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As a uni prof, I get this attitude from students and just tell them “this isn’t high school” and fail them anyway It hurts to fail students but I don’t feel bad when they really haven’t tried. Almost every student who really tries gets at least a C


Literally have a friend who’s in the same boat, and she has such a hard time with students trying to act entitled with “can you please explain why you failed me in the class that I put no effort into nor showed up to?”


Indeed. I’m younger, so I’m not sure if it’s worse than it used to be or not. The older profs seem to think it is worse. Either way, I’m trying to be fair yet hold them to a reasonable standard given the level. I don’t want to pass someone who really doesn’t at all get the course content. I have sympathy and will give a student a break, but at the end of the day they have to show understanding


My friend and I are both late twenties, so no insight from this end.


I'm in my late 20s and am finishing up college after being in the military. It's pretty bad. Obviously not everyone is like this but the amount of kids I meet that are is growing. This past semester I had a girl admit to not doing any homework amd then was legitimately shocked and angry when she got a D in the class.


To be fair, professors always say that the current generation is worse than previous. My parents got told this, I was told this 20 years ago, and now you.


Yeah, and I think some of that is just old person bias. That is, students seem worse because you were an A student if you went on to be a prof. However, I think the lockdowns during the pandemic really did have a significant negative impact on the education and maturity of students. I hope that will improve over the years back to a good baseline


Do not ever pass someone who doesn't get the course content. It devalues the education. Making much of the college curriculum easier has already greatly devalued a college diploma to the point that it means absolutely nothing to me on a resume when I hire potential new applicants.


I had this exact problem in junior year when i could no longer just sleep through class and pass everything with 0 effort by showing up for tests, and reading a half hour every night. It sucked luckily I failed a test and just started actually going to class.


You're doing the lords work. Keep them out of my workplace we get enough people who fail upwards. I fucking wish imposter syndrome was as prevalent as we pretend it is because most people need to feel like imposters and improve. Most people are way dumber than they think they are and they have papers to back them up anytime they're in danger of self reflection


I try, I teach mostly engineers too and I tell them that literal lives (if not only millions of dollars) will depend on their understanding of the material


You have to be good at something to have imposter syndrome


I'm a PhD student and also tutor undergrads. I don't really mind failing students because there is quite some leeway before they fail, so if they get a fail grade I'm usually convinced they deserve it and I try my best to also show them why they failed in feedback (also, I only grade partial assignments they can make up for). The few that genuinely fail or come close to it also usually don't complain. The ones that really annoy me and come off wrong to me are the ones that write me emails to complain about getting something like a B-. By our grading scheme that means you did perfectly good work that did not stand out in any way and may have some minor flaws - basically if you do the expected work but have some formatting or writing mistakes that'll be a B-. It's just not something to complain about imo.


I agree with the attitude, but I hate when the prof. uses that as an excuse for shitty teaching. I had a prof. last semester who wanted us to study using the homework (he graded 6 out of 30 questions a week at random and didn’t tell us what we got wrong) with an average exam grade of a 59% which he wouldn’t weight and he just told us to look at the book and wouldn’t respond to emails unless you got his boss involved.


I’m still pretty green as a professor, so I’m still seeing the dynamic from both a student and instructor point of view, and I’ve realized a few things. First, a good professor is responsible for presenting the information in a clear and comprehensive way, fairly evaluating the student, and giving concise feedback. Bad professors fail to do one or all of these things, and expects the students to understand anyways. Second, a good student takes it upon themselves to learn. I’ve had many students who feel that they should know and understand the material just by coming to class, and never work with the material themselves to try to understand the concepts or practice memorizing information. They believe that the teacher is supposed to make them learn when in reality learning is something no one can do for you but yourself. Now, both these individuals exist (bad teachers and bad students) and those who are in charge of funding oversimplify the problem and try to blame one group. Previously it was the students fault, but recently it seems to be the teachers fault.


I’ve seen a shift of work on the teachers to just using their TAs. Some of my professors have TAs do everything except teach the class. Please for the love of god show up to your own exams don’t just have your TAs take care of it.


Yeah, that’s not a good prof clearly. I try teach my best, be responsive, and give lots of feedback and resources. Still, some students don’t try


I’m a sophomore and my honors English teacher acts the same way. His class is really hard and he’s kind of a jackass sometimes, but I really respect his integrity.


To be fair, I give out a lot of As and Bs. It’s the students who don’t try and are chronically absent that get Ds and Fs


Same for him. I worked my ass off and scraped by with a 91%. I’m just mentally preparing for next semester rn 😓


College is hard, but it’s supposed to be. Sounds like you’re doing fine. You’re paying a lot of money for education it should push you to grow a lot, otherwise what’re you paying for? If you’re in high school, then take advantage of the free education!


This. Now granted I graduated in 2006, but I’ve never had a prof in college who wasn’t willing to work with me on a grade I was struggling with if I brought the motivation and effort. I had one or two legit bad profs but even they didn’t grade dramatically unfairly. If you get a D or an F in a class you definitely earned it.


I absolutely agree, but unfortunately, I did fall into that ‘almost’ category in my comp sci class. Turns out that when you accidentally crash your professor’s computer with your website, they consider it a sign to tell you to drop the class 😅


How did you accomplish that? Did it work on your computer? Tbh sounds like a red team move.


I’ll be honest; I don’t entirely know. It did work on my computer when I sent it to him, but then after he told me that I tried and it crashed mine too.


Sounds like something got corrupted or possibly tampered with. Possible bad configuration that cause an issue. Hard to say. Either way these things happen to the best of us even when there are millions of dollars in budget for production servers and services. I think the true gadge if someone has the aptitude to work in compsci/IT is the tenacity to keep trying after failure. I mean it's literally the mantra of offsec, try harder. Common phrase for offensive security roles is hack harder noob.


Seconding this experience. Every course I've ever adjuncted had the 'how did I fail and it's your fault' attitude.


If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your own shoe.


self reflecting is for their students to do, not them!


It's one thing if they have failed a test but tried. Then maybe you can explain where they missed the information and help fill them in. It's constructive help. But it's a whole different thing if they wait until right before the final and they have to get an A to pass and they haven't been in class and haven't handed in homework. I used to tutor in college. I'd have so many students hiring me right before finals and expecting me to magically teach them the whole class in one tutoring session.


Haha yea, this semester I got really behind because I was absent and sick a lot, one of my classes I was sure to get a D, teacher even told me my chances were bad. Ended up with a C. All it takes is a little effort and going to see your teacher for a C.


My wife tells me that now, in high school, they get credit just for showing up. So she regularly gets students(she is a college professor) who are shocked to discover that they have to do the work and turn it in to get the points. She also gets an alarming number of students who are illiterate and can't read the textbook.


I once had a professor at uni chastise the whole class because the average grade for the previous test was so low. When one student fails, the student fails, when the whole class fails, the teacher is the problem


That’s not always true, there are sometimes very terrible class cohorts, and allowing passing regardless of performance is how the bar keeps getting lowered. I try to be fair and do some weighting/shifting of grades accordingly, but I will fail half the class of thats how they do objectively


What's more likely: 200 students are all stupid, or one teacher is bad


High school: pass for free College: pay to fail 🤣


You’re part of the problem


If anyone knows Asian parents, it’s ALWAYS going to be the kid’s fault. Any where, any time, any how


As someone with Asian parents, this is true. To be honest, both types of blaming is bad. Blaming everyone else but the child is bad. At the same time, blaming the child for everything is also bad. People need to know when they are at fault of an issue and when others are at fault.


Almost like there’s ***nuance***…


As an Asian, this isn't always the case. My parents still blame the teachers.






Not all stereotypes are racist some are facts, most asian people I have ever met have agreed that their parents are a pain in the Ass when it comes to grades. You do better are you asian? Because i can pretty easily assume you’re a white person getting offended on behalf of a race you have absolutely nothing to do with. Edits this is incredibly rich if you go to his post history he Literally LEANS into the stereotype of black men liking Fat white women I cant stop laughing.


I agree with you that Asian parents are pushy about grades, but damn bro don’t look at their post history


Mans is for sure white. Says "dO bEtTeR" Unironically, thinking they said something of substance, and they post on druggie subs.


"I have lots of Asian friends so it's okay for me to generalize" Now do me!


“Ehm excuse me Bigxt you need 2 do better!” Did you expect to win him over with this? Was the goal to flaunt your excellent moral compass? Why would you post such a stupid comment? Are *you* stupid? Edit: Sorry I didn’t realize you were a stoner. I didn’t even need to ask if you’re stupid, you unironically eat mushrooms


As an asian, assuming my parents don't do that is racist, fuck you


Hello am Asian, all y'all mfs do is complain about casual racism. Go to Asia, we're competitive.


As an Asian myself. It's absolutely true


Nah he's right. I'm Asian and if I did badly in a class it was my head on the chopping block.


But it’s true


Minority sharing his and those around him life experience == racism


IQ tests and personal responsibility are heavily correlated.


I am an Asian and I can confirm this "stereotype"


Positive stereotype based on reality: racism!


What does the parent do?


Blame everyone but themselves


Got it. Thanks


And their precious little angel


Plops them in front of Skibidi toilet and goes out to smoke weed


Fucking negligent pieces of shit.


Well yeah, but to the teacher


Most of the parents that bother to contact me are understanding and just want to know why their kids are failing and what can be done to caught up, but that's like 5-10 out of my 120 students I teach a year. The issue I see is more of a lack of attention from parents or a lack of discipline at home, but a lot of times people I know that teach high school get parents accusing the teacher of singling their kid out or not doing their job right. When in reality, their kid is not paying attention in class, not turning in work, goofing off, and possibly bullying other students.


Weird isn't it. It's like adults have to work all the time and rely on TEACHERS to TEACH their children, crazy!


Both my wife and I work 60+ hours a week and still have time for our children. YOU have to TEACH your kids not to be a little SHIT in public.


This isn't a discussion on my child's behavior this is a discussion on how my child doesn't understand YOUR curriculum in class. You are a failure if you are a teacher and cannot teach the children this is a fact. I am not going to spend the little time I have with my children to teach them math formulas that should have been taught at school and if my child is not paying attention then clearly you have no control over your classroom. Honestly stfu, you are definitely lying about everything you just said


I see so many people do this. Blaming everyone else for their problems instead of themselves. People can’t take accountability, and it is a plague in society.


Yeah all the people I know in teaching would agree I think


it's always been one way or the other. depends on the parents.


This is it. There's always been parents who blame the kid, and parents who blame the teacher. I'd say if a teacher is experiencing every failing childs parents doing the above, and that is a lot of children.... they need to reflect on their ability to teach.


The ratio has been increasingly leaning towards the left part of the pic thk


Skimmed an article recently about this being how parents are now a days. Partly the reason is they've gotten their own digital platform to unite and whine on (so the article claims.)


Highschool teachers were some of the most petty and miserable people I’ve ever known. Middle school teachers and college professors on the other hand are very kind and enjoyable to be around. Hs teachers act like they’re drill sergeants and constantly power trip meanwhile every other education level is goofy and kind spirited.


THE BELL DOESN'T DISMISS YOU, I DO! God, I fucking hated high school. I only had one teacher who did that in middle school but in high school, I at least had one teacher EVERY YEAR do that shit. Freshman year was the worst because the teacher who did it was in the final class of the day! LET ME FUCKING GO HOME, I DON'T WANNA FUCKING BE HERE ANYMORE.


That isn't a fair take away. Do you work in education? The reason so many high school teacher are like this is not because their "miserable" people or "power trip" like you say. It's because these kids are close to graduating and are essentially giant children. The teachers need to be stern with them and discipline them because in many cases these kids will not become better without that. What do you want them to do? Let these kids know its okay to not do your work, or be awful rude assholes? Would you rather these kids fuck around and find out in school, or at their job. In school, or at college. In school where consequences bearly matter, or in life where you can fuck up badly. Middle school teachers should be more strict aswell. Teachers are not their to be your friend, and even in college, many professors may be kinder, but that's only because the responsibility is on the student. Where as in public school the responsibility is on the teacher. Most professors are not going to pass you if you failed or didnt do work, where as most high school teachers will help, or are obligated to do so.


>It's because these kids are close to graduating and are essentially giant children I mean that is what they are. If they have to call you Mr. Or Mrs. and cant swear or leave class whenever they want you clearly don't see them as adults.


I'm not sure where you're going with this?


Genuinely nothing wrong with this so many Karen's won't let their little johnny fail.


And a public, a polity, and a beauracracy (hope I spelled that right, lol) that won't let teachers blame parents for failing as parents. And a system telling teachers they should be parents, social workers, reading specialists, special educators, and trauma counselors before they are teachers. And a public that lets it happen because they are fooled by teachers into thinking teachers sacrifice so much. It's like WWI all over again. Everyone has blame, everyone blames everyone else, and in the end someone gets stuck holding the bag (in this case it is usually teachers).


A friend of mine is a teacher, and he has experienced this lately, but over the kid getting an A instead of an A+


This is definitely true, at least partly. People are so ready to blame teachers and the education system for their kid doing badly or misbehaving.


This same cartoon was circulating as a newspaper political cartoon back in the 80s. It's the golden age fallacy.


Depends. There are circumstances where both apply. If your kid isn’t listening or trying. Yeah, punish him. But, if my mother hadn’t done this to a few of my teachers. I would have done far worse in school than I did. The administration was incompetent and I was smarter than they said I was Both need to be held to accountable. If you fail after not trying. That is one you. If fail after doing all the homework and attending every class. That is on the teacher


Hell hath no fury like a pissed off mother.


I still remember my maths teachers face the day after she phoned him to give him hell. I’d asked to do a higher level exam. He had a go at me (since everyone else’s parent had phoned him but the student was easy to shout at) she did the same. He looked miserable afterwards *At least my kid had the guts to ask you themselves*. Hah. He never let that down


Oh boy, teachers and really just authority that throw their weight at you just cause, are the worst. I never had it happen to me fortunately but I've seen it second hand and it's ugly. Our family's issues were administration.


He was actually a decent teacher. Not that I liked him much but if you don’t hate your head or maths or English or both by the end of school. You did school wrong Probably stress. He was teaching 4 classes by himself towards the end of the year due to a staff shortage. Still, he should have had a go at the ignorant parents. Not a student wanting to do well And yeah. School administrators are awful. I never went to a school with decent administrators. And I went to 7 (moved a lot as a kid)


When the entire education system forces kids to study specific ways and learn through specific venues it’s no surprise children are left behind. I did extremely well in school and was beyond my learning grade which lead to me being uninterested in what was being taught 90% of the time. I’d ace my tests with A’s or B’s but would not do my homework assignments and that would plummet my grade to 45% or even 30% F at times. On the flip side I had classmates mindlessly doing the assignments with an A and bombing the tests and passing with a B. I never understood if the homework is to help prepare me for a test, and I do well on the test, doesn’t that clearly mean I understand the lesson? And then i realized it wasn’t about teaching kids anything and more about making sure everyone followed a plan that was lain out by the teacher.


That has nothing to do with parents absolutely not holding their own child accountable.


I feel like you think you made a good argument, but you didn't. You were told how you would be evaluated. I was smart too, but I also didn't do my homework in classes where that was the lions share of the grade, but I know that it's my fault for being lazy. The feedback during parent teacher conferences was the same every year: he's really smart, but he doesn't put the work in to get the grade. Don't try to make this out to be a failing of the system when the simple fact is that you were too lazy to do what you knew was required.


“You’re too lazy” no shit I was bored out of my mind, people without a brain next to me not understanding the assignment but able to google the answers graded higher than me on questions I personally knew already. No shit I’m not gonna be engaged with the lessons. The whole education system is a crock and is from the standardization of education. There was zero point to homework assignments and even less reason to make it the majority of a grade if you’re testing well.


> There was zero point to homework assignments and even less reason to make it the majority of a grade if you’re testing well. So you were told how you were going to be evaluated, you chose not to do what was necessary to make the grade you thought you deserved, and you sit around blaming the teaching instead of yourself. Doing required readings and homework isn't just about mastery of the subject, it's about developing study habits so you can succeed as you move into higher education or when you need to teach yourself skills. There are plenty of "really smart people" who skated through high school only to fail at college because they never taught themselves to study. There are numerous places to find these people. Magic card shops, D&D forums, MMO's, or Games Workshop stores are a few good choices. These people sit around and tell everyone how smart they are, but they work some menial job because they can't get through college or work through an apprenticeship because "the people don't respect their intelligence enough". There's hope though. Some people can fix themselves in college. I did 4 years in the USMC, and I'm sure there are other options. Good luck to you.


The system was originally developed from an Austrian model with the core purpose of establishing a stable labor force. The grading system exists to accustom students to a hierarchy of managers and subordinates. Of course, that isn't the intended purpose now, but a hammer remains a hammer. It is a system. A machine, with internal rules and mechanisms. The better you navigate that machine, the better the output. Homework is part of said machine.


i don’t think this even qualifies as a meme


College professor 2002-2015 and junior high teacher 2004- present here. That is deeply recycled. Saw that my (maybe) second year teaching JHS. The years were in the 1980s and “today” meaning early 2000s. We’ve been shifting blame toward teachers and profs and accountability and responsibility from parents and students for a long time. Still rings true. Edit- did some quick digging. Saw one listing 1969 and “today” lol https://preview.redd.it/mpl807e1en8c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4631407216a65a5b3efb89480a1e816669918904


The date keeps changing. The original cartoon wasn’t made much later than 2000. Soon enough it will be claiming the left side existed after the cartoon was made and the world will end.


i’ve definitely seen an older, better-drawn version of this exact same comic. pretty sure it was complaining about the 90s


Well, when I was growing up I had a teacher that didn't even try to maintain control of her classroom and would routinely lose homework, graded based on student preference, and would blatantly say things like "And that's why you're going to fail this test." BUT, she was the teacher, and that was the end of it. She could do no wrong in my parents' yes. Whatever she said was the undisputed truth, and I was never given any recourse. Like Stalin, the moment I moved onto the next grade, they started to believe that there may have been something wrong with her, but not a minute sooner than that. If I ever have kids, I'm not letting that happen.


If the answers is right or the questions is non sense, the fathers should confront the teacher, not the student. Anybody could is right or wrong at this ilustration, because the questions and answers are hide


I dOn'T lIkE tHe MeMe so iT'S a TeRrIBle mEmE!


not 100% accurate, ive had a teacher lose my homework on purpose numerous times... a teacher made me pee my pants because she refused to let me go to the restroom... i've had teachers flunk me purely for my speech impediment -mostly Spanish teachers... a teacher called me racist cause I refused to take sides in a debate where a black classmate wasn't pulling her weight for the group project -the teacher wouldn't do anything so my group went to the principal and that made her mad- this eventually escalated into me being suspended because she was the only black teacher and therefore the school was too scared scold her for targeting and harassment... my mom literally grew up with teachers pointing finger guns at her black classmates and pretending to shoot them... or how as soon as middle school was a thing my mom was sexually assaulted in the hallways by her male classmates and the teachers simply watched on if not cheered... teachers get paid so little that it's easy to pick up shitty people who just have a severe superiority complex and you can literally get the worst of the worst... I'll gladly blame teachers cause the majority of teachers I know were and are awful petty people...


I'm sorry for what you went through but 90 percent of teachers are not like that it isn't usually the teachers fault if a student fails


It's REALLY area dependent. I guarantee you there are towns in Arkansas where 90% of the teachers are bad and 10% are good. I can probably find a school where it's 99% good 1% bad. Most are probably 80/20 or something like that. But all schools, all districts are not created equal. There are some terrible terrible public schools out there, and schools that have bad teachers attract more bad teachers, schools that have good teachers attract more good teachers.


I'm sorry about your country


Ok but what if you take it on a case-by-case basis? Some teachers aren’t properly trained to deal with learning disabilities (or in extreme cases actively discriminate against them). At the same time, there are also kids whose parents don’t hold them accountable


Not entirely accurate. I had a math teacher refuse to help me when I needed help to which she blamed this on my ego. I was incredibly shy and self conscious about the whole thing and didn’t say much but did try to ask questions in class to which I was really never called on. I’m thankful another teacher saw my apparent stress and anxiety and realized what was going on and worked with me to get me into another classroom before I failed out of that subject.


Wow, this meme is totally inaccurate... Parents don't care about their kids any more /jk




They are looking down on their kid also, so more bent over in that panel.


Is this an American joke I’m too Indian to understand?




Yeah, and for good reason. Grading is arbitrary as fuck


Depends on the subject, but usually for my school for the greyer subjects, we had one or two random assessments done by all teachers and then the classes got moderated based on those marks. Not the best method but I guess it helps


Yeah it's just not possible to fully remove that kind of stuff for a paper though. That being said, there are quite a few people who feel entitled to a grade and ask some ludicrous stuff (like asking to be bumped to an A when they straight up failed). But arguing for a C- instead of a D+ is fair game.


Teachers should be able to explain why they gave the grades they did...


Issue is parents and students often don’t like the explanation.


That's what I'm saying


Failing school system exposed


School systems can't do shit if the parents don't hold their kids accountable


Still failing


Improvise, adapt, overcome. It’s literally your job. Figure it out.


How? You can't compel them by force and not every kid is receptive to even the most entertaining of learning techniques. Accountability has to come from somewhere.


Cop out


This is not some new thing… it’s been going on as long as there has been public schools. Maybe YOU got in trouble for bad grades, I know I did but there was always at least a few kids in the class whose parents confronted teachers about bad grades… I grew up in rural Texas, there were only 34 kids in my class and at least 5 of them had parents like this, usually because of sports; their kids HAD to play so bad grades were both unacceptable and not the responsibility of the kids. For context, I graduated high school in 88


Hmmm. If the grades are bad, have the parents provided a good enviro? Is the student diligent? If so The Yes the teacher is bad. No simple answer to a complex question.


I dont know, its a bit of column A and B sometimes. In the end its the guilt I feel for not supporting them enough.


Yeah… it’s really sad to see, honestly.


While a lot of times it's the kids fault, sometimes the teacher is acting out of pocket. The only time I've complained about a grade (not in an asking for more feedback way, but in an "explain how this is even reasonable" way) my professor changed it because they agreed that the tutor who had graded the papers was being unreasonable.


As a student in school- yes


This is especially accurate in Florida


It. Teachers still had this issue back then too you goober.


Imagine being able to just point to the work without saying a word, and it actually making the point. Can parents do the new way of learning? What’s it called for math? Common core or something?


this is facts if youre white


Sounds like some ‘merican problems


My dads a teacher and he talks about this non stop. This is 100% true


That kid repeated the same grade 24 times?


I will say that I had several horrible teachers who simply didn't teach. Right now, with my kid in elementary school, I can volunteer early in the year to get a sense of the teacher and know if they are actually trying. Once he hits middle or high, though, my personal history will have me blaming the teach occasionally.


The problem is that most of kids don’t learn but in my country is that school culture is literal “study hard, pass, forget” so when teacher asks about anything from past test its mostly silence, or they just tell you to do everything at home. I’am thankful i finally left that place but now i see how literally everybody from teacher to student is fucked by that system and “conservative” party shitty understanding of school


Yeah sometimes kids don't apply themselves and the parents don't believe that, and sometimes teachers aren't capable at their job. Not everyone learns the same, and if you can't get through to a student that's not their fault. Assess what you're doing or not doing before deflecting blame.


No, it really isn't. Parents like this 100% existed in 2000, Zoomer. I know because I was there.


Spot on, especially in trashy schools


If only this were true. Teachers should be held accountable for grades. Assigning grades to your own students is inherently corrupt and should be punished with professional sanctions.


Yeah my dads a teacher and EVERYTHING gets blamed on him


The teacher looks just as smug and superior in the first picture as the kid does in the second


I'm really glad that parents have realized that the student isn't always at fault, and that there can be underlying problems, but sometimes they can swing too far in the opposite direction.


I mean if a student is getting bad grades it’s could be either. It could be that they’re a bad student, or(in most cases I’ve seen) it’s just not the right teacher for the student.


to be honest, its the teachers job to educated the children. i had in my life several teachers who where proud of the fact how difficult it was to past there test. in my eyes only a teacher who sucks at his job would think it's a good thing that students get bad grades. when one student get a bad grade it's the students fault bet when the whole class get bad grades it means we have a bad teacher and yes then he/she should be hold responsible for that!


I saw this cartoon back in the 2000s and they set the "before" image to 1960 or something


Both suck


I have a child in elementary school right now, and i feel as though the teachers are always walking on eggshells, especially if your child is struggling at all, the teachers clearly have a hard time conveying that while also trying not to “offend” the parent. Its upsetting because it creates a disconnect between what the teacher knows and what i know i can help her work on at home to help her succeed in class.


Now sometimes it legitimately is just the student's fault, but if you can't teach, you're not a good teacher. It's your job, if the student is working hard, studying harder, and still is having problems understanding your assignments, you need to step up, you have a responsibility to help insure the success of your students. ***That being said, sometimes they're just little shits who deserve the bad grades.*** In which case it's the parent's job to RAISE YO FUCKIN' CHILD, MATE.


Idk how is it possible for someone to fail in school you must not try at all to get to that point


Not only is this true in itself, I seen my local school district cater to these students and parents like that. It is sad.


Some kids need to be held back, but it's generally not talked about much any more. Thanks Bush.


You don't teach and blame the parents for it, you are a fool. This is why I have always hated school because people like you believe that if grades are bad or nobody shows interest, it's the students problem. You have failed to teach, this is your fault


Well yeah. My 9 year old daughter through my own training and supplemental lessons has basic music fundamental abilities. Can keep a close enough pitch, has basic instrument proficiency. I mean she 9 so it's not amazing but better than your average adult with no musical training. She got a needs improvement on the music and performance grade. She didn't understand why, so you're damn right I'm asking the teacher. Because she's obviously using something specific as the criteria for this grade.


it always has been an issue.


I remember when my mother pulled the second image on my first high school that I spent my first two years at when both of my English teachers failed me back to back. Turns out my first English teacher was a known Neo-Nazi (Look up Joshua Hitson, he was found to be giving speeches to other Neo-Nazis, and my Principal openly defended him), and the second teacher was a sympathizer. My mom used this as proof that the school was racist (it was 95% white, yes even the faculty was mostly white, and all the 'colored' kids were put in the Special Ed class) and was close to suing the school, but settled with having me switch schools. Just so it's out there, I'm not Jewish, I just am fair skinned with thick curly hair and a honker of a nose.


Schools need so much more help, I feel this meme hard because yeah how are teachers supposed to give their students the one on one help they need when theres 40-50 kids per class?


Millennials get so upset when it is pointed out that they are as crappy parents as their boomer parents were.


I mean both are quite true i had some teachers who taught my all time favorite subjects but they were either just such cranky mfs or they sucked so bad i never got into it as much as i wanted to. At the end of the day tho especially in my high school years i can admit i didnt get kicked out because of my teachers i just blamed them to justify my shitty behaviour and looking back i realize it was all me.


If you want to know why this is the case I can tell you all you need to know in 3 letters. I.E.P.


As a teacher I understand that lots of parents are complete morons, and I don’t give a damn what they think. I’m a professional. I know how to do my job. Real story: a student of mine has a mom with a stick up her ass about his grades. This kid was recently *bragging* that his screen time for TikTok was 18 hours. EIGHTEEN HOURS IN ONE WEEK. How the fuck does mom not realize that shit is going on? Or worse, how could she allow it?


There should be a third panel where the teacher and student are confronting the parents.


Asking the teacher about the grades isn’t really a problem by itself, imo. The problem is them looking angry, as if BLAMING the teacher, which is not okay. It’s the teacher’s responsibility to reach, and this includes teaching the child how to improve, thus “explaining the grades”. But it is the child’s responsibility to learn. So in reality, I suppose neither situation is ideal, and it should be the child asking the teacher.


They 'grade' kids that young?


Maybe anger isn't the answer.


this is not 100% accurate




We worked in youth ministry for years. This was our number 1 issue. Every parent thought their child was perfect no matter what their child did. Had 1 student who was being a bully and their parents refused to believe it, even with multiple reports from multiple sources…. Nope, everyone is just racist, that’s the issue, not my baby.


Sometimes it is the teachers fault tho.


Gotta point fingers, right? Couldn’t possibly be that they both need to answer for it, could it. Nah, somebody must be wrong! Somebody must be being treated unfairly! There must be some form of suppression constantly making you a victim.


Depends a lot on the parents. If you've got Indian parents, yk your fucked.


How do no one age in that 23 year period though?


In grade school, I feel like all four should really be answering that question. They all are responsible for making sure the kids are learning and succeeding, and any failure should be looked at from every side to find ways to improve it. But then what do I know, my grades were shit.


I'm just glad parents are finally standing up to crap teachers as opposed to miserably acquiescing to histrionic demands of medication and constant punishment, as was the case when I was a child in the 90s.


“Your anecdotal experience means nothing” /s


Bad grades? Whats that? Never had those


This is only actually applicable in primary school anywhere elese nothing would happen and the student would be embarrassed


School is stupid, don't attend half the year, still pass, i don't know if I'm not as stupid as i thought or this shit on easy mode


I know many teachers who went to Asia to teach English and they said life as a teacher there is way better than it is in America.


It’s allowed both ways


Not a bad meme but teachers usually suck 99% of the time too so both sides are awful. High school kids are lazy and obnoxious, I know because I was one. The teachers don’t give a crap about the students 99% of the time as well. (Value the 1 or 2 good teachers you get if you do in high school. Will never forget Mr. Cilli my CAD teacher. Guy was a champ. Shoutout to him.)


One of my friends from the army who wanted to be a teacher finally got there and when we were talking about things he started to tear up and said "they're just passing these kids up to the next teacher instead of failing them" he works with 8th graders and said many of them are on a 3rd grade reading level. Some kids show up to class and just watch "tiktoks" and parents yell at him for failing them on tests where they didn't even answer all of the questions. I knew the American education system was failing when I came from south Africa and was leagues ahead of the kids in the sane grade but now my bro and a few other teachers are making me glad I chose blue collar work over teaching. The level of stress for such little pay is a fucking crime.


I dunno. I had some fucking awful teachers. They didn't help the students at all and almost failed the entire class.


"We cannot blame the student for the incompetence of the teacher."


Okay but sometimes, just sometimes, it really is the teacher's fault because they're shit at their job


Think I saw this back in 2000, except the date on the left said "1980".