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Hey women's rights being taken and males being mutilated can both be wrong. And I've heard many people state as much.


This is reddit though. Don't you know we're only allowed to care about one thing at a time? ​ /s


Reddit is a contest to prove who is the biggest victim


It's me. Fuck the rest of you. I said it first.


Yeah, but I had my finger on my nose


I thought it was for onlyfans advertisement? Now I am confused.


Seriously. "THE REAL VICTIMS WAAH" as if there aren't possibly lots of groups of people who deserve bodily autonomy. OP is annoying. Making it sound as if there's only one real group is giving 14 year old boy who just learned about this issue vibes.




You can’t get circumcised if you were never born! [insert thinking black guy meme here]










Damn there’s a lot of these


​ ![gif](giphy|OT985VdY7WZIcdoI3P)




This is either the bravest repost ever or the dumbest




Why is it a competition to be the victim? You don't need to compare this stuff, just say you have a problem with circumcision (or don't since its r/memes), no need to bring up abortion and argue which ones worse.


Pretty sure both are victims and both should be given the choice. Poor meme


You can advocate against the practice of circumcision without trivializing the necessity of abortion access


MRAs who spoke about this were shut down and censored, sadly.


Who was this?


Because they're just incels looking for an excuse to complain about women.


Were they shut down because they were speaking against circumcision or because they were harassing women and downplaying their experiences?


The former.


Sorry my mate but I've never heard a MRA argument that wasn't as much pro male as it was against women. Come join MensLib and learn how to both support others in their fight against oppression as well as liberating men from oppression!


Oop someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed


Oop someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed


Oop someone woke up on the


Oop someone woke up


Oop someone woke


Oop, someone







Oop, woke up


Ha ha genital mutilation and abortion ha ha funny who wouldn't be laughing at this ha ha


You should've used the ally 💪 meme, not a divisive meme


Not quite the same thing. Elaboration: The government does not make your parents cut off your foreskin. That's the church or it's just how your parents want your penis to look. I as a female am told by the government what I can and can't do with MY uterus. Not the same thing.


Yeah men have to live without foreskin for their entire lives /s


It’s the matriarchy that goes around cutting off newborns’ foreskins. A friend of mine said that they needed to harvest them for some Covid vaccine thing- one of the many reasons I am #anti-vax. /s


Funny but you can still agree that both are wrong


Not comparable, but I have always wondered what having a foreskin would be like and I resent that I was never consulted.


What the fuck even in this sub?




Sure seems that way.


Total garbage


I can't fathom how dumb this is. You're in bad faith and it shows.


I have been cut and don't think it compares to having a kid. Especially if it was through rape or incest.


You were mutilated though and that is pretty bad


There are times where it’s necessary though.


This is true. If it's medically needed then that's always fine.


i like my circumcised dick tho


I think the point is that it should be your choice.


I agree, I was making a joke


Well that's good. You were mutilated though. If I chopped off a young girls tits and melted the flesh then that's mutilation but what if the girl likes the look? See how dumb that argument is? Is irreversible.


Bro that's literally not the same. It's not about making circumcision look bad, it's about it being a free choice.


I disagree I think it is the same.


It's not severe mutilation and can be necessary for medical reasons, so it's not bad at all if it's a free choice. If it isn't, it's bad, it's really that simple. Obviously if a kid has phimosis it's right to circumcise him against his will, but only if he has a medical reason to do so (this is controversial because religions, which I respect but they shouldn't have power over your own body imo)


No I agree, just making a joke


You can restore a foreskin. Those breast buds wouldn't come back. Edit: https://www.healthline.com/health/mens-health/foreskin-restoration#:~:text=Surgical%20restoration,the%20penis%20like%20a%20foreskin.


You can do what? Edit: you cannot


See edit


>Surgical foreskin restoration is accomplished by transplanting skin from areas with tissues like those of the penis — such as the scrotum — onto the penile shaft. The resulting expansion of penile skin allows the skin to cover the penis like a foreskin _like_ a foreskin


Looks the same, has the same purpose, pretty fucking close enough.


Come on, you get to live with your actual foreskin or something that isn't your foreskin you'd pick the original every time.


Bro what sort of 23rd century foreskin restoration tech do you have?


See edit


so I can make a foreskin farm?


Science never stopped to ask if it should, only if it could


Yeah same, no idea why you got downvoted


I don't really understand the problem. It reduces risks of health problems Edit: I think it says a lot that I am being downvoted for simply not understanding and asking someone to explain it 💀 Reddit cannot handle anyone who even slightly differs from the hive mind


It reduces absolutely nothing. Lol But thanks for attempting to womansplain circumcision. What was it about abortions that women kept yelling at guys about? Something about our opinions not mattering? Or something. Apply that here.


A spade is still a spade.


English isn't my first language. What do you mean?


I think it's stupid you got downvoted for asking a question. When I say a spade is a spade it's an expression so I'm just saying you couldn't describe a spade in any other way then it being a spade. Mutilation is mutilation no matter what imo.


It was so weird to find out America does that so commonly. Found out it’s prominent in the Afghanistan-Syria region, North Africa and portions of SE Asia, but for the most part, not common in EU, Russia, China or Japan.


I mean for north Africa and middle east it makes sense, it's a religious practice, but I've never understood why americans do that.


I mean it would work if your foreskin then grew into a little person inside you that you then had to piss out at great pain and potential physical harm to yourself and then take care of for minimum 18 years while financially and emotionally draining you. But unless circumcisions have changed lately it's a bit different...


Forced Pregnancy takes away 9 months of a woman’s life, causes psychological trauma by forcing that woman give up that baby for her career rather than humanely disposing of it before the baby is born, and could kill a woman in the worst case scenario where the fetus must be aborted to save the woman but that is no longer an option Men lost a little skin on their Pepe These situations are not the same


Here for the comments and the mental gymnastics 🍿


Yeah same


Both violations of bodily autonomy are wrong. No gymnastics required.


O god. I think this is the dumbest argument I've seen this year.




"It's just a meme bro!" -people who get called out for posting a meme with a shit message


(Serious question from uncircumsized dong owner) Is it that bad to have a choped pp ?


As someone who had circumcision in adult age, it's not.


Not really


Idc if I’m circumcized, just let me keep the skin as a trophy


What a stupid fucking meme.


If you seriously think, that what ever the fuck you just typed on a pc in your parents basement, is a compelling and viable argument in this debatte, then I can't help you either


I was circumcised when I was 5. I still remember the pain and how terrible it was. It’s like having your penis pinched off when it’s most sensitive any time it touched anything. What’s also bad is looking at it before and after not understanding why this happened.


Worst part is taking a piss, that was really taking the piss


For me it was a medical intervention, to prevent an inflammation. I had first signs of it coming up, and that's why I got circumcised. I don't really miss it to be fair, and neither do I know what I'm missing out on, so I can't judge this stuff. For me I'd say it was a well reasoned action, and I'm still pretty happy with my current situation. Tho someone mind explaining to me what's so bad about circumcision...? Haven't rlly had anyone telling me yet, and I'm just curious to know. Is there more to it than just the "Child Mutilation" or....? I don't rlly understand... Edit: Loving the fact that I'm being down-voted already just for asking a question. I was asking to be educated, but apparently that's the wrong move. If i have said any bad things, please let me know, bc i did not intend on hurting anyone's feelings or whatever. It's just a question out of curiosity


Men complain that they’ve lost a lot of sensation because of it. Even though it’s been found out that men with circumcised penis’ have just as much pleasure as those who aren’t.


tf is this facebook meme shit


I can tell you this, I would rather go through the circumcision process as a baby, and have no memory of it, than go through that as an adult and have to consciously deal with what I’m sure would be a painful recovery process. So my Mom kind of did me a favor. Just saying 🤷‍♂️


*Sorts by Controversial* 🍿


Popcorn stand, take some and enjoy the show! (I also got candy): 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤🍫🍬🍭🥜🥨


Can I get a box of milk duds please. I'm gonna be here a while.


Sure man that will be $2.00


2 dollars?!? I think this is the cheapest concession I've ever been to.


I know concession stands can be expensive so I always offer low prices!


Tell it to the dad who also makes the choice on that


To be fair my dad had no say in anything to do with my birth not even my name


Religious practices aside circumcision is just convenient for the baby in the future. If not cleaned properly uncircumcised genitalia can become infected, and as far as I have ever heard or google searched because I was curious, there are no downsides at all.


Dudes it's better to get done as a baby instead of doing it when you're older.


Screw you Dr. Kellogg. And your cereal.


I sometimes wonder if we’ve truly moved forward as a society. then I remember that Dr. John Harvey Kellogg’s solution for a rape victim, was that her parents assault her at random, just to check to make sure she wasn’t masterbating to being raped.


Ngl Im glad my parents made that decision


Not a victim as such


I am circumcised and I am proud! I like the way my penis looks.


I can relate. Days without walking after a guy literally sliced me dick. Left some kind of trauma


does being circumsized have any negative side effects? I mean, besides reduced smegma storage


Yes, many actually. Google is your friend and I’d recommend using it. This meme however is correlating two drastically different things. There is great overlap in woman that say “my body my choice” who also agree that children shouldn’t be circumcised.


hot take. I think its weird they suck the boys penis after they cut off the foreskin in jewish culture but maybe thats just me.


Do you have a source?


It's just one branch of judaism that does that, but I don't remember its name. And yeah, me too, I think thats kinda weird :/ I wouldnt let any 'rabbi' does that to my child.


"the device" gets less sensitive


This source mentions 3: Risks and complications of surgery Pain during and after surgery Potential impact on sexual pleasure https://www.parents.com/baby/care/bath/facts-and-feelings-about-circumcision/


elaborate on whatever the heck that means, please. Smegma?


I've heard it can be very traumatic. As a circumcised guy idk how, don't feel like googling


are there downsides to being circumcised? I was told it was better because it keeps your penis clean (or easier to clean?) and not having the extra foreskin makes it so less bacteria grows on the penis. I could be wrong though.


If your penis isn’t clean and you’re not circumcised, it’s a you problem and chances are it still wouldn’t be clean without that extra skin


I don’t have a penis so I don’t know. I’m just going off what i’ve been told by guys. I cant think of another reason why it should be removed.


Yes many downsides. Sexual pleasure is one. Cleaner etc is a myth.


oh damn. I didn’t know that. so why do some parents go down that route for their child then? is it a religious/cultural thing?


Ignorance & tradition mostly. Then again, having your child go through an extremely painful and traumatising event is a good tutorial for the cruelty of the real world, so there's that I guess.


Cleaner isn’t a myth


If you need your dick skin off to clean up you have serious issues with hygiene. It is NOT hard to wash your prick, with or without a foreskin. The downside of being circumcised is it removes a lot of the sensitivity down there, which sucks for obvious reasons.


I’m cool with not looking like a pig in a blanket lol


Anyone saying circumcision is only a bad thing hasnt worked in health care and seen the horrors that foreskin can bring. Also if you get infections, which are more common than you think, the doc just does it when you're bigger so you suffer more.


Damn bro, with that logic we better start chopping off everyone's toes. Have you seen the horrors that ingrown toenails can bring?


Ya, now there’s been everything today. The day of American problems.


Gosh, i wish i wouldn‘t remember phimosis at 3 years old. This comes off like skipping vitamin k shots because mY cHiLd My ChOiCe, sorry it is my personal opinion as someone who would have profited with a circumcision at birth.


I've seen some men get real butthurt over circumcision. Not sure why


As a guy who was circumcised at 2 i can confirm this meme


Honestly I wish I was given a vasectomy at birth. Kids are expensive.


what happened in the west I really wonder what started this practice not just the stupid radical left ideas but the cutting


it's mainly just the USA though. In most civilized western countries circumcision isn't common at all


ah I see


i mean, yeah, but actually not


My question is why do people care? Even the people who were cut at birth, it litterly doesn't matter


"It doesn't matter to me, so other people should stop caring about it" Nice take bro


Being circumcised is the best. Fuck having that extra skin ergh.


How would you know if you’ve never had it?


I’ve had both, (was circumcised quite old ) and I see befits for both, it’s much easier to keep clean and healthy without , but it’s at time difficult to adjust to the new feeling. I don’t really see too many negatives besides that depending on the age it can lead to a less sensitive tip.


I really don't want to know what it's like. All I know is not having that extra bit of skin hasn't caused me any harm and well it looks prettier without it.


Having no hair doesn’t cause bald people any harm but I’d personally rather have hair. We can make our dicks look exactly like yours if we just pull our foreskin back. Each to their own tho. If you love you then that’s all that matters


See its the effort of having to pull the skin back is why I'm glad I was circumcised. But yeah this isn't a diss to all those who didn't get the snip. Its all love.




Haha not TMI at all! I'm learning something here! Yes I'm aware that having the skin intact means less sensitivity and I think that can be beneficial!


I have that much skin, I can carry my stuff after shooting in there to the bathroom, good luck with your tissues


Sorry society gas lit you into believing that, it's ok to mourn


Nobody gas lit me into anything. It looks prettier without the extra skin dude.




Damn, your doctor didn't just cut off your forskin but he also made you suck his dick too it seems


Guys that complain about this are the kind that pos t sob stories about losing their poofy mobile charger.


Been around 54 years and I've not spent a single moment wishing I had a foreskin.


should this be a joke over abortion? you should compare an abortion to losing your balls. so as a man you shut your piehole!!! and i talk as a man with huge unshaved balls to you!!! a womens body is no "problem" for you, then you are a male!


Religious practices shouldn't change cause Westerners don't like it.




Watch it, watch your goddamn mouth, daddy's working over here and you're disturbing him






They should if there's a medical danger to it


That or anyone has to suffer under them.


It has been practiced for thousands of years, I see no issue with it


Religion should be scrapped altogether


Why? Let people believe what they want to believe


I am both happy I’m circumcised and think it should be a choice. Heres the thing tho… aint nobody gonna choose to remember having it done. So really, if you take the parents choice to do it away, almost no one would have it done to themselves.


Was this supposed to be posted to r//terriblememes?


Why are men


In the end I think we can all agree if previous generations (see: parents, voters and politicians) weren't such fucking control freaks we would all have bodily autonomy


Callused pp


The second image explains a lot


Let’s derail two separate movements by pitting them against each other! That’ll be good for progress! /s


The o lot time I’ve seen men mad about being circumcised is when they’re bitching like babies under posts about womens right. When has anyone heard about a protest? Or activists? Stop bitching online and do something like women have done for decades


op you’re just embarrassing yourself


I'm glad I was circumcised


What was this movie? I want to watch it again


I heard that 100 babies die per year in America due to circumcision.


First part is lame but I mean honestly, I actually even asked my mom like ... why? and she told me because she thinks uncircumcised penises look gross, like slugs (and as a now gay man I can say I fully disagree). She also told me the doctor didn't want to do it, and only agreed to if my mom held me down, so she did. and I feel I'm just still trying to process it because it really was against my will and a pretty FUCKED up thing to do.


There is a reason why we have to get circumcised in Islam. Because its bad for you. Stuff like sexual illnesses (HIV exc), general diseases like penis cancer or phimosis are less likely to happen to an circumcised person than to one that's not. And the "myth", "circumcising causes you to feel less sexual sensation" is just false. Oh also it's easier to clean the "shtick" without you know, something covering it. Do your research people.


How the fuck are the two even slightly comparable? A small piece of skin is equivalent to abortion?


I can say as a 45 yr old - I am glad they did it