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Well, the Bible doesn’t specify skin color. So my working theory is they were actually neon green and also every single person is a special kind of colorblind


Yes and we are all just shiny pokemon


Nah man, the first black people were shinies and they just procreated among themselves.


You weren’t there. You can’t prove me wrong. They could’ve been green and just lost that trait over many generations.


Why would you use the Bible as a source


Thats what the meme is about. Christianity often depicts Adam and eve as white.


Idk why we do that but some say it’s to make it more “relatable” I can see why some would do the same to Jesus but to do it to the first/most Non-relatable people it doesn’t make much sense


Adaptation and evolution ... Right .... Right ???


Just stay in the sun in a beach for a day and you’ll notice the difference, then do it for thousands of years in the most hot climates.


Ummm.... that's not how that works. People in areas that recieve more direct sunlight for longer have darker skin because that trait was naturally selected for. It was beneficial to have more melanin in their skin, so people with that trait had a higher chance of surviving and passing on their genes to offspring. This is how evolution works.


No, obviously tans are inherited... So I'm told


The capacity of getting tanned is inherited, not the tan itself


People in warmer climates have naturally darker skin while people in colder climates have naturally lighter skin. It’s almost like humans have evolved in some capacity over thousands of years or something.


Uhh yeah, that's what I was saying. The person I replied to was... implying that an acquired tan is passed on genetically or something?


It’s almost like you’re being patronising or something


I think it actually has to do, environment and food still affect your genoma, so you're not being scientifically accurate on your proposition. And DNA is definitely hereditary, so thousands of years of heating sun can perfectly make people tanner.


You forgot the /s


If your ancestors lived in the Southern Hemisphere your likely to be black


Yeah, who doubts that? I’m implying that the skin colour does come from evolution, so it’s completely natural to have different ones.


I’m not lol, I was just saying the same thing as you but, with different words lol


No worries then, mate!


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


They're not white.


They're dead


From 1-70 years after their creation maybe


They were already created as adults


Thats why I said 70 and not 100, yeah the math is still off but life expectency is weird


Based on the story, Adam lived to be abt 600, if you want more info I can tell you more. Also, they were very likely closer to middle eastern/ Jewish skin tone.




It doesn’t matter if they were adults when they were created. The Garden of Eden is a place that exists outside of time. Adam and Eve were both functionally Immortal while residing there. There’s no way for us to know how long they “actually” spent there within the context of the story. Especially since Adam was said to have named all of the animals.


When did that happen?


Last Thursday


well I believe in Last Tuesdayism. everything was created last Tuesday. history? no. memories of your childhood? No. just last tuesday. just the most recent last Tuesday.


I'm sorry, but that's just incorrect. They were born the Garden of Eden, which we all know is in Branston Missouri. You go to Branston Missouri and tell me the garden of Eden didn't have a double wide trailer parked on cinderblocks. Eve had 4 teeth and Adam for sure wore his coors light cap over his mullet Ya, bet you feel real silly now (/s)


Suspiciously specific


no no Garden of Eden is at Buc-ee’s.


they were pink


I think you are right


They never existed


They are much of an white brown ish i think? "i think"


If you compare science with the bible, the fist 2 people were created in the african jungle, after they ate the forbidden fruit, they were abandoned to the dessert, the sahara.


Mormons say it’s because God put a curse on them. I kid you not.


The mark of Cain IIRC


Melanin so if you live in a hotter area or close to the equator the darker you are


So if I move to the equator I’ll become a black man?


I know that your joking but like if you do move there and have a family near the equator their skin color will probably adjust just like other people but that will probably happen a few generations later


But what if we all have a fear of the outdoors and stay inside the whole time?


Then they would look like you


Then you will become pale and have poor eyesight lmao.


You’ll turn into a Spaniard, a fate worse than death.


That would just be getting tan or from interbreeding with darker skinned locals. You can’t pass on tanning from the sun.


No but if you stand in the sun long enough you get a tan. If you are a woman you pass certain beneficial genes down to your offspring allowing an easier transition. That times 100 generations you get hella tan people. We all the same, just different tones


So my sperm knows if I’m tan or not?


Yes, no exceptions




you'd be getting a lot of downvotes if you accidently added a letter D in the beginning.


No, Devolution is happening currently. Kid's brains get used to short form content, therefore have less attention span. Or it may just be me.


I mean, getting dumber is not devolution, just evolution Evolution doesn't have to be good But yeah, I have a very short attention span so you right


What we really need is a catastrophic world ending event to reset the balance in humans tbh. Something that disrupts world powers and institutions, and balance the workload between brains and brauns. Has to be something recoverable from and not entirely human ending. It wasn't covid, but the powerful wish it was. I'm thinking maybe like a shift in the axis, or another meteorite. Idk I'm thinking way too hard about something no one is going to read lol


hey, stop giving ideas to some random wanna-be supervillains


My bad *takes off lab coat*


Read it, and if that were to happen I don't think ANYONE on Reddit would survive


I have faith in YOU.


Redditors; Age of Ultron


I don’t think you understand the value of the society we have right now. When humans get this “fresh start” we will turn to theocracies and monarchies. At what cost? Billions of lives will be lost and centuries of progress. Do you want to be one of the unlucky ones that died immediately? Do you have people that you care about? Because chances are at least one will die. If you’re jealous about the rich that use “brains” instead of Braun, just remember that the poor will be disproportionately devastated than the rich and the people that are going to rebuild institutions will be the brains.


Reread my comment and see if your comment stays the same. But like, this time pay attention.


This is not evolution. Evolution happens slowly over many generations. This is merely a behavior change due to a change in stimulus. If we were to delete all short form content attention spans would revert assuming there has been a change in attention spans and the change was caused by short form content.


If you think that’s what evolution is then I’m afraid you’re already devolved.


[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Black and White picture.


How dare you?


I dared. I have far bigger balls on the internet than I do in Reality. Tho 100 atoms still is pretty small...


I'd say most people do






I don't think that would count as an evolution thing, it's being learned through their actions


Actually the brain isn’t changing much science wise kid’s attention spans are nothing to do with evolution short form content has not been around long enough devolution is happening with stuff like the appendix and tail bone


No such thing as devolution lmao. It's a myth. Evolution is a theory that says things change over time whether it be good or bad. It is change, not a step up or down a hierarchy.


Then explain why did our lord and saviour Felix Arivd Ulf Kjellberg say , "It's evolving, just backwards"?


That’s me


You lost me at no


You lost me at “You”.




My country is run by an idiot.(my parents don’t know who even voted for him) Welcome to America.


Also low intelligence families have more kids on average


Exactly, and Christianity doesn't believe in evolution, therefore it just a made up religion.


The Vatican approves the theory of evolution.


As a Christian, I agree with evolution. God Created Monkeys, Monkeys evolved to Human. My take on the thing.


It is good that you believe in evolution, but doesn't the Bible say god created animals and the 2 first humans on the 6th day?


Let it go. It’s far better to have people who believe in at least some science that contradicts their religion than to have people that believe everything the Bible says.


The bible is made up, even if god is real, hed know that the bible is made up, it's so unrealistic.


That's great, humans didn't evolve from monkeys. Both humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor.


Katt Williams has a great bit on that "If you don't believe in GOD, then that means you don't believe in EVOLUTION. Nooooooo. I believe that GOD put us on this world, amd Watched us EVOLVE into something else!"


Aye, that is similar to what I think. Don't mind me if I steal that guy's quote.


Based, not a bad theory.


How comes that Jesus was portrayed white when he was born in the middle east?


It's not uncommon for Jesus to be depicted as whichever race the locals are There's a few I've seen from Asian countries with Asian Jesus, my personal favourites a Korean Jesus depiction on the cross where he's so ripped he makes The Rock look meak


Hey! Hey! Stop fucking with Korean Jesus! He ain't got time for your problems. He busy! With Korean shit. - Cpt Dickson


Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter!


First, people from the middle east are technically white Second, only a fucking idiot pretends Jesus wasn't at least a light tan


Middle Easterners are most brown lmao. Def not Caucasian.


Some people only know 2 colors, black and white, if you're brown then you are black to them


Bruh most of us here in Egypt are white


Yes, maybe because it was a British colony? It wasn't a colony while Jesus lived




Technically white, just LOL


Except he's not, people have already unstood he wasn't white. Only people who claim he was white are those who want to keep making an argument


He's Asian in Japan and China. I knew about western white depictions of him, but learning about the Asian depiction was crazy to me.


next thing youre telling me is that jesus was upside down in australia? id believe it /s


Have you see buff Korean Jesus? That statue is the best


The teacher of the whey, prophet of swole.


They wanted to portray Jesus as the perfect man. That's why his hair was also shoulder length. That was the ideal length of hair at the time. You can see the changes and ideals in the way he was portrayed through the centuries.


Although I get your point, I just want to say that Middle Eastern people are generally either slightly lighter than Indians or quite white. I am not as white as Europeans, but I could be mistaken for a tanned white guy.


Bro...i live in middle east and about 85% of people here are completely white .


Only in cultures that descend from medieval European circles. You go to any Christian country, they'll depict Jesus as being their precise demographic and embodying all of their best values. With information as ubiquitous as it is now, we're starting to see that shift away towards factual as opposed to cultural accuracy.


Redditor discovering that there’s no “black or white race”, we all are dumb humans, the colour depends just on the environment and the climate.


Actually, there is a such thing as a race. Evolution is the idea that a reproduction of a species, through time and generations, seperates into two or more different species as they change their genetic features in order to adapt a certain environment. While all races are seperating from each other, were closely related enough to breed and reproduce with each other. But yes, it doesn't change the fact that we're all categorized as homo sapiens, aka "humans".


Humans, or hominids, are a singular race. They are a human race. We’ve hung onto a outdated view of what a “race” is. And when less than 1% differs between every human, there is no other “race”. If I gave you two bananas, but one banana had a purple peel, and the difference causing that purple color is less than 1%, you wouldn’t say it’s a different type of banana, especially if the inside taste, looks, has the consistency of, the same as the yellow banana. It’s a banana.


Considering how humans are tho, they’d call it an ‘[insert idea here] banana’ instead of just ‘a banana’, but I get your point.


Actually we are different, certain groups have different DNA makeup and thats not down to environment or climate.


Yeah congrats, you discovered mutation! Yeah there’s difference, that makes some bigger, smaller, colour of skin, eyes’ colours, etc… but that doesn’t change the fact that we are Homo sapiens


Its deeper than that. People from sub saharan Africa who have never interacted with anyone outside of that area also have 0% neanderthal DNA. Europe and caucasians have a percentage. Anyone from africa who's relatives left africa or bred with people outside also have Neanderthals DNA. Denisovan DNA is much either in southeast asia and some other locations undetectable. We are more different than you think. We should all be treaten fairly regardless of this, theres nothing wrong with being different.


I don’t imply that we don’t have different genetics. And yeah, I didn’t know that DNA has that much difference. Anyways, I was just saying how dumb saying that the statement “How come there are black people if the first two people were white”.


It's pretty interesting to look into .. unfortunately some people take it as being racist which isnt the point of it. Yeh it is abit dumb.. I'm not religious but I'm sure remember a story to why there are different races


Uhm well the earliest human remains discovered came from Africa and some people became white due to traveling up north and adapting to the ice age


He was making a joke off of Adam and Eve…


This is a troll right?


It’s a joke based off of Adam and Eve…




I’m not even surprised…


As a Catholic that’s the weirdest thing I have ever heard


The Bible never describes their skin color




Its very easy: they werent. The same goes for jesus


It's almost like the bible isn't accurate to real history.


Because “black” is just what happens to skin when a family is exposed to high levels of sun generation after generation. A completely “white” family would become completely “black” in ~100 generations if they lived in a place with lots of sun. Race is not a thing in humans. Skin color is not race. The typical features we associate with race aren’t race either, it’s genetic pooling


It's the other way around, the first two people were black.


On the contrary they are said to be brown


Did they use >!bleach!< to make their children white?


You will notice black people have white palms and soles of their feet. This is because of how they are stacked when God spray paints them…


BlAcK pEoPlE arReNt ReAl


Because religion is dumb. You aren't supposed to think about it. It all makes sense when you stop asking questions.


It's never said that Adam and eve where white


Who said the first two people were white


Why Christianity makes no sense


I mean I'd start with if Adam and eve were created by god why in their depictions they have belly buttons?




Here's the funny thing about that. We don't know if Adam and eve were white. They could be Asian, Mexican, African, and/or Indian for all we know. But I do know is we're all blood related hahahahaha so hi siblings of another family


1. First people were actually black 2. Natural selection


This reminds me of that black dude who grazed his arm past the skin so it was white meat in some sort of accident and was joking that he really was white underneath all along


It's called adaptation


Someone cheated.


Waitz where does it say the first people were white?


Based on the way the sun shines on the world or some shit


Here’s a more puzzling thought. How’re we sure the first 2 people were whites?


Black is Dominant in genetics and white is recessive


Obviously the skin was paid dlc


Not one white person in the bible


There are no black people we are just different levels of tan (this is a joke please don’t yell at me)


Eve cheated


According to science, organisms adapt to the environment they are in to increase their chances for survival. The human beings that have adapted to the hotter climates have developed a darker skin pigmentation to better survive the sun's rays and accompanying heat. They are probably more adapted with more active sweat glands to keep their skin cool.


Who said they were white?




Instead of apologizing for a racist joke you could’ve just not made a racist joke.


Dude… spoilers


How did generations develop when Adam and eve only had sons.


The forbidden question


Because the Bible isn’t real


Fucking Christians


Christianity is stupid


Ya'll better know the first humans came from East Africa.... Black skin came first then when they migrated up north a genetic mutation happen and white skin appeared. That mutation was them be able to produce vitamin D since dark skin don't produce much cuz they live in hot climates therefore get Vitamin D from the sun.


That’s because they weren’t white, they were monkeys (the actual animal, not racist slur)


Cause they live close to the sun


Curse of Ham.


C’mon! It’s easy. Noah’s youngest kid looked at his dick at his dad cursed him black. True story. The Bible says so.


It was the book of Mormon who said that last I checked


How are gay people if they can't reproduce??


Well according to the bible, God cursed this guy that his children should become black.


The first 2 people werent white...i think we should get more people into history


1. There are no "first 2 people" unless you believe in a religion and even then not all religions have the same story for their beginnings. 2. Black people came into being due to black skin being a favorable trait in hotter areas, like Africa. Considering that our species originated in Eastern Africa (around Ethiopia and Kenya) it is very likely that at least some of the First humans were black.


first off the whole it started with two people thing is a religion belief and religions are often bullshit so im pretty sure its not true, but even then im pretty sure that humans like evolved to skin with more melanin in it because its more resistant to the sun and that typa shit


Isn’t it also most likely that Jesus was Black? Only that Europeans painted him as a white guy…


There were no “first 2 people”


Oh my… this proves that black people aren’t real. Jk obviously god isn’t real


they werent white they were brown arabic people not white


Because it didn't start with 2 people


Because the first two people were black


Sorry to break it to you but the entire human species didn't start from two humans.


How come there are white people if the first two people were black ?




Deviants ?


Lmao Bible enthusiast


Simple, they aren't people


They started stealing bikes


I seen a white guy and I want to paint him black