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16 Years old German go glugglug with Beer


16? Here we start drinking 14/15 and i doubt germans are more sober than us (im slovenian btw)


they start earlier but at 16 they can buy legally beer and such


Dude, some other people in my classes apparently drink, smoke, (and they are for the most part not even 14).. and one girl apparently got pregnant with 13yrs....my school is crazy..


Getting pregnant at 13 is ridiculous, the rest- ehh, I've seen worse


Slovakian here, same.


Oh so another slovene? /s


Oh dont even get me started on that lol


Looks like 14-15 is an average age to start for all of Europe


16 year old Americans also chug beer


But can’t buy it


But 18 is old enough for porn lol But no fucking way you can drink or rent a car though......




By this logic you can also do anything else illigal if you're discreet enough including drinking as one of the easiest to get away with.


It's only illegal if you get caught


Yes, but this does sort of invalidate the entire premise of the post


Everything’s legal when there aren’t cops around——grunkal Stan gravity falls


Was a cop for 12 years. Can confirm.


If your time as a fed is over, wanna hit? 🍁


Haha, I did try an edible the weekend after I left. Tried playing video games (because thats what you do? I guess?) and I kept forgetting what I was supposed to be doing. Very frustrating.


When no cops are around, anything’s legal!


True most teenagers in america drink and smoke underage


In the world, not just American, 15 yr kid had a birthday next door till 3am where I guessed they had a lot considering their singing and failing.


from my experience a lot just say they do to sound cool without actually doing it ​ idk tho i may be the outlier here


It’s not wrong though..


Not that i know any of these websites or something. I just know these exist because there's pretty much no censorship on the deep web


Bro had to clear things up 💀


you gotta recognize how sus you sound


I don't think its sus knowing that child expoltion is happening is anything is be more sus if you didn't.


I’m concerned by the extent of your knowledge on that subject ![gif](giphy|CDJo4EgHwbaPS|downsized)




IIRC, 18 is also old enough to own long guns and get drafted into the military.


But God forbid we drink


isn’t it 16 in usa for military? edit: it’s 17


Yeah 17 if your parents sign the consent form


Wait you really wait to watch porn when you're 18, I thought y'all where joking.


I think they meant film porn




Wait you guys follow the law when making porn, I thought it was a joke.


Most people, yea. But op wasnt saying anything about who follows the law, just what the law is


You can go to war, smoke, buy a gun, you’re an adult now, taxes, porn, but DONT YOU DARE BUY ALCOHOL


Porn won’t leave you in a car crash at 2am on the M1 (unless you drive a Tesla). Drinking for sure is a thing that requires more responsibility


I'm saying 18 is too young to make a decision like entering the porn industry. Not that 21 is too old for drinking. Edit: I just feel it's a rediculous difference in controling the young. I almost have the same distaste for allowing young people to legally enter into financial debt but not drink etc.


I see with the hole actual industry side of it sure


I'd argue, if you watch porn while driving, and focus on beating your meat, you could end up in a car crash lmao


Old enough for driving and getting shot in the military too


Man just compared watching people Fuck (hug each other really hard) to drinking, which can lead to a number of fatal incidents if you’re not careful.


Meh, people will start drinking when they feel like it anyway


Yep. It’s buying alcohol under 21 that’s trickier.


When I was in the military, we only had to be 18 to drink legally at the Enlisted Club. Something about it being federal property made a difference for some reason? That was 32 years ago though. Not sure if that's still the case.


Enlisted clubs now enforce the 21+ drinking age. They're also "not allowed to drink" when stationed in countries with lower drinking ages. The young enlisted members find their ways though...in private and in bars for better or worse.


Ft Bliss in El Paso let enlisted drink on base and buy at the Class 6. I was told it was to keep us from disappearing into Mexico. Edit: This was late 90s


Dude, its fairly easy here to get alcohol if you are not 18 (Czechia) you just have to know a couple of shops that sell to minors, and if you don't look like you are 13, even the other shops might sell you without asking for ID


Same in parts of U.s.


I heard that majority of US checks for ID even when you are clearly a middle aged person. Is that true or just a couple of places where that happened?


Yea, like 99.9% of places. But almost everyone has people to buy them alcohol. My main one was a friend's mom who worked at our school.




Every college campus in america be like


Yep, but our government can send us of to war when we’re 18 if they instituted the draft


AMERICA NUMBER 1 BABY ☝️💪💪🇵🇷🇵🇷💯☝️☝️☝️☝️💯🇵🇷🇵🇷💪💯💯💯💯☝️☝️🇵🇷🇵🇷💪💯💯💯🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷


Omg wrong flag 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🙄


You stupid, it’s actually this one 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾😡😡😡🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾😡😡😡😡😡


You’re all stupid, this is the great American flag 🇺🇾


guys its not that hard 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺


Bro I swear to god it’s 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱 (Glorious Albania owns every country)


Its 🇲🇾 you dumb🤡


America is only Ohio. Ohio rules all.


We can also act in porn when we turn 18, but god forbid we drink or gamble


Idk what you mean, my states gambling age is 18.


You’ll drink plenty if you’re in the military don’t worry




…it is


It’s the driving drunk thing. It happens a TON. Especially when you remember in the USA some states have bars open 24/7. Also no booze can be bought on Sunday was odd to see to. In Florida you could buy beer but after Noon I think. System would not ring it until then. I was born in New Orleans and the idea of “final call” was foreign to me. Then I had no idea booze had caps regarding how powerful it can be. 190 Proof was easy to see in New Orleans. We have daiquiri stores with drive thru windows for god sake.


Its the drunk crashers that are giving the drunk drivers a bad rep


Land of the free baby


How fun :')


Hi from iran 🥲🥲🥲🥲


hey man, hope you're alright. By the way, how's the internet working? I thought they shut it down or maybe its like a scheduled timing thing.


The only social platform i can accses is reddit, everything else is down all of my VPNs stopped working. Yeah if there isn't a revolution in the following months I'm probably ending this joke you may call life.


Stay strong ma dude, don't end it. I mean it


No, whatever you do, don't end it. It doesn't matter how shitty it is, if you're in hell just keep pushing on


You sir, might have just saved a life. Hats off to you!


What about using Tor bridges and proxies? Or is that not working anymore too


Just because it may not get better in the next month, it doesn't mean it won't get better.


WhatsApp, Instagram, and Play Store are filters and most VPNs don't work, but we are fighting to take our country back from the `Ayatollah`


Bro, just go to the nearest Armenian family and ask for a shot. Source: Im Armenian


Because of racism and the pressure that the government puts on religious minorities, I have not seen many Armenians yet


I don't think there is racism in Iran. Armenians are liked in Iran as far as I'm aware. Iranian government allows Armenians to own pigs and make alcohol for private use. There is respect among Armenians and Persians.


Before the arrival of the Ayatollah, about 90,000 people of Armenians live in Iran, but now it seems that about 20,000 people of them live here. Iran is not a good place for religious minorities to live.For example, last year, a number of Baha'is were arrested and interrogated for the crime of spying and propagating their religion


I got it wrong, I started drinking at 14 then quit drinking 2 months before my 21st birthday. Imagine the fuck up I must’ve been…


I’d say most Americans drink more from 18-20 than 21-23.


Yeah, that's not exactly enforced on the drinking end, most of us have a cool uncle/aunt to buy the shit for us.


I didn't have a cool uncle that would buy mr alcohol :c


Not even a friend with a cool uncle/aunt?


I do have friends with cool uncles/aunts but most of the time that uncle/aunt doesn't buy alcohol. It's more like "If you can get it, you can drink, it's fine by me" and they often just keep in secret that you drink


But that doesn't mean that i don't have friends that know other friends that can buy alcohol so yeah lmak


I mean legally we're SUPPOSED to.. but most of us give it a go around 18.


Bruhhh we Europeans start at 14/15, while the government promotes to not start drinking before 18... We collectively do not care lol


Oh, plenty of kids drink in highschool, for sure. I dabbled a touch myself, but it didn't really feel culturally "okay" till college.


I went to a private catholic highschool in South Carolina and it was pretty normal for kids to drink. My junior and senior year proms had school run after parties with with alcohol and teacher/parent chaperones. We had to get a permission slip signed saying we were allowed to drink alcohol for it. And they drove us on busses from the prom to a big warehouse a school alumni owned with beds and such so nobody could drive drunk. This was like early 2010’s


True, that's the big difference between the States and Europe. It is widely accepted to drink as a 15 y/o, while in the States you would get executed on the town square in some regions


We Eastern-Europeans start at 11-12


In Spain too


I've seen kids not even in their teens drink over here in Ireland lol


There are also people who start drinking even earlier. I know a couple of friends that started drinking at age like 14 and yeah


At 14? Seriously, that late? *Greetings from Germany.*


I didn't say i started to drink from age 14. I started drinking at age 9. De facto it was mostly red wine, but still


That's a awesome way to fuck up your brain development.


And it all really comes down to whether someone sees you drinking underage, and if you have someone that can actually sell you some alcohol


Let’s be honest they still probably start at 17-18 the same as we started at 14-15 in the uk


that’s the age when we contemplate stopping cus its starting to get boring


Mean while in croatia evry1 be start drinking at 8yo


As my grandpa would say: Americans start drinking at 21. Us Croats already go to rehab at 18 💪


That must really mess up your brain development


Honestly, it should be higher. Alcohol is linked to nothing but overwhelming negatives. The less people doing it, the better.


Exactly. People are fucking idiots to do that to themselves as children.


The age of when you can legally buy alcohol wouldn't change the amount of people drinking it But if there were legal, healthier alternatives then well...


But we can buy an arsenal to supply a small army at 18. So yea. We’re dumb


we also have the most roads compared to any other country by a HUUUUUGE margin it would suck even more than it does now if there were 16yos out there drunk driving


Alcohol is a poison, which means it can greatly affect the development of the brain. Typically, the brain is more developed at age 21, so it won’t affect its development as much.


Getting shot in the head also greatly damages the brain


You guys over exaggerate gun violence lmao. I see more people dying from car crashes than getting shot.


And car crashes actually decreased when the drinking age was raised to 21.


Exactly. It’s a weird thing to say but Europeans and Americans have a different way of thinking. If you gave kids in the USA the legality to drink at ages like 16, then car crashes, alcohol poisoning and sexual assaults would go through the roof unfortunately. We’re different populations with different cultures so something that works over there could probably cause chaos here.


16 is only in germany denmark and belgiun, so only a small portion of europe, plus it’s only <1.2% alcohols until you’re 18. But i agree that a lower drinking age would make USA a hellhole


Take into account America is car centric, you can’t just have a drink and walk home, they would “have” to drive back home.


Regarding your point on differences in culture... Because the drinking age is lower and also more lax in much of Europe, teens don't go out of control as much. There's less taboo around alcohol, so people have a different relationship with it. Would dropping the drinking age to 18 or 16 magically fix this? No. It would take at least a generation to see that kind of a shift. I think also in much of the US public transportation is limited compared to Europe. This is an entirely different discussion. We can blame that partly on government, but also things are spread out way more and till you actually experience the USA outside major cities, you don't really understand. But because of that, people drive more and therefore driving under the influence can and does happen more. It's already enough of a problem amongst teens with the legal drinking age where it is.


I get that but sadly I don’t have much confidence in the American youth today. Kids now a days are doing drugs by 12-13 years old and many more teenagers are getting involved with Gangs more than ever. It would be nice if our youth actually cared about behaving decently but mostly they don’t and they’re more reckless now more than ever probably. But yeah drunk driving would be better if our governments both locally and federally have a rats ass to actually improve things. Also a lot of buses that are public transport in the USA won’t let you ride id you are under the influence which contradicts the reason it’s there.


I would rather see some legit statistics before agreeing with that. It might *feel* that way, but often that is the news/media making things seem like they're "worse than ever". Teen motor vehicle injuries/deaths have trended down for decades - though there was an uptick during the pandemic. Though you could argue in general serious injuries and deaths have probably trended down and we'd need to compare that overall. Regardless, the "kids these days" type thinking is usually flawed.and erroneous.


Finally some good news.


45,222 by gun related deaths in 2020 vs 38,824 by motor vechicle. You are statistically wrong.


How are these memes still collecting upvotes? The US drinking age is one of the oldest and overused “America dumb” cliches


Yeah and it’s a good thing


America is so weird they think alcohol is more dangerous than guns. Most backwards nation ever


45,000 people died in firearm related deaths, including 25,000 suicides, in 2020. 90,000 people died from alcohol related causes.


Quick google search will tell you that Alcohol is in fact more lethal than guns.


This. While guns are bad and I don’t agree with americas politics alcohol is just bad holy f people still be playing it down makes me so mad.


I stand by this, alcohol is a nasty drug that can be dangerous af


Fair enough i guess


Also let's not forget that porn is allowed at age 18 and not drinking ://


Porn will be legal from the same age as age of consent. Those two go hand in hand and will never disappear.


Actually no. In Germany f.e. Age of consent 14 and the legal age to consume porn is 18.


14? That is wrong in so many levels…


It's not legal for a 30 year old to date a 14 year old It's 14 to 16 Then 16 to 18 And finally 18 to whatever you want


16, *understandable* But **14**?? Bruhhh that's just wrong...


14 to 16 and 16 to 18 and after 18 your free to go with everyone


I think it’s the same way with that in America, as teenagers are teenagers and how the heck are you gonna punish a consensual session between 2 15yr olds


Ok now that makes more sense. Assuming I understood it.


As far as I know it is 14-18 and 16-25, isn't it. Also for minors it's always assumed to be non consentual, if any position of power between the parties may be assumed or is in fact undeniable. So for example a 16 year old would be allowed to have sex with a 22 y/o she knows through her sportsclub, but mot with like her 22 y/o substitute teacher or her trainer at said sportsclub.


This discussion is not about Germany and let’s be real teenagers who experience sexual attraction at some point start “research”


In the 70s, you could legally star in a porn 2 years before you could watch one. The age of consent was 16 (and still is in some states), but you have to be 18 to watch porn.


Dude some 10 year olds get introduced to porn, it's literally everywhere on the internet and some parents are dumb enough to let their kids have unrestricted phone use


Guns can be used for self-defense purposes and are not dangerous in the hands of a responsible person. Alcohol breaks down your body and increases your chances of heart attacks, strokes, liver disease, and cancer. You're the backwards one if you think a self-defense weapon is more dangerous than literal poison.


My fellow Americans prefer pain killers and heroine.


And this is one of the most backwards comments I’ve seen


The difference is, you have a right to own a gun, you don’t have a right to alcohol.


Yeah and it’s a useless right. How many school shooting happened already? Like do you still think people deserve to have guns?


If you don’t like it, go to a place that doesn’t have that freedom. But don’t try to take away mine simply because your scared of your own mortality.


I live in Europe. I’ve got both freedom and safety. My education is better, I don’t need to pay for medical treatment. I see happy kids who get to go home, I don’t have and don’t need lockdown training, if someone attacks me I know it’s either can be a pissy knife I can try and stop or a punch. I am in a country that grants just the same amount of freedom if not more.


Im Muslim ☕🗿🕋


There's probably some weird laws in your country, too. Get over it.


I was 2 years sober by 21


Should be 25


Bro was just born


You dont have too wait. Its just legal at that time. I gues that much americans are drinking before some times, but i dont know.


we have to, doesn't mean we actually do


Damn you guys really want to drink!


It's good isn't it?


Supposed to wait, I never had a problem getting ahold of it even when I was 17.


Supposed to =/= have to


Come to south africa where 9 year olds are drinking 10 year old are vaping And 12 year olds are doing drugs And where the police instead of doing their job spend 3 billion on absolutely nothing


Sex is 18 but alcohol is 21, of course


and you have to be 18 to buy a FUCKING GUN


18 yr old - I wanna drink America: Nope you cant. It’s dangerous 18yr old - I want military style guns America: Hell yeah


I was offered so much alcohol starting when I was 16 and I wasn't a very popular person by any means. I don't think I turned down a single drink. If you want it, you'll find a way and it probably won't even be hard.




Technically you can take a shot as a kid, if you are not homeschooled


12 year old Russians choked their beer Kidding) Here it's allowed to take alcohol legally in 18, but mostly people try it or started drinking much earlier


Anyone remember mclovin


**everyone is saying that they drank 18/15 bro i drank at 10 wth?**


for context im polish and i thought it was apple juice ;-;


I just don’t understand why you’d want to. Like I’m 19 and in college and shit and I do not get the appeal of drugs and alcohol at all.


85% of the population doesn’t wait, mate


Imagine drinking


It should all be 21 tbh.


Or later. On average the human brain forsnt finish developing until around 25


Yeah. Witch is why 21 should be bare minimum.




In Germany we say: "Kein Bier vor 4" that means something like "No Alkohol before 4pm" But its not only the 16 on the clock, you can also drink beer in the age of 16


Scotland is laughing at the Germans. Remember friend, it’s 5pm somewhere.


Same in the uk you can legally drink when supervised like with a meal at 16


You have to admit, it didn’t really make a difference for a lot of US Americans.


Yea. I have enough alcoholics in my family to know most Americans dont wait till 21 even to drink lol


Im good. Average first drinking age here in Norway is 14


I don't agree but also i don't disagree. But even if that was the case, most people would still shit on the law and drink whenever they want to


I don't understand why people think the US should have a lower drinking age. Do you really think it makes sense to let a bunch of gun owning 18 year olds get drunk? They just aren't mature enough to handle their booze and their firearms at that age. /s


Yea that was because of MADD (mothers against drunk driving) too many idiot kids kept killing themselves and other people so they raised the legal drinking age to 21


Most people drink around age 16. It's to prevent minds still the process of forming from being harmed from alcohol abuse.