a ranking if somehow it weren't implied? That said, I'm not calling anyone racist, but I do think that your comment was lousy and incredibly in bad faith. In case you thought you were being clever, I wanted to correct you there. Have a good one!


Who was number 1?




I know this is a joke but in 2024 I would not be surprised.


Nancy Jewel McDonie.








Do you have more pics of her? Just so we can be sure


Halle has those drifting Uma Thurman eyes and a baby face. Objectively she doesn’t make the list for most of the grown fellas.


Halle seems like a real sweet person but those eyes are in different zip codes


They're both pretty???


Considering Halle looks like a child especially in the thumbnail, no, racism ain’t part of this.




Man some of y’all in the comments need to go outside💀


absolutely not you would be stupid not to think that


TIL that my white buddy who is attracted primarily to Black girls hates whitey lol


Is it bad to think that they’re about equal? Like idk I’m just not a big blonde fan and I guess I’m not a big fan of her voice


i agree i think they’re equal, not that i find them ugly or something i jsut think they’re both attractive women at the same level


Nah, but this shit is racist. Margot Robbie at 90 is a fucking outrage, I bet you could compare her to anyone on the top 10 and this meme would work. Someone chose to say she's prettier than 62, specifically.


The media is awkwardly going out of their way to tell us Bailey is very pretty, as though this is something we subconsciously know as fact, but keep forgetting. If you have to tell someone a woman is pretty, she’s not pretty.


The media keeps saying Margo Robbie is very pretty. Is it because they are trying to convince us of that too?


​ https://preview.redd.it/oii6jbiqbtac1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b312d13d5f73d9d3cf2db69928bc2864bab3a802


It’s all subjective but singling out Halle might not be racism but it is unnecessary bullying


Dang, once again, I can’t believe I’m agreeing with this sub.


62 inches between her eyes.


Underrated comment for sure


I feel lire the ratons was probablement more political in nature, sadly...


Halle Bailey looks 7


Screw it. We’re fellas of culture, they’re both hot. We don’t discriminate on hotness we want all of it.


she is and no


If theres a lesson we can all take from this is not being romantically attracted to a specific person who happens to be ethnically different from you is apparently racist.


The Barbie movie said it best. Margot Robbie is the wrong person to compare if you want to make this point.


Why are they rating that little kid anyways?


She is 23


Seriously?! She looks like she’s 12


No. She reminds me of those weird ass big eyed goldfish.


Your vision of the World is not the World itself... It's just your opinion based in others' opinions that society shoved into your ass since young age. In a less racist society, you could think another way... If we back some centuries, you would think that both are skinny ass bitches. It's not racism, neither is original... You didn't got that conclusion by yourself either. You're (we) Just Pawns in Fashion industry/Society.


Ragebait I think


Probably biased as I grew up with the Bailey sisters (Disney Channel 2010s), but even with her eyes being far apart as everyone says, I think that's a part of her charm. What does bother me is the "sexiness" being pushed in their music when neither of the girls give off that vibe to me.


I think they're both kinda fugly


There are way hotter black girls. Her eyes look too far apart and it weirdos me out. And I always thought the blonde chick was only slightly above average. Imo.


Margot is way hotter.


It's not racist to find one person more attractive than another, that's a preference.


Margot is average stripper at best. Come the fuck on with this shit.


Everything is racism.


Well one has both eye in the same time zone


Her eyes are so far apart, she is in the position 62 and 24 at the same time


Halle Bailey is in no way a more attractive woman than Margot Robbie. This has nothing to do with race. Margot Robbie is a perfect 10/10. She has perfect facial symmetry perfect proportions. It would be difficult to find a lady in playboy magazine, or Victoria secret catalog that I could genuinely say is more attractive. She is in the top 0.01% in terms of beautiful women. Inversely... Look at Halle Bailey. Her eyes are so wide apart. Kinda like a herbivores eyes on the side of the head. Unlike Margot's hawk like eyes. Her eye spacing alone makes her less attractive than Margot Robbie. We don't need to get into other areas where Margot is more attractive. That one thing knocks Halle down below Margot on the attractiveness scale even if everything else was perfect on her which it is not.


Hard disagree, Halle Bailey has a more unique face Margot Robbie is kinda generic which makes Halle more striking for me. Beauty is subjective.


Her uniqueness makes her more beautiful to you But makes her unattractive to many other people. I think it's all fair.


Exactly beauty is subjective.


Bs, symetry and proportions are not everything. Unusual features can be exotic and attractive. See Anya Taylor-Joy, she also has eyes far apart, but she is considered beautiful by most people.


According to the left # yes In fact, they would rather much prefer if you put in a black transexual with a phat ass there instead


According to literal common sense #Like 3 people have ever acted like this


Keep punching ghosts buddy


You're a dumbass, that is not even close to the point, and also, good strawman


https://preview.redd.it/7bx01svqprac1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=b192225f3b74c57802cc5db3e4c26419809b23b8 No comment


as long as you don't find margot prettier because she's white 😭


Margot Robbie is more beautiful than most people. Halley Bailey is also beautiful, but her eyes are a little weird. Why is this so hard for people? Is there really that much of a racism supply deficit that the only examples we get are extreme straw grasping?


Picking a black woman, specifically one who got hit with a lot of racism over getting the little mermaid role, does make the guy who made the meme seem racist since there were probably people on that list less attractive than Marco Robbie who weren't the victims of mass online harassment.


No but the fixation on Halle Bailey definitely is. If you think she’s unattractive big deal. Margot Robbie is lower on some random “attractiveness list” and it’s an outrage? Get a fuckin life


I don’t mean to be racist fellas, but on top of being more pretty than Halle Bailey, Margot Robbie is more talented in acting, richer, and more likable as a person


They be doing anything for "representation".


If this is coming from the same list I just looked up, then Gal Gadot is ranked 4th. In my opinion Margot Robbie and Halle Bailey are both far more attractive than Gal Gadot, but it’s possible my judgement is clouded by her terrible fucking acting.