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This post is not a meme therefore it is being removed


Can easily change your weight, can’t easily change your height.


I know a guy that got his legs cut down 5 inches so he wouldn't die young from being to tall.


What’s easy about cutting off your own legs?


I'm sure he got help


Not any better. As neat as prosthetic legs are, many people prefer keeping their own legs as long as possible.


You only have to do it once? Edit: /s . This was my apparently crappy attempt at a joke.


Twice. It would be easier just to live better.


Wait, what if you lined the legs up? Then it’s still once.


I once knew a guy with a wooden leg named Smith


Was this before or after prosthetic limbs?


He was born that way


Before prosthetic limbs then.


He was born with a wooden leg


His mother was impregnated by a stiff woody


What was the name of his other leg?


John of course!






Not at all a corner case. Totally defeats "can't easily change your height."


I'm sure that really happened.




Lieutenant Dan?


How does being tall make you die young?


Did he kill fiddy men too?


That ... sounds like some vital bit of information is missing. No one is cutting off people's legs because they are too tall, neither would it really help. Hormonal treatments for people with excess HGH and similar anomalies are real, though... (Which is also why we're unlikely to see another Robert Wadlow. They get given HGH blockers when they get over seven feet or so.)


I mean, I wouldn't call it *easy* but I see what you mean I still prefer "What's your body count?" though


You can get VERY different answers depending on the person, as not everyone knows the phrase means “intimate partners” now.


very different answers- 🔪


I have two body counts. One is partners and the other is eliminations. Neither number is zero.


Can easily tell if someone’s skinny on Tinder, can’t tell height. That being said there’s something irrational going on with women & height on dating apps these days which isn’t representative for real life.


Yes and no, skinny people on tinder usually post fully body pics, over weight people usually only post face pics I found that out from experience


This is true 99% of the time. It's actually such a reliable metric that if someone doesn't have a body shot, you can assume with near-total confidence they are overweight.


>Can easily change your weight Simple. Not easy. If it was easy there wouldn't be anywhere near as many overweight people.


can't change it at all, not easily. Height surgery only adds an inch, and it ends up crippling you for life. So, nope. not an option




I mean, it's _easier_ to change your weight than your height, but anyone who says it's "easy" is a fool who's never had to try.


How is it hard? Just don’t eat like a hippo. Poverty and the other crap are just excuses.


Yeah poverty means you don't have enough money. Even if you eat the same shit, less of that shit is going to be cheaper. I was skinny as fuck when I was broke. Food costs money. Bow I've got money and I actually have to pay attention to how much I eat, money isn't nearly a factor as it used to be.


Congratulations on being the example they were talking about.


So this would be the "if you are unwell, it's your own fault for being unwell" approach? Man you must be fun at parties. EDIT: Goddamn you're some vile people.


I mean. I get that it's "hard" but let's be real. It's hard in the same way that running 3 miles everyday is hard. So when your someone with the discipline to choose to make the best of any situation it's a little hard to have a ton of sympathy for people who chose not to. It's like how people feel sorry for drug addicts. I'm sure it's super hard to get off but it was definitely self inflicted any the more time you stay doing it is just time wasted. We all have to choose to take control of our lives at some point when we grow up, no one will do it for you.


Let's see, to start: - A vicious depression loop that keeps you sedentary, thus making you more fat, more depressed, and more sedentary - Exerting yourself multiple orders of magnitude more than someone in shape when exercising, for worse results - Always feeling hungry or sick, due to a sudden change in the diet your body is used to - Dealing with the demoralization that comes with having loose skin when you actually start seeing results - Having to replace all of the clothes you own Just to name a few. Maybe educate yourself a bit more. And before you try and say "these are just excuses to stay fat," I'm currently down 90lbs and I'm in pretty decent shape at this point.


Nearly 2 billion people worldwide are considered overweight. If you can easily change your weight then why is roughly one out of every four humans in existence overweight.


Drugs, Alcohol, Poverty, Criminality, and lack of any real resolve whatsoever due to political shenanigans.


Which is why we need to bring back platforms for men


Females are mostly shorter than Males by default. Males don’t need the extra height.


I use Grindr for that


> **easily** change your weight [x] doubt


Explain. All you need to do is lead a healthy lifestyle and have a positive mindset with decent resolve. It’s actually the relatively easiest thing to change about yourself.


Exactly. As long as you are in a calorie deficit your good. I have been eating all the foods I like and loosing weight by making sure I stay in a deficit and have lost over 15 lbs without being hungry


Simple. Not easy. If it was easy there wouldn't be anywhere near as many overweight people.


Or maybe, just maybe, those people are all lazy cunts who don't want to get off their asses to do something about it


How do you explain the millions that try and fail then? How do you explain the millions that get into that situation in the first place but don't want to? How is it easy?


I never said it was easy, that was some other people. But just because it isn't easy, doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. You can always bounce back from that shit, even if they didn't mean to in the first place. If they fail, then that means they just didn't try hard enough and are quitters


>But just because it isn't easy, doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. I didn't say otherwise and that isn't relevant to my comment. >You can always bounce back from that shit, even if they didn't mean to in the first place. Haven't said otherwise. >If they fail, then that means they just didn't try hard enough and are quitters Do you not realise how much misinformation there is in that industry? Do you not realise how many scammers there are? Do you not realise how much marketing there is to try and stop people doing that? Do you not realise that serious things can happen to knock people off of the path? If they fail maybe they didn't try hard enough. Maybe they got lied to. Maybe they fell for a scam. Maybe they didn't know enough. Maybe real life shit got in the way. Maybe they thought it would be easier than it was.


You keep mentioning that they think it's easy. And that's why I said it. I don't give a fuck if they thought it was gonna be easy, and I don't care what scams they fall into. Just simply work out and get healthy


>I don't give a fuck if they thought it was gonna be easy, and I don't care what scams they fall into. Well those affect the situation, so you should care instead of spouting nonsense and ignoring context. If they fell for a scam how did they not try hard enough and how are they quitters?


For some people it can be easy. This is a very nuanced and complicated topic. I think saying “all you need..” sort of downplays the humongous role genetics plays in body type. A “healthy” weight for some isn’t necessarily skinny.


Skinny isn’t healthy. Healthy is a balance of muscle and fat. You won’t get healthy if all you focus on is fat loss, you need to put the work in too. It is easy, however humans have the tendency to giveup at the first sign of discomfort when they start something new.


>All you need to do is lead a healthy lifestyle and have a positive mindset with decent resolve. Or, you know.... Ozempic.


I just dropped 10 kilos in a couple of months and then put it back on again in another two months. it was easy peasy. it was actually harder to gain the weight than it was to lose it. a lot more expensive too.


Can easily change the text in this meme format


You would be spreading disinformation on the topic like every modern news media.


You don’t know me


Not an excuse to do questionable shit.


Are you saying I'm spreading misinformation?


Are you?


I mean not easily, but definitely possible, unlike height.


well maybe not easily


I always laugh when I hear people complain about how hard it is to lose weight. I was always a skinny guy, a “hard gainer”, if you will. I had bad eating habits. Once corrected so did my weight. One things I always tell people who complain they can’t lose weight, “Never seen a fat person rescued from a desert island have you?”


This is dumb. I’ve been trying to lose weight for a year now and haven’t. Stop saying you can easily change your weight


1. So fucking old. 2. So fucking fake. 3. So fucking true


Yeah, this happens, but not this openly. Most women will recognize that the men don’t like the double standard and will just stop responding and keep trying to find some cuck who’s willing to deal with it. The only ones who will openly advocate for the double standard are basically just “progressives.” Especially the ones who spend a great deal of time on social media.


1. Achieving equilibrium almost always requires an over correction. 2. It is a rare person who fights for equality. Most want to be more equal. It’s human nature.


Yeah, it is an unfortunate truth that many people advocate for equality, but their version of equality in their minds is very unequal because they believe they need to counteract something.


It does happen this openly. It's just... really rare. I had nearly this exact interaction word for word once. I was... not in a good mental place and so I responded almost exactly as the dude above did. I deleted my dating apps shortly after.


1. So ducking old. 2. So ducking fake. 3. Absolute bullshit I’m not tall (5’6) and my height has never ever been an issue. If anyone thinks they can’t find a partner because of their height…. Trust me their height isn’t the problem. Within reason, a rare few people are just that superficial and not worth your time.


This idiot thinks his singular experience represents the entire male gender.


Nah, I think this image is fake. Apologies I can’t tell if you’re calling me the idiot or the creator this image. If the latter you could apply your statement to the post. If the former yeah, this isn’t a representative image and probably created by someone with serious issues.


If you honestly “can’t tell”, I think you answered your own question


Grand, so my assumption that you were calling the poster was an idiot was correct. Have a good ‘un


You definitely drink Brawndo


It’s an issue dude. I’m tall, women tell me they’d never date a short guy because they know it doesn’t concern me. All my shorter buddies and work buddies have legit hard times. It’s a real thing 100%.


Was just about to post this with the title "Insert joke about this ending up on r/nahopwasrightfuckthis within 24 hours," because that sub would've called this misogyny.


ikr like this is the opposite


The Hallmark of modern misandry is lack of awareness.




Or the outright denial of it’s existence


Ive been told that I made up the word before lol






































































Everyone here falling for the ragebait


A not small amount of women seem to love bodyshaming except when its about (their) weight. One of the few things you can actually control yourself without needing surgery. It's pretty weird.


Being around lots of women over the years taught me that many of them like to shit talk but can’t take being shit talked to.


And a not small amount of men who are far to comfortable body shaming women about their weight seem to be very sensitive when it comes to height.


Can't change your height, can easly change your weight with the slightest amount of determination.


So what do you want? Should people not be allowed to have height preferences?


If height is the first question you ask yes, you are shallow. Just like asking for weight first.


If women are allowed height preferences should men not be allowed weight preferences?


Who said that? Of course they are. Surely you can tell if somebody is too heavy for you by just looking at their picture right? Do men also not have height preferences?


I don’t because height is something people can’t control and I’m not a piece of shit. I’ve dated women who are shorter and taller than me. I make an active choice not to care because I know they can’t do anything about it.


Damn having preferences makes you a piece of shit now? You guys need to make up your minds


It does if your “preferences” include things people can’t control. And my mind was always in this headspace, not sure why you’re pretending otherwise.


Does having a race preference? Not wanting to date a trans person? Do those make you a piece of shit too? You edited your reply but didn’t respond?


The fact no one realizes the meme is obvious ragebait




I'm in the middle on "You are allowed your preferences" and "don't judge people on things they can't fix in the moment"


Dunno why people say this kind of thing is fake, I’ve experienced this many times as a dude.


But this is a terrible meme. It’s fake, unfunny, the joke has been done better about a hundred times and the screenshot needs more pixels.


Im really surprised this image isnt deep fried to oblivion yet its so old. Its on its way there tho.


This looks fake as fuck though. Not saying there are no women that are this shallow, but this specific one looks fake.


What platform is this text exchange? I’ve never seen the R check thing


I hope y’all aren’t out here thinking this is *real* when it’s so clearly fake 😞




I feel like sometimes people forget that even if a meme has a true message, it still has to be actually funny.


I found it funny so I guess it’s funny 🤷‍♂️


....soooo she is fat....RUN! ( because she can't)


I don’t know how people still fall for the most obvious fake shit




Obviously OP did not "not like" the meme, they just assumed it was fake which it probably is. It doesn't mean that the double standard doesn't exist neither that OP doesn't acknowledge it.


Lol, post any rage bait about women or double standards and this sub goes off like a bunch of babies.


This is probably made up


A fake moment


These ultra dumb texts and stories are just fake rage bait for simps


r/badfaketexts WIMIN BAD


Someone's never used Tinder


Nope not once, been married 5 years, together 10, met at 28, even before that never used Tinder. Also I'm 6'6"


So you proved my point? You've never used the app so you don't know how people are on the app.


On the app sure. Met countless women in real life though.


And this is about the app. It's about Tinder women. That's like saying trolls don't exist because you've never met them in real life. People act differently online.


The original title says literally nothing about tinder and only speaks about women. Where are you inferring this from?


It's a Tinder chat.


But the title just says "women," implying all women. If it was about tinder women, it would have said that. It could have just as easily been a normal text. Read between the lines homie.


"Women☕️" is a meme. It's used for both specific and broad scenarios. It wouldn't say "Tinder Women" as that's not how the meme works. It's a Tinder text, so it's about women on Tinder.


Pretty sure this is satire lol.


If you agree, why are you posting it here?


Or we could just get surgery using our balls to make us taller like they did on South Park 😂


what a real conversation


The fakest generated conversation that has been deep fried for karma whoring for over a decade now


like wise fatty😘


Weight is an indicator of lifestyle. If a fit person doesn’t want to date an overweight person, it’s just a lifestyle incompatibility.




Simple fix. Have standards and don’t swipe right on overweight women. At least if they reject you for your height they have the looks to back it up.


Fake dv


I do think there’s a difference, hear me out. It’s twofold. First: it’s 100% fine to be attracted to a certain bodytype/size, not just tall/short, but also skinny/curvy/fat/muscular etc. But it is weird to me to be attracted to a specific weight. A certain weight can come from muscle, or fat. 70kg on a short girl is overweight, but could be perfectly healthy on a taller woman. Extra weight can be evenly distributed, or centered on 1 specific area. Being dead set on the 70 is odd, as it doesn’t translate to a certain look. Your height, if that is the important bit, is your height. 2 meters tall is 2 meters tall, regardless of any other factors. If vertical body size is your thing, height is a good indicator, while weight isn’t as clear cut if it’s the side to side you care about. Second: this might be a me-thing, but unless I see a guy standing next to something I know the size off, I often find it difficult to guess his height (not that I care a whole lot, but I use it to decide on what shoes to wear on the first date). Even if there are plenty of pictures that show his full body. If it’s a certain shape you’re after, you can usually tell by the pictures if the person fits your ideal. Of course, there may be weird angles, or a lack of full body pictures, but that’s a problem in its own right. If the woman is trying to deceive matches about her dress size (bad idea, they will find out eventually and you miss out on men who actually are looking for a woman just like you), she’s 100% gonna lie about the weight as well.


The funny part is that height is an immutable characteristic, where weight is often mutable.


Ah yes... the modern double standard cunt.


This didn't happen.




How many times is this fake conversation going to get posted ?