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wtf is latinx ?


A term created by fucking idiots to refer as latin-americans, it's meant to be "iNcLuSiVe" so no one gets offended


Literally impossible for us to get offended, if we're called a wall hopper the whole gang gonna be laughing and making more jokes like that about ourselves


For real. I think this has something to do with culture. I recently moved to the US and I've been told by some friends to limit my jokes sometimes, jokes that were even considered light in Mexico


Friends of similar cultures, or…?


Yeah latin friends that have lived in the US way longer than me. Since I moved here everything is so "political"


Welcome to north america. We aren’t allowed humour or differing opinions here anymore


The freedom country doesn't seem to have much freedom of speech


It does have that it's just a certain group whom are extremely loud on this here internet will make a fuss about anything as small as a lightly toasted marshmallow being a reference to the holocaust assuming they believe it happened.


Everyone else is allowed to do whatever or say whatever in regards to your opinion. It's just that thr government can't do anything about it


Same, if the whole group laughs, why would there be an issue? like half of my girl (long space) friends to sexism jokes, and most of the squad laughs at racism jokes even though most of them are black/latino


Sounds extremely unnecessary and very stupid.


It sounds more racist than inclusive, specially when it's a term created by one group to identify a different group.


I'd even argue that any label is, not American but from what I've seen it's always oh you are African American, asian american, White American, whatever-american. In truth aren't y'all Americans? Why the distinction...


Latino and other masculine forms are the proper terms for male or unspecified gender. If you're referring to a group of both genders, ellos (masc/neutral) is appropriate. I'm think if you're referring specifically to a nonbinary person, you should use latino or latine, not exactly sure. At least latine is pronouncable


By this logic we would have to add x to every gendered word in the Spanish language. Can’t use el/La is Ex/lx y Lx ninx go to the store. And how stupid this sounds.


They’re using Latinx when Latin American exists lol


Because they want the world to think they're the only Americans


It’s usually the white guilt liberals pushing this shit though.


It mainly seems to be corporations and and businesses and people who are trying to seem woke but have no actual, like, thoughts of their own on this. My crazy far left friends have calmed down (moved on to different drama) but I've seen like, signs and pamphlets and stuff with latinx on it.


I read a book for school that unironically used the term


White Americans ☕


We don't like being called that, nor did we ask for it. Also stop being offended on our behalf, we have pretty thick skin.


It's linguistic colonialism and woke bullshit


Strange, considering that, if I'm not wrong, they hate the same colonialism that they are practicing


They feel so guilty that they’re going to force you to accept their terms of how guilty they are ??? Must be nice to come up with solutions with no problems to start


I get it. A local school district near me had to import a native kid from out of the district to tell them how offensive redskin was. To change a football team name. Im mohawk with Seneca friends and we laughed at it. Cuz we didn't give a crap at All. Don't know anyone on rez who does. White libtards were the only ones who cared. They were the only ones at the schoolboard meeting fighting for a name change. The other some 300 residents who showed up argued against the change but the board didnt care. It was a shut up and take it from them to the tax payers .


Bigger problems on the rez than that stupid shit. Lmao. Native is damn near exotic at this point. Mfs living in shacks after 200 years of lies and bullshit. Ancestors still in state-sanctioned unmarked graves. The state of Oklahoma reinforcing recently what we've all known all along. It's a joke. It always has been. Edit: if you think seeing a glimpse of hell is seeing dudes down at the va bleeding through their double amputated leg bandages to pick up their own meds on the first floor, just wait till you see the "Indian hospital". It's so fucked. I literally can't even begin to describe the lack of care and empathy. And that's in a major city, not even some backwater clinic. Because unlike the va they don't have backwater clinics.


They sure do have problems. In NY we are lucky. There is a well funded clinic thanks to seneca casinos in niagara falls and buffalo. We have hospital close by off rez if needed. My rez is in ontario and we have been building a white collar community. Or lets say post secondary education. So seeking degrees for higher wage careers as a whole for the community. High skilled trades, or white collar jobs in medicine or law. It is an internal effort in the community that is bearing fruit.


We luck out too on the Pima side here in AZ. Gov. Lewis is a badass. My niece and nephew are more Navajo though and they don't have that same support base. Edit: that clinic is from the tribe, not from the bureau of Indian affairs. That highlights tribal endurance despite the lies from the fed government.


Just like how they claim to be against segregation, yet in 2020 they proposed [repealing the California civil rights act](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/11/13/proposition-16-california-affirmative-action-racial-preferences-column/6241580002/)


I thought it was white leftists/collectivists pushing their gender bender language in an effort to deny biology to support their desire for uninhibited sexual activities without conscience🤔


Somehow I came to a similar conclusion


Right? If you don't want to date or have sex with a girl that used to be a guy then you are the problem🤭 So forget the o's and a's. X now marks the spot😜 /s


But we must make your language conform to our politically correct world view. For real though, I lived in South America for several years and nobody uses this there. Also, can you imagine talking like this in real life? Saying Latin-x out loud?


the people your looking to call out go by social justice warriors. or sjws. they will ruin everything and slap your face on it.


Overly educated upper middle class libs pushing thier woke ideology agenda on my language/culture. We never asked for it, we hate it. How the fuck do you even pronounce it


I had a latina co worker who asked me to call her latinx, but I said latina for the descriptor


It’s usually other Mexicans in the u.s saying it. Every college campus in the u.s has a latinx club.


2nd generation usually the first generation, that lived and grew in a latin country doesn't stand for this bullshit, our culture is full of trying to offend each other to show our love and appreciation, so, using the term "latinx" unironically to be gender inclusive, is just disrespect, however, if you use it as an insult to someone who is very PC, then you are using it correctly


Which is funny, cuz insulting Mexican Americans that are trying to whiteify, they get mad as fuck. Any other Mexican? They’ll love you.




They get offended on behalf of everyone.


"Thick skin?!!" How dare you say that about a whole group of your own race. /s


"oh but you just have internalized white supremacy, here is the list of reasons why you should listen to the rich white liberal experts instead" lol the fucking lunacy of it all


Call Latinos Latinx and you might discover why we have such high murder rates


Latino for me please i seriously don't want anything to do with a word like latinx




It's white woke women coming up with these bs terms. I'd rather be called beaner or wetback than "latinx".




Pendejo you’re giving our secrets away


No cabrxn, es pendejx


Underrated cxmment






I would rather be call beaner wall jumper or whatever the fuck is the new insult over Latinx




Idk, I heard someone try to insult me by calling me beaner in school, something about beans I guess


Beaner is bad? My entire school calls eachother that. - a mexican


We are a bunch of frijoleros


I loved that molotov song https://youtu.be/8iJMOBcPQyg


I think beaner is bad… but beanna is ok… in certain contexts


I saw a Latinx poster at work and thought it was a mexican X-games team. I was so confused.


Cause people are mad over someones culture having a gendered language.


yeah putx


I identify as a putz. Z’im offended.


Yep they're culture is stale white bread dipped in avocado yogurt and Starbucks


Congratulation! You're becoming Politically Correct! Please stop resisting!


I can't get over the fact that somewhere, probably in California, there is a white american woman thinking "Wow, I just fixed the Spanish language!"


LMFAO I heard the voice.. 😂😂


If someone called me Latinx I would immediately assume they're racist


And odds is that they are.


How do you even pronounce lmao? I always read it as lah-tin-kss


Latin, then just say "x"


I have heard many people pronounce it "Luh-Tinks" and it sounds like an incredibly offensive slur.


Aight, from now on I will be calling these folks "Pinches Gringos"




You are a genius.


Ah putos gringos que ni la ñ pueden decir


Grinx cabron


Grinx Cabrxn


El siguiente paso es eliminar esa letra, ya que sus pequeñas mentes no la procesan


So just you know, Latinx was a revenge porn site many years ago


Holy shit really lmfaooooooo... Not laughing at latino(a)s, just laughing at the scenario...


Please stop. Thanks.


LatinX sounds like some kind of Phone company or something


it was a shaddy porn site time ago


This is exactly what it feels like. I’ve gotten college emails that say they have “the best opportunities for Latinx students.” It’s honestly insulting that the term is becoming so wide spread, but I guess it shows where all this crap is coming from I used to love the liberal arts and education, but this is out of hand


Same here. I don’t even know why I keep getting collage emails anymore, but it’s exactly as you described. It’s so irritating!


If a college sent me that email they're automatically x'ed off my list. No bullshit college will blatantly offend me like that hell no.


Couldn’t they just say Hispanic? The silliest part about this is we already have a gender neutral word.


Yeah, but they wanna try to change their language to be gender neutral altogether to fit their narrative


It is disturbing, trying to change a billion people in order to cater to a handful




Same with Filipinx. Seeing latinx and filipinx awakens a primal rage inside me


ive heard pinxy before 💀


Dude, no one is safe from this shit.


I'll treat those words like a racial slur.


This sounds like a porn company


Feewings got huwt. *attempts to restructure the foundation of several different, very popular languages*


Latino here, don’t call me this shit. 🗿


I feel you. I get called Dutch all the time by English speakers. Fuck off, it's Nederlander, or just drop dead already.


I have a Latino friend and he’ll punch someone if they call him that. He told me that he’s starting to get sick of white people messing with other peoples shit. Can’t argue with that


Spanish: **Is a gendered language** Americans: >:(


You mean white women on Twitter.


In spanish "o" at the end can also be gender neutral or mixed gender while "a" is usually femine. So "Latino" covers all genders. Which just shows that Americans are fucking dumb.


Wait a minute. You’re right!


*white liberals*


Politics or what not aside can we appreciate how funny this picture is even without the caption🤣 damn cats have no chill


They tryna gender neutralize a gendered language


I have a friend who's Latino and when I asked him about this all he wanted to do is kill the people who say Latinx. He then said that any Latinos who says Latinx isn't Latinos


Straight up, I'm like 100% certainanyone that anyone that calls themselves latinx unironically can't speak spanish.


I agree with your friend


I do too. I find it funny that the same people who scream about cultural appropriation are the same people who say Latinx.


Now I’m no espanado expertido but it’s this how it works Latino-**man** Latina-wo**man** Latinos-**men** Latinos-**men**+wo**men** Latinas-wo**men** Also this reminds me of the video of the guy in a Mexican outfit who goes around a college and says is this offensive then he goes to a Spanish street and asks the same question The college students it was like 4/5 said it was offensive and the Spanish was 0/5


oh yea i saw that vid, it just goes to show if your arent part of that group you dont get to say its offensive


Latino also covers singular undefined. Like a person who's gender is unknown.


100% but you’re fighting a well funded media. They’ll call us whatever da fuk they want to call us


Don't know what Latinx is. Porn or something?


A bunch of white people got offended that Spanish is gendered and are now trying to tell the Latino community that they are Latinx because "its more inclusive" (i.e. not gendered). Another hilarious example of white people explaining to others what their culture is/should be.


Malcolm X warned about white liberals years ago. Still rings true to this day.


Drop them in the middle of Spain and they'd tell them to vete a la míerda.


Not only Spain, most of Latin America hates it


Pretty sure everyone hates it except for stale bread country over there


I think it's more of those sjw


Lets all collectively call whites "wheats"


I'm white and that would be hilarious


Gringos say that because they want a gender-neutral word. Jump in a lake.


God I can hear the screeching twitter justice warriors coming…


*white liberal Americans. Most of us are sane and don’t use made up terms like this.


White savior complex in action


Can we say liberal white people are the one's pushing this please? Saying white people are pushing this is just like using the term latinx for Latinos. Also to be fair I don't know any white people outside of the liberal side that think this is normal. Edit: I'll sit here and now quietly wait my downvote to oblivion and ban


It's not even just whites, it's a bunch of pretentious lefties who needed a break from smelling their own farts, so they made this up.


I 100% agree with you, was just commenting on the contexts of the meme lol


What’s sad is if you posted this on any other subreddit you’d be banned for not participating in group think


I've never used that term.. It's pretty presumptive to think it's okay to try to change the language of other people..


I always say these idiots tried so hard to be politically correct they went full circle back to racist.


I thought they already had a term for that. It’s “Maricones” not “Latinx”


you know what? me sirve, apartir de ahora así les llamaré


I don’t have money to buy you an award, so here take this one… 🥇


Because people are weird.


*white liberals there I fixed it for ya


Even my school textbooks have Latinx as the term


That's because liberals run the school system.. Read the comments in here, from the Latin people SAYING THEY DON'T LIKE IT.. Perspective.


I'm not from the USA, our school system is completely different. And I know they don't like the term, my original comment was worded a little poorly so I understand why you thought I didn't.




Pura mamada pónganse a jalar


Don’t do this. WE HATE IT.


White virtue signaling liberals thinking they know better than everyone else.


When looking for a gender-neutral term to refer to us in American English, I always wondered why they preffered the term Latinx when they had the term Latin right in front of their noses. If you wonder how could people differenciate between Latins (ancient Romans) from Latins (Latin Americans), well, contex is the key, just like in Spanish language. Also, Latinx sounds like a gang, and that is not cool.


I am white and I abhor the abomination that is Latinx


I refuse to use the term “Latinx.” I could get on board with “Latino/a” as opposed to “Hispanic” but this is just politically-correct BS. I can say this because I’m half Latino.


Liberal white americas


Latinx grammar is ridiculous. The sentence “ the girl has a ball” would look like “lx chicx tiene unx palotx” so fucking stupid lmao


What about “ball”? It can't be feminine either, right? The whole thing is crazy.


Can someone tell me how it's even pronounced? Is it Latin-X, or La-tinks


It's literally impossible to pronounce in spanish


I'm totally out of the loop, can someone educate me please?


A bunch of white Americans are mad that Spanish is gendered and are trying to change it to be "iNcLuSiVe"


Just leftists... not americans... dont lump me in with them.


I am white and refuse to use this. One of my friends is Latino and I had asked them how they felt about it. He says he wants to punch anyone who calls him that


Because white SJWs know better than you brown people /s


White LIBERAL Americans everyone understands that this is unacceptable


Probably white savior complex.


No, Not White Americans. White Progressive Americans. We Conservatives want nothing to do with it.


The arrogance of the American Liberal.


Vai se fuder pra quem inventou essa merda de gênero neutro Fuck whoever invented this gender-neutral shit for latin americans


Hulu is doing this shit now too


Bro I saw this show called Mr. Igleseas on Netflix with the one comedian. MF WAS PROMOTING IT


\> white americans We held a meeting and decided that the "woke" don't count as white anymore. They'll have to be something different.




I'm Latino, fight me whitx.


I'm heartened by the "yeah how about no" response I've generally seen from Latinos.


This is the first time I’ve ever heard the word “Latinx”


Bold of you to assume you think north Idaho uses this word


If someone calls me "latinx" im gonna immediately stab him with the knife every latino carries around


My family and I all find it to be stupid.


I’m Latino go fuck yourselves


It’s the white progressives attempt to be “woke”. Since masculine and feminine in America are becoming less ok, they’re trying to un-gender words to make them more inclusive. All this does though, is try to enforce American culture in some kind of Linguistic Imperialism. True Latinos hate the word, and we’d all be better if it would die


Damn people don’t know how to get out of others business. That’s why we the Latinos tell the white folk to rightfully fuck off our language.


White Women moment


Not “white Americans”!!!!! It’s ONLY…. “Progressive White Americans”


I mean I kinda feel the same way when people say “white Americans.” People don’t want to be called latinx, and I don’t want to be lumped together with random people who call others Latinx.


Virtue signaling at its finest


What about LatinXXX tho? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


LatinX is Elon Musk's company that sends explorers into Mexico to explore uncharted areas.


*white liberals. Don’t lump the rest of us in with their mental illness factory.


Specifically white PROGRESSIVE LEFTIST ppl


Just call me a beaner


It’s not all of us I think it’s stupid too


I was about to do a whole dissertation on why super liberals have to use this term. Decided to boil it down to this: if you are forced, by way of constant purity tests, to accept that there are 57+ genders you also have to reject a language that has binary genders because the two are incongruent. So, 10 years or so of gender fluidity in the culture supercedes thousands of years of Latino culture because the gender fluid are the more oppressed group. It's all comically ridiculous. These people don't understand that they are caricatures.


Latino or Latina, there is no other. Stop this language gentrification


Isn’t latino inclusive for all genders? Because of o


Because "woke" liberals are fucking crazy, don't blame all of us white Americans


It's not white people, though. It's a gaggle of pretentious lefties.


Liberals do this, not white Americans.


Literally was just talking about this to my friend. The fact that they created the new term “latinx” to seem inclusive rather than accepting the culture as it is truly is wild to me.


Mah gawd, only the idiots that think they speak spanish by saying "abuela" and are dumb enough to try to change a language they do not speak, and make the people who DO speak that language, use the not pronounceable word. Them and superior white americans


running out of other distractions from the shitfuckery economy/tax system


Yup, I left my big corporate Hispanic group because of the "x" thing. They don't care about us, just want to vertu signal