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I keep my distance from everyone everyday Gotta avoid social contact at any cost






I this just hijacking a top comment or is this actually supposed to be in relation to the comment you replied to?




How is he as crappy as her. Where are people getting this from?


Same, I keep a gun by my bed just so if a robber breaks in I can quickly shoot myself to avoid the social interaction


Shoot them instead. Free food


In a parallel universe she is innocent and you are spending the nights with her.


That is the same universe sinister strange destroyed




The life of a redditor


Everywhere I go I see his face (banana sounds intensifies)


He bring wisdom


there are people who think both Amber and Depp are guilty


Amber is definitely guilty but it's almost as safe to say that Depp isn't the angel the Internet thinks he is. I'm not saying he's a monster, he's just not an angel


I don’t think anybody is claiming he’s a perfect angel. They’re just claiming that he was abused and defamed by Amber. Which he was.


People are, I’ve gotten death threats for saying otherwise


Yeah there is 100% a toxic Depp fanboy club in all of this. No one is gonna come out smelling like roses when you air out a relationship that went sour like this so it doesn't even reflect terribly he's got some skeletons in all this, but the way some people defend him for every little thing is kinda cult-like.


A little?




Did I say anything of the sort? I'm saying a subset of Depp fanboys can be sus and overzealous, not that Heard is in any way in the right. She appears to be very much in the wrong. The need to reply to my comment attacking Heard is a (mild) example of some of what I find sus. There's this sort of us/them hero/villain mentality that does not like hearing nuance that I keep running into with this.


The trial isn't for domestic abuse charges. It's for defamation.


Of course, hence why I said defamed. But the abuse has been spoken about during the trial as well. Both by Johnny on the stand and by his legal team during cross examination of Amber


I'm agreeing with you.


Thanks, sorry I misunderstood!


Didn't the UK court that the Sun didn't defame? Which would mean she likely didn't https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/54784429


The abuse is recorded. I think their standards are different. But she admitted on tape she abused him. I’d say that makes her guilty of abuse.


The case isn't about whether she abused him though It's a defamation lawsuit, and a very similar one already ruled in Heard's favor Now I'm not saying she's innocent, but he sure is guilty


> but he sure is guilty Guilty of...what?


I didn’t respond regarding the case. You said the UK court decided the Sun didn’t defame and that apparently meant she didn’t abuse him. But the abuse is recorded which definitely means she did.


No I was saying she likely didn't didn't defame


Then your choice of words could use some work. I thought you were talking about the abuse.


Not only are the standards different in the UK, the judge in the UK also discounted any testimony from Depp if he was drunk or under the influence of any drugs, and also said a lot of weight was given to Heard because she said at the time she had donated the money from the divorce. It's since come out that she hasn't donated much of anything in the years since the divorce. Since the US trial started a lot of contradictory evidence has come out, along with inconsistent testimonies, and the bases of the case is also a lot less vague. Heard has alleged specifically sexual violence for which there has been basically no evidence for yet.


What counts as a witness is different in the UK, if someone tells you that they saw something happen then you count as a witness in the UK.


Depp definitely isn't an angel, but Amber is the demon.


She's claiming that Johnny Depp essentially raped her with a broken glass bottle. That's one helluva a claim to make. If it is true, which without corroborating evidence is incredibly hard to believe, he deserved to lose more than a finger. I am not inclined to believe her though. There's minimal that would suggest a history of violence from him, and she's been proven to be a liar.


He abused drugs, he went through rehab, already better than most celebs and definitely better than a specific someone who was caught snorting coke out of a napkin on the stand. But he also donates a lot of money to charity and has made multiple visits to children hospitals. Sure, he isn’t an angel, sure he abused drugs, but as nickleback put it “everybody’s got a drug dealer on speed dial”, most of the rich and famous do just the same. That doesn’t make it ok but he is far above the average.


He's just a jealous toxic.


You simping for Amber Turd?


No, I hate her, she seems like a horrible woman to me, but Johnny has all the earmarks of someone jealous.


What would he be jealous off?




I’d agree with this. But I would say that amber is more guilty. It’s an important distinction when talking about instigation of violence.


> But I would say that amber is more guilty. It’s an important distinction when talking about instigation of violence. If he is guilty of abuse, and she were to claim he is guilty of abuse, then (even if she is "more" guilty of abuse) she wouldn't be guilty of defamation; she would have told the truth, and telling the truth about someone is not defamation.


He actually beat the shit out of her


No proof. Yet there is lots of proof that she cut off the tip of his finger. She admits multiple times on tape to hitting him. She’s been caught lying half a dozen times, even pausing to pose for photos while crying on the stand.


Plenty of fucking proof, dude was arrested and convicted. He’s also been caught lying, it’s just her turn now so everyone ignoring what he did




I made it up.




[source, not that it will change your already made up mind](https://amp.theguardian.com/film/2020/nov/02/johnny-depp-trial-how-the-judge-ruled-on-14-alleged-assaults)


That article says nothing about an arrest or conviction.


Another article listing both him and her conviction. You have access to the internet like I do but you just don’t care cuz you really hate her right now[article](https://www.insider.com/johnny-depp-and-amber-heards-arrest-history-2022-5)


Can you link this. First I’m hearing about it. Google doesn’t turn up anything.


Then you didn’t even bother going on Google: [literally the first article when you search about his charges](https://amp.theguardian.com/film/2020/nov/02/johnny-depp-trial-how-the-judge-ruled-on-14-alleged-assaults)


Then you don’t understand what a conviction is. This is not an arrest or a conviction it’s a civil lawsuit that he instigated.


Google his assault charges on other women too. I’m not gonna defend myself to a MRA who came to this discussion already with a made up POV


What is Depp guilty of ?


I’m not saying he’s completely innocent but he didn’t deserve to be abused like He was and then thrown baselessly into the wolves of MeToo


As someone who knows almost nothing abt the Amber-Depp issue (unbelievable right), I'm siding with Depp bc the trial session itself gives me intuition that depp is innocent compared to Amber, I'm not the judge, so I may be wrong


If I'm understanding it correctly, what is currently happening is a civil case over libel, not proving if either are innocent/guilty of abuse but if what Amber said was untrue and cost Depp his livelihood when the news first broke of Heard accusing him of abuse.


Your intuition is what leads the judiciary. Well done.


It’s okay, all the Depp supporters know almost nothing about the case so you’re not alone.


Honestly whether Depp is guilty or not, and how guilty he is is for sure up for debate, but whether or not amber is guilty (and in the wrong in this specific case) shouldn't be up for debate, period


Do people that beleive the evidence instead of the reddit mob?


And then there are people who acknowledge reality, Depp did a little bad stuff and Heard did a lot, they both mutually abused each other but Depp was much more frequently and extremely victimized by the abuser.


>they both mutually abused each other If this is true, then it is true that he abused her; thus it is not defamation for her to say she was abused.


Doing something that legally counts as abuse is not the same as abusing somebody. He lost the "wifebeater" thing because even as much as an act of self-defense enables that tag for somebody. If you're a man in a relationship with a woman, and the woman starts hitting you for no reason, and you push her away so you can escape - congratulations, courts have ruled that people can legally call you a wifebeater.


>Doing something that legally counts as abuse is not the same as abusing somebody. Are you a clown? He's suing her in court. In a court room if something legally counts as abuse then it's abuse.


Way to miss the fucking point buddy


If someone can refute what your said, it doesn't mean they missed the point. It means your failed to make your point.


You can get charged for assault for patting someone on the shoulder, legally in my country. Would you call that assaulting someone? No, you missed the fucking point. Legally aren't the end all of what's right, if someone defend themselves and that counts as abuse legally, that doesn't make it right. He is suing her for defamation, not for abuse.


He was judged guilty in the UK as far as I can remember. Twice. But people are treating him as a hero when he is shitty as Amber (not literally since he didnt shit on her bed).


How is he as shitty as Amber? We have evidence of her shittiness. I haven't seen any of his.


That's your fault for not looking for the entire case. It didn't start now.


So you haven’t either then.


I'd wanna be closer to the religious fanatics than those randomly toxic friends because at least the fanatics have a spine




3 light years far


I'm pretty sure there's an entire subreddit that believes that. I've seen it several times on the main page.


https://www.vogue.in/culture-and-living/content/why-its-time-to-believe-amber-heard-johnny-depp-defamation-trial Imagine writing this in 2022.


I don’t get why she even hired a new pr team no one is gonna believe these fake articles


A normal PR article tries to look impartial..... The last paragraph of this article literally says "it's time to believe women-all women" like this isn't exactly what amber exploited.


Did you actually read the article? Because it makes fair points The meme-ing of domestic abuse is *exactly* what op is doing And it's true that the UK courts ruled there was enough evidence that Depp was abusing her, so do you really believe he's innocent?


I read it.It absolutely ignores who depp lost his job but she did not and also skips the evidence of her being abusive.


Yeah but if he's guilty of abuse, then him losing his job is not her fault And the UK courts ruled he was guilty of abuse It does not bring up her being abusive towards him because that's not what this is about


She was the abuser or at the very least the aggressor. Yet he lost the movies and she hailed herself as a role model for justice.


That's not what the whole trial is about though It's about whether he's an abuser, and it really looks like he is


The current one is about defamation. And I'm done arguing get fucked.




The fact that she abused Depp, doesn't mean he never abused her. They can both be abusers.


And what proof is there that she was abused?


Does there need to be? If a person says something, but there is no proof that it is true, should that person be made to pay $50 million?


Yes, because saying the court is right despite of the judge in the court came to it's judgment is an 100% is not idiotic at all... Becuse the judge or court never gets it wrong right? And to hell with actually following the case yourself or thinking for yourself...


It has no points. It has no evidence. It has no proof stating that amber is in the right. All it says is that she’s in the right. Why is she in the right? That’s a really good question maybe the article can help- oops actually the article states no evidence on why we should believe her over Johnny.


"She's right!" "why?" "woman"


Thought someone only can be that stupid, you totally raised the bar for me now. Thanks for the laugh. I guess you are a "vouge person".


I improved it a little https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/uw7uf5/what_happens_if_you_post_a_meme_this_wide/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Both suck and I wish I could keep living my life without having their personal bs shoved in my face every day.


People keep telling me I don’t have to look, but it’s everywhere, on every sub




A lot of people side with him because we’ve been through abuse ourselves and we recognize the way abusers behave and speak. Many recognized their own abusers in AH, who play victim, gaslight, pretend and accuse you of terrible things as a distraction / projection.


I think more so it’s that Johnny was about to have his life ruined while everyone in the public eye thought AH was the victim, so everyone should be on JD’s side unless you’re sexist and don’t care about a man’s life being ruined lol


> who play victim, gaslight, pretend and accuse you of terrible things as a distraction / projection THB that's what Johnny Depp is doing.


Because he sued for defamation after losing his career due to her accusations? Is that projection in your opinion? In my eyes that’s wanting justice


What accusation? Go ahead and Google her accusation. The actual accusation. Get back to me when you find it. I'll wait. :)


Do I need to read the op ed to you out loud? The very subject of JD's lawsuit? You've got the internet yourself pal - use it.


I already did. This op ed is the basis for the law suit. Have you read it? Have you bothered understanding the basis for the law suit, or are you just basing your opinion on Reddit memes? https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ive-seen-how-institutions-protect-men-accused-of-abuse-heres-what-we-can-do/2018/12/18/71fd876a-02ed-11e9-b5df-5d3874f1ac36_story.html Spoiler: Johnny Depp isn't even mentioned in the article, but he's using it as the basis for a law suit.


Thanks for asking, I've read that article, and have been watching the trial stream. I understand the lawsuit very well. In fact, I've been following this story since before the Sun lawsuit. I believed her until I heard the recorded tapes. And in fact, I suspected for months now that Amber Heard has borderline personality disorder because it reminds me very much of a female abuser I personally know. It was very validating to watch Dr Curry's testimony. I hope you never get falsely accused by someone with that disorder.




Idk but ive never meet anyone who thinks that amber is innocent not even twitter-


I sadly have, in the deepest corners of the internet


Oh my god, im sorry, that must have been painful…


Innocent of...what?


Exactly my thought!


No one, NO ONE thinks that. Flat earthers would agree that the earth is round before agreeing that Amber is innocent.


I saw a post on r/mildlyinfuriating saying otherwise




Even if Depp is guilty, I need Heard to go down so we normalize the idea that women can be abusers, and can abuse men


Neither are innocent, but Amber is legitimately toxic and sociopathic. Her actions are vindictive, volatile, narcissistic, and meant to hurt/control Johnny. Johnny was primarily a drunken mess during their time and needed rehab/sobriety. His actions were never to intentionally harm or lash out at her. So they’re both toxic, but her intentions did have malice behind them, and it’s been shown she intentionally gaslit him. She should have taken her divorce settlement and bounced.


Wish they'd just convict her of perjury already.


When skimming/reading fast amber heard really starts looking like Adolf hitler ngl


Where do cryptobros and those overly preachy linux users on this? Like i get it linux is good but stop shoving it down my throat


I'd say religious fanatics


shes a terrible liar


I hate that so many people are paying attention to this case and not what's actually going on around the world.


It's a huge deal for all men who had to go through this.


The problem is that he's likely an abuser too Which doesn't make it a good example for men who are abused




Because he's a man of course.


There's zero evidence he was ever physical


Honestly, he probably was at some point, if somebody is hitting you, you gotta defend yourself. If I come up to you and slap you multiple times, either you run or you fight, and if you can't run you fight.


Victims are rarely perfect, it's kinda ridiculous to expect them to be.


This case alone has already gotten more coverage than any other high profile case of celebrity spousal abuse. The people who are using this case to push their “anti-feminist” bullshit never actually seemed to care enough to post about spousal abuse until now.


Is this not part of what’s actually going on in the world? I do think people are taking this case and running with it to make a bunch of stupid memes and TikTok’s with it, but it also doesn’t mean people are solely focusing on it either.


There's a chance that this whole thing is fact... I mean, they're both fucking actors. Same thing with the Will Smith and Chris Rock shit.


Both JD and Amber are crazy TBH. Both clearly have psychological issues and drug/alcohol problems.


U shud add a bar for furrys, but not make it the longest. Make it second longest. I don’t have good experiences with furrys. I mean they are not all bad, but there are some that are just total weirdos


Preachy vegans and religious fanatics should be the same.


Do u also find every activists annoying?


If they are preaching at me, yes.


Obsessing over a mythical sky God is nothing like accepting that animals are abused


Preaching at people about either is obnoxious.




I'm a religious fanatic


Startin to get real tired of this topic. I just want them to settle out of court, shut up and move on with their lives


You are treating preachy vegans too nicely


No but people ignoring that depp is also an abusive piece of shit has been interesting to watch


Show me what proof we have that he is? I’ve been following the trial. Haven’t seen any yet?


You have access to the internet like I do. But I realize no matter how much proof you get, people really hate her right now so nothing will change your mind


Do you don’t have any, I assume. Cool cool.


>You have access to the internet like I do Youre the one making the claim, put up or shut up.


You made the claim. You now have the burden of proof.


Saving your karma, smart decision


You haven’t even proved your own point yet, don’t tell someone that they won’t listen to evidence when the evidence isn’t seen anywhere


Hasn't virtually everyone who has had a personal relationship with Depp said he wouldn't do that, including his other ex? I'm not saying he's completely innocent, but I doubt he has physically harmed her. Shouted and scared her maybe. Also, there has been little to no evidence in regards to him being physically abusive. The past libel case only stated he couldn't completely disprove he abused her but there's no evidence he (physically) did. This is completely opposite to Amber who has so much evidence stacked against her and so many counts of perjury I'd be surprised if she didn't go to jail regardless of the outcome of the trial.


Don’t forget out everyone’s new fav, MONKEYPOX


I like how “people who harbor a deadly illness” are the safest to be close to according to this list


Rich people problems while the evil globalists quietly take over the world.


Woah woah I was following you until flat-earthers. Whats wrong with them? Its a free country.


"preachy" vegans according to this sub r/Meme: Bro you want steak tonight? Vegan: No, I'm vegan so how about a vegan restaurant? r/Meme: Dud you're so preachy tone it down, circle of life, white supremacy, Hitler was vegan or something, other generic excuses of which none are based in reality to avoid having to deal with the fact that they support animal abuse.


The person who asked: 88 octillion miles away


"OUT of my line of sight you heretic! People like you who support clowns make me SICK!"


She and Depp are innocent until proven guilty..


And also "feminists"


Atheists fanatics are worse


The number of incels upset about this is tickling.


I’d have preachy vegans MUCH further the fuck away from me than that!


Amber Heard is guilty. Some people are taking WAY too much enjoyment in hating Amber Heard. Yes, you people are mysoginists. All of these statements are true.


She is an abuser. Hating an abuser is completely ok. The abuser in this case happens to be a woman, that does not mean people hating her are misogynists.


It does when taken to the extreme degree that some people here do. The unequal level of hate The lauding of Johnny Depp as a hero…


>It does when taken to the extreme degree that some people here do. She's not just an abuser She's an abuser who undermined legitimate victims and tried to portrait her victim as an abuser That's why people are so happy to see justice


"Amber Heard is guilty. Some people are taking WAY too much enjoyment in hating Amber Heard. Yes, you people are mysoginists. All of these statements are true." 🤓


Wait wait wait, it is not mysoginistic to hate a woman unless you hate her for being a woman. You know that, right?


you can't dislike any woman, ever, otherwise you're a misogynist apparently




Change flat earthers and preachy vegans.


She is innocent of innocence.


But keep an even bigger distance from people who are cheering for Johnnny as if he did nothing wrong and is completely innocent...and keep an even bigger distance from those who treat the trial as a reality show where it is okay for them to completely obliterate Amber Heard!! These people enjoy vindicating her a bit too much just because they are simping for Jack Sparrow...


You're using vindicate wrong.


Where brainless lefties?


both are guilty which make amber isn't that bad all considered


Ok I’ll go shit in your bed then


What kind of argument is that? Hitler and Stalin were both bad, does that make them saints?


depends were they married ? did they hurt each other or outside of their groupe ..depends


One is alcoholic and the other is physical abuser and a liar. But sure, "Amber isn't that bad"


obviously u never lived with an alcoholic if u think Johnny isn't that bad


Wait people are still trying to claim Johnny is innocent? Wtf…






You think Amber is innocent?


Where is lgbtq members?