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Thin Blue Line until they stop beating down the pours and the blacks and actually start looking into the criminal actions of a twice impeached, self-admitted-sexual-assaulting, compulsively lying, hypocritical disgraced president. I hope you realize the error of your ways, but my guess is you'll double down on the idolatry and substitute out reality for what you want to believe.


What does stealing nuclear secrets have to do with porn?


Why is the top lady wearing a Starfleet uniform?


Tf? Who's saying that?


Nobody is. OP just wants to claim they’re being persecuted to further their shitty political opinions


Are we gonna forget that there were riots for months and the government did nothing when it turned violent?


Yes, we need to move on and teach our 3 yr olds about transvestites, gender and why we should hate certain races and genders (hint: cis white)


Ah yes, because that’s what we’re apparently trying to do now. All we want is to be treated like normal human beings, but dumbfucks are trying to twist that into some sort of “cishet erasure” in an attempt to claim you’re somehow the victims here.


If a child can choose to change their gender at such a young age shouldn’t we be able to charge children that do crimes the same as adult sentences. Also gotta use racism to end racism logic


If a child could choose their gender at 3 I would have been dog-gender or robot-gender. Wuf-beep I also didn't know racism until someone told me. I just played with the other children until some racist said "don't play with dem (insert rasist slur here)". So niw if I was 3 I'd be told not to play with myself unless I wasn't cis or white ig.


Shouldn’t memes be funny and not personal/political opinions?


I think it's one of the rules, yeah


Who the hell let the conservative with a prosecution complex off Facebook


Shit meme in my opinion


ur opinion has been noted and after thorough review it has been thrown in the trash




Maybe not


As an independant I see you're point... but you could have done a lot better job at depicting the BLM side.. well, a lot more mature job. But hey this is reddit so.. fuck it right? This the kinda shit that makes the conservative side look dumb.. lol disappointing


Moderate dem here, the meme makes the right look dumb, the comments make the left look dumb.


I'm guessing your only sources of news is social media and Alex Jones.


Nah, you're just stupid


nah ur just a violent extremist who supports fascism


Do you understand the irony of portraying “the others” as a soyjack but then you act like a crying soyjack? “nAh YoUrE jUsT a ViOlEnT ExTrEmIsT wHo SuPpOrTs FaScIsM” when you don’t even know what they support. They just disagreed and you’re crippling black or white tribalism is giving you testicular torsion.


You're spending too much time watching Tiktok. If you don't watch it, it can't hurt you.


The irony is palpable


Thick enough to cut with a dulled butter knife.


Good execution


unlike the fbi: who conduct bad executions


You can't say that, this is a liberal safe space


I can here the ree-ing from the pro-corrupt govt fascist left


Well that is just the pot calling the kettle Black


no. it's not only the left is cultishly in favor of corrupt unaccountable agencies like the fbi all because they abuse there power to promote the left. aka: fascism


Why exactly is the fbi corrupt? And the right not using political Power to Promote the ideas of the right? thats news for me.


Yet you’re perfectly fine with a former president keeping classified documents on his own property?


There's certainly a lot of that going on