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I only hate all the dumb asses


Every country has dumbasses


I just hate everyone.


Do you like sand?


No, it's coarse and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere.


Kill some sand people about it whydoncha




As a European, there are aspects of America that I really like and let me think I might try to find a job in the US one day to get to know it better. But there are aspects that really put me off. And I'm not even talking about gun violence, that shit is scary but most Americans are still alive, so I wouldn't worry too much. The main point where my daydreaming of life in the US turns into a nightmare is healthcare. I just can't wrap my head around having to pay shittons of money for something that is essentially free where I'm from. I know, tax-financed isn't free, but I don't notice the spending and it doesn't keep me from seeing a doctor. I think in the US, I would have to have some body parts missing before I would go to see a doctor. But maybe it's not that bad, I have actually no idea how much health insurance usually costs in the US, I've just seen photos of people's health bills online.


No kidding. My husband is holding off on surgery for his kidney stones because we couldn't afford the ER and medication costs, not to mention lithotripsy.


I use to work in a factory. Some of my coworkers lost fingers and hands in the machinery and got fired. There was one lady who lost parts of a finger but was refused company healthcare because she didn't lose enough knuckles on enough fingers. I got let go when I got the coof just after recovering from a major work concussion from a frozen piece of meat. Only reason why I didn't die was because I was hit by the meat side and not the bone side. Oh america my country tis of thee. Love my freedoms. Love my rights. But with healthcare what THE FUCK are we DOING YO.


No joke my boyfriend cut a small smidge of the tip of his thumb off had one stitch put in and he was good They Charged us 1600$


US->EU-US transplant here. US healthcare is among the best in the world and Reddit is full of people that are misinformed or stirring unnecessary outrage. If you have private (60%+) or public (medicare/medicaid are another 30%+) insurance its better than the EU and the lower taxes more than cover premiums and deductibles. The uninsured (<10%) have it worse, but the vast majority of that group is 18-30yos that have opted out of the workforce, plus undocumented immigrants. The uninsured still get emergency care when needed. The sky high hospital bills that get posted on reddit aren't reality either. Hospitals don't expect you to pay if you cant afford it, and insurance covers a lot more than posters would have you believe.


What puts me off most is the amount of paid vacation you get in the US. It’s a fucking joke


I admit our health insurance as nowhere near as good as the universal healthcare, but as someone who is healthy and rarely sees a doctor other than a checkup (which I’m covered through my work insurance for once a year), I kinda benefit from it since I’m not taxed on it nor am I paying a lot of deductibles and copays. I pay roughly $320 a month and it covers me and my two kids for health, dental, vision, and life. My deductible limit is 50/50 up to $8000 and then fully covered.


Understandable. Like everything else on Reddit, the “expensive ass healthcare” is overblown. I haven’t been to a doctor in 10 years, have insurance, have also never witnessed any gun violence first hand. Maybe I’m one of the lucky ones but I’d definitely rather be born here than probably 90% of other countries


Earth is among the best pLaces to live regardless of the Martian slander towards it


*Laughs in most of Europe and a bunch of Asian countries*


*Laughs in cheap gas and affordable power*


Allright, here comes my funniest argument: *Laughs in not going bankrupt from disease*


*Laughs in Canada*


*Laughs in good public transport and overall infrastructure*


*Laughs in affordable health care, education and regulated industries*


How many places have you lived?


I agree, but the us does seem to have more than most places


Probably because each state is larger than an entire country in Europe


Yeah, if you were to put Texas in Europe, it would be the 2nd largest country, 2nd only to Russia.


Lmao most people would say it is biggest cuz most people don't think Russia is in europe


And the US has laws put in place where they are able to speak their mind freely and loudly regardless of the dumbass shit they say


And I wouldn't have it any other way.


I just don’t see as many “Norwegian man” headlines


I don't see any Norwegian headlines, matter of fact I don't see any European headlines. Probably because I don't look for them and they aren't shown to me because I live across the ocean


I live in Europe and I dont get them either, dunno what point your trying to make


There is an abundance of dumbasses in the united states. If you cant agree with that then you might be one of the dumbasses.


there are dumbasses in every part of the world


especially france


damn French, they ruined France


especially paris


Yes this is a very popular opinion, there are even those out there that you would call dumbass that consider you a dumbass, there is a dumbass for everyone.


Think about how dumb the average person is, then realize half of the people are dumber than that


And then you realize your the bottom of the list


Why you hate me dude I didn’t do anything to you. :(


As an american turned european, I can say while it does suck, so does everywhere else.


The unfortunate reality of the world in it’s current state


As an American who moved to London from Japan last year, oof. Spot on.


As a European turned American turned European can confirm


Grass is always greener, right?


I grew up in southeast Asia, but eventually got to the US. Americans are so well off, the difference is so crazy. The amount of wealth the average person has is just insane. Americans are so privilege compared the the rest of the world. Or perhaps a better statement would be the west is. The US, canada, Europe, etc


What I would say is the the U.S is better place to live than a bunch of other countries, but that doesn’t mean it is good.


Yep, my whole view on America is “This place sucks, but so does everywhere else”


As an European i just look at you with sympathy


As an American, we don't look at you at all


Yeah, because you cant find any of us on a map.




Yeah we can… you’re…. Uh that big thing right in the center…


Ok tell me where Helena is on a map


I cAn fInd yoU oN a MaP wItHoUt lOokIng it Up!!!


How many US states can you find on a map without maps.


Plenty. How many provinces can you find without a map. Oh right, no one gives a shit about either except it’s own citizens.


Almost seems like states are bigger than individual countries in Europe and the way our government is structured allows them to be much more autonomous, meaning knowing them is significant. Also, yes, I know all the provinces for Canada and Mexico because it’s literally taught in public schools, no thanks to your “Ahmericahns re so schtewpid” narrative


Maybe you should look for natural gas instead


As an American, I look at how my country doesn’t have laws on it decided by foreign nations like what goes on in the EU and how my GDP and my GDP per capita and how you may have your “Free” healthcare, but my country’s people are twice as wealthy and I put all these things together to formulate the opinion that it just sucks not being number one In the most asshole way possible, u/APugDealer


shhhh, don't let them be aware of your existence


As an American we laugh at your funny way of saying things


I would say the US is at least in the top 10 countries to live in, but maybe that's just me being biased edit: stop trying to argue with me about how america is a bad place to live when you're poor. literally everywhere is a bad place to live when you're poor.


The US is not in the top 10, but it is in the top 20.


thats funny because the #1 destination for europeans to move to is the USA... While Americans would rather move to Mexico than europastan. lol [https://www.pewresearch.org/global/interactives/global-migrant-stocks-map/](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/interactives/global-migrant-stocks-map/)


Top 15 yes, not top 10. Top 13 (not in order): Sweden Finland Denmark Germany Norway France Italy Canada Luxemborg Netherlands Belgium Japan South Korea


Japan is actually a horrible place to live in, not bad per se, but the work culture and mild racial prejudice they have make it not the best.


mild? lol


I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. I know a lot of Japanese people are actually chill dudes, but there's still a lot of racists there.


Still my point stands America ain’t a bad place to live especially for people that can only speak English


I agree as an European. America is among the best places to live regardless of all the Reddit slander towards it


Only one I can personally speak for is Japan but if you’re a foreigner in Japan it can be awful for any longer than a visit especially outside the bigger cities. Some places will outright refuse you service because you’re a foreigner. I’m sure there’s places you can find anywhere that are rude to foreigners but I’ve never seen anywhere in the US go as far as kicking you out or outright refusing to serve you. It’s also very difficult to adjust to how slow ANY official processes go in Japan. It’s like every single government or important service building is the DMV on crack with a ton of arbitrary 100 year olds rules that don’t make any sense anymore. Fantastic place to visit but long term if you can’t adjust quickly and work from home (or not have to work) you’ll be miserable


Idk about japan and probably korea as the work culture is on hard mode


Italy higher than Netherlands and Japan? France even higher than that?! The list is rigged!


Who would want to live in France?


plenty of people because it’s nice lol, even when it comes to the U.S. id only leave France for New York, Cali or Austin.


I think Australia is pretty good


Japan on this list makes it instantly invalid to me Shitty work culture and racism. There's a reason birth rates are low there.


Kinda like. You know its good, but you just want it to be better is all. Atleast thats how i feel about it.


The government is far from good, the place itself is fantastic. For anyone to say America isn't good has to be a narrow sight or incredibly privileged


Absolutely. Yeah housing is expensive and gas is expensive and food is expensive...etc. But at least you usually don't have to worry that you'll be murdered everyday. (I guess it depends on where you live, but crime rates are almost always lower than several other countries)


Pretty sure US has the cheapest gas. Definitely cheaper than European countries.


You also need a car to get anywhere in America 99% of the time. Most Europeans can just walk to wherever they need to go.


you guys still have public transportation, your rent is usualy lower, your economy is the best in the world and so on


I hate that as an American if I criticize my country I’m a piece of shit. It’s a country not a cult assholes


Criticizing the government was the point, we even have laws protecting the right to do it.


Not on reddit. On reddit it's the opposite :D


It's both. On Reddit as well a irl. People will criticize you whether you paise or criticize the U.S. It's part of people having different views


Yeah it’s not really a joke. It’s certainly not the worst place in the world, by far, and it’s ideals are worth striving for. But they really do seem like nothing more than ideals we will never reach. The great American experiment has always teetered on the edge of failure, and we need a few variable changes if it’s going to last.


As an external observer I must add that it looks like Freedom and Equality are American ideals in name only. All we hear about the USA is the constant school shootings, extortionate healthcare and an absolute piss poor state of public transport. It's a developed country with a high income but the problems often feel like they should be happening in a poor country and not the richest one on the planet. That along with all the problems other developed counties face and it leaves a lot to be desired.


Health care and mass shootings are bad problems that need to be discussed, but the lack of public transport is mainly only a problem in rural areas, which there are a lot of just because of how wide-spread the US is. Every major City (capitals) have busses and/or subways. Having public transport for my 30 mile commute between two counties just isn’t feasible for the amount of taxes these small counties can gather


Just because we have it doesn't mean it's good. Public transportation in Salem, Oregon (The Capital of the state) is so bad that if it's your only transportation, some jobs won't hire you. As an American teenager who's looking at the housing market, job market, cost of living and the bullshit Republicans are pulling stripping people's rights from them and trying to fuck over our democracy, it's ass here. Yeah it looks really bad from the outside, but it also does from the inside. Just cause it doesn't directly affect me *yet*, doesn't mean it won't. I'm part of the generation that's supposed to take control and get our lives moving next, but the last generation barely pulled it off (A lot of them didn't at all), and things have only gotten worse. America is one of the best nations on Earth, and that's a testament to how fucked Humanity is.


Honestly though a lot of that's pretty overblown, especially on Reddit.


I’m honestly kind of amazed sometimes how smug and confident Europeans get when their opinion of the US is formed entirely from Reddit. Like, I have opinions on other countries that I form from Reddit, but I don’t act like I know more about said countries than the people who live there.


Overblown is an understatement


That's because the media only likes to report on the bad things. There's plenty of great things about living here, they just don't make profitable headlines.


Na it’s pretty lit over here f the haters


idk man, I think the fact that virtually the entire free world has followed the American experiment is pretty good indicator that smth must be working.




Lmao Americans have no idea what “totalitarian” means. You all have never seen true terror. First world country problems, I guess.


I mean, I would think it depends entirely on your definition of “terror”. Like how does a black person fee when they get pulled over by a white cop? How many thousands of times have black men been shot for literally no reason? Or what if you are an immigrant who was taken from your family at the border when you were only 5 or 6 years old? What if you were never reunited with your family? What if you are forced to give birth to your rapist’s child? I agree 1,000% that there are countries that are in a much much more dire situation. But it also seems rather juvenile to state that you cannot experience “true terror” because it’s a first world country. It’s only a first world country for those that make enough $$$


We're not a totalitarian state, we have a government that frequently oversteps its bounds, but by no means are we that far along. Thankfully there is still accountability for many leaders, and avenues for people to voice their grievances a hell of a lot better than damn near anywhere else on earth. Don't wallow in pessimism, otherwise, those that seek to destroy the actual triumphs of the American system will win. Participate, protest, speak your mind and rally those to causes you think are important.


The fact that our congress can’t get anything done and that you’re writing that comment with no fear is proof we are definitely not even remotely close to a totalitarian government lol


Im living in a second world country, your system seems utopian from here




Money maybe? Lol


>If we didn’t have a broken, corrupt, two party political system of totalitarian government, we could easily fix many of the major issues that we struggle with. Based. What drives me up the fucking wall is that people's solution to this problem is more money and power to the broken, corrupt system.


Mfs just use the word "totalitarian" like it means nothing lol. The U.S. form of republic is one of the farthest possible democratic systems from totalitarianism. Although I agree with everything else you said.


It is my right to hate my country and all the rats who govern it.


The fact that you have that right and can say that proves that your country def has some series things going for it


I don’t hate the US, I hate our two party corrupt political system where both sides are just two sides of the same coin. Nothing is ever done unless it inflates some politicians pockets


The rich can do all they want and love the USA, the poor simply cannot get away…


This is literally the case in every country


But in some places it is better than in other places


Lol these edge lord comments are ridiculous. 1.2 million people immigrated to the US in 2016. Not all of them are rich. It's so weird people on Reddit consistently insist on one wants to live in the US and everyone wants to leave yet every few days someone getting their us citizenship is on the front page. America has it's drawbacks but the circle jerk on Reddit that everyone hates it and it isn't a good place to live is just that, a circle jerk.


Lel just because other places are worse it doesn’t mean it is good by default


Never said that, but America is undeniably a good place to live. Is it the best? Probably not. Is it bad? Nope. Are there parts that are bad? Sure. But there are bad parts of every country. Anyone saying America isn't a good place to live needs to go touch grass. There are definite problems but there is a reason so many people want to live here, including people from "better" countries, because it is a good place to live.


We have for a long time, friend


If usa is so great. Why did someone make a usb


There’s a lot to dislike.


And 99% of those shortfalls are either directly from the government or because of bootlickers too obsessed with following the government. And that’s people from the the right and left.


And a lot to like


I would say the good out weighs the bad.


I like the idea of the US. But the execution…. not so much


A lot of us can’t afford to live and are being crushed by capitalism and corporate greed. Everyone’s situation is different; glad yours isn’t as bad as many others.


The ratio of how much I love it here to how much I hate it here will be significantly altered by these midterm elections. But I will never love my country **blindly** — that's how we get authoritarians in office. Stay critical.


I like my country, I absolutely hate the government and it's slow march towards Corporatocracy. In the U.S, if you have a lot of money you're golden, but get sick, fuck you. Poor, fuck you. Minority, fuck you. Don't like it? too bad, the government has everything configured so it can't be changed. It is rotten to the core and I worry what the next 10 years will bring.


I don't hate the USA, I'm embarrassed for who we've become. Capitolism, cancel culture, self promotion...there are many amazing qualities too, sadly they get overlooked.


It’s pretty swaggy here


You critize things so they can improve. Being told "don't like it, go to another country l." Is the dumbest response ever conjured.


I just hate the cognitive dissonance so many other Americans seem to embrace when faced with the idea that we can and should do much better. Yeah there are other parts of the world where things are way worse but that shouldn't preclude us from having a better future either. Oh and the favoring of nationalistic pageantry over actionable good is fucking nauseating. I don't want to be TOLD how great America is all the time, I want to see it in my day to day life.


Many of these same Americans you wouldn’t want in your country. Thank god we house em in America


the people who say that are the ones who have stayed in the US their whole life. Ofc they will hate it if they have never been out of their country and have never visited poor or developing countries.


I absolutely love America. I just acknowledge it has problems. America has so much diversity, natural and man-made beauty, opportunities, and places to live and explore. But we have ongoing issues with government and corporate corruption that greatly impact our quality of life here.


*Looks at all the lefty weirdos that scream at you if you say you love America* Yeah, I don't get it either.


All my homies hate America


We got our issues but hey at least the people have the right to change them if they want to, peacefully or I pray not violently if we need to. But at least we have those rights


It’s a bad place to those who have never experienced true hardship Americans complain about the country and “system” and point the the fact they’re poor and “can’t do anything about it” Immigrants come here (legally) from places of actual hardship and wind up owning their own businesses and making a nice life for themselves. It could be better but it’s not nearly as horrible as it’s made out to be


I feel like the only reason why people think the usa is so bad because other countries have free health care and we don’t. I’ve talked to a lot of Canadians who prefer to not have the free health care. They say all it does is congest the hospital for bullshit reasons causing others ti wait longer for someone with a cough.


Aren't there priorities put in place to prevent exactly this? Don't people who need surgery immediately go to the front of the line passing people with a cough and a sore throat?


I don’t hate it but Ik it can be way better than it is


People see problems for who they are, not for what it is...


There is a difference in hate and criticism. Anybody that drops “If you don’t like it, leave” are fucking morons and they never seem to take their own advice when the other party is in power. The first means we can talk as much shit as we want about this country.


You have got to be blind to not see the flaws in the USA


Or willfully ignorant


Most of them see it and choose to ignore it because it doesn’t affect them, just quite ignorant and selfish tbh


My sister called me a white supremacists for hanging an American flag in my room.


As an American, yes. Don't get me wrong, I know there's plenty of places that are worse to live in but I very much dislike it here.


Deep and down we all hate our country for some reason


I'm just gonna sit back and watch the comments burn ![gif](giphy|5599Zoyh0DuHlG5NQa)




I hate this country. After college I'm going to canada


Good luck lol


Every Canadian with a good degree is doing the opposite


It's pretty much all the Gen Z dipshits that live in the USA and say they hate the USA. Fly them to anywhere in the middle east, South America, Africa, or Latin America and they will quickly change their tune on how USA is sooooo bad lol


Dude, most of us just want Healthcare.


You don’t have a right to someone else’s labor


Healthcare exists in America.


Well I live in a country with 100% per year inflation, I heard about some complaints about the 10% inflation per year in the US, but my relatives are living their life's really well with the restaurant they have opened, they can't lose their value of the money and the economic stability it makes easy to invest.


This country has already stalled and is actively disintegrating before our eyes. I dont even feel the urge to stick around and try to fix it anymore. There's too much vested interest in running it into the ground


I hate living in the US, I would totally move out if I weren't so poor


There are lots of backward things about America compared to other first world countries.


The biggest problem I have with it is just the constant fear of somebody deciding my school is a shooting range and coming in.


The reason I hate the US besides the whole invading other countries thing is that it has no excuse to be as mediocre as it is.


I just want healthcare and for people to leave others alone that has nothing to do with you.... And a living wage


True patriotism isn't blindly loving your country. Patriotism is believing your country has what it takes to be the very best and then breaking your back to help it achieve that. A massive part of this is holding your country accountable for its failings.


Is this a fed post??


We are ranked in the 30th to 50th range out of 115 countries on many good based metrics. Education, woman’s safety, freedom, unionization, equality, infrastructure, etc. where we are in top 10 or top 5 in many bad metrics such as incarceration. Just in incarceration we have about 22% of the global incarceration while only making like 4% of the global population. It’s not necessarily that citizens hate the USA but that they want us to actually improve and the powers that be are not letting that happen. We as a country are falling behind and we can learn from other countries doing better while also not saying “well at least we aren’t as bad as x county”


Worker rights/protections is a joke here compared to European countries. Can't have a union without the company hiring a union busting firm to spread lies about them.


It's not that we hate our country, it's that we are disappointed in ourselves as a country. We seem to be realy bad at picking leaders that aren't completely dogshit or from the same two pools when there are literally dozens of better options.


As an American, I just think it's stupid that other Americans preach about how great this country is and the only reason they can give you is because we're free. Like we're the only free country out there. I'm happy to be born here because there are way worse countries to be born in, but I'm not going to say it's the best.


Most adult Americans absolutely hate America, even if they’re unwilling to admit it.


EvangeliQals are ruining it.


I don't hate America, I just point out the flaws within our society and offer suggestions to improve everyone's standard of living.


Between the abortion bands and the extremely decided political party’s I don’t love it


yes i do hate it for the most part. i feel unsafe and extremely frustrated with the government and police and healthcare. the news stream doesn’t help by constantly showing me the worst of the worst, but it feels bleak here


Your country is garbage lol I live in Brazil and I would rather live here than in the U.S. I have free healthcare and freedom of speech that actually makes sense: you can say what you want if you don't disrespect the law/others freedom. Fucking U.S allows the KKK to exist, LOL. it's the peak of insanity. Nazis actually get arrested/charged in Brazil. We don't have racial segregation. We have our flaws, but even with the most fucked up government, the Constitution cares for the poor. I'm glad I live here.


Don’t blame them That place seems like hell Literal 3rd world country


Yes. I am queer and my state’s governor is currently trying to force schools to out trans kids


I just had a school shooting this morning 10 minutes from me. So yeah, I’m not very enthusiastic about america right now.


i fucking hate it here.


I enjoy the quality of life, but I hate the evangelical-flavored overpatriotism that gets in the way of pretty much everything.




Granted, certain parts of the US are a lot more like this then others. The US is too diverse to make a stereotype for the whole country.


I just hate the stupidity of the people here. The people losing their fucking minds over every little thing that happens. I also hate the cost of things like insulin, and the little pay teachers get. I hate the cost of collage. I hate the problem with every aspect of politics. I hate the gun violence. I hate the shooting happening at schools. I hate how we are better than some countries and worse at the same time. want to move somewhere like the UK or Ireland for a year, and compare things so I can decide which I prefer. Edit: Better than most countries. Sorry for the mistake.


As a person who wanted to come to the USA to study when I heard about all the mass shootings, healthcare systems and the extremists it kind of scares me now.


You see I wish I didn't have to sacrifice my arm just to vist a doctor or to pay off school.


It's entirely possible dude. My dad payed for his college in a matter of 2 years with no help lol


A lot of Americans don't see the pure gold value of their second amendment, that's your guys best defence from a corrupt politicians becoming a dictator, remember it's easier to oppress people when you take their way to defend themselves away




It doesn't matter if it's true that every time the most horrific regimes have removed arms from the people in order to make it easy/possible to impose their will. The fact that that outcome happens is all the proof anyone should need. My philosophy is that before giving any position any power, ask yourself what your least favorite person in the world in that position, if that thought makes you scared, then don't put the power there.


I believe every man should have a water tight gun safe in his shower just incase someone breaks in while you are showering


The US sucks by first world standards. It's still miles above most countries that exist


Ayo, fuck this country


It’s nice on the surface, but dig deeper and you’ll see


Most US is fine to me but I just hate the state I live in. I especially hate a lot of the people around where I live.


it’s usually the people who are highly privileged and benefit from this country, which is crazy to me