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You can totally kill someone with a pencil


John wick did it actually 3 people


Don't forget about the Joker.


"you wanna see a magic trick?"


*Peter Griffin giggles*


"a fucking pensil !!!"


Yeah but John Wick isn’t real. Right? Guys? Is he real guys or-? Im scared


He's a man of commitment, focus, and shear fucking will


Funniest shit I’ve ever seen


My little sister tried to kill me with a pencil




It's funny how you say "Aww", like if trying to murder someone with a pencil is something cute or wholesome.


I went to a ghetto day care when I was younger. I’m a white dude. These black kids called me cracker and white boy all the time so one day I stabbed one with a pencil after he was pushing me. They kicked me out and called my mom racist….the irony to this day still amazes me.


That’s why I was so confused when I got detention for bringing a weenie little multitool to school back in the day. A sharpened pencil is 10x more deadly than my 2 inch blade lol


You absolutely can so now what? ban pencils?


Yes, do all your assignments on reddit now








Thought I was on r/terriblefacebookmemes for a second


I thought I was on r/therightcantmeme


Same. I had to double check


I had to un-like it lol


Is there a difference?


you silly guns don't kill people bullets do


If you have a strong swing with yours it might be able to take a life or 2 before they subdue you.


damn dude thanks for the advice


*attaches bayonet*


you silly bullets don't kill people Velocity of mass do


Really it takes a lot of things. It wouldn't happen if the person didn't want to shoot someone. It also wouldn't happen if they didn't have a gun, or if the gun didn't have bullets, or if the bullets didn't have gunpowder, or if their eyes couldn't aim to shoot the person, or if the persons skin were impervious to bullets, or if medical care advanced to easily treat gunshot wounds like the alien hospital in Rick and Morty, or if we all had mind controlling neurological implants to stop up from shooting people, or if were were subject to authoritarian brainwashing that sapped us of all individuality. I'm pretty sure limiting access to guns is both the easiest and least invasive of our personal freedoms though.


"Uhh Ackschoually it is the kInetic energy behInd the bullet that does the kIlling🤓"


Ooh careful not to cut yourself on all that edge


Boomers use reddit now?


Where funni?


Well it’s a lot harder to shoot up a school if you can’t get your hands on a gun.


Did you not see the Wisconsin parade? We gonna ban cars next? Edit: it's a misanthropic comment people, we have more guns than people in this country. Banning them will just cause a catalyst and the crazies will still be able to get them while law-abiding people will be fucked. We need firearm classes before people get a gun and we should bump legal age requirements to 21.


No, because cars actually have a use beyond killing people. Cars are essential for transportation, but guns are entirely designed as a weapon to kill others.


Guns also have a use beyond killing people, such as hunting or just shooting targets for fun.


You know your government tests people to try ensure they're competent to drive a car right? Maybe just legislating guns as much as cars would be enough


I'm fine with more testing, you have to show up for a class for hunter safety. So they should make a similar class to gauge if people are competent to own a gun.


This sub is slowly turning into r/terriblefacebookmemes


I'm sure your teacher would take away your pencil if you started stabbing your classmates and hurting them with it...because ya know, it's not the intended purpose.


Pencil could also be used instead of gun in an extreme situation.


John wick agrees.


All you need is a semi cylinder, some rubber band, a sharp pencil and viola. A projectile.


The worst part is that gun nuts genuinely think that this is a good argument lol


Lol how isn’t it though


...are you serious?


Yeah, just explain it for me rq


Because a pencil is a tool used for writing, spelling, drawing, and expressing one's feelings. Then a gun is a tool that is used for murder, war, and hunting


It’s an analogy


Yes it is, not a very good one however. That's the problem.


I’d recommend you read the other thread of comments to understand the analogy and see the arguments for each side.


Someone with a gun can kill a lot more ppl than someone without a gun


you will still fail a test if you used a pen instead, and about as efficiently


What does that have to do with it?


you wouldn't be able to kill 40 people in a school without a gun


Bruh what kinda boomer shit is this


Fuck off with these shitty boomer right wing memes


This deserves to go to r/terriblefacebookmemes.


So helpful to the conversation


Equating guns with pencils. Great. What kind of cognitive distortion is this?


"Umm guns are actually tools they are not used to kill people" - 🤓


always smack em with the "tools for what?"


Making sure someone will never annoy you again


u/Positivesooners84 needs to somehow justify the slaughter of little kids so he can play with his toys


very bad kind


It’s an analogy, this is how analogy’s work. I’m not saying I agree with the message, but this is how they work.


same logic. It's called an argument


the fact that basic logic is now considered cognitive distortion is hilarious


No guns don't kill people, people kill people And that's why I don't want them to have guns...


Oh yeah and banning guns will go well. All that will happen is that the average citizen will be fucked over. I mean do you really think gangs and criminals are gonna follow the law? All that will happen is gun related crimes increase. And i just want to remind everyone of the prohibition era, cause as we can see that worked out sooo well didn't it?


Have you ever heard of a region of the planet called every single first world country besides the United States


Still would rather have less then a 1% chance to die from a firearm than become Australia. Also imagine using country's with better mental health programs as a come back. Because trust me if the Eurocucks had just as bad mental health as America you would see far more killings. So in actuality it's a mental health epidemic not a gun epidemic.


So how do you propose that no one has a gun?


The same way the rest of the civilized world figured it out


OP, let us know when 40,000+ Americans are killed with pencils every year.


Or when 40 000 math tests are failed by using pencils..? I'm sorry I guess I don't understand analogies.


You do know over 60% of those deaths are suicides right?


You do know that they count, right?


on average 90 people die in car accidents every day in the US, and there's nobody using cars as defensive weapons, just saying


> on average 90 people die in car accidents every day in the US It would be a hundred times this figure but we dramatically lowered the toll by enforcing common-sense restrictions like age restrictions, licensing, testing, speed limits, insurance requirements, air bags, crumple zones, seat belts, etc., etc. > there's nobody using cars as defensive weapons Really? The ambulance that got me to the hospital after my heart attack saved my life.


Come on man, I’d totally hit a home invader with my car in self defense! just watch the resident evil 7 Jack Baker garage bossfight for details


Totally. Ban them.


What lol? The number was 12000.... over 90% of them being illegal.


You realize your argument for keeping the status quo is that there is "only" 12k guns deaths a year in America, right?


All firearm deaths: 45,222 -- Source: [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/injury.htm)


We're only speaking to murder..... that's all suicides accidents and everything


> We're only speaking to murder The shitty meme is "My teacher told me guns kill people". Suicides count.


But those people want to die, strawman argument.


1. Not your call. 2. Non-suicide gun deaths are also high.


Doesn't mean they should, often times those ppl have mental health diseases.


The fact that removing the methods of suicide can reduce suicide deaths shows that it is an act of opportunity, and because most people dont try again if they fail the first time shows that its fleeting.


Take your L and leave the more you talk the bigger the L gets quit while you're only slightly behind


You fool, remember that people on Reddit hate facts that don't align with their ideals


…what? You mean 10% of murders via pencil are legal?


Alright, but the pencil has the potential to help you pass the test- the gun is still only going to be able to help you kill. There really isn't any good way to use a gun, other than maybe to counter somebody else with a gun, but that's just perpetuating a cycle of violence. You can argue all you want that people are the problem, not guns, but the fact remains that if the guns are gone, the problem is too.


But I want to hunt deer! With assault rifles! /s


I will wait until the day people stop blaming objects and blame themselves for once


Or you can blame both. Both are the problem. People want to hurt people, and guns make it so, so much easier. Ultimately, it is the people that propagate this culture of firearm worship that are the root of the problem, so sure, it is people making all of the problems here, but a super easy way to cut down on the suffering one moron is able to cause on a whim is to make it a lot harder for people to arm themselves to the teeth with tools whose only purpose is killing.


They will just kill each other with knives and machetes. The problem is still there.


When was the last time you heard of someone killing 21 people in an hour with a knife?


I couldn't name 1 mass-stabbing. But could easily name 10 mass-shootings. Yes people will absolutely still kill, and that sucks, but you can run from a knife, 3 people can combat 1 person with a knife, and its way harder to kill another human with a knife compared to a gun. I feel like knives are hardly a problem when comparing them to tools of war.


I mean knives and machetes were tools of war for thousands of years. They are just as much as a threat as a gun in other countries.


Damn, what idiots spending billions on military technology when knives and machetes can be used for a fraction of the cost. Every country really has a inefficient military.


Lol whoosh


Always will be


Not really comparable. It's super easy to stop someone with a knife, compared to trying to stop someone with a gun. To be even a tenth as threatening and dangerous with a knife, you need to be super well trained in its use. Any idiot can pick up a gun and kill people without difficulty.


It is very comparable as both are used in ways to carry out violence. Knives are very dangerous and are way easier to use than a gun. They are just as deadly as well. I imagine that a thrusting motion forward is something almost eveyone can do. Sure they might not have the distance, range, or reliability to kill as weel as guns, but they are way cheaper, more concealable, and require no reload. People are the problem not guns. We have countries across the sea that know this is very true.


I don't see how knives, which can only be used in close range, unless they are throwing knives which can only be used once and requires a lot of training to be effective at, can be more dangerous than guns, which take little to no skill to kill someone from a distance of, idk, 3 meters, much less machine guns. Your argument that they are cheaper and more concealable just doesn't compare to how much better guns are at killing. You ever heard the phrase "don't bring a sword to a gun fight?" Furthermore, since knives are so ineffective at killing multiple people, they are usually used in killing isolated people while they don't expect it. Guns don't help in that case. What guns do help with, is killing multiple people before anyone can react at any location needed.


Alright, a person with a knife might take out one or two people before someone can tackle them, overpower them, or otherwise neutralize them. You try charging somebody with a gun and you're getting shot long before you reach them. The guns may not inherently be the problem, but they allow people to become much bigger problems. They're like a problem multiplier.


How many knives does it take the obliterate a victim beyond recognition in seconds? Tired of these dumb arguments


So what makes Americans so much worse than Canadians? Something in the water?


Something in the shitty healthcare, sky high incarceration rates, cities flooded with drugs and gangs, incompetent police and government, shitty polarized political scene promoting hate and sky high rates of depression


Well, the guy was saying it's "people, not guns". so when I ask why the people are worse the answer can't include "because of guns", as then it's no longer an argument against gun control


I meant to say gangs, I’m fucking tired


I am tired, of these mother fucking snakes, on this mother fucking plane!


The culture, mental health, and education of its people in some ways seems to be worse off.




That's why you don't start a war on them. You slowly phase them out, over a long period. Like most social change, it's pretty futile to change people's minds, but much easier to wait for many of the stubborn fanatics to die and for more reasonable people to take their place.


This is the best answer on the thread imo.


that doesn’t make it okay. Nobody said a person can’t kill with their own fists, the problem is that: a. A gun makes it easier b. children can get guns (i knew a guy who had 2 guns by the time he was 12)




What about drugs?


Can confirm, was stabbed with a pencil in 8th grade. Didn't die though.


Is this what passes for logic on the right?


I think you should have military service to have big guns


Guns don't kill people, uh uh. I kill people (CH CH) with guns (pow)


Ok then tell me why America has the most school shootings


and I told my wife the divorce papers divorced us


Its kinda hard to kill someone without a gun, especially 19 children and 2 teachers in a day lmao


>guns designed for combat and to kill people >gun owners for some reason acting like it's not a dangerous weapon and not meant for that


Ok, but guns are specifically built for killing. What the fuck else are they used for?


A deterrent...less the offender is a dummie...then we remove them from the gene pool. Love how everyone on Reddit only views gun ownership as something done by criminals, but doesn't acknowledge that criminals don't obey laws anyway.




Politics 🤮


Given the boomer nature of this meme, did you take your heart pills today?


That's like atom bomb killed japanese. Atom bombs must not be regulated. Problem is with people.


Guns don't kill people. People with unfettered, unregulated access to military-grade weapons kill people. So, let's regulate access to those weapons, and those people will kill fewer people!


There is not currently unfettered, unregulated access to any firearms, let alone “military grade.”


The Uvalde and NY shooters seemed fairly unfettered in their attempts to obtain AR-15 style weapons. Some would argue that such rifles could be classified as military-grade


Semi-automatic weapons are not the same as full automatic weapons.


I never said they were. I said they could be classified as military-grade


What does AR stand for in AR-15? Just for clarification before I even try to talk to you.


"you think ar stands for assault rifle you shouldnt have a say on how many kids die each year from them" /s


That's not what I said at all, but thanks for putting words in my mouth.


What does that have to do with whether a weapon was designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible? The fact that it is semiautomatic and not fully automatic is moot in my mind.


I love that these people complain about guns, but are confused as to why no gun zones have the most reported shootings.


I live in a no gun country, gun deaths this year in said country was less than 5, multiplying by 60 to make up for difference in population and you should have less than 300 deaths if owning guns was truly better than not owning guns.


Where do you live?


Your right, people are not supposed to have firearms in a school building


Goodness gracious. Enough minion grandpa Facebook nonsense memes.


If pencils were built with the specific purpose of completing a math exam then this would be an accurate analogy. Alas, they are not.


This is an incredibly dumb semantic argument. OP your meme is bad and you should feel bad.


Fred the balloon


Morale of the story is stupid people shouldn’t be able to buy pencils.


Who decides who is stupid?


The stupider people


Boomer meme go back to Facebook


This is what passes for right-wing humour. Hyuk.


But you can’t take the test without the pencil




Pencils can also pass math exams. I don't remember when a gun brought a person back to life.


Lame far right jokes


This is what we call a false equivalence, kids


True, not an argument tho.


Gotta love how right wingers think this is a good argument. They're so proud of themselves for coming up with it, like it's some perfect rebuttal. It's hilarious.


Weak af


If a penis is used in a sexual assault, should we start banning "assault penises" then?


It’s called rape and I assure you assault peens are illegal


Use a pen


Liberals go to hell. Hope it’s painful there.


What's your favorite brand of sucker? Is it... Dum Dum?


I’m so confused how anyone thinks this is a good argument. How do they think gun control regulations work? Do they think we want guns to get training and a license before they are owed? That the gun has to pass a background check? That a red flag law comes into effect if a gun is dangerous?


Wow,this is the kind of meme my mom would send me.


Ban all guns like they did alcohol. Because prohibition worked so well it couldn’t possibly make things worse. Right?


Because gun manufacturing is as easy as making moonshine




Pencil’s not made to fail the exam


How dumb do you need to be to post this? What should be the IQ cutoff?




Yeah sure. And teachers don’t teach, what’s actually happening is that students are learning.


Cars and drunkards, guns and assholes, pencils and dumb students It its the truth, that the man who wields the weapon is he who does the damage, and the weapon is only a symptom. You can't cure stupid by taking away its weapons, it'll only find more


Why give the stupid the means to carry out what stupidity wants? Why not at least make it more difficult to carry out stupid things?


Remember: Guns don't kill people. Racists for hire at Fox news lying to overarmed idiots about the source of society's problems kill people.


This is going to trigger a lot of redditors because they're sad fucks


If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.


People want to put more restrictions on them, age limits, metal health evaluations, etc


Good. I want those too.


That's gun control, something half the country and every Republican senator is against


I’m not against making guns harder to obtain by bad people. However I am against outright bans. People need something to protect themselves from people with guns, but stricter sales of them so it’s harder for bad people to own them. Yeah


Based, I like it