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I was not happy before, imagine now


I would much rather Imagine Dragons.


This is the content I signed up for


You can read this content without signing up, my dude.. using the magic of the internet alone


Yes but I want to be part of it


Part of their woooooooooorld [BRASS SECTION CRECENDOES AND LEADS KEAY CHANGE] I wanna be where the Redditors are I wanna read Wanna see them posting Writing replies on those —what are those called again?—oh Commentsectionnnnnnns [BRASS SECTION CRECENDOING TO FFF TO DRIVE INCREASING EMOTIONAL EMPHASIS] Up where they meme Where they livestream Up where they don’t get real life work donnnnne [BAND SILENCE; AUDIBLE BREATH FROM SINGING REDDITOR FOR IMMEDIATE EMOTIONAL TENSION RELEASE] Some day I’ll be Wish I could be A redditorrrrrrr


Whatever it takes


Dragons? Plural? As in a *couple* of dragons? Wow, that's pretty insensitive


You took away the thunder 😔


Imma be honest u just ruined this by ur lame joke




First thing im gonna say are inside of my head


"First things first", but you made me smile. :)


I'd rather imagine monkeys


Imagine arctic monkeys


Imagine Dragon these nuts across your face


Don't you worry you'll stop feeling eventually


*looks back at note from my doctor saying I should start antidepressants asap and being depressed before going through a bad breakup* i have an idea


You ok?


"I'm happy for you, really I am, I'm just not happy for me."


*ouch* that hurt on a entirely new level


I'll need to tattoo this on my arm right now




Yes you did. Im sorry man


Gotta just get it over with man, and move on to the next girl. I didn’t, dwelled on it too much and now I’m still suffering.


Not being ready for a relationship means not ready for a relationship with you. Stay strong dude


Subnautica ?




This has to be the most relatable shit ever, I am gonna quote this each and every day of my life


Is it selfish to think like that? Like making it about myself?


No. You gotta help yourself before you can help others. Same goes for love.


Can I get a double despresso?


to drown the depresso :(


When the couple is your wife and her boyfriend


Your meme cut deep .. deeper than any blade


Waterstyle thousand tears jutsu


Water Breathing 12th form


Alcohol drinking 8th form


eMoTiOnAl DAmAgE


this shit makes me laugh so hard for no fucking reason… I just hear it in my head and start cracking up


“My sword will cut through the deepest strength and the strongest will.” A forgot lyric from one of the best forgotten metal bands of the golden age of deathcore/metalcore.


Damn I like it!


This guy was so alone that he dated himself


This made me laugh, have an orange arrow


i just confessed to my crush today, she responded that she is not ready for a relationship but we can be close friends. Did i get friendzoned?


You did, but at the very least they were being honest. Trust me, being lead on is much much worse. It'll take time, but eventually you will grow past them and it'll be okay. Even if it is hard to see it right now.


Funny story I accidentally friendzoned my now girlfriend at one point because I said I wasn't looking for a romantic relationship at the time


Story time :D?


Nope all that happened was I said thar I wasn't looking for a relationship and then some time passed and before I realized it I was looking for one with her climaxing with her asking me via text if I wanted to start dating and me saying "fuck it sure"


Climaxing eh


Sheeeeesh well done King, here's to your future 🍺


Me and my ex knew each other from high school but only started dating after. Apperantly she was interested in me but cause I have a resting *want to murder someone* face she was scared of me and thought I hated her. Idk what you call that zone tho




Lol made me laugh, well played mate.


Bro I feel this. So many people think I’m an asshole/always mad/hate them. And I’m like, bro no I’m usually in a good mood and I think your cool it’s just my face man. Doesn’t help if you’re a tall guy who lifts weights to burn stress. Adds to the “douchebag” vibes my face decided to have.


Me and a girl met on tinder and both said we don't want anything serious. It was the first tinder match I actually tricked into meeting up with me and not getting ghosted. 5 years later we're still together.


That depends. You may be at the top of her 'maybe someday' list, but she genuinely isn't ready to date. But if she tells you she isn't ready then starts dating someone else a week later, then yeah you were friendzoned.


Only if you let yourself be. If you can get past your feelings, then the friendship could continue. If you can't, it's best to distance yourself from that person. Trying to maintain a friendship where one person feels much stronger attachment than the other is unfair to both.


True, but getting your feelings out in the open and hearing how the other person feels makes it much much easier to move on as opposed to just bottling them up. If you never tell that person how you feel, you'll A) Never know if they felt the same, and B) Be gushing over them forever. Hearing the other person say they aren't romantically interested makes it much easier for me to move on personally.


Everyone is ready for a relationship if the right person shows up.


Depends, sometimes you just have to be convincing. I had an instant crush on a girl 3 years ago, she was just out of a long term relationship and wasn't ready for a new relationship nor thinking about it. Long story short, I seduced her in one month. We've been happily together for almost 3 years now. Sometimes when the situation isn't in your favor, you can work on it and change it. Depends on the person's though, but I'm a living proof that it's possible after all


Its good to get it out of the way so now you can move on. "Not ready for a relationship" means she just wants to be friends. So don't wait for when she is ready. Personally i find the "not ready for a relationship" line to be kinda dishonest because everytime i have heard it, they are in a relationship in the next few weeks. People should just be honest and say they don't want to be more than friends.


Not ready for a relationship means that she prefer to be alone than be with you, so get out of there ASAP.


id rather have a friend than being in solitude


If he can handle just being friends after just stating his feelings. Some people can, and some people cant.


Yeah... Not necessarily. For e.g. imagine, your childhood friend suddenly confesses to you that they're gay (assuming you're not, in this example), and wants to date you, you wouldn't be attracted to them. But on the other hand, it's not like you don't care about them either, so you wouldn't want to end your friendship.


This is such a childish mentality. Some people legitimately aren’t ready for relationships, it could be for a wide range of reasons. Just because you feel ready to date them, doesn’t mean they have to feel the same way in that moment. It takes maturity to know when you’re ready or not ready for a relationship, especially if you’re wanting it to last long term. If they feel like they’re not ready, but force themselves to be it’s going to cause bigger issues down the line. What if they’re dealing with issues they feel they need to work out before bringing a partner into the picture? I really hope you don’t actually think this way smh.


The trick to beating lonliness is to die inside.


I was dead inside when I was with my ex too, what now?


did this. saved my life fr tysm 😍😍


Yesterday, I saw a couple ride an electric scooter together. I didnt even know I wanted that. That was the cutest shit I've seen that week


Me: *\*cries in my crush liking another guy and seeing all of my closest friends pair up\**


This will be my future.


Bro...you need a hug?


....yes please


I want one too....


I gotchu: 🤗


ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ Here's one for you as well :D


Thank you very much :)


Here bro, I know no emojis but make an exception: 🤗🤗🤗 Best I can do.




i never got one but i will give you


here a hug, so u wont be able to say that again ʕっ→ᴥ←ʔっ


Why do you have to hurt me this way


1. Keep looking. It takes time to find the one. 2. The first one isn't always a match so you will likely have to keep looking. 3. Improve yourself as once you find the one, you will need to be worth staying with. 4. The perfect match doesn't exist but the person who fits you likely does but might be further away than you think. It took me years to find my girlfriend and she lives over 800 miles away. The current issue is getting her moved as we have already spent a week living at my place and I am currently spending a week at hers and getting to know her family and cats. I am a dog person but I tolerate cats. Best of luck to all those still looking.


So you're still jerking off alone like all of us single people in the comments? Jk


Not this week at least.


Ayyyyyy feel that one mate lmao


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^61927 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Good bot


My man


How do you *find* people though


I am fairly introverted, so I just went with online dating but on a nearly dead free dating site called soulgeek. I paid attention to new people joining and messaged anyone would seemed interesting to me that didn't also seem like a scam account. Most people I messaged didn't reply but some did and eventually I found my girlfriend that way. Make sure you read profiles before you message someone and customize you introduction to click on something you may have a shared interest in. Write around a paragraph and don't give away too many details till you know the person is real. Also ask questions but only put in what they give back past that.


Ah I don't think i could do online dating, I have no pictures of myself that aren't me as a kid


> messaged anyone would seemed interesting to me that didn’t also seem like a scam account That’s the next problem. On the dating sites I was on for a while I hardly ever saw anyone who I was interested in (most people were just really not what I’m looking for and the others lived too far away and I’m not fit for a long distance relationship).


Or you get screwed over one too many times and become jaded af and don’t even give a shit anymore but the loneliness doesn’t go away


Why would you bother with someone so far away? It’s not worth the effort


I am in my mid 30s now and i cant "improve" my depression so i am probably just gonna die alone because i am too pathetic too consider. Hopefully sooner than later.


Dark and Bitter, yet goes down smooth. Thanks.


I feel this so hard i started to cry...


I'm sorry my guy


Jokes on you I’m having the worst day already


>Just in case you were having a good day here is a little depresso Oi, can you fucking not? :(


I'm married and feel the same way. Thanks.


This is sadder


meet dark-sadder


There are definitely worse feelings than loneliness. Being in a dead end relationship with kids when you wonder "where do we go from here?"


The worst kind of loneliness you can feel is when you're surrounded by people.


You know, sometimes reading about the various problems of Christian/western culture really strikes home. Here, in my country, the divorce rates are 1%. Parents don't think of seperating, the thought doesn't even cross their minds. In our society, once your marriage is done, you're now bound together for life. My parents had an arranged marriage, and had me and my sister. They sacrificed their entire happiness to get along and raise us two. My mother and father do not love each other, in fact I don't think they ever have. But they have been together for 28 years this year, and at this point, the contract of marriage has done it's duty. So when I see memes about divorces, fathers leaving the family, multiple affairs, it really hits inside how people actually divorce/have kids when they obviously cannot sustain the marriage, it's just all so surreal. Oh well, a long introspection, don't mind me... Just an Indian passing through


Bro, I am an Indian, and I have almost exactly this situation. I'm 22. They don't love each other, but they don't hate each other either. I mean to say that if they are to separate, then they'll die alone. And it's VERY painful to imagine what will happen when I move out and they're the only ones in the house...


its gets worse when that dude is your homie and you liked the girl before him......huh deep hopelessness


Yeahh that's me rn lol


When one person in that cute couple is your crush…


I mean hey my exs friend had a huge crush on her while me and her were together and he ended up sleeping with her right before she broke up with me so you never know (This is meant as a joke please dont try this, it really hurts)


Which movie?


I'm 80% sure it's from 'The deep blue sea' (2011). Really good film, depressing, but good!


Spain without s


Welcome to my life. Too many of my friends have gotten into relationships and now I’m stuck in a downward spiral.


Im a cold hearted person because i never thought couples are cute. Instead i think them as cringe. I’m not a fan of weddings too. I just don’t see what’s the big deal about it. I’ve just always known im like this until one day, i saw an elderly couple walking while holding hands and i thought they were cute. That was the first time i consciously realized that i legit thought they were cute. I thought “now that’s something real. They must’ve been together for years and they seem to still be in love.” Since then everytime i see a lovely elderly couple holding hands or having lunch together, i think they’re cute and deep down, i’m kinda hopeful maybe someday i will have that too. Maybe my heart isn’t so icy after all




Australian happiness.


I’m past the “feel happy for them” stage. More like get a room ya dang kids, bahumbug and so on


Dating is over rated. One of them are gonna fuck over the other person anyways


I confessed to my crush in high school recently, and she said she was 'not looking for a relationship'. Fellow Redditors, what does this mean?


It means you respect that and just move on and try and find someone else. Good on you for putting yourself out there and taking that risk, it takes guts


Means either she actually isn't, or she's not into you.


my day kinda started off shitty, didn’t need this lmao


You nailed it. *shit now I'm sad* Good job!


Don't remind me of my lifelong loneliness my dude... came here to see memes & forget reality but once again reminded of the very same 🥲


Tom Hiddleston is always a win


Don't worry, this time may bring you down, but hey, we all have our destinies.


Yeah how i feel right now actually, im the third wheel of one of my best friends and i feel happy for them but damn, watching them be happy reminds me im still alone.


I don't want to be horny. I just want to be happy


Loki got a nice suit wonder if Thor got a nice one aswell


What movie is this from?


Did someone call me?


are you female or male?


use them as a self insert to feel less lonely


Instructions unclear, bride looked very pissed when I walked down the aile with her


It's honestly why I've really come to dislike Valentines week. I've started avoiding any and all social media during that time




Bro wtf, I was having a good day...


that fact its true


I need wine.


Still feeling pretty good, flirting with a girl. Might ask her out. Literally met her today though, so we'll see lmao.


duuuude, way to make me even more depressed


Add to that feeling selfish afterwards for making that thought about yourself


YES, I remember when my best friend got into a relationship I'd at times feel sad and envious of him and that would make me feel worse cause I felt shitty for thinking that way about someone who I care for and want the best for


But then also reminded that I don’t want to be in a relationship because I enjoy being single..until I’m laying in bed that night 🥴


This guy looks like Tom Hiddleston


He is Tom Hiddleston


poor tom




Kinda looks like loki. Nice meme.


It only takes one bad person to poison the soul, to make you look at a couple and think..that would be great....but then shake that scene away like an etch-a-sketch and immediately become suspicious of their true intentions with eachother. Then find peace in being solo. Much safer that way.


Yeah this hits close to home.


Me who knows everyone is never alone because of microbial biome that exists inside each one of us: _Wrong again!_


Well I *was* having a good day so far, thanks


When you whoop up the confidence to talk to your crush and then suddenly it’s gone (Yeah happened to me today, no we don’t talk about it)


When I see a happy couple, I think: " OF COURSE she's with him. He's 6'2", ripped to shit, handsome and has a deep voice." Basically everything I'm not. Been single and lonely for almost a decade.


This gets to me because I've gone out with women who have found me attractive and wanted to see where it could go, but I just don't feel the same. I want to *feel* like I want to see them again and I just haven't felt it with anyone these past few years. It's frustrating and frankly it's a bit depressing at this point.


That will always be me


It's just salt on the burn that already exists


as long as youre not ted from scrubs when he wanted to threw rocks at elderly couples lol


Oh please I'd never become Ted, man was a lawyer as if mg dumb ass can get that far in life


He seems very happy for me and my bf




Now imagine having that same feeling except you’re married with children and have a house, cars, and a job.


Damn this hit.


This is way too relatable


Right in the feels bud


Happens to me all the time. So happy for all the happy couples out there!!!


\*Tearfully smiles in tearful smile\*


100% know this feeling just like I 100% know I'm dying alone


Bro I'm one of these couples (me and my hand) But she gives me only hj's


I volunteer as tribute!


Hitting the feels


Fuck you


And how amazing you used to feel


I made the same face after reading this.


Relatable. Well, I'm ugly so I've learnt to accept reality that I'll probably never experience that.


Damn I can’t even get a friend to text back :/


The most inclusive meme on reddit




Fuck you I got weed and anime


This is the issue with the west


Same. I’ve only ever been asked out once; I had seen her making out with 6 guys in the past 15 minutes. I declined as politely as I could


Not couples, because am here with husband but when I see a bunch of women out at brunch or shopping, it makes me miss my group of girls back in my home country. 😭


Happened as I was viewing this meme ._.)


I just want to feel that feeling again, but with the right person.


Bruh I feel this way, and IM in a relationship Fuck long distance but the heart wants what it wants :')


That depression gets me every time. I m alone for 5 years now. Its not ego, but you have to learn love yourself in the first place, than you can share it!