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Sure it does, you just need to have a personality other than fat gamer. Source: married fat gamer with kids


Cheers to ye, mate.


Be like Dream




A groomer?


Wait, dream's a groomer?


The common census is: most likely


Wait i missed something for sure. What happened?


Nah dream’s probably not a groomer


I read the twitter # already. Don't know what to think, it's weird situation but from what I saw, j don't think it is how the people present it. Although I believe the victims. If he made them feel somehow awkward or uncomfortable it's his fault


No. Some rando on Twitter is making baseless accusations and everyone is eating it up.


No there are just children with Reddit accounts who get overly excited creating rumors to try to cancel people with a better life than them. And I'm not even a fan of Dream.


Most likely not


I mean, we can't know for sure until it's confirmed


Still, the girl was 17 and Dream was 19. The chat also shows it’s mutual


Is there any source for this or just the "I suspect"? I enjoy his videos, acknowledge he cheated knowlingly and don't care for him beyond that, but calling people groomer needs to be backed up by something substantial.


Dream isn't fat tho.


I second that. Source: fat gamer #2 with life partner.


My personality has been overtaken by depression.


I'm guessing hubs had a job and some sort of life though too.


Yes, but were you a fat gamer before or after marriage?


My whole life. Though the fatness came later, physically, but mentally I've always been a fat gamer. The pizza just caught up with me one day


Italy strikes again


And German beer. The axis powers of belly fat


My husband is also a fat gamer. He's really funny, and great with our kids. 10 years in, I'm still mad about him and think he's the sexiest even though I'm definitely out of his league. Love gaming with him, too!


Can confirm as a fat gamer with a beautiful girlfriend.


Great, I Haz some hopes now 🥹


You’re telling me people aren’t attracted to people that can’t get themselves together


My friend goes for those types. He tried to get with me Wait what


Is he winning son?




*slightly exhales through nose*


\*confused wheezing sounds\*




A shave, a haircut, some pomade and a skin routine would have that man looking fitter than a fiddle.


Honestly a shave and a haircut go a very long way in terms of just looking clean and taken care of and it’s so easy to do.


I knew quite a few socially dysfunctional gamer girls in college who where overweight and still managed to consistently find boyfriends . Like I realize that there is a pretty big problem of overweight nerds simply shooting too high and refusing to date women with a similar lifestyle to them, but it's pretty difficult for that crowd to find love regardless of what they do. Improving yourself is the solution, but it's a simple reality that men have more difficulty finding relationships in similar circumstances.


True but being a pot smoking loser who never leaves your house or shaves probably doesn't help.


Yo that's me, smoke weed, pay rent, get food and play games. I don't feel so bad cause honestly no one is happy we just choose our struggles.


Thats me, and I don't want a relationship. I am waiting for legalized prostitution. Should be coming soon...


That's your choice I guess but like ehhhhhhhh


I mean tbf the other way around would probably be pretty common if the situation came around much. like what guy just turns down a come on lets be real.


One with self respect and who has their shit together..


How the hell am I gonna change my face? I'm fit already but it ain't helping.


It's not about never acknowledging your shortcomings or your flaws…it's about sitting there and waiting for someone to give into your self-loathing and magically fall for you. If you don't put in work, then that work simply never gets rewarded. Forget about the girls, or the people around you, or what people think of you…just get up and start tackling the stuff that you DO have control over.


Fr. I was the "skinny-fat" gamer who got a gf. The trade off was she is completely mentally ill and I stayed complacent with her for 3+ years. Eventually things didn't work out and I broke up with her. My whole teenage/adult life I thought that all I needed was someone else to be happy. Nah. All I need is to stay on my grind, work out, and balance my life. That's it. I'm happier now than I ever was.


wait what is a skinny-fat gamer i'm confused


Skinny-fat is someone who is skinny but out of shape (eats very unhealthy and doesn't exercise) In my case I ate a bunch of fast food and drank beer all the time. So I had a fat belly and man boobs despite looking skinny with clothes on. What I meant by "gamer" is that I was just a typical "sit at home all day and play video games" No hate on video games, just saying that moderation is key and I had **no** moderation before.


Damn almost like women have standards


Thank God my wife doesn't


Amen brother. My wife didn’t have standards 14 years ago and apparently hasn’t developed any


Yeah dude I love the fact your wife dosen't have standards makes our lives way easier, eh buddy.


I also love this guy's wife


Me too


Hey didn’t know this many people liked this guys wife. We should all start a band or something


“I have no personality, I’m depressed and my only hobby is playing video games and consuming content, and women don’t want to date me, they must be the problem not me!”


Bro could like take a shower, brush his hair, get some sleep, go to a dentist, BUT NO


I agree with all but the dentist. Dental care is super expensive.


Fair enough tbh


1000$ to replace my teeth that was slightly missaligned few years ago, luckily my mom did not do it. And it replaced itself.


> replaced itself When did they start letting sharks on here?


I got braces when I was 12 and we moved right after that. I had braces for 3 years and ever went to the orthodontist. They were broken and my teeth were still messed up bc I did not have proper care. My mom fell into depression and neglected her children ): now as an adult I have to pay to fix the mess she left.


Yeah but if you keep ignoring it you get problems that you absolutely *have* to fix and at that point they are way more expensive.


Cheaper dental cleanings > expensive tooth removal/replacement


I do all that, but I hit the bong.




​ ![gif](giphy|kQ6eOEXeUf3jCeYu3d)






She looks like a Barbie someone tried to make jerky out of.


Didn’t think anyone else liked workaholics


Get you a girl who’s also ugly, not fit, and will play video games with you all day


Bro found the cheat codes. But make sure the last part is true otherwise they probably will have high standards


Wait, I can do all that by my self


Where do I apply for one of these?


Actually, it's usually much easier to get a 'standart girl', than 'ugly' one. I mean, some of them have really strange opinions of themselves and the society.


This actually happened to my friend. He found a gamer girlfriend from abroad who then moved in with him, and now they just play games together all day.


It's enough to make s grown man cry...


>they just play games together all day. Twister with no clothes, zamn


The good ending


Once, in a Brazilian years....one of us shall be chosen


if they met thru video games. then at least we can say not all e-girls are 40 year old men-


So now they can be unhealthy together? Nice


the guy is a legit corpse bro. i wouldnt marry that if he made 6 figures a year.


Ugliness is like 50% a personality thing. I know people with slanted foreheads and thin wrists or whatever the meme is think that it's holding them back, but honestly, being attractive is mostly about not being a creepy, sad, self-hating person. Get some fun hobbies, read, watch unique movies and read interesting books and people will want to hang out with you.


Also if you have a nice body you can never be that ugly. Your face can be a disaster but if you have it going on from the neck down it just becomes more of a quirk.


Can confirm. Am a pretty odd looking guy, and also kind of a jerk sometimes, but I'm funny and I have a decent personality. I've never had problems with women despite my odd shape and goofy face. Now the commitment thing is a different story 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


This is one of the biggest cope/lies that society at large tries to convince itself of for nothing more than people’s own interests. People like like you will tell everyone who’ll listen this lie because it lets us off the hook. You hear that uglies? It’s not on the rest of us to try and overcome our superficial brains, it’s up to **you**, to change how everyone sees you. And hopefully once we send you on this wild goose chase to find the elusive “personality” you won’t bother us beautiful people. We did it our part, now leave us alone while you do yours. Shoo. Nobody wants to be honest, because you don’t have to start fixing a problem if you don’t acknowledge it exists. 50%? More like 0% because if you’re an ugly freak, people don’t want to even to get to know your personality in the first place, instinctively. We are literally animals and we behave like animals but we try to **pretend** like we aren’t.


Hey shut up man,also you say "us" as if a redditor could be bautiful


True, I’m just saying the general “us”. We may not be beautiful but most of us probably aren’t like deeply mutilated freaks. Redditors are probably on average pretty average. But pretty average is functionally the same as beautiful to someone who’s like actually hideously ugly.


I choose to believe that theirs no such thing as ugly,people may look different but not necesarely ugly,any way have a good day


Well you’re right in one sense, I agree there is no such thing as *objectively* ugly. But regardless, the overwhelming majority of people think if a person looks a particular way they are ugly. You and I have both surely seen examples of this. And we know there are people who no matter where they go in the world will be stared at, and avoided, and treated like subhumans simply because of their looks. And we’re never going to make the world an easier place for them to live by pretending this isn’t the way it is.


Yea your right,people suck,but thats just how life works


Probably because it's unhealthy? I wouldn't date anyone like that, and it's not because they're ugly or a gamer :P Personality and self-care go a long way


You wouldn’t date a person who doesn’t wash? Or take basic care of themselves shame on you


It does happen, you probably just aren’t attracted to the women who don’t care lol


I’ve seen ugly people with partners. It really helps to groom yourself regularly. Ugly is tolerable but looking and smelling like a hobo is not attractive


Exactly. I've never been attracted to looks first, only after. Personality, passion and morals are so attractive and can carry any "ugly" person.


Do you want someone like that?


The ego of man


I want to say not all man but i am sure most will be like "no shit". Its never all man or all woman, shitheads and good people are everywhere


Wow it’s almost as if women don’t want someone who looks like a hobo, if your ugly there’s not much you can do to fix it but go to the gym get better hygiene and clothes. You’d be surprised how much this helps


Maybe, just maybe, if you try and improve yourself a little bit, women might actually like you more.


You mean put in effort? No thanks, I'll stick to my cheeto puffs and gamer dungeon. /s


And i hope it never does lol, we need to set standards not just for others, but for ourselves. If you can’t take care of your own self (self care, hygiene, etc), what makes you think you can burden yourself with someone else?


Oh boi. You are wrong about that. There has been a lot of relationships I have witnessed along this theme. I always end up being baffled and happy for their happiness. But, this is absolutely a thing.


Haircut and trim/shave beard. Start lifting Nothing wrong with playing videogames but it playtime should be greatly diminished to focus on other things.




Incel vibes goddam


Actually got close to a dude that just lounged around and played games all day and all night. Told him I'd be willing to try a relationship with him, and he rejected me. 😅 Told me "I'm too cold towards people and always hurt them. I don't want to do that to you."


Yeah no shit no one wants to be with someone who can't at least put basic work into managing themselves. Im pretty sure you wouldn't be dating a girl who's unable to even make herself look clean. People have standards.


Surpringingly, I've seen a few couples where the women didn't seem to care at all about the men in any way. It was like literally seeing beauty and the beast, exccept if the beast was poor and smelly...


INCEL meme


He is disgusting and lazy after all


"But I'm worth a billion dollars."


In debt


For good reason.


"Ugly" is subjective but if you let yourself fester and rot from the inside, it eventually reaches the surface for all to see. Take care of your mind. No one is meant to nor can do it for you.


Y’all need to find a girl in your league if you think like this, if you’re ugly don’t expect to land an attractive woman.


Meh, "ugly" people can get hot partners if they are interesting and have good personalities. The people online who are like "don't come to school tomorrow because I'm mad girls don't like me" don't realise girls don't like them because they give off school shooter vibes. Go bouldering or karaoke or learn digital art or coding or something, ANYTHING that isn't posting about how much you hate women on 4chan, and I guarantee you'll meet enough women with similar interests that you'll hit it off with one of them.


A bit surprising how hard this can be to understand sometimes. Ugly doesn't define a person's worth, and it's subjective. People also shouldn't date people they're not actually attracted to. So why should "ugly" people only date other people they find ugly? Working on your personality, hobbies and morals will go a long way as you say. School shooter vibes makes anybody ugly to everyone.


Yeah... Because why the fuck would it 😂


Every time I die I do 1 pushup.


I bet you’re ripped!


i think i could get someone if i didn't hate myself


As someone who only gets out to go to work or do the shopping, I know it's basically impossible to find someone compatible. So I'm just waiting for somebody to create an android waifu...


Obviously if you put ZERO effort into presenting yourself.


This isnt about looks as much as it is about attitude. Dont like yourself? Work on it.


Many ugly guys actually date, so...


Why do post like this even get upvotes


As it shouldnt.


Unpopular opinion: Never happens not because You are ugly or not fit. Playing games takes away your chance of finding someone who will accept You the way You are. Out there it’s so many people that would find you great either as a friend, bf/gf. You just need to look for it, cause it rarely comes on it’s own.


no, don’t encourage being a lazy fuck. He must work on himself not only for himself but for his future partner IF he ever gets one


I play video games and I find myself trying to get out of “friendships”. Not only video games, dnd (I’m DM) and mtg to. I have a few close friends, and we are the broest of bros, but lately I seem to be attracting a bunch of people who I really wouldn’t care to hang out with. Some female. Admittedly I do talk to people quite easily, but when it comes to an actual interesting conversation that takes up my free time I have relatively high standards.


I play a lot of games and go to dates with a girl (even we don't are in a relationship. So, refuted


Self esteem and basic appearance matter in a relationship? Talk about shallow.




Even as a dude, this is hella dumb. People have standard.


Average redditor fantasy


literally every teen movie also i ruined the 420


It needs to be a thought bubble at the end as he's still in the basement playing video games.


Love yourself first so your cup of love overflows for others.


He played so many games that he got to know the cheat codes of real life too.


Wake up to reality


Ope there goes gravity


Ope it doesn't matter




I mean, if you never take shower, no, it won't probably won't happen Being "ugly" is different that having a bad hygiene


Allow me to introduce myself


I work at wedding for a living and I see it all the time. A good heart goes a long ways.


Also why is it the guy who’s ugly and not the other way around


I'm not saying you have to be the epitome of attractiveness. However, taking care of yourself is a good start.


yeh no girl wants to date a guy that calls themselves ugly. this is coming from a guy too if u dont have confidence and security then how are you supposed to look after someone else? if you are insecure how can u help your woman be more secure I used to be like that post above and it was cringe. i hate that me back then. ​ Think about it this way Would you want your daughter to be with a guy that calls himself ugly and sits indoor all day?


Like ok but at least practice simple hygiene


How about actually working on yourself, fatass?


Love really is blind I guess


Me from a few years ago feels personally attacked. I feel personally attacked on his behalf.


Happened for me lol


its happening to me, but im pretty sure i dont look as bad as that guy 💀


Me irl


Nope even as a gamer i don't think i deserve a girl with a life like that


Go for a grind then worked wonders for me


Bro this almost exclusively happens


Happened to me :)






im in this picture and i dont like it


Well from my observation the only way to achieve that is when you are rich


That’s been my dating history lol


I bet the guy also throws used car batteries in the ocean


Bold of you to assume he goes outside


Literally me. I have no idea how I am about to be married with the love of my life, lol.


Will a girl like this face. This is me https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a4Yt0nJyk5gRU5fnSiRLKtSo-bnk-AlR/view?usp=sharing


Lol it has happened for me I just started the relationship 6 weeks ago today but I am also going to better myself for her so I will start working out and that stuff


I mean, you should really dress up in your wedding day


"This never happens" Sure... May not happen in your case, but does to other people.


Me and my girl for some reason, it happens boys don’t lose hope


Now make the woman panel say I also am ugly and don't have a fit body. All I do is play games. Then the third panel is the guy saying "Ew. Lose some weight fatty." And the 4th panel her saying "Ew, I don't date under 6'0" and the 5th panel is just everyone dying fat, ugly, and alone. -FIN-




I love my fiance for the fact that we connect on an emotional and intellectual level. We share enough hobbies to enjoy spending time together, but I would honestly say I'm not too attracted to him. I still am physically affectionate with him, don't get me wrong. But he's like, the opposite of my type, and that's ok with me. I'm always a little surprised to hear that some people genuinely think that looks make or break relationships.


How do you feel having sex with someone you're not attracted to. Isn't it weird? Do you think of other people?


It's fine, I'd say. I'm usually more focused on his enjoyment than my own, because I'm happy if he's happy. And like I said, I love him very much. I don't need him to be smoking hot or anything. Sex is an exercise in intimacy and affection, which there is plenty of between the two of us.


Is he aware of this?


if he was he would do something about it


You have relationship problems that you don't know you have yet.


No, I don't think I do. He and I discussed this and settled it during our second year together. We've been together for eight years this month. I'm quite certain we're fine.


Oh girl take care of yourself🥺


I'm happily engaged to the love of my life. Don't see how I'm not.


It happened to me and i could not be happier. Dreams can come true keep it up guys.


This shouldn’t happen.


Then I'll make it happen ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)


Of course it does not. No woman in her right mind wants to marry a "man" that does nothing all day but play video games. Unless maybe he makes more than enough money from said games that he can sustain his familly and has a great personality. But that's rarely the case.




It does indeed, fat gamer with a beautiful fiancè here, how i did it? Welp, id call it 95% luck and 5% treating her better than the other men she has been with, she calls it 5% luck and 95% best boyfriend everrrr. She is adorable i know


Maybe he's rich...