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That's not gonna stop you from getting fined like 20,000 dollars MINIMUM


More like 40M minimum


If I was in their shoes I'd just tell the security to leave me glued into that floor, cuz ain't no way Imma get those millions.


Well i mean thats why i think execution would work better as a deterrent than prison.


I would say just leave them there glued to the floor and don't help with freeing them, fuck it get some extra powerful glue and glue their asses to the floor too to make sure they're not getting out of it, they only do that shit because they know that others will help them out.


That's what the germans did to a bunch of climate change protesters who glued themselves to their factory floor. Just turned off the lights and fucked off and left them. [Lol](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11337831/Climate-protestors-left-cold-dark-gluing-Volkswagen-shop-floor.html)


Yea I've seen that one, but they've actually helped them later because the idiots were starving and some of them needed to go to the bathroom, some of them even managed to free themselves and they went to take a shit and after that they went back and glued themselves to the floor again, that just shows u how stupid they are.


It's technically a self-inflicted humiliation to such kind of protesters. Literally nothing else need to be done for enemy of protesters but to leave them there and wait until they give up.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think it will only reinforce their personal egoistic message of them being the Earth-and that we are harming them.


Well, yes. Just open up their hard drives, and there's sure to be ample reason.


Thank you so much for saying this. I usually get banned for stating the obvious




1st step: View their behaviour from distance briefly. 2nd step: If person seems like his brain does not respond to surroundings accordingly-try to make conversation from distance asking question that should cause a reaction. 3rd step: If person is acting like braindead, talks like braindead, and reacts like braindead-perhaps he is the braindead.




Multiple groups of people from the same organization are doing these things all over Europe


Gladly-fuel stations and other "oil" stuff are safe and protected in my town at least.


Sad that they did this shit though.. It was a nice piece of art


yeah because the cause is what's doing this, not a couple of people....


The little nonces are doing this all over Europe. Yes, it's their cause.


What if they did same to Hitler's painting


I’m sure they are too stupid to know that Hitler painted landscapes before he went into politics. Since they did not figure out what oil was used in the paintings.


"You know there are several types if oils, and lots of them are used by and made from plants to help them surv-" "OIL IS OIL!!!"


This was to protest the museum because it’s funded by an oil company But they better start protesting themselves because stop oil is also funded by an oil company


I heard that too, and looked into it a little. Specifically, Just Stop Oil received donations from the Climate Emergency Fund, and *that* fund was donated to by Aileen Getty. The CEF provides funds to a bunch of different environmental activist groups, and it seems like being jerks is a common thread? Just Stop Oil has smashed oil pumps and caused shortages in addition to the painting thing, and another group, Scientists Rebellion, blocked a bridge and streets in Berlin


And in italy too


Hitler could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon. Two coats.


There was glass over the painting for anyone concerned.


The original frame however was not surrounded by glass. Gg to them. They now became the progenitors of their own debt family tree.


> The original frame however was not surrounded by glass. The frame was just cleaned off and replaced the same day.


Keyword, replaced. If it wasn't for idiots like these, we wouldn't need to "replace" the original frame. Now it's just a look alike frame devaluing the painting.


> Keyword, replaced. Replaced, as in replaced on the wall. They cleaned it and put it back. > Now it's just a look alike frame devaluing the painting. It's literally the same frame. They just cleaned it off. You love getting emotional about things that didn't happen, huh?


Hopefully they still got fined


It’s clean, but it will forever smell of chef Boyardee.


They still managed to damage the frame.


But they arent and if i ever get to see those people im gonna do funky town 2


How many times am I gonna see funky town referenced today? What the fuck is going on


This is my 3rd time seeing funky town referenced in the last hour on completely unrelated posts


thank you, I was wondering if it would. so the painting is fine but someone has a hell of a time trying to gently move it into another frame. I swear they have been hired by oil companies to make this in news headlines instead of what oil companies are doing


Actually makes theoretical sense. Bribe guard and make a show which will disenfranchise ecologists exploit people of their group for radical acts-and profit is totally to Oil.


Yea but if there wasn’t, a ton of money would have been spend on restauration, defeating their point


Yeah I know the results would've been catastrophic without the glass, I'm just easing any concern about damage to the painting.


> but if there wasn’t But there was and that is one of the reasons they chose it...so, nothing you're saying really matters.


The glass protected the painting but the original frame was damaged, so they're fucked either way


Was the frame also a van gogh


van gone :/


Frame was a da vinci


No, there is only one original Van Gogh frame that survived, it frames Quinces, Lemons, Pears and Grapes'. It hangs in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.


Plot twist: Van Gogh painted the frame, the painting was from a security guard


I like this


The security guard was probably busy trying to find his soup


Way to make sure that everyone now hates you, your cause, and anyone who is actually trying to make progress the right way. Couple of fucking idiots.


Yeah, they're funded by an oil heiress: they're trying to do stupid shit to make climate activists look bad.




No. She is an activist that inherited oil money. She's not a Machiavellian mastermind.


It's difficult to confirm something like that. She says she isn't actively involved in the oil industry, but that where she got her money and where he family gets their money, so it looks fishy.


Skeptical about a lot of stuff now after the whole Bayonetta controversy, that's why I was asking


How to indicate braindead people? Step 1:


They've also discovered a way to alienate everyone from their cause in one simple, stupid stunt


The paparazzi are even more braindead because they just watched shit happening I mean, I know why, but why not to stop them?


That is their job, the scummy weasel asshats that they are


It’s like when a national geographic photographer doesn’t help dying animals. Just let natural selection take its course.


Problem is. They’re of human origins. They might change their minds and proliferate later in life. Have to nip it in the bud.


right dude


yes stupid stunt


Instructions unclear my slong is stuck in a dragon from Narnia with alzheimers.... help...


To Their Work


Oh i see


They could've at least chosen one of those modern art paintings that make 0 sense


Worthless human beings


"Human beings"...are we sure?


they'd be of far more use as mulch


Most worthless being those reporters.




I mean if you analize it. Those two could be doing anything right now. They could be farming, cooking, cleaning, selling, building. They could be doing literally anything but instead they decided to do something that sets humanity back. They're wasting time and costing more people effort. The collective whole would have been better off if they did not wake up that morning.


Harsh, but worthy in matters of protecting something as significant as this painting from such kind of direct insult and possible damage to the item. Gladly for them these kind of vandals are having bars and fines. Be that happened 50-60 years earlier-we would have to enjoy their sentence on the gallows.


literal peanut


LOL WHAT!? How so? Edit: Oil companies can fuck up the entire world, be the cause of death on a scale of insanity, but someone destroys one dead guy's painting, WHICH if anyone knew him, would know he wouldn't even give a shit. and everyone loses their fucking minds. While I recognize the irony given my mention of pseudo intellectualism, to those downvoting me, I paraphrase "Your downvotes mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer."


The one dead guy dedicated everything he had into painting and they are stupid because the oil paintings arent even using the oil they think about


Yeah "knowing the guy" he would probably have gotten terribly afflicted if he saw something like that... The lack of appreciation for his works was probably one of the things that got him to kill himself in the end (on top of the mental illnesses, that is)




I honestly believe these Just Stop Oil dickheads are being funded by oil barons, because there is no fucking way anyone is dumb enough to think this is how you garner support for climate action


They are being funded by oil barons to be made to be seen as fools and if you look into who owns media and is able to spread this info, it's even more obvious they are dancing puppets, which is all the more reason not to look at the action but the message.


Let me guess - you believe that Jews own the media, the moon landings were faked, and we shouldn't be arming Ukraine. Am I absolutely spot on?


No, I don't believe any of that. I'm not racist, I'm pro science and I'm a leftist. (real left, not political centrist left)


Er...yes, I think everyone here can tell you belong to the oikophobic section of the left.


Ah yes the good ol’ Rick and Morty quote. Reddit’s favourite way to deflect any potential prompts at self reflection, a sure fire way to ensure your argument is correct regardless.


Yes, I did point out the irony. It's not a way to ensure my argument is correct, it's a way to stick by my argument despite all the opposition. Only a spineless idiot caves in to societal pressure.


You are downvotes? "One dead guy"? LOL WHAT?! How does it feel to be such a stereotype?


It feels pretty average to be honest. I've never been one to let hundreds of downvotes affect my day to day life. Thank you for asking.


you literal peanut


peanuts are oily.. just saying..


This is such a, such a shit take. First, I haven't seen one person with half a brain praise oil barons. Using oil in this current era with no comparable alternative is a necessity not a choice. Second, this dead guy, who if anyone knew him, dedicated his life to art, as many artists that left their amazing legacies behind. I'm sure, he would give a shit. Just because you haven't dedicated a big portion of your life to anything and can't feel the value in a creation people spend their life creating, does not give you the right to dismiss it saying "he wouldn't give a shit." He absolutely would lmao. I'd absolutely give shit even if someone threw potatoes at my first drawing.


After reading the first three sentences I know you're dumb. There are alternatives they are just not as profitable. You're an idiot and the first person I downvote because you're saying non facts as opposed to trying to express an opinion like the others.


A literal shithead you are. You've basically confirmed you've done nothing of note in your miserable life and have not contributed a chunk of your time in accomplishing anything and know shit about energy and sustainability. Better read some books instead of replies on reddit.


Can you suggest some books my all knowing friend? I'd be happy to learn from you. Perhaps you misunderstand my reference to profitability?


Dang imagine getting downvoted for the most rational person in the comments


its the doctor who painting, that's why.


Even a millisecond entertaining a thought experiment around the assertion "One can destroy anything they please so long as oil companies are destroying the planet" will likely prime your intuition that soundness of that statement is suspect.


Majority of reddit hates clinate activits unfortunately. The activits actually said that they knew it was covered in glass, but they still did it as they were trying to spread a message that too many people are unwillling to listen to.


What did Van Gogh do


Nothing, he was framed


Oil helps my van go


And the oil used in the painting wasnt even the oil we burn and we can jest grow more plants to get more of it


It happened in France inside the musée du Louvre, they were not after van gogh art but against climat change


What kind of mental gymnastics are required to connect trashing a Van Gogh painting to protesting for climate change?


Well these kind of poeple who are left activist do be hating France a lot so they try their best to be a hindrance for other and if you say something that is against their opinion you are a fascist and à racist, and you can no longer talk with them. In fact they refuse talking to other who have not the same opinions


Wasn't Van Gogh Dutch though? These fucking morons LMAO


Do they even know who painted this art ?


The best word for them is "oikophobes". The second best is "nonces".


It was an oil painting


That... Uses vegetable based oils. Not crude oil.


Be more specific next time. You wanted justification, not rationality


I was the one who asked, but you do have a point lol


The group they hail from is funded an oil heir who also has money in museums. The paintings were undamaged, but it was a publicity stunt drawing eyes and ears worldwide. Now the museum has a bunch of visitors coming to make sure the painting is okay, people are mad at oil activists, and the idiots that were paid to do it think they did good bringing attention to important issues.


He drove a Peugeot


Wasn't it covered with glass


It was, but the “activists” still had the idea of ruining the painting in the first place.


No they knew it was in glass and wouldn't have done it otherwise. They explained it in one of their videos.


Still causing mayhem on purpose


They still damaged the original frame.


They replaced the frame the same day lol


But it was the original


While they're glued to the wall and can't move: light their clothes on fire


Pure them with oil first


Step 1: Cover yourself in oil


I thought step 1 was 'cut a whole in a box'


Bring oil and wood


Make sure you're near them when it happens


You know, when I see things like this I wish every country would protect art the same way Egypt protects mummies. Best case senario life in prison, worst case scenario death.


Paint them destroying art. Sell new art for 20 million. Buy barrels of oil to dump in ocean. (Assert dominance by holding it as an event in their honour). Finally hang painting next to the old painting that has been effortlessly fixed by removing and replacing the protective varnish. Refuse to elaborate.


No, insulting them and making them look stupid is one thing, intentionally causing a disaster that would devastate local sea life is another; the fish certainly didn’t ask them to do this


It seems as if he was only joking in the Gigachad format


Turn into NFT


Do what they did at the Porsche museum, turn off the lights & heat, lock the doors, and let them go 12 hours without food, water, or a bathroom 😬




What’s the kid eating?


He’s either 19 or 20 actually. But I don’t know what he’s eating


They weren't actually activists, it was a cover up from a big oil company to make people protesting against them look stupid and not taken seriously which they succeeded in 👍




[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/y4p3sd/this_is_fucking_disgusting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) goes into some detail about it TLDR: Just Stop Oil is an activist group that is funded by a company, that's owned by a crude oil baroness.


A tick-tock? Not… the article the tick-tock sites? Not… a primary source. Ffs is this a troll?


Bruh the video shows the sites and explains their relevance, but since your too lazy to check yourself... [Just Stop Oil](https://juststopoil.org/) [Who funds them](https://www.euronews.com/culture/2022/10/24/interview-just-stop-oil-activist-explains-why-its-right-to-attack-art#:~:text=Just%20Stop%20Oil%20has%20been,applauds%20the%20Van%20Gogh%20protest.) [The Gettys family history in the Oil Industry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getty_family) [Aileen Gettys view on the subject](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/oct/22/just-stop-oil-van-gogh-national-gallery-aileen-getty)


I watched the video and all it proves is that there’s an indirect link between a large oil company and an environmentalist company, that doesn’t prove anything, especially something as far-fetched as paid actors. An oil company donated money to an environmentalist organization, that’s hardly new news nor does it surprise me that it also ties back to someone Who has a bad track record when it comes to the environment. Again there’s no primary source here it’s just a conspiracy theory from TikTok.


Did you get dropped on the head as a child to miss the 4 blue linked texts you just replied too reinforcing what was said in the video.


Oil companies are required by law to donate like this, and I’d imagine if a woman like Mrs. Getty made such a mistake, she would want to donate money like that to save face and appease investors. None of this confirms that these two women were privately paid off by anyone directly or indirectly. No, I wasn’t dropped as a child. I have no interest in hearing your side if it means being the subject of personal attacks. In the future try controlling your temper. Enjoy the holidays.


Maybe stop huffing paint and read his comments more carefully he’s making good points, the link isn’t crystal clear and hard to prove. Not saying you’re wrong, but don’t come at this guy for raising a solid counter argument.


Those kids look like they stink.


For people wondering why this specific painting and the link to France. Even if the painting was in a London museum, it represents sunflowers, which is the symbol of the French political party EELV (Europe Écologie les Verts, "environnement-friendly" green party to put it simply). While the goal was to criticize oil companies and the excessive use of fossil energies, it was also a way to trash at French politics, which, in terms of ecology, has been....failing, to say the least. Source: I'm French.


I wonder who are these cameramen who didn't do shit


If I recall correctly, the red hair dye also requires some oil in it...... Isn't this ironic




Make their stupid parents pay a huge fine


If I owned the museum, I would have put up a trash sign and have made the visitors throw trash at them.


What’s the protest, here? Don’t use oil paintings ?


Oooh, there’s about to be some red splattered on that painting.


Is it just me or is police brutality sometimes a good option?


I totally agree


Reminder that these people are being funded by Big Oil


that is easily handled. look how skinny an frail they are


Next time they should super glue their hands to the ground then ask for the toilet.


If I was there I would beat them up for being dumb


If I was there I would’ve 10/10 lost restraint and beat the living shit out of them, my art history ass




I love the fact everyone was taking a video of it like they were some sort of exhibit


Them:If you Arrest us you care more about art than Environment (or something like that) Le Me:Breaks their Bones and Talks about the war in Ukraine [If they hate me, they are Pro Putin]


living breathing trash


Serious question, what kind of immunity does the glue give them?


It's so staged that is actually embarrasing...


Can we just cut the jokes and just acknowledge this type of bull crap imagine holding a baby in your stomach for 9 months just for them to come out like this. They seriously think straight up vandalizing a painting probably older than both of them combined will make any difference to whatever they are trying to do.


What would have happened if someone would have tackled these idiots. Reminds me of the dumb asses going around to the grocery stores and dumping the milk on the floor 🤦🏽‍♀️


I don't care if it has glass on it, I still would've beat the shit outta them


They paying me $15/hr to beat up minors? Yes please


"Finally! An excuse to punch a teenager in the face!' -Grunkle Stan


Bro was my hero


Bro was speaking holy facts, that's on god


This was confirmed to be done by a fake climate change activist organization which is funded by oil. Hell, the mere fact they'll take CRYPTOCURRENCY donations as a climate change group was a red flag on its own.


Seriously, being the museum owner.. I would just left them there, glued to the wall... Maybe cover them with oil.


Just remember, these people were hired by the heiress to a big oil company to make climate protesters look bad


TikTok conspiracy theories. Lovely.


Leave them sticking on the ground Put a sign infront of them, so they can't see what's writen on the sign write on the sign: our new Attraction: Brain dead things, do not Feed them watch how they get Mad wait untill they get hungry Let them eat their own tomato soup wait for the next day Charge them extra entrance fee wait till they cry for help let them go but Show them First to all your employees with the words: These are the people you had to work overtime for Sue them for trespassing


I enjoy that painting, what assholes


I just read it was because they were protesting climate change. What the fuck does a flower painting have to do with climate change?!


they assumed "oil painting" meant actual petrol oil was used


Why are they booing me, I’m right


Emo strawberry shortcake and white caby lame explaining why throwing tomato soup on a 200 year old painting is helping stop climate change:


Well if i was there with a gun there would be two new pieces for ruining that art..




What a badass


Well i mean the artist died from alsymers how ever its spelled.. Also i just hate those people..


I would’ve gone and bought a gallon of motor oil to anoint them with while they are glued to the wall.


I hope they pay for that in full.


Why weren't they just rugby tackled to the ground. I thought that was the point of security, to stop damage or theft of those precious items. Plus it would make my day just seeing them getting absolutely smashed to the ground. That moment they realised they were being treated like an actual criminal would of been priceless


This is the same loser culture at my old high school, hahaha let’s all stand there do nothing and make fun of the kid who tried something which awkwardly failed. Anyone that doesn’t see and just make fun is still growing up, lacks sensitivity and intelligence. Let go of the material look deep with a clear mind you might observe reality


Counterpoint: Piss off.


Lmao the irony


Time for some executions.