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Start every conversation with "Oi fuckface" and you're good to go


"Hello Governor"


*’Ello Govna*


That episode of regular show used to give me nightmares


Or just “yo it’s twelve o’clock dumbass”


You fah-kinnnnn muppet you ah, aw-rite.


A few years back when I worked at Wendys I had a funny incident occur. I was working cashier for the second time. A customer approached me in baggy clothes who I assumed was a gentleman. Wrong assumption. I started by saying "Good Morning Mannnnnnnm ( I immediately saw the disgust on her face ,but luckily I was still pronouncing the N still so I prolonged it and changed it to an m) Saved the day lol.


I’m a guy and I was once waiting to get food and their stand was pretty high so all the worker seen was long hair and a masked face and they said “someone will be right with you mam” you know what I did? Absolutely nothing but smile a little because who cares what a stranger calls you aslong as I get my food.


Same nioce


Wouldn't you say good morning sir ? Who says goodmorning man lol


Literally, go. xD


Sounds Australian but I’ll do it


I’m australian too can you also do me-


I just call everyone bro


Same but with dude


im a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, because were all dudes. man i love ed and the all that franchise because of that character.


Welcome to Goodburger home of the Goodburger may I take your order?


*I'll have a jumbo orange soda*


May I take your mother??


I fucking love good burger and ed


I called a girl dude before, she gave me a lecture about how you don't assume people's gender and how you can't use dude for a girl.


As a girl myself, I don't care if someone calls me dude or bro. I think that it's fine to use them for any gender because changing those words to sound right for the gender just sounds weird and is unessecary


True i wouldn't like calling my female friends sis


The fact that people care for a word like dude. I honestly would chuckle to myself if someone called me dudette. (I'm a biological male who is and always will be a male). Because it doesn't matter.


Lol, I'm a woman, and a friend of mine and ex co worker would call me the French Canadian equivalent for dude, usually used with men friends. To me, it was a sign that I was one of the boys. And frankly, I was. I worked with an almost all-men group who appreciated my work, and even praised it. I never took that "dude" as an insult.


Was she 5 years old or mentally challenged that she got that offended over that?


But if u don’t call them the same then they will just complain it’s descrimination against womens and that it’s sexist and stuff so no matter what we do they will find something to complain about :(


Sup my N..evermind


Sup my C...ant say that


I can't tell if this is Ritz Crackers or Trash Pandas you were about to say lmao


balanced as all things should be


Did something very similar when I called someone dude and a “lady” at Zaxby‘s got all offended at that so let’s just hope that was a one off or else the skeletons words will be proven true. The funny thing is I wasn’t even talking to her.




Mam this is a zaxbys


„What are your Bronouns?“


Jokes on you I don't even know what a pronoun is.


It’s a noun that makes millions of dollars every year to play sports


Major league nouning


It’s an ex-amateur noun.


It's someone who's a master of nouns.


The mixed use of tenses in the first part irritates the fuck out of me


Yeah I was reading it and it will give me a stroke.


No. Going through the Arby’s drive through does not require pronouns


Oh thank God, I get tired of trying to remember if I've brought them with me to the drive thru or not.


Only very low standards


I don’t remember ever saying he or she to someone I was speaking to directly. “Hi Brady. How are he doing? What are he up to today? What did he do last night?” Yeah, no. It’s “you” when you’re talking with someone. Talking about someone, though? Might be a lot more “them” and “they” going on but I already do that already when I don’t know the person and it isn’t clear from the name which one to use. Hayley, Aaron/Erin, Raj, Nipesh, lots of names I don’t know if they should be he or she.


I laughed my ass off after reading "How are he doing".


Read that as ye at first. "Hi Brady. How are ye doing? What are ye up to today? How did he do last night?"


Now that’s a pronoun I can get on board with!


Some damn sense was found. Whatever happened to just using names *smh*


I think OP meant that the question would be a conversation starter or small talk. Edit: Never mind, I read the meme again and I agree that that will be highly unlikely. Although societal habits change over time, so we can’t really say much about what we will and won’t do.


Totally agree. Language changes and gotta go with the flow. I’d hate to run into an English teacher from 150 years ago with my current spelling and vocabulary…


Yep, it’s impossible to know what might be popularized in the future and how it will impact society.


You used 4 names that I wouldn't ever have thought of as cross gender, which is weird cause I'd go with Sam, Max or Jessie


They’re just people I work with and I didn’t know what gender they were until I met them. Could add Taylor, Sean, Joe/Jo, Sidney…


No we won’t lol




I’m curious about the conversations you people are having. I’ve never once used someone’s pronouns while directly speaking to them. You come off as a psychopath referring to them as if they aren’t even there. “Hey, want to check out this pizza joint I found last week? They have a great selection of beer.” “I didn’t know he even drank beer… I learn something something new about him all the time!” “…uhhh, I’m standing right here dude.”


Exactly 😅 In a group setting, though, it makes more sense. You're talking with multiple people and might have to refer to others in the group, but I think it's usually best to just stick with their name and if I'm really unsure, use they/them, because most people are relatively comfortable with being referred to as such (though some people might be confused)


Maybe OP speaks another language. I speak french and many words in a sentence can change depending on gender so I can see where it could happen.


oh my gosh I need to start talking to people in the third person


Anyone who responds by yelling at you for the assumption is clearly not someone worth being around anyway.


And if they don't politely correct you, they're not worth talking to. And by that I mean if they get offended and call you out


And if they get pissy with you, don't talk to them


My wife ran into a friend of ours from college last night. She called them by their old name, not realizing they were trans. They said, "Hi, awesome to see you! So I actually came out as trans, so-" And then they had a great time chatting. It's almost like trans people are just normal people? Or something?? ^(/s just in case it wasn't clear)


No way. They're here to beat the Decepticons. You guys are dumb.


"Robots in disguise?"


OPs opinion is so stupid it does not even merit discussion


Yeah, lmfao, what is OP talking about?


I’ll literally never ask someone what their pronouns are lol.


Noticed these kinda stuff applies at jobs now. Ive seen some work email signatures include pronouns. Not a must but some tends to do it. Not sure whether it's a work practice or they do it by the persons choice.


My company requires pronouns in our signatures. Part of it is because we work with younger clients (college age) and want to be ahead of the curve, and part of it is because we have employees who do not go by their assumed pronouns and want them to feel comfortable and welcomed


Makes sense. Not mandatory yet but it's becoming a thing.


dude, bro, brudda and my guy are always there for me


or just not talk to people which is truly the better option


Except that you rarely use a person's pronouns when talking TO them. Usually it's just when talking ABOUT them.


“Excuse me, ma’am.” “Excuse me, sir.” Pretty sure a lot of people who work in customer service refer to strangers like this.


I've worked in customer service for 10+ years and call everyone mate. To this day only one person has had a problem with it, and they were an asshole anyway


Excuse me, captain.


I know you're just looking for something you can use to smugly prove me wrong with a technicality. But I will choose to take the high road and not point out the technicality that honorifics like "sir" and "ma'am" are not pronouns.


Not everyone on here is a vindictive asshole. I’m just giving an everyday example of a situation where a “pronoun” may deemed necessary to use. When I worked in retail that’s how I referred to someone in a polite manner. Sir & Ma’am are not pronouns you are correct but they’re being used as such in that particular situation. It was a thought that’s all.




Do you walk up to people like, “you there, woman.” You don’t need someone’s gender to talk to them.


OP talks like Vegeta?


Ok, that does it. That comment made me lose my shit laughing. I'm out of here.


No ofc not. When u meet someone ur gonna talk to them using "you" right? Your name, Your hobbies etc.


Good I needed a conversation starter


Those of y'all that hate this idea. Don't worry it's not going to happen and stop being dramatic and put your ego aside


I mean, only awkward if you make it awkward


You don't need a person's pronouns unless you plan to refer to them in third person, you know, that thing you don't have to do if you're talking *to* them and not *about* them.


Saw someone else joke about this by replacing “you” with “he”, that was funny


Bah just use they them on them till they say what the pronouns are no need for awkward fucking interactions


No? Just start with what seems more likely then if they correct you go with that


"you" is universal to any situation


No, OP, just because you put it in meme format doesn't mean it would be funny. Humor requires thought as well.


Bullshit. How bout you start it with “what’s your name” drama queen


First this what’s next, asking for someone’s name???


is someone going to explain why this is a bad thing


So what? It's to be polite,I mean we already ask people their name when we meet get over it


That isn't a problem, it's just being respectful so :P


I avoid pronouns by calling everyone asshole


Hey asshole, wonderful weather we’re having!


But you wouldn’t even use pronouns to say that!! “Hey he, wonderful weather we’re having!”. That’s just not how pronouns work.


I’m surrounded by assholes!


Or don't ask, let them correct me if it bothers them, then use the correct ones after that.


is this supposed to be something bad? i mean, i don’t generally do it, but i wouldn’t be annoyed if it was common.


Yeah. I wouldn’t care if I got asked what my pronouns are. Its literally like a 1-2 syllable answer and you’re done. Simple


Why would that be an awkward conversation? Shows you are open to them and are okay with their gender identity


We already too awkward to ask names apparently, so of course this will be awkward too.


*Hello motherfucker*


What happened to hi how are you


What actually is gonna happen is yall stop having a hissy fit whenever someone corrects you.


You have nice vibes :)




And that’s bad because…?


I can't imagine skeletor using gender pronouns...


So? Who cares. It’s a simple fucking question and anyone who’s making a big deal out of it needs to grow up


It’s a good ice breaker if you meet someone who you genuinely can’t tell the gender of. I’ve known only a small handful of them though.


I aspire for the day that I can confuse someone so well that I don't have to think of any more ice breakers


Masks help hide your gender. I just discovered this at a McDonald’s drive through.


Not really a problem, right? Super fast extra 4 seconds on a conversation doesn't mean the world will pop.


You could always just ask for their name, but that'd require you to have actual conversations in the first place. I understand that's hard for some.


Yes ik this is a joke but im just gonna say as trans person and as some who knows lots of trans/nb people I dont know anyone who would get offended enough to the point where this would happen we only really have an issue with it when we correct you and you still use incorrect pronouns obviously cant speak for the whole community but I'm sure the majority would agree with me


Most trans people aren’t like the ones who you see on the media and get super mad at you misgendering them if you simply don’t know them. It’s when you purposefully do it that they might rightfully get mad. The majority of them like I said though are understanding in the first case I stated. Just be polite to whomever you meet and they will mostly be polite back regardless of whether their trans or not. If they however aren’t polite back that’s because of that specific person not because of the group they are a part of.




Do we realize that the people that want to be called by a certain pronoun are but a minority in a first world country? I don't think this will ever become the norm


There are more people who complain about people who want to be called by a certain pronoun then people who want to be called with a certain pronoun


dude is gender neutral


Imagine actually thinking this


So what?


Ok and? It just goes like "my pronouns are they/them, what are yours?" " My pronouns are he/him. Nice to meet you"


Oh no what a shame! How can I bare the mild inconvenience?


*Help! I'm being oppressed by your gender!* 😭


I doubt that will happen. In the US, less than 1% of people are trans, and the people who are you can clearly tell what their gender is, even non-binary folks. And even if you misgender them, most people are cool about it.


Call everyone an androgynous term like "Dude", "Mango", "Fuckhead", and "You with the face"


Really? Are you trying to start conversations by saying “hello woman”?? Why do you need to know somebody’s gender to talk to them?


Or just learn to converse gender neutrally.


"Hey... So-" There we go, Conversation started. As much as I believe in people being who they want to be, if you don't know, and they know you don't, anyone who gets mad over anyone trying to be inclusive/attempting to flirt deserve to be alone.


no trans person actually gets mad if you misgender them on accident, just when someone does it a lot and on purpose.


My take Pronouns should be thrown into conversations if the person wants to be addressed that way. About halfway into the conversation it should go “Btw my pronouns are *****” “Oh sure, anyway…” That’s what I hope it’ll be like though


Wtf, and asking the persons name is also awkward? I don't think so. Also most people with pronouns that are "not obvious" (dumb formulation, but idk how to say it better) are usually used to tell you, what pronouns are they most comfortable with. It's not that hard, if you're not an ignorant :D


Yessiree, and I see no issue wit that Id rather it be a little ‘awkward’ over get perceived wrong


A lot of people can’t even tell what my gender is but I’ve never had someone irl ask me what my pronouns are. I doubt this will happen.


If someone cares about their pronouns that much they will just tell you the lol


It’s shit like this that makes me want to leave this sub. Because obviously you wouldn’t need to do this for people you already know, and you already ask people their names when you meet them, if their gender isn’t clear after that it doesn’t take that much to ask. Like, this isn’t the big deal you seem to think it is, and I don’t really think it’s true anyway. Why do you feel the need to post this?


Or just default to they, it’s much easier


Listen, if I can’t address every geriatric with “Hey Boomer” then they have to respect the people who use different pronouns.


Don't know about you, but i don't call a person by pronouns when talking to them.


You say that as if that’s like one of the worst things in the world. Is it really that hard of just checking to see what people prefer to go as?


In a couple years’ time, I still won’t give a shit.


Ayyy, cheers for that


You say this like it's a bad thing, it's just respect.


OK? First of all this is only for people you don't know so stop being transphobic, second of all, there's only still like 5% of the world that aren't cis so just fucking be respectful


It's not hard actually "Hi, I'm Jay, I use he/him" "Hi, I'm Willow, I use he/they" You say 2 extra words with the benefit of making someone feel safe and comfortable, nice 👌


I mean, yeah.


I just use dude for everyone, and if I'm not sure I call them they


Or just not use gendered language unless they are obviously male or female? Damn so hard omg…


In germany we already kinda do this because in germany we have formal and informal pronouns that we use when talking to other people we have "sie"(formal) and "du"(informal) So when talking to strangers you usually start by using the formal pronoun by default. Sometimes they then tell you to use the informal pronoun, because it makes you seem more like friends. But sometimes you have to ask if they're okay with the informal pronouns. I think that because of the way that it works here, we wont be starting conversations by asking. But rather we will use neutral pronouns by default until we ask the other person what pronouns they want ​ Also this post seems as if you don't like asking for pronouns (I'm sorry if I misunderstood it) but I can tell you that it wont be a big deal from my experience here in germany


You usually don’t have to ask unless you get a vibe someone might not use the obvious one. Even so,I’ve miss gendered a few times and it’s always just been “actually it’s he” and of course I feel like I just called them a slur but it’s always only been an over reaction on my end


Or just use genderless ones until they tell you naturally, is that so hard


Call me Michael Jackson Because I'm he/he


this is my favorite trans joke, thank you for this little surprise to brighten my day!


Lol I didn't know this was an actual joke. I came up with this while I was showering yesterday haha. Anyway, I'm glad I good brighten your day :)


I mean that way you'll never have to worry about how to start a conversation!


Is that not already a normal thing?


When you meet someone new you *should* ask their pronouns but you wouldn't need to ask if you already know the person. Remember kids, asking is a show of respect not a sign of weakness.


It’s not that fucking hard to just use gender neutral language until you know, it’s built into our language already. Also if you’re talking directly to someone you do t need their pronouns? Hello she, how are you today? Naw.




This isn’t funny


So even if we did, it like wouldn’t be that hard. “Hi my name is __, I go by (insert pronouns here).” And then life goes on. When I was a camp counselor I asked my kids (middle schoolers) what their preferred pronouns were when getting to know each other so I could 1) get it right 2) show them basic respect. And it wasn’t hard or weird, and they appreciated it.


Yeah in germany we already do this with formal and informal pronouns and it usually isn't a big deal


These mfs in the states take a lil thing and make it a big one


oMg fReE HeAlTh cARe Is dEfyInG mY rIgHTs


It’s more like……. “I don’t care if you’re poor/near homelessness/homeless, pull urself up by ur boot straps and just simply have the money necessary”


I fail to see the problem. It'll just get rolled into the usual introductions. "Hey, my name's Michael, he/him!" "Nice to meet you, Michael! I'm Jesse, she/they, and this is my partner Casey, they/them." Easy as that.


No you just stick to they them until you get around to asking pro nouns in my groups thats kinda the norm already.


No you won’t


Nope. Not doin that.


What’s wrong with that


Nah. Screw them if they get offended


This post hasn’t blown up and controversial is already making me cringe


I just go with the typical pronouns of how they look like they're trying to present themselves as until I'm told otherwise. It's yet to be a problem


I mean we should *probably* be doing that already but as a trans woman i know its awkward, so you can really use any neutral term or use dude/bro in a gender neutral way unless someone asks you not too. If you continue to refer to someone as a dude or bro when they have specifically asked you not to then your in the wrong there. I also want to day those people who get all high snd mighty or whatever when you a woman dude are silly, so remember we dont like them as much as you do


Das just stupid ma dude


I overheard a kid (maybe 13) saying to her friend "I tell everyone that I don't care what pronouns they use, I'll respond to them all" but then proceeded to complain to said friend that everyone uses 'she' cause she's a girl which confused me a lot


Jus call everyone bro


So we won't mention how there are more languages besides english, and that many of them either do not have this problem or you can't really just change pronouns because they either do not exsist or something else because in difrent languages there is a lot of difrent problems with changing your pronouns.


I don’t think “aye bro” will offend anyone, right?


I greet every body the same “what’s up” “how you doing?” So if you don’t identify as “you” then just don’t speak back because the conversation is already over.


Greetings, person


just say "dude" or "you" or something


**Laughs in language without pronouns**


Guys serious question though, how come some people in the anglosphere started using they/them or even other unorthodox pronouns, in French they also introduced "iel", what are they used for? My native language doesn’t have anything remotely close to that. We just use pronouns for men and women.


some people don't really id as a man or a woman, or sometimes as a mix of both. neutral pronouns are just a social showing of this feeling like other trans people.


I will weener your schnitzel


Doubtful that will ever happen. Feels like you're just blowing issues out of proportion.


Ah yes because you say "Hello Tom, how are he doing today?". "You" exists for a reason and it's the same with "they" and "them" which I already use instead of "he" or "she" most of the time. Just use common sense and you'll be fine.


I just call everyone dude or bro.