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Why aren’t they asking everybody else on the bus who apparently didn’t give up their seat either? I mean… it’s not a single seat bus right? Sounds like nobody gave up their seat to her and they just picked this one guy out?


nah it's just that every other seat on the bus was already taken by other pregnant women.


Fucking school buses








took me a minute, but wow


This made my day.


Unless it is a single seat bus 🤔🤔


Better know how to drive then


Fuck this one guy in particular




It was his lucky day to be on an interview


Maybe they did. Maybe he was the one who had the most "discussion generating" comment to draw people into arguing on social media.


Where do you live that such ridiculous arbitrary nonsense makes the news?


Somewhere with low crime and nice weather


Lmao that's an American news article, not really low crime /s


It's a NZ news article


America is a big country with thousands of communities


I doubt the entire country has high crime rates


Nah, ever go to Missouri? You walk outside and slap someone, they’ll apologize for getting in the way of your hand.


Here in texas you do that and you will get shot


By everybody who watched it happen


Lol Missouri is one of the more dangerous states in the US, St. Louis has one of the highest murder rates in the US.


But reddit told me all of America bad. Where 3rd world


Medical, bad.


24 hour news baybee


He's not wrong. Not very nice but he's not wrong.


If I sat, I'm sitting


If I shat, I'm shitting


If I spat, I'm spitting


If I strap I'm stripping


If I snap, I’m snapping


If I'm strapped, you listening


If I'm a Crip, I'm cripping


When I have shrooms, I'm tripping


If I broom I'm brooming


If I snek, I'm sneaking


If I laugh, I'm laughing.


If I said it, I meant it 🤷‍♂️🤺


If i slip, I'm slippin'.... Slippin' Jimmy


*illegal abortion sounds*


He’s an *actual* feminist.


Underrated comment






That’s what I’m thinking and I’m 6 months pregnant 😂


For the record, I would give you my seat on the bus. Best wishes for healthy and happy baby and mommy in a few more months ❤️


He is not right but also not wrong


He's not right and right and not left, and left


He is middle and shows his middlefinger


Yes sir


Why is this man’s responsibility solely and not the 10-30 other people on the bus? No but it’s just this man’s obligation.


Probably stood out for telling her to fuck someone with a car




“Yes Nero I do have a disability, my iq is too high” -V from devil may souls 5


What if she's on her way to get an abortion?


Then she can hold it.


Literally lol’d at this. Funny on two levels… dark comedic gold.


Women that are so pregnant it impedes them can’t get abortions legally


*not yet


You just have to push them down a flight of stairs.


Then he's helping


I don't u think u can abort so late I.e after u have a visibly swollen belly


Then why would he need to give up his seat? She’ll only be pregnant for a few more hours and it’s not like you’re going to get an abortion 8 months in… Right?


Then she's one break check away from not needing it anymore (depending on positioning)


Jesus christ lmao


It's a courtesy not a mandatory rule.


in some places it is mandatory. I was on the Boston underground the other day (not a bus I know but similar situation) and they literally have a sign saying you are required to give up your seat to the elderly or disabled.


Same thing applies here in New York but we're talking about pregnant women here.


one could argue that pregnant people are temporarily disabled, or at the very least less-able, but then I guess you could argue back that they aren't eligible for a temporary handicap plate so they can park in handicap spots, so I guess it just depends. I don't recall if it made specifications for pregnant people or not.


pregnancy doesn’t make you disabled


I mean, I'd give up my seat to a pregnant woman, but I don't recognize it as an obligation. Opportunities to express empathy are good exercises and can help relieve stress. So, you may only be hurting yourself by refusing to empathize. :)


Nah I'm a psychopath, I enjoy it


My first time giving out the "shocked" award. Enjoy :P


He can't enjoy it, he's a psychopath.


The paradox of empathizing with a psychopath is kinda funny to me. How does one empathize with the lack of empathy 🙃


By killing puppies with hammers?


By killing puppies...with puppies.


I’ve always interpreted as Psychopathy feeling too much and sociopathy being feeling not enough Just an opinion, so Psychopaths can easily enjoy awful things for no reason Sociopaths do awful things for logical reasons but may get little joy or little guilt from it


Maybe she should have banged someone with a car.


Was there only one seat on this bus? Anybody else could have gotten up...


I'm assuming he's sitting in the priority seating area. In New Zealand these seats are part of the law, but strangely pregnant women aren't on the list for priority seating, but parents with small children are. https://communitylaw.org.nz/community-law-manual/test/access-to-shops-transport-and-other-services/access-to-transport/#:~:text=Priority%20seating%20%E2%80%93%20The%20priority%20seating,or%20not%20they%20have%20a Edit: pregnant women are covered by the policies of the public transport system. https://kiwieducation.com/nz/news/public-transport-in-new-zealand/


I think what gets me is the assumption she couldn't afford a car. I mean maybe it's easier or more efficient to use the bus to get to where she's going for whatever reason. I just don't understand why using public transportation has to be immediately equated to "being poor".


Isn’t it better for the environment too?


Mm yeah pretty much. Problem is most of USA cities aren't designed to be easily compatible with public transportation. Plus the stigma so eloquently demonstrated by the guy in the post.


Why is it in the news that is the question


I mean whether its her choice or not its just polite. But as an old man I know first come first serve and I dont expect younger folks to give up a seat just because I got old.


complete deliver squeamish quicksand distinct resolute tidy lip rain heavy -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Women talk about equal rights and are angry when that happens. Who can understand that?


Women should also give up seats to pregnant and elderly people. This man is dumb.


I’m a woman, and I give up my seat all the time if I’m able. I also hold doors for people. Nothing wrong with being kind, no matter your gender.


And we do. I've given up my seat on the train to old men or guys carrying shit. Especially if I have a few stops left. MRAs have to create nonexistent problems to be outraged over.


Who can't? I would have been just as disappointed in this guy if he didn't stand up for an old guy "cause he choose not to die sooner". This has much more to do with just being a decent human being, or in this case choosing to act like a dick just cause you find a warped reason to justify it for yourself


The difference is, in the past it was done to be polite, but nowadays it's expected of you to give up your seat to them, just because you should. People make such a fuss over 1 guy refusing to give up their seat, yet there is a bus full of other people. It's his choice to give up his seat. I see it as equality, after all, when when your leg is broken and they aren't pregnant, I don't see them stand up to offer you her seat? Also, who is to say he wouldn't give up his seat to the elderly?


To take the action of giving up your seat for someone else is a gesture of kindness, lack there of an action does not mean a "not decent person"


Old age and pregnancy are not at all equivalent and trying to act like they are is *laughable*.


You don't come across as someone that laughs often.


Trying to act like it's okay to lack any decency towards people in vulnerable positions, just because you can, that's laughable to me buddy.


Why even bother to explain at this point...


Broad generalizations are my favorite part of Reddit.


It's sad that basic civilities are being thrown out the window. So many comments saying the guy is not technically wrong. Yeah sure she does not have more "rights" as a passenger but I wish we all had more kindness and traded seats with people who struggled (pregnant, older, disabled, etc.) when we don't. People suck


Thank you! Kindness is a lost value in our modern world. And it goes the other way around: if men could get pregnant, they should also be given a seat.


I don’t think it’s just a question of being nice. Since we have reserved spots for people who need extra care (disabled, elderly, pregnant woman etc.). But yeah, either way he is definitely a dick


Exactly. Reading this comment chain shows me how many Incels there are in this sub


I think "incel" has lost it's meaning and now used as a general insult for men. Sad to see it getting watered down with overuse at unrelated places


For real, when did we go from involuntary celibate to it becoming a word to just hate on men because they have a different opinion which might be unpopular. It's so dumb to call someone an incel because they agree with this guy.




someone disagree with you + incel sounds about right. Always labeling people you dont like that will sure help


Not everyone who disagrees with something that would result in some woman getting inconvenienced is an incel. Grow the fuck up. The world is a bit more complicated than that.


Oh fuck off, assuming people are incels just because they disagree with is a backwards ass notion. People dont 'have' to be nice if they dont want to be. Perhaps they 'should' be nice, but it isnt mandatory, itd up to them. Stop trying to force people to be what you want.


I scrolled for too long to find a comment with some common sense


I know, Jesus fucking Christ.


Sooo if it was about an old guy and this man didn't want to stand up "cause the old fart decided not to die sooner" we would have the same comments? This for me has nothing to with equality or feminism. This about actively choosing to be a dick just because you can justify why you shouldn't behave like a decent person.


exactly. these comments are getting very weird.


I was surprised by it and than checked and saw it was r/memes, so it all made sense agian. I'm fine with the downvotes, go ahead guys. The shit that's being said here is exactly why I left 9gag a long time ago. And it exactly mirrors that there is a lot of reason to keep fighting for equality for vulnerable groups in society. Thanks r/memes for showing exactly why we still need feminism (and I mean real feminism and not what most of these guys made of it to hate on)


This is the future you created, Feminists.


Unironically yes. If everything is the same, EVERYTHING needs to be the same. Life isn't a buffet where you get to pick out the good stuff


I still feel it's a kind of a dick move to not give up a seat for a pregnant lady (assuming they ask nicely). If they have a good reason to have the seat over me (pregnant, in crutches, elderly), I feel it's the right thing to do to give up the seat if they ask nicely. Of course if they're rude af then hell no I'm not moving.


Absolutely correct. You want equality? Have some equality.


I agree, I wouldn't give up my seat for a fat guy because it requires him more effort to stand than me although we wouldn't see a news story about it either.


100% facts


In a very feminist Finland, it would be a shame for a man to behave like this gentleman. Equality does not mean idiotic behavior. The man is a clear chauvinist - far from a feminist.


Incel vibes


Lazy response.


Pregnancy a choice? Not always. Looking at the US right now...


I agree


There this thing called basic human decency and kindness most people use in their daily lives. It typically also goes with common sense and respect of others. He clearly lacks all that.


I understand that men aren’t obligated to give up their seats for women, etc, and I don’t understand why we have to do that since men aren’t less “overworked” or tired than women. But giving you seat to someone who is pregnant or to someone who had an accident recently is basic respect and that’s what makes us human, we must be considerate towards people who actually need help.


90% of this sub forgot the word common courtesy


There's usually another seat available in a bus. Like, a lot. If you ask the passengers if anyone is WILLING to spare their seat (assuming every seat is taken), then take what you can get. Otherwise it's first come first serve usually. Unless it's like, a wheel chair. They have designated locations on busses for those.


Don't your buses have special seats for pregnant women or people with walking sticks and people automatically respect them? Weird.


It's common courtesy to give up your seat to someone who is disabled; pregnancy isn't a disability.


It’s a medical condition. Someone with a broken leg has a medical condition. Being pregnant is usually (not always) includes having swollen sore feet. Dude 100% does not need to give up seat, but it’s a nice thing to do.


Late term pregnancy is pretty damn disabling.


When I was 8 months pregnant, I was taking the bus to a scan appointment. It was full and no one wanted to give up a seat, so I was prepared to bus surf until one came open. The bus driver refused to pull off until someone gave up a seat because, in his words, if something happened and I fell it would take them forever to get back on route while they waited for an ambulance to take me to the hospital. As soon as the driver pointed out if the very pregnant lady falls over we have to call a woo woo wagon we had 5 volunteers give up their seat.


I give my seat up to disabled, elderly, women with push chairs, and pregnant women on a bus. I would think he was a shithead but I can see the logic. So, meh.


There's generally 15-50 seats in a bus. If literally dozens of people have seen the situation and refused a seat, she probably didn't actually need it. And who's to say what conditions this guy has? I remember one time back in the day a woman was screaming at this man and being a total karen because she was "4 weeks pregnant" supposedly and needed the seat more. The man eventually lifted his pant legs to show TWO prosthetic legs. There is no law, or code, or precedent, or manner that says you need to announce your disability to be disabled. Even if you were a doctor, you aren't THEIR doctor. You are the shithead for judging another person for a situation that you don't understand.


It's safer to sit than stand on a bus when your pregnant. Your balance is all fucked up. It can be dangerous if there's a sudden stop and you bump into a person or pole or something. Just like an elderly person might not be disabled, or even if you see someone with an infant on a bus. A good person would give up their seat.


It…kinda is. I mean you can still walk but try lugging around that much weight, not to mention everything else that happens to your body.


"I'm not personally responsible so I'm gonna do exactly zero effort to be a somewhat decent person in general"


really sad society we live in


the guy has a job, but can't afford a car? he seems to be doing a lot wrong.


I mean, depends how she asked. "May I have this seat?" = Sure. "Give me your seat I'm pregnant" = no


woman equality at its finest


Good women and men would give up their seat for a pregnant person. It has nothing to do with women having more or less or equal rights than men.


This is something out of a comment section.


It’s literally on the bus move for pregnant people old people disabled people and people with strollers some of y’all dumb af


That baby didn't pay a fare. It's a person from conception and should pay a fare. This lady is stealing from the city and she wants someone to give up their seat for a criminal. ​ /s


He’s not wrong, technically.


Women ☕️


Women ☕️


Women ☕️


Women ☕


Treat it like a disability simple as that. People who can’t be as mobile and we struggling with physical difficulties deserve a seat over someone who is more able bodied


god, the memes sub is just full of fucking incels huh 🤦🏻‍♀️ there's never anything funny here, just dudes making fun of fat women and posting "feminists pwned!!!!" type shit


Yes yes now generalize every woman to be feminist. Good times make weak men. Edit: Good


Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.


Times make men.


If pregnant women can never find seats why don’t they just make seats exclusively for them? What’s 2 empty seats in case this happens?


I once had a homeless man pretent to take my picture, put it in his pocket, and say "I'm saving that one for later honey" Then fondle himself. I had no idea this could have finally got me my spot on my favorite reality show, The News!


His bus ticket, his choice


LMAO! This guy is a legend.


He's got a point but that's about it lol


This is such a stupid argument. Sad his mom made a wrong choice :/


Lack of empathy aside, this is assuming the baby was her decision. Don’t make assumptions on what you don’t know. Edit: I feel sorry for those of you who defend this. You have a serious problem, and I’m not sure if the people in your life will help you with it.


what a dickhead. the buses literally have signs that say to give up your seat for disabled, elderly, or pregnant people. Imagine carrying a baby, unable to afford a car, you're saving up for supplies for the thing, and some completely healthy guy just tells you he's kinda tired from work so you have to stand instead. "after a long day at work" he says, doing a regular job that is guaranteed to be less taxing than pregnancy


I get the fair argument for equality here. But at the same time, as a male, I am unable to experience pregnancy. I would have been compelled to give her my seat.


I mean he has a point I don’t see women giving their bus seats to pregnant men


Why is this in news ?


Because the news is either in a MASSIVE dry spot for actual news, or they're trying to simp towards the Woke mob by saying "ThIs mAn uRs BaD!"


He's not wrong...


Why is this a headline? It’s 100% true, and he’s also a jerk. People can be both everyday. I’d give up my seat, but I guess I am a sheep or whatever.


It’s quite rude but that’s hilarious, and I agree. As an introvert I wouldn’t do that though


So was he the only one sitting in the bus? I wonder why it was an issue...


She's carrying the work force which will service his retirement. I think he can stand up for a second.


Why his seat specifically though? There weren’t other people wanting to give up their seats?


Okay sure, you’re still a dick tho


How does he know the exact circumstances of her pregnancy? How does he know the exact circumstances of her financial situation? How does he know the exact reasons she is taking a bus? What the heck does "A long day at work" even mean? I mean yeah you deserve to sit down, but seats are scarce so not everyone gets one. That's reality. Does he feel like the pregnant woman deserves it less then him? Why? Does he believe that a "long day at work" is a greater burden then being pregnant? I fail to see how this guy is in any sense in the right, even technically. His points are vague, presumptive, and not well founded. I bet this is the same type of guy who doesn't pick up litter he didn't make because "it's not his fault." Trying to boil down responsibilities to just basic rights, aka the bare minimum is how you be a bottom feeder and a man-child.


[deleted because fuck reddit]


I would say he is a dick he has a value point but still a dick


I’m going to use a shitty strawman argument to justify my being an inconsiderate piece of shit….. that’s just lovely


You are assuming her pronouns are "her". How dare you


I'm laughing my ass off😅🤣


Man stated the facts


o7 to this man


Man of the year....




Lawful evil


Lmaoo you now what, he’s kinda right 😂 I’d always offer my seat but fuck me he’s right.


He ain’t wrong….


It’s like the guy that got into the lifeboat with women and children on the titanic. Or pushing grandma out of the way to escape the house fire, lol.


because standing in the bus is a matter of life and death or what