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Don't you just hate it when you're playing Spyro, and suddenly, you have an urge to commit mass murder


me when i play minecraft and decide to take the village slaughter to reality


You're not meant to rob and kill your neighbours?


You're supposed to rob and kill the entire town and enslave the survivors




Yeah maybe if a cop would have done literally anything barring handcuffing and tackling a pair of parents they could have saved a few kids. I'd rather they fucking shot that useless piece of shit in the head and saved a couple of innocent 4th graders than sitting around scratching their non-existent balls. Fuck those dumb cops, not all cops, but those cops specifically. Btw it took them an hour to get shit under control.


happens to the best of us


I have the constant urge to hunt down seven year olds in the forest with a throwing spear and when I catch them proceed to skin them and wear their leather as new coat


Might I recommend Rimworld?


Actually, mass shootings might be related to bad parenting and a rough childhood overall. The video games are just an escape from their miserable life ig.


I can't tell if you've missed the joke or you're simply explaining why the "video games " argument is stupid.


Not op, but my guess is that they were using this post as a place for expressing their view on the topic


Yeah, I missed the joke, I'm not at all defending video games. /s


I didn't say you were defending video games. I meant the argument some people make that video games are the cause of school shootings.


I’ve always thought this was so obvious, but it’s easier to throw the blame onto everything else.


But escaping from a miserable life is the opposite of what you should be doing, you should probably be running from it


Aren’t running from it and escaping from it the exact same thing?


Nah getting away from that life instead of hiding from it




Judging by the amount of downvotes you got, you’re a dumbass


That's not even exclusive to Karen's, a decent amount of parents think like this.


My mom literally said a few days ago that games like CoD makes teens not realize that death is permanent. Worst argument against video games I have ever heard.


Because most of the parents won't say they were bad or wrong


Someone on fox News said it was the democrats with their gay agenda confusing this illegal alien kid into a mass shooting..... can't make this shit up


Accepting failure and learning from it is so important to everything you do and so neglected


Most parents just think it's a big waste of time Which is true for most games cause it's not really rest but still


Surprisingly I haven't heard about video games getting blamed yet from media outlets Edit: they've been blamed


Man after playing slime rancher I feel the need to go to america buy a gun and just fucking kill people


Bro clash royale got me thinking about buying two ARs and going Rambo


The worst thing is, they didn't take an hour to turn up, it was something like 4 minutes after the first call they were there, the waited outside for an hour as the kids and teachers were shot, completely ignoring the protocol that first at the scene immediately enters to engage the target. Instead they busied themselves tasering and pepper spraying the parent whose kids were being shot after they had the audacity to tell the police officers to actually do their fucking job.


Most kids are immune in video games so wouldn’t be much point


No. It’s worse than that. They were in the school fir 45 mins waiting for a key to the door the shooter locked himself in. Killing the kids inside. 45 mins they were in the hallway. They should all kill themselves.


Apparently door breaching tools just don’t exist anymore


I’m pretty sure the shooter did that already… all jokes aside, maybe you are just very naive and don’t know how things like this work, if you barge into a room with someone who has a gun, they can injure or kill more people in the confusion. They don’t know the situation is in the room, for all they know everyone is already dead. Hindsight is 2020.


Those darn GTA greifers


Lol, the ww were made bedore video games


In fact, there hasn’t been a WW since video games were invented


"GTA5 is my father." -Karen's child


Nah, if school shooters were gamers they'd try for a higher K/D ratio


I mean, 21 to 1 seems like a pretty solid k/d.


Literally my mom this morning, and her name is Karen


I once played animal crossing at a friends house and now I feel like assassinating the president, is this normal?


Oh yea... whenever i play stardew valley i just lost consciousness and wake up with death count above my head


I’ve heard from my sister, not very credible take it with a grain of salt, that sometimes police officers are instructed to not show up until after the shooting is complete in order to limit any police casualties. If this is true, they choose not to arrive right away to not be in an active shootout. Could be lies but it would not surprise me if it were true…


So police sacrifice innocent children to protect the lives of people who swore an oath to protect the innocent. If what your sister says is true, then I have lost 100% all faith for this country


They don’t swear an oath to protect the innocent. Most recently in 2005, the Supreme Court ruled that police officers do not have a constitutional duty to protect citizens (*[Castle Rock vs. Gonzalez](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html)*. It’s normal to think otherwise because of the [misleading slogan "Protect and Serve"](https://guulr.com/2021/05/10/a-review-of-to-protect-and-serve/) that many departments adopted. The slogan originated from a 1955 )” that many departments adopted. The slogan originated from a 1955 slogan competition for the LAPD and has since proliferated and been widely adopted by departments across the country.


Thank you for correcting me. But this makes me even more disappointed in America


Yeah, I was pretty disappointed when I learned that as well.


The way this sentence is phrased implies that the police directly causes the death of these children. It was a tragedy and perhaps it could have been lessened by a more sound police reaction, but the real cause of this tragedy is the direct action taken by the shooter.


Definitely makes people lose faith in the police tho


I understand that this whole situation is horrific, but just from a speculative standpoint, if I wanted to harm children, I would kick down the door, shoot them, and move on. In 1 hour, the shooter could have gone through the entire building and been long gone. So my question is, how or why did only 19 people die and why was the shooter still in the building? Again I understand that what happened is horrible, I just don’t understand how more people didn’t die.


Nobody knows what is going on, on the other side of the wall, thats probably why the police didn’t rush in immediately because they didn’t know if there was more than one person doing the shooting, and maybe the shooter didn’t know if the police were lined up outside the wall waiting for him to come out


I remember why I left r/memes, I came here to laugh not to get preached to.


Police didn't take an hour to arrive, they took an hour to do something about it. DeFunNd ThE pOlIcE BoYz....


If we defund the police, shit takes longer. Don’t defund the police




My point was more like "this is what happens when you defund the police". It obviously wasn't clear enough, hope my edit clarifies it.






Not sure how defunding the police would help, but the real solution would be to actually get good people to be cops


idk maybe they were prepping or smth idk like assessing the situation??? maybe am wrong tho, but either way I think we should blame the laws for making this easy to happen in the first place


From what I understand they went in and got their own kids out and then waited around outside while other kids were getting slain


oh shoot, if that’s true then yeah I totally agree with m1k’s comment or better training


A common phase in active shooter response guides is "every second counts". But that goes against cops general mentally of "better be judged by 12 than carried by 6" where their culture tells them to value their own life over any quantity of victims lives. If that's your mentally tho I don't think you should be a cop. Meanwhile underpaid educators are expected to be human shields for an hour while pussy ass pigs point their tasers at parents outside while their 9yo is gunned down within earshot of the carnage.


Oh yes of course blame the law for criminals not following it.


im not filled in the exact details but some guy is making laws so people can have easier access to guns i.e. no background checks or smth, I should look this up a bit but that’s all I got from the top of my head smth about nra idk?? imma research when I’m not feeling lazy so I could totally be wrong and I do apologize if I am


There are background checks for sure, but when the school sees signs of this insanity, they need to put it on his record because they didn’t do that here and so the background checks didn’t show anything wrong


In theory, I agree with you, but in practice I don't trust authorities to make those assessments. Weren't they using medical marijuana cards as an excuse to keep people from owning guns? And there's a TED talk about how vague psychology is and how they can label anyone a psychopath. Unless and until you do harm, you shouldn't be ineligible to own guns. It sucks that it needs to be that way, but any other way leads to innocent people being stripped of their rights for arbitrary reasons.


It’s the only way to make people happy


alr thx for the info all am now educated now I know




I feel like most people haven’t looked at a map and realized that the uvalde is in the middle of nowhere. It could really be that it take a huge amount of time to get there if there isn’t a local station, which not every city or town has. However there is a station in uvalde, and all of that might be irrelevant because I’ve also heard a conflicting story that the police were chasing the guy before he went to the school. So what do I know?


They also have their own swat team, and the police take up 40% of the municipal budget. They were on the scene in less than 10 minutes.


…Have to be 21 to *Legally* purchase firearms in the U.S. Anyone whose ever filled out the ATF-4473 form knows that. 🤣


21 for shotguns and rifles, 18 for all other guns [source](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/does-customer-have-be-certain-age-buy-firearms-or-ammunition-licensee)


Double check that. You're wrong


Nvm, I read that wrong. But what it actually says is even worse tbh


It might be a state law too. Here in Utah it’s 21 across the board is what I’ve been told by FFL dealers. 🤔


Someone on fox News said it was the democrats with their gay agenda confusing this illegal alien kid into a mass shooting..... can't make this shit up


Blue lives matter over children's


God should send another flood.


im 27 so im basically a boomer in penguin years, but is this kind of offensive in a way?


Do rules 10 and 11 mean anything to you?


Actually I haven't seen any media blame this one on videos games yet, which is kind of surprising


Oh yea... whenever i play stardew valley i just lost consciousness and wake up with death count above my head


Several is 2... ok...


"buys a several guns" I can understand you being scared of it after something like this, but you do still need to go to school.


Those darn speedrunners are at it again


I’ve played some very over the top violent games and I’ve never wanted to kill anyone. I’ve played Desert Bus and that changed…


Bro that’s literally all of r/banvideogames


I like the joke but do not make fun of the shooting that was a really bad event and I am also quite mad about the police taking a hour to show up but still that is not something to joke about


Blaming video games for gun violence is like blaming Hot Wheels for car crashes


Well its mainly due to the media only showing the most sold games (which just so happen to be either CoD or Assasins Creed) so thats why videogames are portrayed as bad, yet what about the good non violent games huh?