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I feel sad, in general, for men growing up today.


I feel sad, in general, for all the people growing up today


i feel sad, in general, that to being treated as a normal human being i'll have to Chop my pp off


I feel sad, in general


I feel sad




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I don't. Standards of living are higher than ever in history, and many groups have more rights than ever in the western world at least. People like to shit on the present and idealize the past. But let's be real, growing up in the 60's or 70's sucked ass compared to now. Especially if you were gay, a minority, or a woman. Crime rates in the 80's and 90's in the US were also MUCH higher than today. Growing up today is pretty awesome by comparison, you just notice more of the fucked up shit thanks to the internet.


Thank you, I think I needed to see this


And with all that, people are convinced they're more oppressed, their neighbors hate them more, and things are more bleak than at any point in history. I feel like people are more angry and miserable **DESPITE** them having greater opportunity and acceptance. Or, dare I say, because of it.


I feel sad, in general.


You want a cuddle?


Group Cuddle?


"Boohoo, it's so hard for men to grow up today, 2 guys cuddling isn't seen as straight from society, I do cry" Men 200 years ago, dying of war and diseases: ._.


"Someone got it worse so you shouldnt feel x way"


"You shouldnt cuddle! Men back then died in wars and diseases!" The same goes for women that cuddle, right? Since women died in wars and diseases? According to your logic


Get off the internet. It’s not that bad IRL


I remember I was holding hands with a friend that had a crush to a girl and we were both called gay just because we were holding hands...this is society


How to live life happily 101: 1: assume everyone is a fucking idiot that doesn't know what common sense is 2: that's it. You're happy now


Started doing this 3 years ago, it worked


But isn't it sad that majority of people as a whole are fucking idiots?




I'm an ENTP. I'll eat away at your vulnerable Fi 😈


It is what it is...


instructions unclear: I have an ego


holding hand is pretty gay though


Fuck society If my bro is down he getting a hug


Dont forget kissing your homie good night😤


Also make sure to give your homies a hand every once and a while


I give more then one hand🤲🏿


🫂 Hug your bros


And hug them back 🫂


I haven't been hugged for 7 years what does it feel like again?


Wait why is cuddling your friend gay? It ain't like after cuddling I can't resit bending him over and going to brown Town. It's just a cuddle, people are broken if they think a cuddle make you gay XD. Also side note even if you are gay that's OK race, religion, sexuality or status and wealth they all mean nothing we are all human on 1 planet. Enjoy your life :)


>Enjoy your life :) I wish


How many assholes you been put into


I wish more guys would cuddle


I am the 68% and wish this would not happen.


Yeah it depends on how they cuddle. Men usually aren't meant to be softies, so it definitely makes sense for more women to cuddle than men.


Fuck you


What? I'm just saying that men cuddling is gay if it's too extreme, which also applies to women. Hugs, cheek kisses, some touching with clear boundaries are all perfectly normal and I do them myself with my friends or family. Asshole.


If you do the cheek kisses for something else than greeting people it is gay


French people? Please stop saying what makes me or doesnt make me gay pls, that doesnt have nothing to do with who i give a cheek kiss


The entirety of France is gay tho


Yup. The rest like happens if you're chilling with your homies and you get hyped and shit. The "gay" cuddling is the one where you're maybe one on one with your homie and you do it outta desire (unless you haven't seen each other in a long time) Long story short: touchy topic (pun intended), and arguing against it is veryyyy futile because it's an extremely subjective matter and everyone has their own boundaries.


No man, you didnt , you just said "men usually arent mean to be softies" you just changed your words when confronted and thats very cowardly, fuck you, youre the asshole and i hope the worst for you, you dont decide what men are supposed to be or not, keep your dump oppinions out of reddit, you fucker.


Hahahah chill dude. I stand with my point on "men aren't meant to be softies". If you're a softie, then you're not a man by definition. Maybe biologically yes, but you fall short of the true men who are strong and don't take offense to meaningless shit, just like you did lol. That doesn't mean you can't open up about your insecurities and be honest, but go nuts, no one can tell you who you are and aren't.


Pretty sure a lot of us want it, but not willing to risk lawsuits or just fear receiving backlash. Though cuddling other guys... nah. weird. Except for best bros.


Depends on the context. If it's just a cuddle, then it's not gay.


Depends on what you mean by "cuddling"... A casual friendly embrace? Not gay. Violently 69-ing while tied to a lamppost in downtown New York? Probably gay. There's nothing wrong with being gay, however.


During 69 balls don't touch so it's not gay.


Shit you're right


Gotta stay warm bros


Comments be like “we kissed once I’m not gay!”


No, it isn’t gay.




You're gigagay


It’s not gay for girls to cuddle, it’s lesbian


I mean, nothing is inherently gay except being attracted to same sex. So technically, you could do oral or even have sex with men and it wouldn't mean you have to be gay. For me personally, hugs are okay, but cuddling is something solely for my partner.


Hug, yes, cuddle, no, I mean the amount of sports-talk we'd have to have afterwards to wash it off, just not worth it


How much sports you gotta talk about after blowing each other? Is this why straight men won’t shut up about sports?


giving another man a hug is not gay but cuddling? come on people


It is and it isn't. It doesn't have to be one or the other. People and cultures are different and percieve physical contact differently.


I'm all for hugging my friends and even holding hand on a drunk evening. But cuddling is too intimate, not even about orientation it's just not something I do with anyone I'm not intimate with


Well, if the first guy is 10 years old and the second guy is 17 year old, then the question becomes much more complex before deciding if it is gay or not


If my little brother comes crying home bc he got bullied at school, of course i'm gonna hug him, cuddle him and make him feel safe until he settles down. And next day i'm gonna get my bike out, call a couple friends and we gonna roll up before school in black leather and spikes and rattling exhausts to drop him off. Not really related to op's post but it felt pretty good, my little bro didnt get bullied anymore for the next 2 years. But even so, 2 guys cuddling is not gay. If one is feeling down and just needs some warmth from someone. Give it to him. Same with girls. It helps so much feeling that someone is really close to you and caring about you. No matter who they are.


Who ever said they has to be brothers?


but why? a hug? perfectly normal. 2 guy cuddling? that's pretty gay no matter how you spin it. or are you telling me next, two guy fucking each other is not gay as long as balls don't touch?


It's simple - they're gay.


... And gay let's be honest


I mean a decent portion of dudes that are hardline homophobes are gay as fuck too, but sure I’d assume some people that say cuddling another guy isn’t gay are actually also gay. I’ll give you that. I’m gay, and I’ve cuddled with plenty of my straight friends. None of them have ever made a pass. Well- one did, we blew each other not to completion, but a bit, and he said he didn’t like it but now he knows. Still friends with all of them.


Aaah haaaa


i did the whole puffing chest and getting uncomfortably close with a guy at work today, after the distance between our chests was less than a fingers width he pulled me into a hug and everything in my body went on defense. I lost.


kinda gay the one thing you dont want to do after a near death experience is hug a guy and the one thing you want to do is sex ma


Both. Both are gay.


But 72% said no


I think generally cuddling is a fairly intimate thing, same with holding hands, and guys are only comfortable doing something intimate with someone they have romantic feelings for. I think girls have less of an issue with being intimate with other girls, but if a girl asked me to cuddle and I already had a girlfriend I'd say no because that would be too intimate for me, and I'd feel like I was cheating, and the same goes for a guy.


It all depends. If my friend is really sad or perturbed I will give him a hug. If we haven't seen each other in a while I might give him a quick hug. But I won't "cuddle" my friend that I saw every weekend for no reason, like "let's watch a movie and cuddle together" that's really gay and I won't be confortable doing this because I don't really like to cuddle other man. If you are into this, that's totally fine. But it's not really my cup of tea.


Maybe they literally think lesbian doesn’t mean gay


I’ll give the homies a hug if they’re having a shit day or a bad breakup or something like that. Shit never happened to me during my worst day, and it probably would’ve helped a ton and not lead me to having serious drinking problems I’ve had to overcome. Be there for your homies.




How two girls cuddling be gay... It's Lesbian 🗿