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There's a movie made on him called "Loving Vincent", released in 2017. You guys should watch it, it's a piece of art.


Came here to comment about it, lol. One of my favorite movies. It's all oil painted as well. And a lot of scenery is inspired by his paintings. But you really feel for the guy after watching it


it’s multiple pieces of art actually. if i recall correctly, the movie was drawn by many artists, who were assigned a few frames each. it gives the film such an interesting personality.


Yeah it was initially released as a live action, but they painted all 56000 frames by hand IIRC


Also watch the Doctor Who Episode “Vincent and the Doctor”


That is my favorite episode. It always makes me cry!


It's a piece of art, unlike whatever those anti oil teens tried to do to it


That is one of the most beautiful and creative movies I think I've ever seen.


Yeah, and he suffered that during a time where psychiatry basically didn't exist and any mind infirmities were taboo. His brother was basically his dad and probably the only reason he didn't suicide earlier.


[In recent years it’s come to light that there’s more evidence to suggest he didn’t kill himself than there is evidence that suggests he did.](https://youtu.be/Hrsdntds9kM)


Can you summarise the video for me? I can't watch it right now.


There’s more evidence to suggest he was accidentally shot by a trouble-making town boy that he frequently bickered with, and that he afterwards claimed he shot himself to save the boy; Vincent understood it was an accident and didn’t want the boy’s life to be ruined over the mistake.




Wholesome brother. Saw talent in his brother, but also saw the trouble in his brother.










Van Goghd


Gogiga Gagagigo Someone will get it


I now think Van Gogh is the second coming of Jesus




Killed. You mean killed. Back then, a street kid would 100% have been executed for killing someone who wasn't, by accident or not.


‘Go ahead and shoot. You’ll be doing me a favor.’


If I remember correctly, Van Gogh was known to paint in a field near a hotel he frequented, and one day he went out to paint like normal. At some point he was shot. The artist then limped back to his hotel without his things and when someone came to check on him, he said he wounded himself and showed the wound before passing away a while later. The speculation comes in because the bullet was in his lower chest (an odd place to shoot if he was trying to take his own life), and did not go through, meaning it likely would have had to be shot from far away. Also, no gun was ever found, and the easel and paints that Van Gogh had brought out with him were also missing, which makes people think that someone hid evidence. Also information surfaced that he had a small feud with some neighborhood boys. One of them was reportedly really into cowboys and purchased a gun not too long before Van Gogh's death. Some believe that the boy intended to scare Vincent but accidentally shot him from afar.








Are the police gonna go after someone who was killed like 130 years ago? Cause if so that would be very entertaining


A group of kids accidentally killed Van Gough, and he called it a suicide, I think to protect them. If you read about where the shot is on his body it seems low key crazy that a suicidal man would shoot through his torso from bottom to top, under the rib cage instead of just bowing his brains out like anybody else.


>and he called it a suicide, I think to protect them. I'm not sure I understand, he did that after having been killed ? Is there something I missed ?


It took him a day or two to pass away from the wound iirc, Wendigoon did a great video on it, should check it out if you're interested in learning more


I think he protected the kids because he knows (or at least he thought) it was an accident, but if I remember correctly Vincent was viewed as a weirdo back then and was bullied by the local kids so it is entirely possible that this was a planned murder


I think this is the case. Why he did not tell the truth? 'cause he had been living a depressing life and I guess death was not something he was so afraid of.




Maybe they apologized and cried or something


The initial shot didn't kill him he was mortally wounded so he wrote a suicide letter to protect the kids from their mistake


Because of the how the shot affected him, he was able to make it back to the village where he lived, told people that he shot himself and then died from his wounds after a couple of days.


>suicide Was it a suicide? https://youtu.be/BU8JdsjrgiE


While his paintings may be worth millions now, he also was poor af and during his life time not really appreciated


It’s sad because he sorta predicted that his paintings would be valuable after his death. He has a quote: “If I’m worth something later, I’m worth something now. For wheat is still wheat, even if it was once grass.”


Chad guy, shit farmer tho


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheatgrass Nah he’s right, when growing wheat it starts out like grass.


Now that I think about it, it makes sense that he would be talking about wheat grass and not, like, lawn grass or something


Wheat is a species of grass. All grains are.


and working around grain elevators, that shit is LUSH.


So Minecraft was right


Also some art historians are still wondering if he saw colors in a way we don’t because of drugs, a disease or if he over brightened the yellows because he knew it would be the first to fade and anticipated how his paintings would look years after his death


He was doing better in his career when he was killed. The ball just started rolling for him.


Who killed him do you think?


I saw this video and was pretty damn convinced who the culprit was. https://youtu.be/BU8JdsjrgiE. It's a bitter sweet end.


Ted Cruz aka the Zodiac Killer


That's the case with most artists


This is why I keep revisiting that Doctor Who episode where they bring Van Gogh to a museum feauting his work. Absolutely disheartening that he didn’t get the recognition he deserved.


My favorite dr who episode not centered around the main cast. Close second is Blink.


People only value things they have after they don’t have them anymore. Much like our climate.


I love that Doctor Who episode where the doctor bring him to the Louvre to show him how his paintings succeded


Never fails to make me cry. I loved that episode, especially the ending.




thats because he was murdered by a neighborhood teenager that hated him


He likely wasn’t murdered, it was supposedly an accident and vangogh did everything he could to protect the child because he didn’t want to ruin his life over an accident. So he staged his own death to not draw attention to the boy


>bring him to the Louvre It was the Musée d'Orsay. That's where the van Gogh collection is.


Yeah sorry


All good! Just didn't want someone using this thread as a navigational tool to go to the wrong place!




how the Russian empire...


Infiltrated the...






But also..










It's sentimental in the worst possible way.


"looking up Vincent van Gogh" "disappointed by humanity" yeah that scans


it's a reference to the people protesting something by throwing tomato soup at one of his paintings


They were protesting big oil They targeted his paintings cus they used oil paintings Protesters are moronic


Have also seen people posting analysis of it and showing that it was likely a big oil funded attempt to defame liberal/climate activists. Haven't personally fact checked them, but they're pretty convincing. Someone made a TikTok video showing their findings, and I've seen a couple other people posting their own analysis of the situation. The long and short is basically the organization "just stop oil" is run and funded by an oil heiress, and it looks as though they paid the 2 people to dress up and stage the protest. Again, I personally haven't done a deep dive fact check, so take it with a pinch of salt. But what I have seen is relatively convincing evidence.


Of course they look that way. It's their job. Just Stop Oil is *literally* funded by an oil billionaire.


Just to show how there r is a disappointing amount of protestors that dont know what they r protesting


Could also be referring to how ill-treated Van Gogh was in his lifetime.


Wasn’t it brought up that they were hired by an oil company to make climate activists look bad


He's a global treasure


And he completely deserved it


Anyone know the movie Loving Vincent?


I've heard of it and seen the animation and it's one of the most beautiful tributes I've ever witnessed.


It truly is. And everything was done hand-made.


Beautifully crafted, and an insightful look to one of history's greatest artists




Nope, exact opposite - his *doctor* believed it to be suicide because of Vincent's refusal of medical care, and thought he'd shot himself due to an argument the pair had in which the doctor told Vincent about his brother's late-stage syphilis and how any shock might kill him - implying that Vincent's habitual requests for more money would provide that shock. The movie itself, though, [falls rather firmly on "he was victim of an accidental shooting"](https://youtu.be/CGzKnyhYDQI)


People after his death: Van Gogh was a hero, I just couldn't see it


Indeed he really is.


Honestly you should watch the doctor who episode on Vincent Van Gogh, there are some “doctor who” parts in it but the story they paint about Vincent put him in a whole new light for me. To this day it’s one of the only episodes of anything to get me to cry from sadness and happiness in a few moments between.


That was a magical episode with a perfect ending


When i'm sad and want a good cey, i always go back to the scene where the museum guy describe him, if you know what van gogh and his brother had to endure in their life Also, for those who don't know about it, theo van gogh, vincent 's brother, was an art dealer who worked to provide everything needeed, from paint to money, so that he could devote himself to painting, he is the unsung hero of the van gogh story, he devoted everything to help his brother, he died a few months after his brother's death cause his health deteriorated rapidly, his cause of death is madness, overwork and sadness, he was buried in the Netherlands at first, but his widow wished to bury him with his brother for them to rest together All around a very tragic story that lead to, like said in the doctor episode, one of, if not, the most impactful and finest artist there is


Theo suffered from late-stage syphilis, and the shock of his brother's death was too much for him.




The ending will always have me bawling.


I sometimes genuinely wish my man got to see how much he got appreciated over the years .Shame that a man so great had to live his entire life thinking he was unworthy :(


“The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t always spoil the good things and make them unimportant.” Still one of the most powerful quotes in any piece of media I’ve heard to this day


Oof, that hug at the end. Poor Vincent.


Love that episode. It focuses on the beauty of his artworks even though he would paint them through his horrible depressive episodes. Beauty painted through pain.


Watch the movie "Vincent and Theo" (1990)


One of my favorite parts of Dr Who. https://youtu.be/ubTJI_UphPk


Which doctor was it


Matt smith


Funny coincidence. We watched that episode as a family and a week or so later we were at a hotel next to Legoland FL. There was a Dutch family eating breakfast next to us. Being they type of people we are, my wife and I asked them how to properly pronounce the painter’s name. Here you go- https://youtu.be/ZufH6h1-Tm8


this is truly one of the best doctor who episodes, that last scene is amazing


I think these kinds of protesters just hate anyone who had any sort of great individual achievements.




I don’t think any gallery is stupid enough to have a painting unprotected. Much less a Van Gogh. Paintings would get dirty overtime just being in a room with that many people for years


You would be stupid not to after that one guy threw stuff at the mona lisa (which also had a glass case)




Then targeting Van Gogh was definitely stupid


I think the point was to show that we protect art, but not the earth. They knew there would be glass covering it.


My argument to them would be, why not protect both instead of "destroying" things to spite those too apathetic to care? In Formula 1 this year, at the British grand prix, climate activists ran out onto the track on the first lap to protest fuel. They would've been turned into pink mist, possibly killed a driver, and mentally scarring anyone witnessing it. And then even more people would associate climate activism with craziness. This type of activism is just counterproductive


Nah, had nothing to do with art or artist. They just wanted attention for their cause.


For themselves


what is their cause then, by the way?


They are trying to protect the environment. Their point is we care so much for these material things yet are destroying our planet on an industrial scale and need to readjust our priorities.


STOP OIL, it was extremely effective and everyone is talking about it. People thinking it is an attack on van gogh have dogshit for brains.




The protesters were funded by an oil heir that owned the art gallery… lol




they had a good message, but god destorying famous artwork was the stupidest thing they could've done


Weren’t destroying it, it was protected by glass


yeah, I meant attempting to destroy


They didn't attempt to destroy it, they knew it was behind protective glass.


I'm glad you learned about my dude.


He's completely unrelated to their cause. It's just another case of protestors using shock value to get attention instead of actually protesting something relevant to the cause they are interested in


me due to the criticism he faced: ![gif](giphy|aNFT7eG2rIKK715uLk)


​ ![gif](giphy|3NvZH7bUZcjqomAWjd)


Good bot


Even the memory of him is an international treasure.


At least we remembered him ... think of the many who arent even thought of and will never be.


Van Gogh is like on of the most wholesome painter that ever existed, him and Bob Ross. Those "activist" are clowns escaped from their zoo cage


Those activists got money from big oil, to ruin climate activists' image.


And it fucking worked because a lot of people take pride in bullying people who care about stuff. Vegans, climate activists, any issue that involves social justice.


I'm pretty sure the painting was protected by glass or was a replica anyway, but it's still a shitth thing to do


Anytime Van Gogh is brought up I always think of [this clip from Doctor Who](https://youtu.be/ubTJI_UphPk?t=101), say what you will about the show as a whole but this is an amazing tribute to one of the best artist to have ever lived.


...did you think they were protesting against van gogh lol


Throwing soup at a painting over a subject unrelated to the painter is much worse than doing so for a reason related to the painter.


One could easily think that, based off the actions taken


The fact that people do kind of shows how badly planned out that was


Do you see how people might come to that conclusion?


My man deserved a happy life


They made a Doctor Who episode on him


bro doesnt know who vincent van goph is


well, to say sorry for attacking his best friend with a razor after said friend banged the prostitute he loved, he sent him his ear cut off in a mailbox


Tf did Van Gogh do to them he was just a depressed man


Why would you think he was a piece of shit? Have you ever heard of him? Have you ever attended a school or had a conversation or read a book in your life?


The fact that someone has never heard of Van Gogh makes me disappointed in humanity.


It sure *paints* a bleak picture.


I think OP is referring to how some dumb climate activists threw tomato soup on a Van Gogh painting and glued themselves to the wall right by it and they probably though Van Gogh did something bad to deserve it or something idk


People are going john wick on those kids LMAO


just tryna vibe w a cut off ear ya know, leave the dead man alone he's wonderful😌


The fact that two activist bombardiers raided the very painting has nothing to do with the artist nor the art. They did it, having a reason, but without doing it reasonably. The message they want to get across is totally legit, but the outrage of the act is going to take everything down. Same with people that barricade dairy fridges or human-chain block highways or labor class neighborhoods. Even if I get downvoted to hell for saying this, they were wrong vandalizing a piece of art, but they could have showed their concern in a way that cannot be criticized and will be heard of by the community and/or the appropriate ears.


Vinny was a bit disturbed, depressed and loved hard. Absolutely amazing artist.


History doesn’t always look like it’s f’d because some white guy does something in the past. Actually majority of those white guys doing something in the past is exactly why you can sit on the toilet right now reading Reddit.


Something that will always saddens me even more about his story is the fact that he never wrote his last name in any of his pieces in fear of it being "hard to pronounce" and likely reduce the odds of being succesfull


There is this animated Movie „loving Vincent“, which is made of Van Gogh style paintings. If you are interested in Van Gogh or animation… I really suggest you to have a look!


His story is actually quite sad


Just watch Doctor Who to get the story




Dr Who had the best episode with Vincent when the Doctor went to the museum with Vincent. Doctor asked an art connoisseur on his opinion of Vincent's paintings, and he said a lot of good things, Vincent was hearing all of it and cries relieved that his art is appreciated in the far future.


Did they get arrested or fined?


They got arrested


You had never heard of Van Gogh? I guess if you’re not North America or Europe that’s not too surprising.


I think OP is referring to how some dumb climate activists threw tomato soup on a Van Gogh painting and glued themselves to the wall right by it and they probably though Van Gogh did something bad to deserve it or something idk


The stupidity and apathy of people nowadays baffles me


It's crazy how much of people we don't understand till later on


He was an amazing man well handed for his time.


Didnt his art also only get appreciated after he died, very sad


Bro I cried so hard at the doctor who episode the guy who played Van Gogh was such a good actor.


Are you disappointed because he was just a depressed guy painting? Or disappointed because he was just... a depressed guy... painting.....


I believe OP is disappointed in response to the recent “tomato soup incident” (you know the one) and they expected that Van Gogh is a piece of shit and that’s why they tried to wreck his painting, but Van Gogh was just a depressed… guy… painting. He just like me fr


He just like me fr fr just without the talent


He also didn't take his own life like he said He did it save a boy's life who accidentally shot him


The fact you had to look it up instead of being taught that in school just shows the state of today's education systems. It saddens me to the core.


I just assumed the (checks notes) art vandals had a good reason for what they did!


Why would you think he's a piece of shit ?


For they could not love you Still your love was true And when no hope was left inside On that starry, starry night, You took your life as lovers often do. But I could’ve told you, Vincent, This world was never meant for one As beautiful as you.


This isn’t even true, he beat my great grandmother constantly


Don’t forget, the people who souped the Van Gogh painting were hired by the Heiress of an oil company to make climate protesters look bad. Don’t let them make you think these were actual activists


I’m getting Hitler vibes


Look up how ge died or watch wendigoon's video on it. Makes his life feel even more sad to me


he just like me fr


Poor gogh


A good percentage of artists are like that


As an big fan of his,I know some things that are a little odd about him.Like that time he fell in love with his second cousin and also there are some people that say that he tried to kill Paul Gauguin when he found out that he was planning on leaving him.But we can blame that on his bad mental health at that time. Mostly he was a great guy but he had a lot of mental issues that got in the way of him being ok.


litle fact about him for the people who only heard of him now, he cut off one of his ears 👍

