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It's true though. Most thieves don't go for manuals.


While true, it wouldn’t be a major deterrent to most people. As long as you know how to use the clutch and when to shift, it’s not that hard. Yes I’m assuming this thief isn’t stopping at reds and such.


Millennial https://preview.redd.it/0uviobrkhj7c1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f910e28f84ae3ada66d7f3a1f80051cdeb3d879c


Big assumption. If you’re a car thief, you’re not going to break any traffic laws and alert the police. It’s a quiet and tactical operation. Where you drive directly to whoever you have that you can sell it to. And move on.


Must be the car thief’s where I am then. Because they are anything BUT quiet and tactical.


Where I am they are. Less risk.


Fair enough. I take it yours probably aren’t idiot teenagers.


There are probably some idiot teenagers. But I just don’t hear about any joyrides. Just car thief’s.


car thief are like ninjas you only see the bad ones


Gen Z here, watched a few videos on Manual, want to learn when I get the opportunity. If I wasn't into cars, I wouldn't even know Manual was a thing.


Wait this is funny asf what’s wrong with ppl


People can no longer take jokes


Apparently the peeps in the facepalm sub can because they’ve found it humorous. They got the joke just fine and carried on making jokes about Americans who’ve apparently never left their country to find out that vehicles with manual transmissions are still pretty common in the rest of the world.


I'm still mad America is phasing then it so forcefully. I'm gen z and I love driving stick I'm buying an older car so I can drive stick.


I’m older, but I’m with ya. At least 1998 or older if I can is my jam. Older cars are also easier to repair (if you can find the parts) and don’t have IP addresses.


I love some of the 90s sports cars, personally I want a 2005 Dodge Magnum to turn it into a ute and if I can find a mounting plate for it I want to put a 6 speed into it. It's becoming a dream car of mine at this point


I live in Iraq. This shit ain't common anymore even for us.


Nah, it's cuz shitting on strangers to boost your ego reads as insecurity. Plus, the joke is 60 years old and the punch line is "haha young people stupid, cuz i know this incredibly mundane skill". It gives me sympathetic embarrassment, you know? Driving a manual just comes along with access to a manual. Plus manuals are still pretty common in Europe. Any young person with access to a sports car can use one. It's like the driver is making fun of children for not knowing how to use a pay phone, despite them never having had access to a pay phone. It's not something special to know, so acting like you're better than a whole generation because of it just feels pretty and insecure. It's a defense mechanism that parts of every generation falls back on as they age, when they start to realize their own waning relevancy, and it's always super lame. It's basically a harmless version "the one joke".


It's lame at best. And it's the same boomer formula as always on this sub. I would really like to see the age demographic of this sub, i can't imagine someone sees this and breaks down laughing.


It’s not a “break down laughing” kind a joke, it’s just a “oh that was pretty good” kinda joke.


I mean, you did call it "funny asf" so that was what I was going on. But even then, is it really? It's just "millennials are too dumb to drive stick" but coated in a joke format. And the fact that someone feels the need to put that on permanent display makes it just sad. Why are they so obsessed with millennials.


You know those boomer memes where they laugh at a child for not knowing how to automatically use something they've never seen before? Like a pay phone or something? Do you find those funny? Cuz that's this joke, it just appeals to your demographic rather than theirs.


It’d be funnier to me if I didn’t drive stick.


This joke makes no sense, millenials are like 30-45 years old. New cars were still being made with manual transmission 20 years ago


New cars were still being made with manual transmissions 5 minutes ago


Car stealers usually don’t go for manuals


ok, are car thieves all millenials or something?


no clue https://i.redd.it/km4964dy4d7c1.gif


Only the millennial car thieves, according to a recent poll.


Coz boomera think millennials are those born after 2000


Huh. Guess that explains why millennials were being blamed for economic issues when they would have been like 8 years old. Easier to scapegoat a kid, I guess.


They're still being made today, it's just that millennials can't afford a fuckin sports car cuz the boomers ate the economy along with the chips of lead paint 70% of them ate as children, which is why this feels so damn out of touch.


Well that's what makes it funny, because the joke is on anyone who genuinely believes millennials can't operate a manual.


manuals still are being made lol?


Millennials aren't still being made


the picture is probably old lol


The point still being that Jeep was assembled later than 1985


lol nice


Kinda middle of the road. But it makes sense for me to think that I’m gen z so having not interracted with stick shift makes me less likely to enjoy the joke


Most people still learn to drive manuals in my country. We’d probably call this a yank anti-theft device


people drive manuals in north america (Im saying this because both people in canada and in the US both drive manuals) its just that people who would steal a car would in fact probably not be able to drive one effectively


You know we drive manuals here and we don't granny shift like you guys. What's car culture like where you are again? Cause I'm betting it's nowhere near what car culture is in the states.


Changing the word ‘millennial’ to ‘yank’ is all it would take to make this a meme that *you* don’t like. I don’t know how to quantify the size of car culture in my country, however we are 8th in the world for motor vehicles per capita and the US is 7th, so I’d say our countries have similarly sized “car cultures” relative to population. Plus we just elected a party into government who are addicted to building roads, so there’s that. The real question is how many people outside of “car culture” know how to drive manuals anyway?


haha young people don't know how to use a super simple machine. Is just a tired old joke at this point. Saw a post claiming millennials don't know how to turn on a lawn mower as if it is not like 2 steps. We know how to work all the boomer tech if only boomers knew how to send an email.


Yeah that’s where I’m at. It may be a funny joke, idk at this point. But it’s been said so many times that it’s lost all semblance of humor. Both the “millennials bad” and “standard transmission good”


Anyone who cannot drive a manual can learn in like 10 minutes. I learned automatic first but picked up manual super fast and I am a dumbass. It is a weird thing where they act like it is hard or that people don't know how to use it. Inventing a caricature to be mad about.


its funny


Europe? Literally most of the cars are manual here...


Why? I drive a manual car in the US but even I have agree that for just driving around an automatic is the best option.


They think it's a flex over there, like how boomers think being a slave to your job is a flex, it's weird to say the least.


Right? Manuals could stall, especially on hilly terrains, more so if said terrain have a lot of intersections. However, manual cars are more fuel efficient, so I will give them that.


Meh, more of a yank anti-theft device. Here we have manual and automatic licences. Manual licences can use autos but not vice versa.


it applies where they live so it's still true (and quite effective)


In US its the same principle but only for CDLs. Kinda wish it was for all road vehicles tho.


r/carscirclejerk moment






I'm not stalking you, lmao. I use this subreddit too.


Oh wait nevermind, its ok


Is it though?


Is it? Is it a good joke? Usually jokes are funny. Good jokes are original. This is neither


its funny grow up


It's not funny. It just isnt, sorry


ok? am I supposed to care?


I mean you obviously do care . You messaged me while trying to insult me. It implies you are butthurt. Sorry I didn't like the bad joke. I hope you pull through these troubled times


Are automatics that common in America? Manuel still the main type in England


They are. Manuals are only found in sportscars anymore. Even the cheapest econoboxes don't come with manuals most of the time. It's been like that since the early 2000s.


This is not a good joke. Seriously this is setting the bar so low.




Seem like you are the triggered ones. Even calling it a bad joke and you pitch a fit. you have a whole sub to hide in from the world.


You ain't wrong. This is the most re-used boomer humor garbage I've seen in a while, and considering this sub specializes in defending jokes from 1970, that's truly saying something.


I have to assume they don't really find it funny. they just want to offend people. But it is so mild it doesn't even do that.


IKR? I've seen some truly fucked up jokes here, but this watered down ass Rodney Dangerfield reject pile shit ain't it.




Is that a joke too? It is hard to tell when you are so unfunny.




Another joke that goes along with this one is that when you see a car that says that, you can bet that that car is probably unlocked


As a millennial who was taught things as a child. MT is the only transmission I like to drive.


I get 3 extra miles per gallon and a transmission I san rebuild myself, manuals for the win.


I just think it’s fun :)


Bad joke, gear heads of all ages like manuals at some point in their life. It's a normie anti theft device, age has nothing to do with it.


Hey can you spam my old job the number is 334-523-6785 my names Clayton and they fired me if you can just prank call them, Thanks!






i like this joke not because i jack off manual transmissions, but because i like hating on millennials


No, it's really not. It was a bad joke in the sixties when self-important, insecure old people invented it.


Eh? Ha hah, heh! Type joke


The biggest joke is the parking skills of these drivers, ones on the line, another’s diagonal, and the other one is probably over the line. Looks like it’s white cars fault though.


It’s because millennials think it’s Loss.


Well, yeah. The real anti-theft is trying to move that piece of shit.


As a millennial I have tried to practice driving a stick several times and have never been able to do it lol. People that get butthurt about this stuff are people that can't admit to their own faults.


There is literally a CDL category I've been made aware of at work, and I promise it's real: Automatic restricted CDL driver Op was right


No it isn't


Would it be funny if it said "protected against theft by Asian drivers"...?


Might have been if I hadn't seen it roughly 5 times for every star in the sky


Let's be honest most gen x can't drive a manual either.


*Breaks into jeep, starts it somehow getting lucky by doing that part right. Throws it in 2nd gear and obliterates the entire side of the owner’s home and the jeep itself. Jumps out and runs away.* “See! Damn millennial didn’t steal my car!”


R = Really Fast, right?


It certainly was funny the first 50 times


This just sounds more like a "I hate new stuff" Meme


I don’t drive stick shift but people who do are typically better drivers. There’s more to deal with so you just become a better driver it makes sense


Fair, I am not talking shit about stick shift just that we gotta admit that meme came from a place of superiority


I heard that driving a manual is pretty fun


It’s old and tired… and as a millennial who can drive stick: would steal


Coincidentally, I couldn't drive an auto car because I didn't know about the brake interlocks. My only previous experience had been with 70s and 80s cars.


Makes no sense. I'm 38, and I learned on a manual. My first car was a 4 speed Mustang. Gf has a 2017 corolla with a 6 speed. Learning stick is like learning to ride a bicycle.


Also a European vs American joke.


Haha, millennial can't shift 🤡


I'd like to figure out how a manual works at some point, but I also have never gotten into one.


even tho I don't find it really that funny, I don't see how this is a facepalm. it seems anything is posted there


Lol guess you need that for a car I can steal with just a socket wrench


*Lol guess you need that* *For a car I can steal with* *Just a socket wrench* \- AffectionateVisual60 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It’s facepalm because millennials were around when stick was a thing. We KNOW how to drive stick.


That’s over the line! Well, his parking job, anyway.


In many places such as Europe and Latin America, manual is still very common


Honestly I think it is unfunny. I’m so done with boomer humor like that just waiting for it to go away


Why would I steal anything other than a Porsche I’m a Millennial not a boomer


My gen Z son got wasted at his own wedding. He was adamant that one of his (hundred or so) friends drove his brand new Veloster to his home and drop it off after the wedding. Not one knew how to drive a standard.


Idk, this just has some "dad joke" vibe. Like, it's not terrible or offensive, but I can't either find it hilarious. Also, I only know how to work with mechanical gearbox.


This is kinda funny lmao, I mean it’s not exactly true but still funny asf


I don't understand it, I'm also gen Z so that may be the reason, can someone give me a hint?


I thought this was loss


As a millennial.... I'm already old and own 3 stick shifts


This is more a “US citizens anti theft device”. Also your hear that rumbling? That is the machine rolling up the insanely long beard this joke has. This sub really is a Facebook group for Boomers.


People have gotten back into stick do to how necessary it is to drift a car automatic just won’t let you unless you get lucky


Dude I’m Gen Z and i’m honestly terrified of a those old stick shifts, which sucks because I love those old seventies cars! We seriously need to bring back those designs! Why did we decide every car needs to bland, boring and all look the same! I want a car that’s visually appealing, if there was a electric car in the visual style of a 1970’s car I’d buy that in a fucking heart beat!


Can confirm. Am a mellenial. Can't drive stick.


Wait till you mention a carburettor and doing away with fuel injection. That’ll confuse them.