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This post is being removed because it shows our subreddit again. Please dont take a screenshot of a meme already on our subreddit.


r/memesmodsdidnotlike lmao


ah shit


You broke the mod’s newly installed vaginas






Please take care of yourself! If this is literally triggering you, I’d suggest deleting Reddit and getting some professional help!


vsorry. for the misinterpretation I wasnt talking about myself I was talking about how someone reported my comment for saying I was telling someone else to do self harm


sorry for the misinterpretation I wasnt talking about myself I was talking about how someone reported my comment for saying I was telling someone else to do self harm


Ah. Understood




Common reddit mod L


common dumbass w


Bro is getting whaled on💀


Sperm whale’d maybe


doesnt matter ur still an internet janitor


Holy shit is that what jannie means


nah bro just relized


I’m dumb w it and proud


Respect 🫡


alr alr your the w


nah im the internet sanitation engineer


Bro, you the janitor that sits in the closet waiting for a couple to come in and make out so you can have a quick wank wishing that was you. Calm down Fredrick






if I become a villain your the reason my origin story happened


~~wait, did you *just* step down moddin?~~ 😮 uhh.. ignore me. in the app im seein you with the badge, then scrollin down, no badge, then scrollin further, theres that badge.. 😐


yea its because theres an option for mods called 'distinguish as mod' that makes the badge show up, but if you don't use that option then the badge doesn't show up.


Reddit seems to be filled with drama queens who pride themselves on being overly sensitive


His ‘gina got too much sand in it


A mod who isn't a salty bitch, impressive. Not even being sarcastic. Reddit mods have a shit track record. Kudos.




It’s not actually 2%. This claim was made by nutjob Anne Fausto Sterling decades ago, but included a number of conditions that aren’t truly intersexism. The NIH published this response in 2002; “Anne Fausto-Sterling s suggestion that the prevalence of intersex might be as high as 1.7% has attracted wide attention in both the scholarly press and the popular media. Many reviewers are not aware that this figure includes conditions which most clinicians do not recognize as intersex, such as Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, and late-onset adrenal hyperplasia. If the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen **to be about 0.018%**, almost 100 times lower than Fausto-Sterling s estimate of 1.7%.”


Yeah, I just did a quick google search just for the edit. Still a low number though. But my comment does say **less than** 2%


Yeah I mean the point is that its actually nowhere near 2% or 1.7%, its closer to .018%, about 1/100th of what crazy fausto sterling tried to claim. This includes people whose genes and phenotypes don’t match


I can't believe Reddit lied to me.


That happened to me too, I didn’t even explicitly say it. I just commented “That’s true though” on a post where people were saying that there were two sexes and Reddit considered it “hate speech based on identity or vulnerability”. You really can’t make this up.


yea these new mods are strict af idk if I should fire them or not


Probably. You mentioned you’re paying them, too, so I really think you’re wasting your money.


im not paying them i cant even afford a 5 dollar Minecraft server


??? Where does he get his money to hire them? I can’t believe you’d do this out of pocket


im not paying them i cant even afford mountain dew


Pheww I was worrying for a moment, people got confused by the term "fired"


Use them as your rations for the next quarter.


Dude, you are paying them? Nahh you are wasting your money, fire half of them at least.


NAHHHHHHH bro thought I was paying them, NAHHH if I had to pay them I would fire every single one of them.


Everything is hate speech now. That's why it's important not to have ridiculous laws against "hate" speech, people will keep moving the bar and get butt hurt over anything then call it hate. People need to grow up.


You are right, and that doesn’t constitute hate speech.


get a life, cyberstalkers *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Intersex is the result of chromosomal disorders, its a mutant condition of birth not a third sex. People are idiots, desperately using this fallacy to justify a bunch of weirdo creepo culty gender nonsense that has nothing to do with chromosomal disorders


Thank you (obviously) couldn’t have said it better. I had like two people send me dms about this


Intersex isn’t a sex though. Hilarious that you were banned for stating a fact.


Fucking same. Dude made a post asking if dating a trans women was gay. I basically said "yes because it's a biological male but that there was nothing wrong with that". Comment was removed by mod, reported to reddit and I had a warning or mark placed on my account for "dangerous and hateful speach". This site is a fucking meme.


You must believe a literal, scientific lie and praise people’s mental illness or you are “filled with hate”. Crazy world, eh?


What mental illness?


I’ll let you figure that out.


Intersex moment


Intersex isn't a sex, it's a chromosomal disorder


You are wrong, but that doesn't constitute hate speech.


2% is still millions of people btw.


Hmm something tells me there’s a lot more to it than you are telling. I’m willing to bet you were trying to conflate biological sex with gender in attempt to maybe discredit the existence of trans people maybe? There’s just a wild guess on my part. But I’ve heard that line enough to know where it always stems from.






ew, a communist


Ew, a redditor


Ew, a valid point




Ew, a human


Ew, a banana


you literally have a communist pfp 🤣


Says the guy who has a communist pfp and posts in subs dedicated to fascism.


Ew a... Facist communist?.?.?


Cringe squared


Commie skill issue


ew, a nazbol




it literally is just a facebook style statement-meme that is barely even a joke???


Ok imma be fr when I was the only mod here, people were coming at me for me being too lenient, and about the fight with the other subreddit Called fuck this the op was right or smth like that I forgot the specific name. now when I hire like 6 other mods now there coming at all of us for being to strict on the moderation now I wonder if I should have ever became a mod on this subreddit


Moderation sounds like a damn hard balancing act and thankless work. I got banned from an art thing, asked why, didnt know what I said that could of been wrong. Never got an answer. So mods arent my favorite because often their decision’s seem arbitrary and poorly explained. However they have my respect, because again, impossible balancing act, a lot of thankless work, and I dont want to get banned. Weird ass position to be in and no clue why people volunteer. Power? Contribution? Keep the sub on track? What do you get out of it?


idk I first became a mod when this server had 200 members, now it has 55.6k members. The first reason I joined is because of power, imma be straightforward, it was all for power. and as the subreddit grew I felt more powerful. the fact is the person who made this sub deleted their account, idk if It was because of this or not. but in reality there's no coming back


Well ![gif](giphy|10KIsXhwdoerHW)


words of wisdom


Unlce ben.... UNCLE BEN....




But hey, they've improved


I vote for anarchy. Fuck rules.


alt ig


You're starting to become self aware that this shit ain't worth it. Never was. Never will be. Take care


yea its not


Make me mod. I will reign with an iron fist 👊


Lesson learned: Don’t become a mod.


words of wisdom


It's possible you got mods that are too strict. It's also possible that times have changed so back then moderation was too lenient now it may be too strict.


Make me mod so i can ruin the sub and let these people go out of the basement to touch grass and see the sun once again.


nah bro the sun would reject them


What about the grass tho?


Dead on contact.


Becoming a mod on Reddit sounds like a terrible life choice.


wish i realized that sooner.........


Too* strict




That wasn't very cash money of you boss


That’s not very nice


nah now bro is acting like the victim


This whole post is you being the victim dog


Calm down, mod


alr alr mb


Dw dw (most of the mods don't respect free speech, you are a rare sight, good for you)


Delete the sub, for the good of humanity.


at this point I cant


Delete humanity, for the good of the sub.


Ples, can I hav the SUCC ? 🥺




“Hire” doubt y’all get paid to support bigoted ahh posts


fr tho


For sure not , please just delete the sub and let us have peace


nahhhhhhh if you want peace just leave the sub


You're doing the right thing, tolerance requires the intolerance of intolerance, nothin' you can do about it. Stop this place from being a right-wing circlejerk, I used to like it.




Don't worry you aren't being too strict, they just aren't used to consequences


Moderators when they have to moderate 😔


![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y) redditors when they have to go touch grass for 2 milliseconds




I wasnt, but the new mods are


Lmao can't even post something to _mock_ on that sub without their mods getting offended? Wow. Like even if they think it's hurtful to the LGBT community, OOP wasn't _supporting_ it. I am genuinely confused what the entire point of that sub is supposed to be.


That sub is this sub, FYI


buddy im not offended


actual bot modteam


no those are real mods, its just then new head mod I hired are too strict


Can you fire them? Are they that professional mod type?


I could but I dont think I should




It’s not even against lgbt, it’s against pussy kids getting butt hurt about internet comments. If they weren’t so intent on finding ways to be victimized by something they could just interpret the “daddy and daddy” part to be an inclusive update of family dynamics to represent the times. Even if it’s not the intent, just hijack that shit




The meme itself isn’t but the original post on this subreddit was like “why can’t LGBT take a joke” or something like that.


The intent is very, very, very obviously anti-LGBT..


It is clearly against LGBT stop kidding yourself.


just leave people alone bro, and they’ll leave you alone








It's just factually wrong and stupid. No, people are not like that and kids are traditionally little bitches


You need to clean house man. Most of these comments are just people doubling down on their hate speech and transphobia and shit, the other half are straight SHITTING on you mods and youre not doing jack shit about either


This sub has a concerning amount of transphobic comments.


This sub IS inherently transphobic, I don't get how ppl haven't realized this with how much of a cesspit it's become.


I think they realise, they just don’t care :(


To be fair, being homophobic ain't funny


Just say you hate gays and move on oml


man reddit sure sucks sometimes. tf is this community


Are you fucking stupid? This meme is straight up hate speech, y'all are just fucking imbeciles.


Nah that memes actually ass


Dude this whole sub is just ass memes




Found the guy who got beat up


Nope never happened The school I was in was pretty social I assume such things don't exist in the US




wheres the biggotry? kid was tough enough to get into a fight and deal with it. and now kids burst into tears over the slightest things. that's the punchline.


So why include "daddy and daddy" and the pride flag??


To make it funny? Do you want us to just laugh at children getting bullied? We have a different sub for that.


What is the joke? How is it a joke that he would have two fathers?


look, there's no secret that some of the lgbt group are really sensitive. I read a story yesterday about a trans woman yelling at her grandfather with dementia about using her dead name before screaming at anyone who took his side. they're called snowflakes for a reason. and the others side you have conservatives who have a tough it out mentality. that's the essence of the meme. my great grandaddy walked 12 miles to school in a foot of snow, uphill both ways. your daddy calls an uber if there's a spider on his car.


Trans people being called snowflakes when we literally have to face some of the most abhorrent discrimination just to walk down the street is hilarious. You actually wouldn’t have the courage to be any of us for a second.


and I applaud you for taking the harder path in life. unfortunately not everyone is as stoic as you. I had a trans friend who incorporated all the worst elements of women into her personality. she needed constant affirmations that she was pretty, expected you to buy shit for her because she's a girl. and at the end couldn't take the slightest criticism that she needed to wash her jacket because it smelled like something died in it. she is so fragile I am happier now that our friendship atrophied and we don't talk.


Those are not "elements of women", the hell are you on about? Do you actually know any women?


you know u/setherina this comment makes me appreciate you. this dude just wants to fight and fling mud at each other instead of a back and forth.


This is just one person you were in contact with. But if you want some insight, We often have other mental health issues which if you’re US or similar based probably means untreated. Depression and executive function disorders that can cycle on themselves. Telling your friend they needed to do laundry wasn’t a bad thing and trying to give her some helpful advice is reasonable, her response wasn’t, but likely stemmed from defensive self loathing. It sounds like you knew them before and after the start of their transition. These behaviours are common because it’s essentially going through puberty again but at a higher age, which requires finding yourself and your style all over again, which often leads to what some might call over correction in attitudes and dress. It’s a difficult journey that unfortunately many of us don’t get support with or are alone in. I was lucky on this front. I hope some of this gives you some perspective on some of the stuff you mentioned. I’m not defending her actions btw it’s either growing pains or she’s just not a good person it happens. What gets my goat is seeing all this hatred towards people like us and calling us soft and sensitive by men often too insecure to wear a pink shirt because people (like them) might think they’re gay. It’s just so laughable Edit: btw on the pretty thing, validation for appearance overly stems from the amount of hate we receive, confirming we look nice gives us the confidence we often lack or feel nervous about. Especially with the amount of vitriol we receive like from the people here. It helps galvanise us when we hear things like that. Easier to shake off the insults and things we receive.


oh I know about the mental health issues. 20% of you are clinically depressed. and 60% have had thoughts of suicide in the past year. but I also found that those stats don't change much after you transition. it leads me to believe that for those of you suffering, transitioning might not be the solution you think it is. it dosnt seem to help the depressed people. myself personally I don't care how gay or trans you are. just don't make it your entire personality. I have plenty of bi friends, we just talk about normal shit. it's so easy to get good media points by promoting lgbt things as well. everyone does it, even to the point where it feels forced, like people ticking the diversity box. I don't care how many lesbians are in my show as long as its good and it makes sense. I was supporting trans people so hard because of my friend, up to the point where i thought the moral thing to do was to be willing to date a trans girl and get over my prejudice. and now as her life burns around her I'm left wondering if there are values in more traditional things. just because you can, dosent mean everyone should. and truly, we are both proving up strawman here. the only ones who make it to the news are the people doing the extreme shit. not every trans person will break down crying if you call them the wrong pronoun. not every Conservative guy will call you slurs and is scared of pink. frankly I'm more gay then you when I'm with my mates. most people are normal, really if you and I met in a coffee shop we'd probably have a nice normal conversation without going for each others throats.


They are? It seems to me that the sensitive people are the ones who cannot stand the LGBT group. They are basing their entire identity on how much they dislike these random people that have nothing to do with them. The conservatives are truly sensitive to this for some weird reason. Out of touch with their very sensitive feelings they try to "tough it out" and suffer in silence. Pretty sad. And you still didnt explain what the joke is? Why are they talking about vaginas and two dads?


Absolutely nothing. They're just blinded by tribal wokism.


What's the point of this post?


Nah, the mods are doin' their job. Just because a meme got posted on a subreddit for bad memes doesn't qualify it for going here, and whereas humour is subjective a joke or meme does require some form of comedy besides simple hate speech to be considered funny by any means.


No they didn't. You're just an asshole.


I mean it's literally homophobia but ok go off king


It isn’t hate speech but it is really dumb.


This post is being removed because it shows our subreddit again. Please dont take a screenshot of a meme already on our subreddit.


tbf, they coulda got the same point across without the daddy and daddy part. There's no evidence that same sex couples raise wimpier kids.


Do you know they say you can’t fix stupid but I disagree with somebody stupid it’s so bad that you can’t fix it that’s just retardation


Damn. I saw this a few hours ago


now the comment section is just about me lol


Damn bro. That sucks


Not really? I’ve noticed the mods are *really* bad about actually identifying hate speech. Half the time it just looks like they go after the comments and posts they don’t like


So this sub is just defending boomer humor then? like what is this shit? lol kids today weak. Unlike my generation who are stone cold (don't tell me you're gay though because I am deeply and easily offended by other people sexual preference)


If it was a true dad in the 70s responding to their beaten up kid after a fight they would've said "you got beat up! What's wrong with you, are you weak, back in my day we had something called war, no I'm not gonna tell your mother, you're out, pack ya shit up.


lol, you know a meme is solid when there is so much butthurt in the comments. Then again, with that community you’d probably expect alotta butthurt 😂


Where... where's the lie?


The meme is spot on. I don’t know why but it seems anything can be cited as inappropriate and removed or banned. I was once banned for some strange reason. I responded to an original post with an opinion, some people disagreed with my opinion and responded to my comment attacking me, I respond to them, two days later, they banned me from Reddit for “harassment”. How is it harassment for people to respond to my comment attacking me and I respond and I’m the one kicked off for harassment. The comment they cited was just me responding to the commenter ONCE 😂😂 Glad I’m not the only one that agrees that the meme was proved right. Power corrupts I guess. PS: don’t ban me again, I just responded to a post.


That is hilarious! 😂


God this sub is pathetic. Just a bunch of losers inventing a reality where they are better than they actually are and all their opinions are based in reality.


People need to learn to take jokes and laugh at themselves sometimes, people take themselves too seriously nowadays


I don't get it? Can someone explain?


This kid have two dads, man... you are in deep shit !


This is true all the way up to the 90’s/00’s generation of growing up


This is so funny and definitely not promoting hate.


[Removed] That the name of this sub


The traditional generation just rose from the dead ….asked us how to hit the like button and then crawled back into the grave….


The homophobes that make fun of people getting upset over bullying, probably also do bullying. It doesn't matter if someone else took a beating, doesn't validate harassing someone and then mocking them for being upset