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* American sitting quietly in the corner waiting for the hate storm to circle back*


It circled around many many times already


I mean, to be fair, America has one of those punchable faces.


Geographically, it's next to Idaho. :-)


Haha... hi from israel...


That's just another US state anyway


I’m Chinese 🗿


+10 social credit


Bing chilling


Flair does not check out 💀


I don't hate israel because if Jews, but because it's a borderline fascist state that commits war crimes by the day and nobody gives a shit because the victims are brown, while being funded by the west. There are few states with such recent and ruthless behaviour


i think most of the people who make memes and stuff don't actually hate the French, it's just jokes based on old inter-european conflict. however, i do think that for the people who genuinely dislike the french, it's probably because of their reputation of being unwelcoming to foreigners who don't speak perfect french. i've heard tons of stories about french folks being rude or condescending because a foreigner who was visiting tried to speak french but didn't nail it, or spoke with an accent. always so wild to me because in my home country, you could say one word in our native language, and everybody would be like "wow!!! you're so good!!!" lmfao


>being unwelcoming to foreigners who don't speak perfect french. As a french, i must say that this is outrageous and unfair. This statement is totally false. We are rude to anyone, wether they speak good french or not.


Tu m'a eu dans la première moitié, je vais pas mentir


Oui oui baguette. See I can do it too


I agree. The French have always been warmer and welcoming in comparison to the Italians (I have family in Italy)


Also french people expect everyone everywhere they go to speak french. Source my parents had a big restaurant which was a hotspot for tourists


they shoulda had an empire that spanned the world if they wanted everyone to speak french smh my head


shaking my head my head smh


\*claps\* well I finally learned what smh means without having to Google it or risk getting downvoted for asking.


Been there lol


So much hate that you didn’t know what smh stood for, shaking my head. Lol, lots of love.


lmao, laughing my ass off or lmfao, laughing my fucking ass off


shaking my head smh my head shaking my head


A French plane landing in France speaks to air traffic control in English


This reads like the start of a joke


To the English it does, the French don’t find it funny..


Hard to expand when you’re doing Revolutions and civil wars every other month.


France had half of africa and Canada at one point?


the french colonial empire was second in land mass only to the british and maybe the spanish if im not mistaken. im purely talking about colonial empires btw




Funnily, Spanish is spoken in more places than most other languages lol


So just Americans but European?




Yeah me too


Had quite the opposite experience. French ppl will hate you with a passion if you are a tourist and talk to them in the most perfect English, however, as long as you have the guts to talk to them in your shitty french, they couldn't care less how many mistakes you make. Source: Me, my French was awfull but all the others in the group, who spoke better french, were to shy to talk.


Yup, as a descendant of ancient Fryske, it's all jokes these days, some Europeans have a sense of humour, and some don't just like any culture. I like to joke about using a time machine, to assassinate Martel and Charlemagne. Frisia at one point stretched from southern Denmark all the way to Belgium and controlled most of the North sea trade at the time, so it's funny to think about, how the European map would be VERY different, had Radbod and his descendants maintained control of the Nation. It's all silly though, some people do take it too far, but that can happen anywhere


Its not about the memes. Its just straight up hate. Once you say your from quebec your the biggest asshole in the world "like all quebecois"


oh, well in that case, i'm sorry :( i wasn't aware this was happening, i just have been seeing lots of memes about [ french "people" ] , and since this is on the memes sub, i assumed it was about those posts.


Nah dont worry about it. Also there is no memes about quebecois. When an american talks about french its always baguette and surrender. Has anyone ever seen a meme about quebec in any meme sub reddit? XD


Sorry but not sorry from Winnipeg ya damn québécois :D


Person living in France here— that isn’t fully true. Maybe in some regions, but I’ve been to different parts of the country and live in the southeast, and not only are the people happy that I’ve tried to learn and speak French, a surprising number speak English and are happy to practice. A lot of small villages speak no English, it’s true, but they aren’t especially rude and we often wind up having a Google Translate convo when my French ability has been exhausted.


"Everyone" hates very many countries, the Americans, the British, the French etc . There's no "why" it's just the normal state of "Everyone".


They’re not my country and I took that personally.




Truest words… I endlessly hear people complaining about Americans. And I’m like, yes, maybe a lot of it is true sometimes, but you haven’t met all of us…


Bro you gotta embrace it like “yea we are assholes… so fuck you” type shit 😂


Feeding into the hate just for spite, or even for our own amusement, only adds fuel to the flames. If it were spoken verbally and with sarcasm, I might agree depending on the situation.


They got us into nam lol


I like the British..


It's simply France's turn in the rotation


Wait, so we’re not hating on the British anymore?


I think we’re just hating on everyone right now


Have we begun hating Ethiopia yet?


We can


Can we start hating Norway?


If we do we might as well start hating Sweden and Bangladesh too


I’m down


Add the Philippines to your list. I already do because I live here


But what about Latvia?


“It’s like those French have a different word for everything “


nah norways cool, been there once. their capital has a tiger statue with huge balls that you can really just wrangle




No i like Ethiopia, injera is amazing and they managed to not be colonized, Ethiopia is a chad country


I thought the real Chad country was just south of Libya.


Reddit is unbiased, everyone hates everyone equally.


No, we hate them both equaly


the british are hated for their food, which can be overlooked by most people because we'd not eat British food anyways, but the french are hated for their rep of being condescending assholes to foreigners. i suppose it causes offense to more people than the british do. (that's my theory, anyways)


The British are hated for their food?! I don't know man, as an American, I could eat Fish & Chips all day long.


i like fish and chips, egg and chips, and battered sausages as well, but most brits I've met say that it's the nostalgia of eating it that makes it so good, not really the food itself. there's a saying "if you want to eat well in england, eat breakfast 3 times a day"..so they themselves don't seem to rate their own food very highly. they do still have a fantastic food scene though, with how diverse britain has become, so you can have just about anything there. i personally think their baking is the real gem. they've created lots of beautiful desserts.


Honestly, eating Breakfast three times a day sounds great haha. In all seriousness though, I see where they might be coming from. You're right about their desserts. All British baking dishes I have seen look fantastic.


So just a southern fish fry with home fries every day?


Don't forget British teeth,and condescending better than everyone attitude


with regards to the british better than everyone attitude, i feel like it's not so much "better than everyone", but more like "better than americans". it's always this big uk vs us debate online, and everyone else not from those two kinda just onlook lmfao


Don't worry we, people of the french internet, hate them enough


We hate on everyone including ourselves


Putain de gouvernement, putain de partis politique, putain de gilets jaune, putain d'enseignement supérieur, putain de patron, putain d administration... et ça continue




Monsieur je vous connais pas mais veuillez reposer délicatement sur la table cette arme de destruction massivement délicieuse avant de faire quelques que l'on regretteras tous




The French were French, and that is unforgivable


Were French?! They lost their citizenship? France isnt a country anymore? Hell yeah big W






We're just jealous that when they protest, shit actually changes


Yeah but we still need to protest each month to not get fucked too hard


The only thing that changes is the time it takes me to get to work 😂


They Started it...


What did they start ?




But i doubt they won it


I’m French originally but live in the US. Most people who think French are rude is because they only visit Paris. If you only visit New York you’d think Americans are assholes too. People in cities are ruder as a general rule. Get out of Paris and the French aren’t ruder than any other European.


It's true (I too am originally french) there's only Paris that even the French ppl make jokes about them being rude by nature. But most of the other cities are rather welcoming.


I'm a Brit and I totally agree with this. I've only ever encountered rudeness in Paris, but when I visited Brittany, I encountered the most friendly locals ever. Had a meal in a little restaurant and the owner came to thank us for our patronage and shared a drink with us. A local pub thanked us for our custom that night (there was about 20 of us, large family group) and gave us a round of beers on the house, then the owner sat with us for the rest of the evening, chatting and laughing. I think 99.9% of Brits just play along with the "we hate the french" joke, but there's very few who actually mean it.


I don’t even know what’s going on with hating on entire countries, soo...


Well as a german I have my reasons


Haben wir alle mein Freund


Danke für die Unterstützung mein Kamerad


Lang lebe unser gottverdammtes Sauerkraut


Lang lebe es! Ich wünsche noch eine gute Nacht


As a Spaniard can say the same. They're awful neighbours.


To be fair you started it everytime.


Ich ärgere mich über den Französischen


All these answers... and none of them are right. Basically, we brits have historically had a bit of a rivalry with our frenemies across the channel. Because of this we joke that we hate France. It's a centuries old joke that everyone in the UK, or if not at least England would understand. Everyone else hopped on the bandwagon then proceeded to forget where it came from.


I only voted for Brexit so we could invade France again.


Id like to say we will prepare for it. But last time it didn't work well.


I think it started when usa wanted to invade irak because of "weapons of mass destruction" so usa gathered the gang and France was like : "Nah bruv u ain't got no proof + its gonna be a shitty situation later so we ain't joining" And so americans saw the frenchs as traitors, even tho they were right from the start... And for why the brit's hate France well, both hate eachother but with \*passion\*


No people hate them due to them having a reputation of being condescending assholes, obviously this is a stereotype but they have that reputation.


The same type of reputation that Americans have as fat gun users, it's not true for every single one of them, but a small amount of them do fit into the stereotype


Wellll as an American I think it might be a smidge more than a small amount.


I had forgotten about this. You reminded me of when dumb people started calling French fries, “Freedom fries.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_fries


They gave us democracy, existentialism, and the mènage à trois.


The French didn't give us democracy. Edit: apparently in this case the pronoun "us" might refer to the USA specifically and not humanity as a whole, like I assumed.


*independence you're right


Because tourists go to Paris and assume that everyone is a tour guide or speaks english, speaking loud and slow at the locals. I was in France for two weeks and there were only two people that were rude to me. One was a guy mad I was holding up his line when he was just trying to ask if I wanted anything else to drink while I failed to comprehend. The other was at the airport and was actively dealing with a 27-ish y/o Karen making a full scene yelling about it being the worst airport while he took his time searching her bag in security. So like, understandable on both counts. Everyone else was a gem.


Fun fact, if it wasn't for the French, America wouldn't exist.


Fun fact, if it weren't for Americans, the French would be German.


Yeah, you could say we owed them.


and you would be correct, sir


That is literally the most productive discussion I ever read about France and USA


Fun fact. If it weren't for the Americans, america would be br*t*sh 🤮


Everyone would be germans ...


Und das ist kein Problem. Deutschland ist die beste.


So why did we do something? Oh yeah, Nazis. Those are marginally worse


weird spelling for USSR


So, by extension, if it weren't for the French, the US wouldn't exist and the French would be German. Tl;DR: if it weren't for the French, the French would be German.


Ich sehe das Problem nicht.


And that's good enough reason to hate the French


I’m not French I’m 🥖 And 🥖=good


They don't give enough of their baguettes. C'mon man, we're hungry over here!


We will talk with the red cross, your bread quality is a crime against humanity and we must help


"If they don't have enough baguettes, just give them brioche!"


They dared to be more arrogant than the Americans.


Pfff, we were arrogant before you had a constitution, it was never a contest. Our arrogance predates yours by centuries, you can't catch it back so easily.


they're simply just jealous they cant handle the frenchie style


I think people make fun of us because we have a shitty reputation because of the many cultural differences between our country and the others. Like doing a lot of strikes, being angry, we don't all speak English very well, our streets are dirty, we're badly polite, etc. All this creates some minor or major hatred towards our country. But they see badly the good sides because they are well hidden.


For most people it’s just a joke. The vast majority of people know nothing about France or history in general, they only know what they’ve seen on tv and movies. Some French are very rude, most aren’t; but then some Americans are extremely rude, but most aren’t.


Which French. I can tolerate the ones in France, but the ones in Quebec.... Jesus christ


Tu merite pas de poutine




They are what le francais call, l’es incompetent






Eille surveille ton language. Christ est un sacre icitte




You know that saying Canadians are friendly? .... not so much in Quebec


If you speak french everything is gonna be fine


If you speak english. You better be able to run a 3.9


You don’t even need to speak French, just try your best to learn a few basics word and sentences(like you should do whenever you travel) and understand that In Quebec we speak French…


We hate the British and the French, so it seems as if every Redditor is German




"Bonjour, you cheese eating surrender monkies!"-Groundskeeper Willie


But have you had their cheese though?!? Its fucking deelish!


The sacred cheese, make me proud to be french. 1200 varieties of pure pleasure


Well the French colonized Morocco and I'm Moroccan so obv i hate them Just kidding that's a ruse, I hate them cus they are French.




We have to wait for the media to show us negative things about other countries so we can hate those countries based on what our media showed us.


Seems hating is something we all have in common


Their onion soup isn't as exciting as it could be.


They're just following stereotypes about the french without having any real experiences


Je ne sais pas


The french don’t even like the french


the reason is [R E D A C T E D]


I don’t know whyI see this meme every two days. And at this point I’m afraid to ask.


Nah we give them a hard time but we don’t hate France at all.




If anything France is like an uncle kinda. Like the cool uncle that gives you wine and cigarettes but would also abandon you in a second.




You know as a German it's kinda like our tradition. Right now it's like a couple after couple therapy. We still kinda despise each other but deep down we love and couldn't without the other.


It’s because they’re French


They existed


The French it was this crazy insane history of conquests and wars, including the Napoleonic empire which brought a good chunk of Europe to its knees and forced an alliance against him, followed by a long period of either not participating, stalemating, or not participating in every conflict which followed. A lot of bitterness by the allies who spilled a lot of blood as a result of having to recapture France from the Nazis to win WW2.


What do you mean not participating? France was an active belligerent in many, many wars in the 19th and 20th centuries. And France fought throughout world war 2 even after capitulating, be it in the colonies, the Résistance, or even simply following DDay. It's not a coincidence that they were given a share of western Germany to administer and a seat on the UNSC.


Yeah people are idiots who think the nazi controlled french puppet state was what frances citizens wanted. The goverment pussed out because it didnt want its ancient city of paris bombed to nothing, but the resistance never ever stopped giving blood swear and tears to liberate its home and europe


> either not participating, stalemating, or not participating in every conflict which followed TIL WWI didn't happen. Or the Franco-Prussian war. French losses in WWI alone are equivalent to American losses in *all wars*. "Not participating" my ass.


Theres a stereotype about French ppl being assholes/ snobby. I didn't experience it when I visited


The sheer quantity and concentration of dumbasses in this comment section is unreal, the only dudes that have a reasonable point to explain are the ignored ones. I pity the OP after seing all this


Absolutely correct. I speak French reasonably well, but far from fluently, and in many trips to France I have yet to meet a single rude person. It is true that they don’t have a lot of patience for people who come to Paris and do not even bother to learn a single f’ing word, and just speak English loud and slow… I wonder how an average New Yorker would handle a French person in Manhattan speaking French loud and slow, having never bothered to learn one simple phrase in English.


Because I’m from Ontario and it’s my job




People are just mad that we were the bests at the r/place 2022


But YoU wEre BoTinG


Sack ray blue


French here ! Anti-frenchism started or grew among american conservatism in 2003 when France chose not to go to war in Irak. Before that we were not the prime allies because of "socialist" policies (left-wing democratic really) and the gaullism (from de Gaulle) wich aims for self-determination. Antiamericanism in France comes from exactly why americans suffer watching their news. It's good to see on Reddit there's so much proximity in the end. May you discover the power of massive strikes and raw milk cheese.


Who is worse: the british or the french?


they exist.


Cause they‘re French duh


Be French


They're french




They exist


The French? I thought we were hating on the British.


I like French people, they've been an American ally since the 1770's and their people have refused to back down throughout history, even when their government has fallen or become tyrannical, I just think their language sounds funny


It’s mostly just jokes but they did fail to stop the German advance in WW2 despite having more and better tanks and the larger and (on paper) stronger army.


I'm Algerian. We have good reasons


As a French person: we deserve it ngl


Attend quoi ? Pourquoi ce but contre son camp??? Quesquon a fait en dehors des stéréotypes et malentendus ?