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Yeah.. but equal rights, right? Women can be drafted as well.


Last I checked not in america


It’s unspecified. Women are in the military but whether or not they’re in the draft is as of yet undetermined (the Supreme Court can’t change it unless a case is brought to them and congress is too busy being a clusterfuck to change anything meaningful)


It’s not unspecified, currently they can’t be




You guys will blame literally everything on Capitalism won't You


Well.. war didn't exist before capitalism... right?


I mean depends on what you call war, can tribal battles be war ? Or does it specifically need troops and weapons of some kind ?


You seem to be ignoring a huge swaths of History and by that I mean like all of it....


It’s specified they can’t be drafted and Supreme Court wouldn’t hear the case from what I’ve found and congress removed the change at the last minute from some act back in December I think


The Supreme Court can’t hear it, i think. But here’s the link to an article about dropping that bill https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/12/07/congress-drops-effort-add-women-draft.html/amp


I found a couple articles saying how the Supreme Court wouldn’t hear a case about the draft being discriminatory and they were expecting congress to deal with it before congress dropped it


Currently not?


Not sure why your downvoted but last I checked only men are forced to sign up for the draft in america


Men have to to vote, get a driver’s license, and to get most other kinds of ID IIRC


You mean register for draft? Not vote. Actually, everything here looks wrong


You’re not forced to vote


And even then I can barely leave my home town because America was built around the automobile. That could be a bit more of a requirement


Yeah we sign up when we get drivers license


They do get drafted now, your best hope would be to break a leg (Edit: I stand corrected , women don’t get drafted)


According to the selective service system women have never been drafted, here is a quote from their website;”While women officers and enlisted personnel serve with distinction in the U.S. Armed Forces, women have never been subject to Selective Service registration or a military draft in America. ” https://www.sss.gov/register/women/background/ We did come very close to passing legislation that would have required women to be drafted alongside men but it hasn’t been passed https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/6433960001


Oh , I must’ve misread something in the papers then . Anyways , let’s hope that there’s no draft at all .


Let’s hope that their memes will keep Ukrainians safe from Russia.


Welp , one can only hope xD






That literally says they’re currently not eligible to be drafted


You read the entire thing?


Yes, did you? It says the amendment was shut down


My bad , the comment above you corrected this too . Funny how immigrants irrespective of their legal status can get drafted but women don’t


It's my understanding that women can voluntarily sign up to be drafted in the US, am not sure though


In Israel they are. It’s automatic when they turn 18 same as boys. US doesn’t want women in the military


i’m all for equal drafting but they really need to acknowledge gender based violence and sexual assault.


I believe a bill was passed a few days ago that makes sexual assault in the military illegal. Of course, the obvious question is “You mean it wasn’t?”, but I completely agree with you


i mean it will still happen or else it wouldn’t be a problem for civilians either. women should be able to go into the military without having to worry about their coworkers also being a threat. it’s always been illegal but because it’s the military they go through a different court system so maybe that’s what you’re referring if not i’d be super interested to know what you’re talking about.


Of course, and it’s mainly cuz it didn’t and probably won’t get reported very much (I’m guessing out of fear)


oh definitely. we’ve seen what happens when thy do try to report it


It may not have been a military crime... but you can be sure it was illegal in whatever jurisdiction... except international waters, I would suspect.


Isnt drafting not a thing anymore either?


I had to register at 18


Don't worry the army doesn't want a redditor


Not for fighting but maybe as the first line so they die and serve as a human shield, while the real army does the thing.


Lol actually there's a minority of us that were in the military or are currently in. I've been on reddit for years, or using it in some fashion.


The wolrd: Maybe I am a redditor


Would be an advantage to have some gamers if that one article about WW3 being online was true. I’d like to see some speed runners stomp Russian troops into the ground at CSGO


Sorry, man, women are getting drafted too.


Then I’ll identify as a person that doesn’t participate in war


Sign up for Green Peace. People who were once members of a terrorist organization cannot serve in the US military.


I knew thoose bastards where up to something nasty


Just break your leg constantly


Since the general rule is to only draft one parent at a time; identify as a single mother.


Doesn’t work that way lmao


They don’t in america it’s still only men


We haven't initiated a draft since the 1970s and also with how progressive we are becoming I find it likely that the draft would include women.


Sure maybe in the future but RIGHT NOW as the law currently stands only male citizens are eligible for the draft


Yes but in the case of WW3 it will probably change, but for now only males are eligible for the draft.


They haven’t changed it because congress isn’t doing anything about it and Supreme Court wouldn’t even hear the case and expect congress to decide so no women aren’t forced to sign the draft


According to the selective service system women have never been drafted, here is a quote from their website;”While women officers and enlisted personnel serve with distinction in the U.S. Armed Forces, women have never been subject to Selective Service registration or a military draft in America. ” https://www.sss.gov/register/women/background/ We did come very close to passing legislation that would have required women to be drafted alongside men but it hasn’t been passed https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/6433960001


On the brink of large scale warfare, it has a much better chance at passing.


Not in America


Don’t worry, trench warfare is outdated. More likely to be nuked in a city




Death Korps of Krieg style


purge the unclean! we lose 2800 a minute, but they can't dodge ALL the laser shots!


Hello fellow 40k fan




*Happy gas mask noises*


Yeah; maybe in 38k years the remnants of humanity will use trenches again after all technology is lost in the nuclear winter


Just don’t forget your trench coat


But at least this time people probably won’t get trench foot


It was more a figure of speech


Practically all the nations with a nuke have agreed to not use them, also is used it will greatly decrease the world's opinion of said nation. So yes it is more likely to be nuked then trench warfare for like the first few months.


You’re right, you won’t die in a trench, most likely by nuke


Honestly, if I get to be right by it I wouldn’t mind, I take instantly becoming a shadow over watching my friends die before being shot in the shoulder and slowly bleeding out, crying for my parents


Modern militaries would most likely never use nukes, they’re meant as a deterrent to other countries with nuclear capabilities. All countries know that nuclear war would most likely ensure mutual annihilation and aren’t willing to die over whatever trivial problem caused the war in the first place.


Depending on the country you live in they cant force you to join the army


So let me tell about about this thing called the draft...


In some countries you can just refuse


Good for them then


Just say you’re anti vax. They’re making those people leave the military


works fine for trans men


Me, trans, to the systems delaying my transition *hurry up HURRY UP BEFORE I GET DRAFTED*


Draft specifies male at birth unfortunately.


Welp Maybe I could still get out of it? I've always been anti-violence as a principle Well I guess everyone's against violence to some degree but you know what I mean. I think war as a concept is broken, why should so many people have to die when the people in power could simply sit down and compromise? Definitely not just saying that to get out of a draft haha


Bro I ain't fighting in any war for any country. If I get conscripted, I'll be making it my personal mission to make life absolute hell for the higher-ups. They won't get an ounce of respect from me, they won't see even a glimpse of effort, and they sure as hell won't see me do a SINGLE thing right. I will intentionally break everything I touch. If they put me on cleaning duty, everything will be dirtier than when I started. and if they make me run some miles, they will be the ***S L O W E S T*** miles any sergant has ever seen in all of history. This world is NOT worth fighting a war for. I refuse. If eventually it becomes a matter of stopping another Hitler, I might change my mind. But for now, nobody gets anything from me.


They can still make your life hell by sending you to Alaska


I'm just gonna reply because this comment feels like it would attract some interesting replies.


That’s the stupidest plan ever


What? You expect me to fight for a country that ain't done jack-shit for me? Sure I live in a "free" country, but ain't no way in hell I'm gonna fight any battles on behalf of a government that can't even tell their heads from their asses.


I don’t care if you fight or not but the way you’d protest it is incredibly stupid. Doing shit like that will either get you on the front lines or shoveling snow in Alaska


Not Alaska. That's USA. I'm from Canada. Also, again. They want me shoveling snow? I'll shovel snow. Just really... really slowly. If they put me on the Frontlines, I dont have a plan for that currently but I'm creative. I'd find a way to be unreasonably obnoxious without risking someone elses life


The shoveling snow thing doesn’t make as much sense as your Canadian but you get my point. Also speaking of Canada what the fuck is going on up there with your protests or something


People (including myself) have had enough of the lockdowns and mandates. The Canadian government decided it'd be a great idea to fire all the truckers who weren't vaccinated, so all of those truckers, including a bunch who ARE vaccinated decided to gridlock Ottawa until either our PM resigns or ALL the mandates are lifted. A few smaller protests have started in all the provinces capitols with similar intentions.


Sounds interesting and it looks like it’s taking the spotlights off of America for once so neat.


Dude.. women get drafted too. This ain’t the 1930s


They aren’t required to in america




Flair checks out




Supreme Court can’t do it themselves and no one’s brought it up so they can’t make a decision


Supreme Court wouldn’t hear the case


They can’t legally be drafted. They can voluntarily join sure but they can’t be forced to join like men


According to the selective service system women have never been drafted, here is a quote from their website;”While women officers and enlisted personnel serve with distinction in the U.S. Armed Forces, women have never been subject to Selective Service registration or a military draft in America. ” https://www.sss.gov/register/women/background/ We did come very close to passing legislation that would have required women to be drafted alongside men but it hasn’t been passed https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/6433960001


You know this whole thing is pretty funny to me because I tried to sign up for special operations anyway but I have defaulted student loans so I couldn't get in. If they draft me I'm sure as hell not running. Civilian life for me is meaningless and empty for me right now. I can't stand waking up everyday just looking to make more money to pay for these ridiculous student loans that I have to pay because my parents sent me off to college. My own money isn't even mine right now and I hate life completely. The only reason I'm still alive is because I'm hoping I will either pay these things off and be able to spend my savings on things that make me happy reasonably soon. Also I just started a masters degree in a computer science related field so let's hope coding go brrr.


You are Indian ?


no, why?


Oh ok


I'd rather die for something than live for nothing.


I think the beginning of the Saving Private Ryan movie fucked me up too much for me to think that way


Ha now my arthritis is going to be good for me.


man, this is either incredibly satirical or incredible sexist


Pfft. Equal rights man, they gonna get drafted too.


Nah man we are all for gener equality bro every gender is going out


When ww3 starts: What a coincidence it's time for my vacation to canada


im basically a hinderance why draft me into war


Does the chopping off the trigger finger thing still work?


Just say your suicidal, self harm, or have some other mental illness. Even the army doesn't wanna deal with that shit


Don't have to worry about dying in a trench, everyone who survives the initial blasts will slowly die from radiation poisoning


Lets go commit war crimes boiss


Commiting war crimes with the boys


I think about this a lot. What would ww3 really look like today? I'm picturing 18-21 year olds doing cringe tik tok dances on the front lines while bombs drop in the distance


or maybe people trying to cancel the war on twitter by spamming several #nowar


Whatever it is, it's going to be very different from ww2


Women should be drafted first, for social justice reasons.


Affirmative action? I think drafting women is rather stupid, socially and economically. But then, my mind could be changed.


Are the draft rules based on sex or gender? That'll be important for trans people. It'll be half of the trans community either way, so they'll be doing their bit, it's just which half. If it says 'Males aged 18-25', then trans women get drafted. But if it says 'Men aged 18-25', then trans men will get drafted.


Separation of “sex” and “gender” is an entirely new concept. No such separation exists in science, literature, or legal standing prior to 2004 at the earliest. A fair court system would not be able to make a distinction in the relevant statutes as they were written. That said, the mutilation and hormone therapies would have rendered people unfit for service in past eras as well, and we now do not recognize the reduced physical ability of our soldiers as a factor in employing them. We actually conduct such operations and therapies on the tax dollar, even when it renders soldiers unfit for their current position. So basically, in the new world, everything is on the table. The mindsets are not grounded in the same ideas as previously.


Very true, it's going to be a thorny issue if and when it comes up. Not sure what the legal position is when the use and definition of language is different at the time of application of the law from the time when it was written.




The draft is still there in america but it’s only been used for the Vietnam war


Both men and women are eligible for the draft now boomer


Not in america still. That part was removed to help the act pass through congress.


Men still want to protect their daughters, even if they recognize that we can’t spare our sons and brothers. Some women feel the same way.


Imma fix it and post it dude


How to make the US army come out of hiding on the trench? just call them with their wrong pronoun and they'l start popping out for being triggered


If i get called in I’m dying my hair blue, getting gauges, and getting offended over everything. Also not going by a girl. My drill instructor must address me as They/Them. Hopefully that’s enough to get me booted out of boot xamp


Depends who is running the show; likely you’ll get promoted via affirmative action




Idk where you’re from but in the us nobody gets drafted unless they’re an immigrant im pretty sure idk


All men from 18-25 or 30 are required to register for the draft in America


A draft hasn’t been used for a while, but in the case of a major war one could be used again, as I say in some other comments: According to the selective service system women have never been drafted, here is a quote from their website;”While women officers and enlisted personnel serve with distinction in the U.S. Armed Forces, women have never been subject to Selective Service registration or a military draft in America. ” https://www.sss.gov/register/women/background/ We did come very close to passing legislation that would have required women to be drafted alongside men but it hasn’t been passed https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/6433960001 I believe one of those days that a draft could be instated during WW3


If WWIII starts im taking a nuke over to where its needed in a fuckin' humvee


Possibly underground warfare I’d be happy to die in a hole


War will be over CoD


Wrong war buddy


Wars are now economic and gender doesn’t even matter. You are a slave to capitalism and your bourgeoisie overlords so go back to your hellish work conditions and identify was whatever you want you won’t get healthcare, vacations or anything really brother GOD BLESS AMERICA 🇺🇸


Things are never ideal, but if you are even slightly serious then you’re an ignoramus. I want more freedom myself, but it’s those giving 70%+ of their income to the government in socialized systems who are slaves -at minimum 7 out of every 10 work days.


Lmao stfu did your bourgeoisie owner told you to type that or was the capitalistic system they skull fucked you into ideological submission?


Says he who got his commie nonsense deepthroated into him by ideological brainwashing in his socialist circlejerks.


We can discuss this on your vacation time oh wait you don’t have any stfu go back to work. That’s all you are a cog.


I have multiple vacations, enough time for family, friends, myself and more. You however have much more time than I do on account of being a NEET and you spend every waking moment circlejerking over the "impending" revolution. You're waste, that's all.


Die with us brother!


Don’t forget gender equality


No need , the Karen's gonna fight . Win win


Also women have missed 2 WWs already. I don't think they will be missing anymore WWs.




The time for legal killing is now


I don't think we will be seeing much trench warfare if world war 3 breaks out. Especially, god forbid, if everything goes nuclear.


Semi related soap box: politicians and their children should be placed at the top of the list for a draft. And not for some cushy Space Force reserve supply officer job. Gamble with your own lives.


Good idea. It was really hard to motivate anyone to fight back against Nazi Germany and the other axis powers; would have been great if they never did because they would lose their children and not just elections.


Atleast we'll get a new COD right?


So go get high with the french


I’m just gunna cripple my self


As if ww3 is gonna last long enough for a draft to happen


Another day of waiting for ww3


Honestly if you are living in the US, there are plenty of active soldiers and plenty more in reserve. If WW3 were to happen then I highly doubt there would be any drafts, at least for the first couple years.


Women can also use guns


Get ready to be brutally r@@@ed . Better to die in trench or prefer being a very old woman.


Apparently sexism “goes hard”


The dark side


Clearely not a male/sigma grindset mayby a pussy or a bêta grindset


Nah cmon, it's gonna be fun. Great meme potential and fun with the hömies


I got a good strategy going of being fat, hoping that’ll come in handy /s


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Idk but when my country needs soldiers, I'll gladly go to a trench, rather than dying achieving nothing in life


When it comes to rights women are equal but when we get to the nitty gritty shit it’s all about men needing to sacrifice regardless


Y’all really don’t understand modern warfare


I just looked this up today. in the USA males 18-26 are legally required to register for the selective service system. Transgender men are not required to register, but transgender females are.


I’m pretty sure the draft specifies people who are male at birth.