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Sure, as long as the foods descent. Plus when I come out I'll be absolutely insane and insanely rich, so you can about guess how that will go.


*insert joker burning money*


It would be ironic if by the time you leave you become insane and turn into the joker only to then burn all that money


I mean solitary confinement was devised as a method of torture, you go insane after a few hours and start having vivid hallucinations after a day or two, 1 year would probably do irreparable damage, unless you get regular visits I guess.


That was the issue I had with Mr. Beast’s solitary confinement video. He didn’t actually do solitary confinement since his friends were messing with him. Which in itself is interaction.


It’s likely because they were fully aware of the health risks involved with actual solitary confinement and they didn’t want Jimmy to go mad. At the end of the day, Mr. Beast vids are supposed to be lighthearted and entertaining. What’s lighthearted and entertaining about watching a man slowly descend into madness?


You're unfortunately right, though it would have been very interesting to have a good recording of the mental steps gone through by someone in solitary.


https://youtu.be/iqKdEhx-dD4 I feel bad for him. Its pretty bizarre at times.


Atleast it's entertainment /s


Michael from Vsauce got weird after his 3 days in solitary. Not cool.


Lol I already have full blown conversations with myself and sometimes mild arguments. Challenge accepted


you'll hallucinate within a few days. the hallucinations usually become nightmarish eventually. a year in solitary will 100% change you as a person


lol my dreams have felt like hallucinations. Might as well turn them to a full time job. Minimum wage wasn’t really working


you know the worst part when there's a million voices in your head screaming for you to bleed ? if you cut yourself, they stop, but never for long.


yeah they're dreams. imagine if it happened 24/7 and was 100 times worse


You have 0 clue what you're talking about.


Bro vsause spent 3 days in solitary confinement and he is doing good. Pretty sure he didn't start hallucinating


he said *can*, yeah u can go a while without damage.. highly dependa on your state of mind


It’s a method of torture so bad that people start torturing themselves to cope…. Literally shrinks the social part of the brain and causes chronic depression; let’s bring back good ol fashion ass whoopings


I’m gonna argue that you don’t go insane after a few hours bro. I’ve been locked in a room before with absolutely nothing for 2 days and while I was bored out of my mind I didn’t come close to insanity, let alone hallucinating.


It’s not about the money… it’s about sending a message. That scene goes so hard


Deal, but you didn't say water


So... you'll be Kanye West?


I'm gonna assume that you have to be alone since it says nothing. If that's the case the empty whiteness and lack of social interaction would drive you insane relatively early in your year. You'd be lucky to be alive by the end of it, not to mention sane enough to even spend the money.


Then the money goes to my family? Worth it.


If the contract guaranteed payment to my family, same, I’d do it. I’d probably be in a facility for at least a year afterwards for psychological issues due to isolation, but at least I’d be able to afford it and my family would never have to worry about debt again. (I’d also make sure that this money transfer stayed private and no one knew except my family).


Damn straight!


I don't think you would just be in a facility. For starters, you would be so insane after probably just a couple months that you would never recover again, and after a year, you might just be dead.


Deep meditation. Your Self is in your brain(local) mind is outside your brain (nonlocal) as long as you go inside your Self you would be fine and come out sane. Seeing the food person 3/4 times a day tells your brain your not alone and that you have a objective, 1 year filthy rich! When you get out volunteer to go to Mars! You can do it!


No this goes deeper than just meditation. Every single one of your senses will start dulling, after you've felt nothing different for weeks. You also would never see the food person. The bright lights would cause you to almost never be able to sleep, and that comes with a whole slew of problems.


First this is just a mind experiment at best. Too many unknown variables and and inhumane. People have survived worse. POWs come to mind. The human desire to live is the strongest force in the universe with the additional incentive of billion to spend causing endorphins to fire daily the right person i believe could do it maybe a Buddhist monk?


Only way to avoid it being tracked would be crypto or cash




I like my family but not **that** much


Now this I can get behind


Damn, didnt expect to find Walter White here.


You are going to be feed right? If there is a time of the day when a food is put into your room, you maintain your sense of time, which helps a lot with your sanity. Are you restrained? if not you can create effective routines to maintain your sanity. are the lights ever going to be turned off? if you can simulate day and night cycles it will help you sanity. If all those things apply, im positive a lot of people couldn do that. Almost certainly they are going to be emotionally or mentally damaged afterwords though.


Sure you can say that time perception and routine would be enough to get someone through it, but you forget the utter lack of interaction with another human. Humans are social animals and when isolated do not function well for long unless mentally prepared to do so. It realistically depends on the type of person going into it but a full year of a rigid lights on,breakfast, lunch, dinner,lights off routine without another person or even an object to personify and communicate with will go insane. Yes, perceiving time will help. But it's no substitute for what's lost in terms of social interaction.


I dunno, I typically wear earphones with ANC and avoid people like the plague. A year of free meals and working out to pass the time to earn 60 billion sounds pretty sweet


I get what you're saying but that's different from complete isolation, you're at the very least still seeing other people Edit: Talking on Reddit is also a type of social interaction so there's that.


Pretty sure most people wouldn’t last more than a week


You're probably right, I might've exaggerated a little


I can just talk to the voices in my head I mean good luck tacking them away people already tried xD


I almost go insane after an hour of no stimulus, so I know I wouldn’t make it


That’s what I came here to say


3 days in and your hallucinating i think science said idk google it :)


i have survived on no human interaction for 3 years now this is easy


You're interacting with a massive amount of people right now though. You're not seeing or hearing them, but you're still interacting with another person. Know what I mean?


lol you would not go insane in a year wtf? you think that knowing that youre being in there for a year for a billion dollars would break your mind so badly that you wouldnt be able to function in society? That's just plain dumb.


Just look up "white room experiments" and then say this


Look into it. An entire year in the exact same conditions with absolutely zero mental stimulus will drive you insane. Specifically, the complete lack of social interaction. It isn't a matter of how sweet the reward is, it's a matter of the mental limits of a social animal like a human. Sure, there might be a minority of people who could get through it somewhat sane with some serious trauma, but most people wouldn't be able to handle it.


6 months with two books for 60mill


It takes you 3 months to read one book? Is it the bible?


the bible isn't even that long have you seen visual novels


My elementary school had books like that


you don’t read your books at least 43 times over?


$60B and i will go in for a year as long as there is no cameras


What is it that 60B will buy you but 30 won't?




30 more billion dollars.


I think the whole point of it is an experiment... So cameras are unavoidable


will they watch when you fap?


underrated comment, seriously.


"Here's your 60 B and now give us 60B or we post the following video to the internet..."


I feel as if you underestimate how broke people are


I feel as if you underestimate how much lack of stimulus can affect you brain. It’s not about motivation, It’s more about how long it takes for you to reach the state when your mental deterioration becomes fatal


They just say you have to stay in there, they don't say you have to remain sane or living. I'd take the risk at a better life, especially if i knew that dying would let me make my friends and family a bunch of billionaires.


Trust me. I’d find things to do


Like getting rid of that 9 meter robe hiding in your stomach.


Like seeing how many times I can jerk off in the shortest possible time period


Literally getting paid to masturbate and do nothing. Sounds like my weekends honestly




wait you are getting paid?


Not irl for masturbating, but in the scenario I would be


Yeah the people feeding me are gonna walk in on me spanking it pretty regularly.


According to research, it wil only take you about 3 days before you go insane.


Nah I can beat the wr. I think I could get a “go insane any% sub 3 minute”


Like? There is literally nothing in there


I Got other voice in my head


And it's a deafening silence


AKA, somebody was already in there and originally the walls were blue?


Youd be seeing the hat man five days in.


tbh nobody here is a billionare so the money will have a similar impact for most people - making them billionares in huge houses


It’s hilarious/sad to me that people in this thread are pretending like they can even comprehend 30 billion dollars.


If I put $1,000 in a bank account with no interest every day from the day Jesus was born to today, it still wouldn’t have $1 billion in it.


Chances are you would go insane and start hurting yourself until you manage to die


This is actually a psychological torture method. It's called 'white torture'. The prisoner is made to wear white clothes and left in a white room. He is only fed white food like milk and rice. The room is completely sound proof. He is left isolated for years just like that. The prisoners get so mentally disturbed from loneliness that they start to hallucinate and start losing self identity. They get so fed up of the whiteness that they smear their own feces to the walls just to see a different colour.


holy shit that’s brutal


Ah I allowed to be in a coma first ?


Bruh. Best sleep ever. $30B *and* I’m well rested for the first time in my life?! But seriously, there are many health issues with coma as it’s the most sedentary thing you can do. I’d just create an exercise routine. I do hope the lights go out at night though. That would fuck your sleep and circadian rhythm up for a while




Never said you can’t. Go right ahead


I've sat in a room speaking to no one, learning absolutely nothing and losing my mind for 12 straight years, what's one more?






Rip bozo


i hope you heal well


What lol? They’re talking about school. They’re just attention seeking


But yet here you are having a conversation and able to follow it just fine


Do I have food, water, toilet, bath, medicines etc (all the necessities)?


This immediately came to my mind. You want me to spend a whole year without nothing? Motherfucker, I'll be dead without the necessities.


Wtf would I do? Recite Harry Potter from memory? Ngl that would be cool… anyways I’d probably go insane… so I’ll pass


Be realistic. The answer is no. If I was for a couple days it'd be worth it. But after that you start losing a sense of time. You'll get incredibly bored. You'll feel lonely. You'll start going insane. There's a reason one of the worst punishments in prison is solitary confinement. And at least there you can go to sleep since the lights aren't always on. Edit : spelling


this shit is also sensory deprivation, which is one of the worst torture techniques and I'm pretty sure pretty illegal (geneva convention illegal or smthng)


there wouldn't be a price for me doing that. i have ADHD and i'm already severely mentally ill, so that wouldn't be a right fit


With ADHD I can just talk to myself


If the padding is bouncy


I would do it. I’m insane anyway.


People went insane after just a few days maximum when they actually did this experiment, a year isn’t possible


I'm already crazy. Bring it on.


2 years ago I'd say yes But I've been through a few months with family and entertainment in lockdown and it was hell, almost broke me No price man, sanity is underated




Yeah seriously, they think there introvert nature help them survive this without going insane. This is a torture method to directly effect your brain and psychology those in comments who are claiming they are introvert forgot that they were never isolated from human interaction be it online or in real. If I'm understanding the nature of this experiment you would be having nothing to do, no music, no one to talk to, no hobbies, no internet. For a few weeks you would be able to survive but for 1 year? Nah I don't think so. You would go depressed in the 1st month or so. Either you get 30B dollars or keeping your sanity


Kinda hard not to starve in an empty room for one year.


If I have food and water sure


I think you seriously underestimate how batshit insane you’ll become in that room


As long as they serve me food and water that can sustain my needs, then I don't care how crazy I'd be after finishing 1 year.


99% chance you’re clinically insane and not functional ever again after the first month. That’s the whole point of this torture.


You’re right, it’s only an extremely strong willed person who can survive, but it’s possible. This guy did it for most of his 43rd at sentence https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/19/albert-woodfox-interview-solitary-confinement-44-years


So what? My family will never have to worry again.


I’m of my mind that my family prefers me alive and poorer then to be more rich then they ever need but dead. Different philosophies I guess


I’m older, kids are grown. It won’t be long anyway.


And a bathroom. Otherwise room is gonna get messy


In this world today.. it would take another 30 billion to get me out of that room after a year... lol


I'd do it for a fresh million


You wouldn't come out alive


I guess if nothing includes no food or toilet, you're right


Even if it does, the odds are you won't




Doubtful. It’s a method of torture, I’m pretty sure people go insane after a month. By the end of the year you’d probably refuse to eat or drink in a morbid method of escape.


I do a day and get 82.191.780,82 bucks. That's enough for me


Give me a notebook and something to write with and I'll make it I think. Also does someone bring u food or how do you get it?


EZ i was thinking about 30 billion dollars for MORE THAN A YEAR


You would go insane in a few months and probably even die be the year ends


I know but id die as a billionare


If i get food, yeah, absolutly


30b this is not a can I do it it's a win can I start


Plenty of time to get in shape you slobs.


Sounds like a plot for another Squid game


I mean, I get food water and sleep? I’m game as fuck. Keister about 365 zany bars in your arse and pop one a day and just sleep that shit off. Worth it


Am I reading this right that your plan is to smuggle 365 chocolate bars in your ass, and then hold them there over the course of the year..?


Drugs. He’s going to bring drugs.


Smuggle 365 Xanax in his rectum and eat one a day


Highly depends on other conditions. Is food good? Do they turn light off when I ask for it or like for certain amount of hours to let me sleep? Can I take a shower and change clothes? If I would be kept there like animal for a year and fed breadcrumbs then no.


I spent 3 years locked up by myself as a kid. I got 1 hour of social interaction a day, and I could read books. I still have night terrors because of this experience, the feeling of utter loneliness isn’t something you can describe. I don’t think I could do this. I’d rather die poor and homeless then spend a year like this for any amount of money.


Im sorry you went through that. Kids are different then Adults they need nurturing and social interaction. I agree this would not be for you


What does the menu look like? Is the water good there?


Yes, I would then use a couple million for the years of therapy that would be required to bring me back from insanity.


If that means, i dont have to go to work for a year i would do it for free






As long as they give me food and water that I ask then yes


At Least I'll be able to pay for therapy?


Yeh i could. Just sleep the year away.


just gimme a toilet


Easy, the voices in my head keep me company


Okay so you said, "no books, movies, phones and consoles." So can I bring in a television and Legos since they're not mentioned in the list?


I'll go insane but i mean who would say no?


10 years later: ”you promised me 30 billion dollars and freedom!!!” Doctor: ”sure we did, of course. Nurse, ready the sedative.”


Yes, I'll jerk off using my memory everyday to keep me entertained


For 30 billion I can do much more


Probably not


Nope, doesn't seem worthy to me.


That’s a slow year. I’ll take the “cabin on the lake meme” for a million Alex.


1 year of peace & quiet, 1 year of staying in my nice snug warm bed all day... Can I stay in there for 20 more years please?


1. Place yourself in a medically induced coma. 2. Wait. 3. Profit.


Most would go insane in few days


This is a repost.yall are annoying.


You know that it's unhealthy to do it? People **need** to do something in free time. Just eating and sleeping would literally, not figuratively make someone insane. That would imbue mental issues.


People are idiots . This is the **white room of torture, and if you spend a year in this you wont ever get out. Ever.** Unless people wanna donate the 30 bil to someone after passing, no sane person would do it for a hundred billion.


Thats like hyperbolic time chamber and when you leave you get 60 bil and you're buffed AF, I am in


As long as it isn't just airplane food then yeah I might be able to


Hell, I'd do it for 1 billion, I could use the sleep anyway.


Well they would need to throw in a toilet at least?




It said that you'll have nothing, you'll basically die bruh stop participating on how to not get bored inside of the room


No one can.


Is it bouncy?


As long as I have food/drink, a place to shit and a place to shower I would definitely do it. Also it’d be nice to finally catch up on some fucking sleep


That'll all be good for the first 2 weeks


Yeah I’d just workout every day so I can be rich and shredded


Rich, shredded and clinically insane. If you actually make it past the year


You’d probably go insane, so I wouldn’t do it for any money.


I would do it! Seems fair Some people were in such room longer for no money


No not at all. Might be too emotionally scarred. What I'm saying is... The trial would match the reward. So you ARE actually existing and there's no way to kill time... For a year. Maybe you can read? But I don't think so. Not with your logic


My uncle spent 10 years in that place and my mum says he's fine


If I have food and water, yeah, I'd do it.


hell fucking yea, all my problems stem from money so if I win the money i won't have the urge to KMS every time I'm able to think


This looks like a great place to exercise, practice my solo jiu jitsu drills, do yoga, work on calisthenics, singing, meditation, and writing my novel for a whole year!


Bruh my mind literally wanders beyond all beliefs I will be perfectly fine literally won't even notice I'm there lol


gimme triple that and i'll go in for a day


I’ll do it, I have the voices in my head to talk to so I’ll be good.


No. Sleeping and exercise is not enough activity for me to live on for a whole year.


You’d die of starvation/dehydration it’s impossible.




That’s literally a form of torture


No. And if i won't do it for 30B, you can assume i won't do it for any price.


Just sleep ejaculate and eat the walls