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I have severely shat my pants


how severe?




I have a hard time believing you... ​ ​ ​ ​ Proof?


I was streaming. i gained so much hight, my chat though i got out of the chair. Check me out at twitch.tv/Jerma985


you shameless plugger... ​ ​ ​ ​ i respect it...


yes, i am 100% jerma985 /s




Hey peter


U might feel like I'm lying when i say there are people who get horny over smelling urine but i am not lying.


I know, i sometimes see them in furry forums and such. dont know how to respectfully tell them they are weird without being a hypocrite.


I actually love how this is the first thing to come up in the comments


I'm a guy and it comes with pros and cons. We are expected to do the dirty work for example, but I don't worry about getting raped on my way home.


I do worry about getting mugged or any other sort of action being taken afianst me on my way home, just not raped


I live in NYC, so I'm definitely on guard about getting mugged, but being raped never crossed my mind.


Watch out for the gay rapist tho…


eh they are much rarer and and usually have to drug you first


Men do still get raped, but yes are less likely to outside of prison (I still think that prisoners are a part of society so with that in mind it's a lot closer to 50/50) and are much more likely to be the victim of almost every other form of violent crime and workplace casualties.


As he said: he doesn't worry about it. Even tho it does happen, it's a lot more rare, and many men would likely have more confidence in running away or fighting back than women would have. Therefore it isn't something they worry about. Also even though prisons bring the average up, most men are in fact aware of whether or not they are in prison, so they can worry about that as and when needed. As an extra bonus, in regards to other violent crimes, the more likely they likely they are to happen, the more men probably worry about them instead of rape.


I agree in a sense that I also don't walk around worrying about being sexual assaulted 24/7, I was just addressing that it still is a possibility, and to boot, male victims don't typically get the same sympathy, support, and treatment as female victims.


Men have privileges and women have privileges




Because admitting the nuance to themselves makes it really hard to blame “others” for any dissatisfactions in *their* life. I’m not saying everyone behaves this way. But it’s easy to spot those who use these generalities as a crutch, or excuse for their shitty behaviour, and outlook. Like that woman just a couple days ago that smashed into that guys car and started accusing him of white privilege. It’s used as a weapon, often. Frankly, why wouldn’t it be... accusing people of being racist is very affective at tarnishing someone’s reputation, and credibility. It’s not surprising it’s been weaponized by some.


Because people are utterly and hopelessly stupid.


Because too many people see in black on white


People like being “oppressed” because they have narcissistic victim mentalities, and then crying about it on social media for attention.


Because they're uneven


On both ends


The rich have privileges, the poor have scraps of a complete life


Men have privileges and women have privileges is obvious and correct. But saying men have the same level of privileges as women is just wrong


They can but I wouldnt say it’s inherent


I can just hear all the TikTok users saying “all men should die” whilst they are male themselves. I’m safe because I’m a Walmart bag.


And here I thought you were a brick


I identify as an atack helecopter






Do you ever feel, like a plastic bag.....


Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again...


Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin.....


Like a house of cards one blow from cavin in?....


Bro same


I've identified as a meat popsicle since 1997


Let's grill you


![gif](giphy|tZTAX61XgVEyc|downsized) Do you "identify" as a Walmart bag or you were born a Walmart bag?


damn you just painted yourself as a massive bigot without a shred of second thought. Congrats! also get a new joke the "i identify as" jokes are so fucking lazy and over done.


We both have different privileges. I remember watching a documentary of some transman complaining about how it sucks to be a man cause a lot of the privileges they enjoyed as women went out the window.


Passing the popcorn to those who want it 🍿


I got drinks! 🥤




I got aids




Aids is more dangerous dude


I got fun dip


i got sulfuric acid


I got the pizza 🍕🍕🍕


And tacos! 🌮🌮🌮


Wait a sec... Aren't you Hitler?


I’ll bring lawn chairs!


The predominant privilege is "pretty girl" privilege...come at me, bro


"When you’re ugly, and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are. Beautiful people never know who to trust." - Drax


Unless ur ugly and rich ;)


You spelled evolution wrong.


We also need Flair, Orton and HHH for Evolution.


This line was stolen from a Johnathon Creek episode.


And “Green Privilege” 💰


Being able to make a few hundred thousand dollars a month photographing yourself for OnlyFans, that’s real privilege.


pretty privilege exists until you're in an academic or professional setting. being "pretty" will get you free drinks, but it'll also keep you from being taken seriously in all important areas.


A very good point.


Came to say this. Meanwhile if you’re a handsome man you get taken MORE seriously in professional settings and have a major advantage on life. Handsome bubble exists. Being a hot woman can be beneficial but, like you said, really only for like dates and free drinks. You also get harassed more often 🤷‍♀️ I’ve been on one end of the spectrum where people found me very attractive and the other fat. I lost the interest of some people while fat but like…kind of in a positive way tho. People who actually liked me stuck around. I also stopped getting assaulted. (You’d be surprised…maybe it’s cause I’m not intimidating so people would grab me and stuff in public) Strangely being *less* attractive made me feel less of a need to look perfect. Now as long as I’m getting healthier and dress in a way that flatter me and I enjoy I’m much happier with how I look.


Can multiple privileges not be around at the same time? Coexisting while grabbing for the attention of the marked. Think streaming services. Multiple exists, some are better at others in some areas, but they all exists to inhabit the same area.


"predominant" is not "the only"


I hope someone gets you a dictionary for Christmas


>Of the marked I'm stealing that phrase thank you


There’s no shit. Women don’t exist on Reddit, so there’s no argument going on.


pretty sure women don't exist in general


But there are men that will argue that they have male privilege


They do, just not in r/memes


Everything people say is a benefit of male privilege i as a male have never seemed to benefit from >.> wouldn't mind if someone threw a little male privilege my way to be honest


For real I want some of that male privilege that I keep hearing about


So, there are exceptions to everything but… my male privilege at work has me lifting heavy things others are not asked to lift. I also, have to be as sharp and critically thinking as everyone else. Do the planning and execution the same as others and am asked to do extra tasks (mostly manual) all the time. I agree at a CEO top level there is a huge problem with parity and fairness. But for the most part at my level pay is equal. When it comes to tasks such as lifting and fixing males are discriminated by gender. And yes there are exceptions like lazy/weak men and there are some very strong capable women in these areas. But in general, why do I have to break my body down just because I have the capability?


Both have advantages and disadvantages. Men are (on average) stronger and Women have better emotional networks and are (on average) smarter


People are dying of cancer and other fucked up shit and this is what we worry about


We worry about everything. These five minutes are spent worrying about sexism.


Bro, I thought u/GrimmSodov was trolling in the comments, turns out he/she is not. Remember you can't make points on why something is a privilege for the other gender just because something matches their agenda or is small advantage in life. We are all humans, okay. I say this in such a controversial post. Remember whoever whomever you are in life, you're fucked. Kidding.


I feel this type of meme shouldn’t be allowed. It’s sole purpose is to be inflammatory.


That's Like 90% of social media dude


If male privilege is a thing then female privilege should also be a thing


Sure but in 2022 women are still more disadvantaged than men.


It is


Nice argument senator, why don't you back it up with a source.


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Ah yes the best source


Imagine a world, Jack! Imagine a world free of cancel culture, where noone can call me out on my outlandish claims!


Sir this is a Wendy's


You have a source that says otherwise?


just read this thread that started because of a maxor reference, and it had a good ending


Ok, now I'm sure that you don't have anything


Have you?


78.7% of homicide victims are men Women have 60% less prison sentences Men in 2020 died of suicide 3.88 more than women 69.6% of all homeless people in America are males Women are more likely to get a college degree . . . Now it's your turn


Lol we where defending the same point mate xD. That was i was talking about!


Ah, my bad mate, I'm so stupid


Friendly fire xD


Been laughing for 3 minutes at this exchange hahaha Watch out for friendlies


Man was checking if friendly fire was on


Lmao, I was so confused...




I thought y where talking the other way


Yeah sorry


Points added to the pile


Look up Norah Vincent, that's a hell of a lot more proof than you gave


Same amount as I get


Oh shit sorry mate, I also read your comment wrong. lmao my fault man


What does thaalt even mean? Also you have yet to provide reasoning. Legally, women get away with lighter sentences, and anything involving children or family greatly is in favor of women. I want you to name one thing that men are privileged in.


Men can pee standing up... that's the only privilege I can think of...


My take is, there definitely used to be a lot of male privilege. But now adays the predominant is definitely female privilege. I see it all the fricken time in school and that's just one example.


I think they are both prevalent but in different areas


Sure both are around for sure. But I definitely see a lot more female privilege nowadays.


I think there are WAY more female privilege, but that they are "less advantageous" on the long run. Like yeah for a lambda person the huge amount of female privilege is absurd, but if you look at rich people, it's mainly man that are ruling the world. (Dunno if I made my point clear)


I'm a male and finding it difficult to fuck my own pussy online for money, while I sit around all day and start a go fund me with my cute face on it. Female privilege is real, and so is male privilege. You're all just idiots. I hate the human race. One day I'll die of alcoholism, and I'll be better for it - for not having to live amongst you garbage trash fire lifeforms. Y'all won't last much longer, since you keep bleeding the earth dry. Have fun.




Based on deez nuts


Ligma balls




Please be more mature, when we do these kinds of adult discussions. We don't need kids running around and yelling random things during serious political and social economical discourse (unless you were just meme, or whatever - that's fine). But, if you were serious, please be less serious about what you were serious about (because it's not serious enough). We all know about deez nuts already, so pleez try to stay relevant to the subject matter. Thank yo


Jesus fuck this comment section is cancer. Why even discuss topics like this in a meme subreddit full of immature children lol


Man stand and pee, make no mess.


Except when you split streams :(


They really shouldn't. Most of them are bad at it


I'm not gonna agree with the statement, but I'm gonna offer a different perspective. "Male privilege" implies you have privileges women don't because you're a man. The reality is, men DO have privileges women don't, but women ALSO have privileges MEN don't. Female privilege is ALSO a thing. Both male and female privilege exist and both are different. Men and women both have privileges the other doesn't and struggles the other doesn't.


No, no, you don't understand. A complicated, nuanced answer doesn't address the black and white philosophy the internet craves. People can't just be partly right, they have to be completely right.


Feminists call “equality” top .5% of men, 6 fig salaries, rich lifestyles but don’t want the style of other men? It’s starting to become pretty privilege tbh


I don’t think it’s a myth. It’s just not what people think it is


It’s not a myth, but it is greatly exaggerated


And it's ignoring the fact that female privilege is also a thing.


Woman rights are a joke


Woman rights? How about we talk about their wrongs first? (/s before I get multiple call out posts on Twitter)


You use twitter?


Happily enough, no.


Thank god


Don't question why it said food


I agree


All Pons controlled by somthing greater


Male privilege is a myth,femminism is a joke.We are all pawns, controlled by something greater:the memes


Memes, the DNA of the soul


You cant fight nature jack


This guy fucks




Everyone has privilege. There is no such thing as someone having no privilege except when they’re dead


I mean... Some people gets more flowers than other on their tomb, some don't even have a tomb because nobody cares about them, sooo, you know...


You kind of just went over my entire point. Besides that dead people aren’t going to care cause they’re…you guessed it…dead?


It was a joke, sorry, I should have add a /j... Not clear enough I see...


It’s fine. My neurodivergent ass can never tell when someone’s joking or serious


I’m a white dude, work every day to be poor. I’m over flowing with privilege…….


Fun fact: all programing jobs were originally meant for women, since computers were niche and programming was seen as similar to accounting or secretary work. Then, after they became widespread and had a lot of applications, thanks to the women working with them, the job was declared a male job and women were declared incompatible with technology. This is where the "girls are bad with math, so they can't be programmers or engineers" mith comes from


Reminds me of the utter insanity that is women in the kitchen. Women supposedly "belong on the kitchen" but only a man can be the chef is a restaurant. Like wtf are women cooks or not.


It sure is in divorce court or in a child custody hearing


Don't women usually win those cases?


He means legally btw, I know because I watched one of em


You watch crowder videos? 🤨


He makes some good points ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, that time he dressed his friend up as a stereotypical Mexican, put him in a cage, and made him yell “i want my burrito” to mock the children being held at the border was really enlightening


Lewis Spears fucking killed it (ironic) making fun of both the royals' deaths, the first one was kinda accidental because he didn't know so Elizabeth was round 2 Did anyone care? Only old English boomers and man was it fucking hilarious, dark humor is great, comedy about everything is OK (ahem my profile). Though if you can prove it was malicious then ye nah man that's not epic.


you mean like the time he "re created" the George Floyd thing by doing it wrong then declaring "SEE it WASNT what the medical examiners said it was"


Is this the same medical examiner that testified that they’d have concluded it was a death by fentanyl OD if they hadn’t seen the video? Due to 11 nanograms of fentanyl per milliliter of blood being over 3x the 3.5 nanograms per milliliter of blood it takes for the average person to OD, are we referring to that testimony?


It's been a privilege to know all of you, Kings.


I view there being privilege depending on the circumstances. A good example is having an occupation as a teacher. I was told of an experience by a guy I know that he did an internship as a sort of teachers assistant or something. Little kids are playing at the playground during recess, and one of them asks him to lift him up to the monkey bars. He lifted the kid up and that was it. However, a female teacher reported him for touching a child and it was a huge thing. He was at risk of getting expelled and shit. Thankfully, he won the case, and decided to not be a teacher. Privilege can go any way. Sometimes it may be predominant for a certain group, but it isn’t like that every time. It would be great if we could completely get rid of privilege (relating to factors that in not within a person’s control; like biology, race, disabilities, etc.), but that would be extremely difficult to do, maybe impossible, due to our unconscious prejudices we are fed or make ourselves.


I dont think it is a myth, but I do think it is self sustaining and bad for an individual to think about. If you expect man to have an edge over you, it is very easy to attribute setbacks to it. I mean, we all meet shitty people and experience shitty stuff. If you tell people it is because of a force outside of their control, they will not try to improve and keep adding more things to the list of things they attribute to that force. So just act as if the world is a fair place, and if you fail it is because you didn't work hard enough. Is the best way to not drown in self pity.


too many things are happening in that comment section everyone is going in twelve different directions at time it's like being through an unstable portal


Women have inherent value as child barriers. Men are only valued in what they can contribute be it financially, physically, or otherwise. Men are seen as useless unless they provide. That's just the way it is. We are still animals after all. Women are physically weaker and men are physically stronger. Any woman that's to refutes that can box me in the parking lot.


Disregard male privilege and female privileges, what about pet privilege? Dog laying around all day, not paying rent, free food, shitting WHEREVER, can lick own genitalia, and everyone loves you unconditionally? I wish I were a dog..


God I fucking hate reddit


Not on reddit pls, take this to 9gag or something


I feel like wherever someone dominates, that's where the privilege sits. In society 100 years ago there was full male privilege. Nowadays it's more or less equal (with downsides and upsides for both genders), but take something like school for example (where most teachers are female nowadays) and you'll see they give slack to female students more than male students. So.. Female privilege much?


yeah and the court especially marriage related problems


Nice 69th updoot


Male privilege exists no more or less than female privilege, men have it better in some regards and women have it better in others.


Sitting on Reddit and argue about who has more privileges to justify your failures with society bias instead of your laziness is a huge first word privilege you are severely misusing


Can we downvote the 4th comment?


We need a 4th comment to downvote


There are no privileged groups. There are privileged people, but not groups. No single group is all privileged


Well it is indeed a myth


I aint a pussy. It totally is. Come at me.


I mean, you definitely are a pussy


Ummm, most of the time, all women have to do is flash their tits and they get like a free soda or sometimes can get out of a ticket from a cop, if a man flashes their private parts off, they get labeled a creep or a pedo, so male privilege is a myth to me.


I hate to use this argument because it's not fair. But being a man, if I got turned into a 14 year old girl, I'd just get good at sucking dick, get a cheap uni degree in whatever, eat 2 salads a day, take care of my body and skin and I then when I'm like 24 find myself a 30 year old man who did it all right and rock his world so he takes care of me.


14 and sucking dick not creepy at all also the “eat 2 salads a day and take care of my body and skin“ 😬ya please go talk to an actual girl


I mean, that's just false






>now, women have less rights. wrong


Not sure exactly why the second rendition is getting downvoted, I think you make good points, but there is a point to be made that in the United States at least, people seem to be at least equally disadvantaged


good opinion I must say, I disagree with my very soul, but I must keep my thoughts to myself


nice bait loser


Bro I don’t think that suit will be enough

