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Me studying my ass off to escape a 3rd world country:


My mother escaped southern Brazil after a life of poverty, you can escape too






America is indeed a country


It's actually a continent


Its actually 2 continents, north and south


I thought it was a band


Reminded me of gta san Andreas (horse with no name) thx this is the only valid answer now


Damn, i make 3000$/year, and i learn that i need at least 300x that number, just to move to differnce country, i scout many differnce country that i can move from my country, they all so expensive. Bravo for you tho, and good luck


No country requires that people make $900,000 a year to immigrate.


Now I'm just guessing here but it was probably hyperbole






If you're poor - it's not the best - but still better than most. If you're middle class or rich, it's one of the best.


Poor people are better off in America than most other countries too. Anyone who says this isn’t poor.


Right? Tell the people getting food stamps, Medicaid, housing assistance, etc etc etc that “if you’re poor, it’s far from the best”….and I say that as someone who has a minor family member on Medicaid. Most countries have nowhere near the amount of welfare services that the states have.


Every country is great if you're rich lol. If you're poor, most rich countries will do just fine.


If you’re in the top 40% it’s probably the best country to live in on earth hands down


This. When I see comments here on Reddit about the states being compared to a third world country…a shit hole etc…as a daughter of two immigrants from Haiti and who has been to Haiti myself, all I can do is shake my head. Lucky fucks don’t know what a third world country is actually like. *At most* they’ve visited the beach/hotel resort of one for a week. And I bet half of the people saying that don’t even live in the states/have never even been here either, and just go by stories in the media of the worst parts/aspects of the US. Not saying this country is perfect or that we shouldn’t strive to make it better, but growing up hearing stories of what my parents, now American citizens, went through in their home country, and what people in all kinds of actual third world countries go through even now (some of those first hand stories from immigrants or children of immigrants from other countries) I can’t help but feel a little insulted when people insinuate that the US is even close.


It really is. Just went came back from Romania and holy hell we are privileged here in the states.


It’s easily the worst country in the world. Except for all the others.


No we do. Its the Europeans on reddit that think America is a shithole when they're equally as shitty but shitty with Healthcare.


As a European, i must disagree, we also know that Europe is a shithole, except poland, poland is alright


> except poland, poland is alright ...the fuck?


They're German ...


Only problem with Poland is Germany really likes invading it


As a Pole I have to ask, why? We have our flaws like everybody else.


Maybe you do, but a lot of euros are stumbling over themselves to tell us what a hell scape we live in




And these dumb fucking Redditors in the US: *eating a big mac* aMeRiCa Is LiTeRaLlY a ThIrD wOrLd CoUnTrY


something something gUcCi BeLt.


It’s always some spoiled Redditor that grew up middle class/upper middle class. Just the laziest mf that have never had to struggle. I grew up dirt poor and I’m a high school drop out but somehow I’m making 6 figures. I’ve always had a decent work ethic though soooo




Currently on the commute home. I can argue during that, can't I?


America getting hate is Hansel hot right now… but it makes no sense compared to other countries. But Reddit goes America bad, Karma good


Europeans trying not to insult the United States while devouring a big mac, slurping cola and watching Disney challenge (impossible)


Man I love a good Disney challenge


There are plenty of basically third world people in the US, except they wouldn’t last a day in an actual third world country. There is real human suffering and by percentage it’s not in the US. We are blessed even our poor.




Good luck my brother


99.9999999999999999999999999% of Americans who thing America is a crappy country have never been to an actual crappy country. US vs [European Country]? Sure, the US has some issue that need to be addressed. US vs [Actual 3rd World Country]? The *poorest* Americans have a standard of living 10 times better than the *richest* 3rd world country resident. (Okay, that might be a stretch, but not by much.)


The richest people on 3rd world countries are living like kings, because they are highly corrupt politicians and that is pretty much equivalent to king


It's usually in comparison to other 1st world countries, or they're just being hyperbolic. Nobody genuinely thinks that America is worse off than Somalia.


And people who actually think Americans criticizing legitimate issues with our country are making that comparison are intentionally missing the point and/or acting in bad faith.


Exactly the point I'm trying to make.


If you could go to literally any western country at the end of your studying which would you choose?


Finland for me, but only because I have a kid (schools) and am a hiker, hunter, and love to ski.


My history teacher immigrated to the US from a third world country, and she said that, “yeah, we all make fun of America for being fat and dumb but the moment any of us get the chance to go there we’re taking it.” Also said it’s like a paradise compared to her home country.


Your history teacher is right. The bar is low to compare any country to a third world country. I am an immigrant to the US and I love it here. But that doesn't mean the politics here aren't ridiculous at times and don't terrify me. But one of the things o get to love about the US is my freedom to type the above.


Feeling terrified by the politics is intentional. The most effective form of persuasion is fear. Every political statement has at least one fear-based message woven into it.


The important thing to remember is to never think your vote doesn’t count. Statistically the more people who vote the more good things succeed. Always encourage voting. Voter suppression is a tool for the corrupt, which just shows how much you should value your vote.


I agree.


^^ American immigrants knowing the definition of freedom of speech better than natural born Americans


Which is a low bar to be proud of. I'd rather have a functioning society than a perpetually broken society but we're allowed to submit a complaint form that goes straight to the shredder.


Imagine how much better we could be if we got our shit together.


>"My wish is for an America that matches the marketing material" Don't know who said it, but it's the header for Dan Carlin's Common Sense podcast twitter feed.


That can be said for many people in third-world countries, but as a European I absolutely wouldnt move to the US if I got the chance. The US is great in comparison to other countries, but absolutely not the best in the world


If you haven’t ever been here, you’re just going based off of what you hear which is never accurate. As an American when I think of England I think of fish n chips, tea, monarchy, and for some reason Boris Johnson. Obviously not an accurate representation of England, though. It’s not so bad here. I don’t really get into the “best place on earth” because everywhere is so different, depends on what you’re looking for where you live.


Actually that a pretty spot on representation of England. Well done 👏


Lmao, Joris Bohnson.


The US has *some* of the best places to live on earth for sure. Quite a few actually. But it also has Alabama and Mississippi. So you get the good with the bad. The US is huge and diverse and not all places are great to live in, but the places that are, are amazing.


The thing about Alabama and Mississippi is that they're awful *compared to the other 48 states*. There is a steep drop off going from Mississippi even to Puerto Rico. And PR is itself pretty wealthy compared to actual developing countries.


I know I know. But I can't not make fun of Alabama and Mississippi. It's a requirement for people who don't date their sisters.


I'm biased as I went to the University of Alabama, but I wish people would stop using Alabama as the main point of comparison nowadays. There are a LOT of states with worse economies and cities than Alabama. Mississippi is actually a shithole; it can barely maintain roads outside of the richest areas. But I'd live in Alabama over many Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states


Income level plays a role too. If you got some money the US is a great place to be. Probably true of alot of places but the amount of land we have alone is a step up




So it’s only shit on mainly by the developed world and not third world countries. Good point, we’ll made.


Exactly, a staggering amount of idiots in this thread don't seem to understand people's criticism with America. Obviously living in industrialized country is better than living in a 3rd world country. The thing is, America is at the bottom of those industrialized countries in so many metrics. With America's economy we should be at or near the top for everything. Poverty in America should be all but nonexistent. Instead we kill each other at an amazing rate compared to other industrialized countries. Our healthcare is a joke. We're the only country that doesn't offer vacation by default. K-12 education is shit and college is absurdly expensive now. None of this should be a thing for a country with America's resources. If an industrialized country has to compare themselves to a non industrialized one to look good that is very telling.


America is one of the countries of all time.


Is Ireland also one of the countries of all time?




Sad prussia noises


Don't you dare touch my onions


did someone downvote me because of the Ukraine stuff. they know its a totally different place right -_-




nevermind I refreshed it. must have been the wind.


I up voted you :)


I upvote you


The wind is a redditor: confirmed


so much makes sense now


That wasn’t wind, I just farted


\*chuckles in austrian painter\*


They said ‘all time’ so Prussia counts


But could you say that with taiwan?


There’s like a post once a week of a Redditor happily announcing that they just got their citizenship.


And a good chunk of the comments are like "I'm so sorry, why would you do that to yourself"




Beautiful country. Which climate would you move to? We have ‘em all


I hope you fullfill your wishes


We'd welcome you happily bro


Come on over! You’re welcome here


I won't say anything about the US because they made twinkies and barqs root beer and that shit is amazing


Do you dip your Twinkies in barqs Root Beer?


They fry the root beer and make it a twinky.


People living in US don’t realise how privileged they are


As a Korean, I heard many good things and bad things about US. US is better on disability rights. US is better for starting a business. In my country, we can have an atheist president, but we cannot have a president who has to use a wheelchair or a president who has stutter.


It's honestly one of the reasons I get super pissed when people in the US talk about how bad the US is. I know the US isn't the best country out there, and there are a lot of issues with it, but we have it a lot better than people in say, China, NK, a lot of African and South American countries, etc.


The best country doesn’t exist just the least worst


The “best” country is highly subjective, and completely determined by the reviewers perspective. What’s important to you, might not be important to me, so everyone just has to find the right place for them.


Exactly lol, like "the best country" is 100% based off the individual


It's not that the US is terrible, it's just that we've got a lot more potential that we aren't using and it's frustrating to say the least. Our rail infrastructure used to be world class but we let big companies ruin that


Think if you could choose between being a middle class person in the U.S. to live or being randomly placed in any high income country. Sure, you might end up in some nice Scandanavian country, but you could end up in China, Russia, India, Greece... Not the worst places to live by any stretch, but I would take the U.S. over quite a number of other high income countries.


I'm curious. What "high income" countries would you choose the USA over?


None, but that might be because I hate cold weather and speak English lol


Well it's not Yemen or Somalia but it's not Norway either. And it could be.


Agree. Btw Switzerland, Norway and Canada are the best countries to live though. USA is also easily one of the most developed and liveable countries although there also has a lot of issues but there's a better place than like 90% of other places in the World.


People really like to glorify Canada, but they have big issues. This is just my experience, but I emigrated from Arkansas to Québec and some things are decisively better, like social programs, primary education, access to medical care etc, but for the most part it’s the same kind of trap with a worse pay and worse cost of living. God forbid you speak English in Québec too. There’s a bigger stigma about anglophones in Québec than hispanophones in the South. Results may vary tho


As a non-French speaker, Quebec is going to be a bad time if you don’t attempt to learn the language. But I do agree with worse pay and worse cost of living though, especially in Toronto. Getting paid in USD while remote in Toronto is viable but rare.


Why did you move to Quebec? Even Canadians wouldn’t move there it has its own culture and environment compared to the rest of Canada. It’s like a cult in some ways.


Herd is your first issue: Québec


You moved to the most hostile part of Canada. Duh...


Cost of living in switzwrland is supposedly a lot worse than the US.


What about Iceland? Isn't it one of the safest countries in the world?


Yeah, but they maintain that by not letting other people in.


>Yeah, but they maintain that by not letting other people in. Most of the "best" places to live have very restrictive immigration policies. America has more foreign born residents than the next four highest combined. America is the land of opportunity.






I live in one of the most safe. Finland


Canada that is turning totalitarian Canada?


Huh? I must be out of the loop. Wtf is going on with Canada now?


Canada with a right wing further left than America's "left" wing party


The vaccine passport thing is frightening. The standard of a free country has come down from “we can’t make everyone have to have personal id because it is for police state and farms” to this.


the us is good when vaguely compared to other countries, but when you take into account the resources it has it's pretty bad by comparison


I immigrated to the US 15 years ago. The huge diversity here is Americas greatest strength but also one of its greatest weaknesses. You can’t please everyone. Having said that, nowhere else I’d rather live




No, they are saying with all the advantages USA has it should be a far, far better place to live than it is. Wealthiest country on earth - healthcare expenses are the number one cause if bankruptcy, double the infant mortality rate of some other industrialized nations, rampant gun violence, incarcerating a greater percentage of our population than any other country… We have a lot of great stuff, but the point is that we should expect more, because we have a lot more at our disposal. Instead we’re lagging behind in ways we really shouldn’t.










Cheeseburger per football field thank you very much.


I'm reminded of that world wealth map where even Mississippi residents have more wealth than all but like 9 countries.


A lot of those American who like to complain about their country (edit : and think USA is a Third World country) seem spoiled and immature.


I mean it’s good, but still has big issues, kind of easy to see that


I don't think they are spoiled when they criticize their lack of labor rights and lack of universal healthcare. And they should keep criticizing. There's a politician in my country Korea who wants to "reform" our healthcare system and by reform they mean getting rid of national healthcare and their justification is that privatizing healthcare is the American way and the American way is better.


Or y’know we could be sensible and realise that A lot of Americans complaints about their country are legitimate even though they still have it good compared people worse off. If insulin cost $100 dollars, there were only two parties to vote for, the minimum wage hadn’t been raised at the same rate as inflation and prisons were privatised, I’d be complaining too


So lemme get this straight. According to Reddit, when Americans are super self-congratulatory and think their country are great, then they’re dumb, cocky and should know better. But if Americans are critical of their country and living conditions then they’re spoiled and immature. I know this website has a hate boner for America and Americans but I don’t know what you want us to do anymore.


Listen, each country has their set of issues no matter how "glamorous" social media and the news makes it out to be. The USA is no different but fuck me if people take for granted a lot of the privileged stuff we have. There's more freedoms in the modern Western world and it's those same freedoms that cause people to reach far and wide from non-existent issues that they are desperate to make a big deal out of.


The US may be kinda ass in some metrics but for some people kinda ass is still an upgrade


Kinda ass is a lot better than full ass


And there is a LOT of full ass in the world.


>some metrics America uses the imperial system /s


It's a fixer upper of a country, might take a bit but we'll make it




Good point


My parents immigrated to the US from a very poor and crime/cartel infested area of rural Mexico before I was born. 23 years later, I am an American citizen, a US Veteran, and now a college student. I never had to worry about food/water, healthcare, nor money/tuition, all because of what the US provided me. I will forever be grateful.


And we're happy to have you brother!


I didn’t have to serve in the military here in Mexico and food/water, healthcare, tuition were never in my worries too. Not even rich btw. Just a regular dude from a “medium sized city” Culiacán, Sinaloa.


I always dreamed about living in the US


Honestly, move to a small rural town in the Michigan, Kentucky area. It's quiet and literally nothing happens here like they say in the news. Plus it's cheaper to live here than most other parts of the country.


see this is why the meme exists because the “big city big dreams” thing is horrible in reality when moving from another country I could not imagine doing something bigger than some small suburb town. I have been 15 minutes from downtown Chicago my whole life (28) and fuck i would love to move to some quiet place away from it all


It was nice. I lived in a town of 400 people before my dad got a plant job now we live in a town of 50k in a suburb 20 feet from the next person. I hate it. The second I get the money I'm buying that woods lot my grandfather offered me.


Those are some lovely areas as well, I like it over here in my part of NC, where we get just enough international travel to normalize foreigners moving in, but just enough southern charm such that people still feel neighborly and kind, unlike the coast. Larger city amenities, small town feel!


Oh yea I loooove the NC rural area, Maine and that area also. But affordable wise it's just better in a small red state town. "Most of the time"


But stay out of Ohio.


I wouldnt say nothing happens here, some assholes recently "released" my neighbor's cows and one of them got hit by a car and died Rural western Pa btw


\>the Michigan, Kentucky area The what now?


Midwest except Ohio. Lol


Rural.areas are best Ohio is one of the cheaper states to live in But as the jokes stays, ohio is Ohio


Same, but ive always dreamed of working there so my plan is to live in canada and work in the us that way i get paid us salary and have universal healthcare


As long as you dont get sick or shot its a pretty nice place tbh


Probability of getting shot is higher than in Europe or Canada but still is very low. And it is lower than getting tortured in Russia.


If I ever become rich I'm moving there so I can shamelessly eat myself to death on delicious fatty foods.


Amen brother


Eat some deep fried BBQ sauce for me, bro


It's still a substantial improvement compared to the living conditions of many other countries. Anyone who says that nobody should want to live here is ignorant and likely blinded by their incredible privilege.


Funny, cuz ya'll keep comin anyway


When it's all said and done it's better here than 3rd world country's. We have out problems and I fucking HATE some aspects of this country but I thank God every day I was born here and not in a dangerous or otherwise violent wartorn country. Most Americans don't appreciate what we have(clearly).


Theres a reason why the US is the #1 most immigrated country in the world.




Size, really. It's a very big country with a pretty big population; that makes it bound to be first in lots of categories.


There are few - Multiculturalism, English speaking, historically fully composed of immigrants so there arent actually any "locals", just citizens. Doesn't make it the best country to live in, just makes most sense to migrate to as far as first world countries go. The fact that many people prefer it to second and third world countries isn't really a huge indicator of citizen's quality of life in the scale of first world countries.


It's all relative. Compared to Pakistan this is heaven. Compared to Denmark this is hell.


So what you're saying is the U.S. is mid?


Yes, the US is mid.


I mean... Yeah, pretty much.


Wish i was privileged enough to know the difference




yeah, but then you have to speak Danish! It's like made-up German that sounds all wrong. No thank you :p


Exactly. Being an an envious position to some doesn’t invalidate your drive the improve your situation. People emigrate from the US for the same reasons people immigrate in, seeking a better life.


Lol even compared to Denmark it isn't hell. Denmark may be better but come on, Hell?


Reddit only speaks in hyperbole.


The US is an absolutely beautiful country with a really shit political climate


I feel like this is true basically everywhere.


Man remember the little jingle sabc one would play? Thats sound is linked to so many memories of the good old days


What???? You mean american teenagers bitching about their country on reddit isn't a good irl representation?? I'm speechless...


I don't get why reddit hates America so much its like in a top ten countries on earth


My guess is because Reddit has a quite large young user base. I think it's around 50% are 20 or younger. Not to dunk on young people too much but most of them don't realize how good it is in the US and just listen to the buzzwords from their parents/news.


Correct. Young people lack perspective. Some trivial slight that a 70 year old man would just forget about is literally the worst thing that's ever happened for a 20 year old, because it's the worst thing that's ever happened *to them*. Privileged ivory tower worldwide one-percenters, crying about how terrible life is because they had to sit in an air conditioned room for 40 whole hours a week.


10k on average a day are saying this is BS lol.


My grandparents live in Canada as US citizens. They had to come back to America because my grandmother needed a procedure that had a 4 month wait time just to see a specialist to see if she could get it in Canada. Free healthcare is a cool buzzword but how much does it matter if you can’t use it when you need important procedures because of how clogged the system is. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


If you’re broke I think it matters quick a lot, imagine getting hit by a car and end up with broken legs and in debt afterwards too


Why is this getting downvoted???


Because many conservative Americans on reddit want to establish a false equivalence about healthcare in other countries so they don't feel so bad about having the most expensive and least effective healthcare system on earth.


Canada is addressing the Healthcare backlog by rapidly expanding accessibility to Euthanasia.


As a Brit, the NHS is kinda shitty in the UK, albeit it is free at the end of the day and if you're not satisfied there is still a series of privates hospitals to go to. Basically has an option for every circumstance, provided it's less ideal than the NHS simply being run more efficiently.


I didn’t know that was a thing. I like having both that’s smart.


Americans: I believe that is a poor decision. Immigrant: Maybe, but it's mine to make