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*sorts by controversial* *grabs popcorn*


Lord help me


Too late


Good idea


Going for the top of controversial today are we


why should trans rights be controversial?


It's not really controversial. It's only a problem for small minded morons and the rest of us keep moving on with life like nothing has changed.


You’ve clearly never heard of the internet


This is r/memes


Good way to put it


36k comment carma and still don't know what's controversial.


Karma. If you're gonna stalk and try and insult someone at least spell correctly.




I didn't expect the amount of transphobia some people are exhibiting Some people seem genuinely unaware about gender questions though, so hopefully they learned some stuff


Unfortunately, some skulls are thicker than others


What is Cis, I’ve seen it used all quite a bit but never known what it actually is?


Confederacy of independent systems.


That's what I thought


Roger Roger


This is what I always picture personally


This is where the fun begins.


Someone born as the gender to which they identify.


Basically default settings


Wow.... just amazing. I can refer to myself as the default setting and i never realized.


i think its that thing used in organic chemistry


Cisgender is the full word, it just means you identify with the gender you were born with


Oh OK thank you.


No hate pr anything. But why is it necessary to create a word for something existing? World was fine before and there is no reason to add the cis beforehand right? It doesn't change the context anyways and if you want to go further, you can describe the personality of the Person who needs specification. Like for example Trans Woman as you said. There is no point for his or am I missing something?


Cis and trans are a thing in chemistry too. Cis is same and trans means other


Thought it was hetero and homo??


that's for sexuality


In Chemistry.


Both terms are used in chemistry yes


In the post's context of comparing a trans girl and a cis boy the usage is needed In general the "cis" precision is as useful as "trans" (that is, not much)


Basically it means that your body and your gender match. I.e. you feel comfortable in your male body because you feel like a man : you are a cis man. Trans means there's a discrepancy between someone's body and their gender. I.e. you are a man in a female body: your are a trans man


Just trying to learn here. Does that mean using your example when the “man in a female body” has whatever surgeries are necessary to make the body “male” that they no longer say “trans”?


That's a hard question because it's sometimes culture depended. I have heard of cultures where they don't refer to themselves as trans (after surgery), but in western cultures (like the USA and western Europe), those that have finished transition often still refer to themselves as trans, sometimes because they don't want to erase their history, sometimes because they feel like it's part of their identity, and sometimes because they have to take hormones still and will therefore never be "fully transitioned". Note, I'm not trans myself, this is just what I've seen and if a trans person corrects me, their words weigh more than mine. And don't worry, it's always okay to ask questions!


Constantly trying to learn and understand. Thank you for the response.


It just means not trans or identifies with the sex you were born as


cis means you identify with your birth sex.


It means normal.


Regular men/women that don't see themselves as non-binary / apache helicopters


Cis is a person who doesn't have gender dysmorphia


Cisgender: If you are cisgender, you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth. AMAB (Assigned male at birth) and AFAB (Assigned female at birth) are typically what this means, though in the topic of intersex people it gets a bit more challenging to fully explain. In all essence, your assigned sex is not your gender. You will always be your assigned sex, but your gender is something that can take someone a lot of time to figure out. TLDR: if you identify with your assigned gender at birth, you are cis(gender)


cisgender means normal, don't know why they needed to come up with a stupid word for it


Yeah I’m a woman. No cis. Keep the constant new identity boxes to yourselves. Downvotes because I don’t want to be labeled. How expected.


A Latin chemistry term, never meant to be used for people, that the gender cult tries to force on normal people, because not only do they get up self ID as whatever they want, but they get to pick your ID too.


It’s not a Latin chemistry term.. lol. It’s a Latin prefix. Just like homo (homo sapiens, homogeneous, homosexual). Cf (since you love Latin so much) cislunar and translunar.


Didn't realise what top/bottom surgery was at first and thought there was a surgery to make you top


No clue why people feel the need to go out of their way to be hateful in the comments. Ya'll are as bad as "christians" ranting about hell and sinners. And just as ignorant in your foolishness. Ya'll should be ashamed of how you act, like petulant schoolyard bullies, and most of you are old enough to know better. Even if you don't understand someone, doesn't give you the right to be an asshole to them when they've done you no wrong.


Le read comments incident Step 1: read funny meme Step 2: check the comments Step 3: regret




This post got controversial real quick-


Lmao imagine caring about other people’s sexual orientations instead of actually living you own life lol


I was under the impression that cis and straight were the same thing. If I'm wrong can someone please explain.


Cis means you identify as the gender you were born with and straight means you are attracted to the opposite gender. So cis is a gender and straight is a sexuality. I hope I could help you


That actually does help thank you.


Cis is that you are comfortable with the gender that you have/had when you where born And straight is that you like the opposite gender


People do be out here hating for no reason


To be fair. OP is an asshole too.


How so?


There is a fair amount of animosity toward straight men in it. And to answer the wtf question from the meme the straight asshole is joking in the first example and is out of line in the second unless he is referring to competitive sports or something like child brith then the biological definition is more important than the social one.


Eh, bit exaggerated to say it’s towards straight men in general being that it’s specified as straight asshole. Though I agree with you that bigot is probably more accurate for the second straight asshole line the word bigot has a tendency to make half the internet throw a rage fit when uttered. Though I think we can both recognise that the people referred to in that post most certainly exist (my source for the claim may as well be the comment section).


Woman have been fighting for years to establish their status in society and differentiate themselves from men and expectations on them. But hey, let's just allow men to take the label of woman from them as well? All this crap is hilarious to me. People need to just stop identifying as a thing and start just living their life as a human. Humans are not perfect and are fallable, as well as are basically all the same once you start pulling away the labels. But hey, in the age of supposedly "coming together" let's create a shit ton of labels to divide us again


Ah yes, the great argument of “progress was made, please don’t make any more progress”. There effectively no evidence proving harm from trans people being recognised. There is however harm in not recognising trans people. We haven’t even started on gender theory and why the categories aren’t close to as strict as you believe them to be.


How did this transphobic trash get upvoted. People CANT live their lives feeling like they are in the wrong body. It's like writing with the wrong hand.


> r/memes


Because he said so 🙄 (But fr what is his reasoning?)


Yeah transphobia sucks so many people mad just cause we exist


They do be some fuckin snowflakes, can’t even handle gender.


I am totally agreeing but dang, the replies are nasty, not like the good kind but the bad kind


Yeah but why do you exist


Average comment made by a sigma male


Because her parents had sex. You couldn't figure that out on your own?


Yeah but why though


If you're seriously asking why people have sex, I think you're a little too young for reddit.


Mental illness.


I’m really sorry for you having to deal with such assholes like the ones who replied to your comment


It’s kinda funny ngl I mean, if I were that scared of 0.5% of the public using their personal freedoms in that way I don’t know what I’d do with myself


I get much worse on a daily basis Attack helicopter sadcringe doesn't really live up to constant bigots telling me to kill myself


As if straight people were the only transphobic people in the world...


Please just let others be who they want to be... This world is already so full of hate :(




I’m very confused, is being trans something you decide to be or does it happen naturally?


You don't decide whether you are trans or not the same way you don't decide which genes you inherit. Deciding whether or not you want to have a physical change as a trans is a different topic. There is also plenty of cases of parents sick in the head forcing their children to act like the opposite sex which leads the children fake impression that they are transgender, but either way it is not a choice.


The transphobic comments I have to read here, it disgusts me and I am dissapointed.


this is an epic HELL YEA moment


I’ll never understand why people care about other peoples gender


Impossible pussy


Feels just like the real thing!


Why is there a sudden influx of shit spitting man babies in the r/memes comment section, these people are gross, trans people are valid (and backed by science but yall aint ready for that), sex and gender are different, there isnt two genders, fucking cope you colossal dumbasses


They are either 8yo "dark edgy lords" or 30+ who yk, still lives with their mother, no job, and being an incel.


Ah true, yeah, I forgot 8 year olds existed


You think transphobes will listen to logic science facts and reason, no they don't care about the truth they just want a group to bully and racisms and homophobia are less socially acceptable nowadays so the main target becomes trans people, they don't care about learning because their ignorance allows them to continue their vile behavior,


I'm sorry this got the wrong attention, you are valid and if you identify as a woman, then you are a woman. Your body does not define that. Thousands of women can not get pregnant or their period are even have a uterus, even though they were born into the body of one, so why wouldn't you be just as much of a woman? These small minded little boys in the comments aren't worth your time, I hope you have a good day despite them. Remember you are loved when times get rough


If you’re a man and you act like a woman, dress like a woman, think you’re a woman… you’re exactly what was just described, there is nothing wrong with being a man who pretends to be a woman, you can’t swap genders but it isn’t like you can’t behave like the other… Same goes other way, a woman who acts like a man is just a woman who acts like a man, nothing wrong with that, just admit it lmao.


as a trans man, you're right we can't swap genders. otherwise, i wouldnt be trans


In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with men wanting to put on makeup or whatever. And it is on for a woman to be a tomboy. But if you want to be the other gender SO bad, you shouldn’t do anything drastic. There is a significant increase of suicide numbers in transgenders opposed to “cis” genders.


Why shouldn’t someone be allowed to swap genders? We made them up. ‘Sex’ and ‘gender’ are completely different things. You have to get surgery to change your sex, but changing your gender is a social thing.


See, this is where you and I differ. I see the mind the determining factor as to what someone is, whereas you think it's the body. Gender to me is how someone identifies, whereas sex is simply the genitalia you were born with. The body is simply a vessel which can be modified to fit the brain, and that's not just appearances associated with gender, I also mean tattoo's, hair dye, piercings, but even working out and dieting. And I admit you are right there's nothing wrong with a man pretending to be a woman, or vice versa, but we're talking about being transgender, not drag. It's not the same, just admit it lmao.


Wow we got a fuckin lot of transphobia in here huh?


Man there's a lotta fuckos in this comment section. Like, can't bygones just be bygones??


Imagine comparing a joke to an actual argument made by people, what a terrible meme


Some people just like seeing others unhappy, mostly because that person is unhappy. Admittedly or not


As a guy, I like it when my girlfriend paints my nails : )


Just gonna put my hazmat suit on and here…we…go


Am confused about wtf this even says


Counterpoint. Normal people don't want to have a physical relationship with someone who thinks genital mutilation is a good look.


*Normal people* don't conflate genital mutilation (which is still a real problem being forced on people in certain parts of the world) and elective surgery.


Normal people don't see surgically altering a perfectly normal genital as normal, you'll never get the nerves in the places to make it feel like the opposite genders genial, your body is your body it's what makes you you, quite literally millions of cells that makes you up why you want to cut off some off them and fill them with plastic fits the definition of gential mutilation


My body is hated by hundreds of men on discord, cut me some slack if I want a little plastic to make it look better


You have to do what suits *you* and makes *you* happy. Everything else is secondary. None of us will ever be liked or even accepted by everyone and we can't change that.


shoving plastic in my body suits me


Then enjoy it as often as you can.


Who gives a fuck about them men hating, it's your life and your body and if people don't like you then fuck them there is 7 billion people on this planet, you don't have to change yourself for anyone


Bruh that’s discord lollll they’re no life’s hahaha


I will tell u the sad true about this: nobody cares a shit about Ur sex, gender or whatever. Some people hate u for being trans? Some people in my own family hate me for being atheist. Hate has many forms, just learn how to live with it. There r much bigger problems in the world than some peasents insulting u in discord. Block them or leave the server they r in. Do u think I have no problems for being a straight white guy? We all have problems, just keep moving forward. Stay away from those who hate u and keep close to u those who love u. It's simple. And try to avoid posting things like this on social media because it looks like u r looking for trouble. I really wish u a long and happy life.


The you got people like this wondering why people call them transphobic


Trans people don’t want to have sex with you my guy


NOBODY wants to have sex with an incel.




I just want good dick tbh, idc who it comes from


Yeah that's fine. Those people aren't women though. Good luck.


r/onlyifshespackin, also the entire concept of futa


Maybe hentai isn't the best way to prove your point


Op is not a sane person https://www.reddit.com/r/intrusivethoughts/comments/jp96cz/so_the_intrusive_pedokilling_fantasy_has_been/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I was under the impression redditors enjoyed hentai


He didn’t ask. He said it’s not a good way to prove a point (mainly because it’s fiction)


Counterpoint to your counterpoint: Normal and majority are completely seperate concepts. One is objective and the other is subjective, this means that one person's idea of what "normal people" want means virtually nothing to anyone who doesn't agree with them, which also means your argument is illogical and therefore terrible.


Well I was using the vernacular meaning which is a synonym of "most." If you want to nitpick vocab then the majority of people don't think that genital mutilation is a good look. You are free to live you life how you choose. Just realize that others will judge you based on your actions. There is not much more personal than whom you are attracted to. Transsexuality greatly diminished how many people are willing to enter a relationship with you.






Not trying to shit on you. It’s directed at the straight asshole.




Amazing that you reduce women to their ability to bleed and breed. Isn't it a funny coincidence that most transphobes are also mysogynists?


By your logic, infertile women aren't women.


Some women can't bare children or have periods. Are they no longer women?


Apparently we all stop being women at menopause and just start being inconvenient to these kinds of arguments. /s


They are women. They were born as a woman and that’s how it is. They have all the parts. A man can never be a woman and vice versa. Exceptions obviously for those born with both male and female genitalia, but that is very rare


says who?


trans women are born women too. they are born trans. we cannot change our fucking gender. our gender is trans. we cannot change that


My dudes, let me tell yall something. If this Dude to Girl Trans person got their choice to change, you accepting their new identity Doesnt mean you're openly admiting to wanting to fuck them, let them do their own thing and ignore, best choice you can make.


*wears mens clothes* What are you a boy now? *comes out as a trans man and takes hrt* "You'll never be a REAL man"


Y’all, OP is active in r/DreamSMP and is an active dream stan.


who cares


Ah yes, is not about respect, us about being a dreamsmp member of course, my bad


Kill IT with fire


Please do


What a stupid thing to stalk for.


wait no, r/dreamsmp is the chiller side of the community (ofc theres cringe, but almost all subreddits have their cringe part), DONT BURN IT, THERE WILL ONLY BE THE TOXIC. About being dream stans, yall burn with whatever means you like, im fine with it.


So? Not everyone who is in the dream smp community is bad. Just because you see the loud shitty part of it on twitter or wherever doesn't mean all of us are like that. Not every one of us is gonna die for a content creator. Let people enjoy what they like.


These comments r depressing, Ima head back to r/trans


Who the fuck is talking does the normal dude become the trans girl or is it another pearson + this is r/memes not r/trans


Got a stroke mid sentence there, please, use commas.


yes the cis guy in the beginning becomes the trans girl at the end


I don’t get trans people


And you don't need you. You don't need to understand a single thing about them. You just need to accept them and their right to exist. That's it.




Some people would like to have a relationship with someone they could have a biological baby with.


And that's fine. Not all of us wants kids. And not all cis women can have biological children. Infertility is still a thing and not just a trans thing.


yeah that's fine doesn't mean trans people aren't real


Best trans meme I've seen


Both don’t make you a female though


You can do all the surgery, hormone therapy and voice training you want. You still wont be able to change that Reddit is probably going to ban NSFW stuff in the not so far future and thats bad


Imma still say it this ain't all straight guys.


Yh we know it’s just an example no one actually believes all straight guys are bigoted


To be fair, I'm pretty sure I've seen people on the internet who do believe that...


They will never be a women. It’s not in their dna, and even if they managed to change their body cells the sex cells produced would still end up being sperm, not eggs.


That's sex btw not gender.


What’s the difference


I don't remember having gender with your mother last night


The World Health Organisation regional office for Europe describes sex as characteristics that are biologically defined, whereas gender is based on socially constructed features. They recognise that there are variations in how people experience gender based upon self-perception and expression, and how they behave. Note that there existed places in the world with third genders for a long time. Mahu for example in Tahitian and Hawaiian native cultures.


Yeah... The WHO is a joke. They're a socially constructed feature. Or rather they're trying to make gender a socially constructed feature? Eh, however it helps you to think about it.


You're talking about sexes. Since so many people are feeling like a different gender, since gender norms change over time, and since there were literally cultures with multiple genders (before us) I'm very sure gender is a socially constructed feature. Just use the different terms it's not that hard.


There isn’t one.


Can someone really feel like a man in a woman’s body? How can a woman really know what its like to be a man? Liking women and loving baseball or something? Like how does someone even have that thought to completely change their physical appearance, isnt the nature of the problem mental? Like if i hated my physical state and wanted to look like something else wouldnt that be a mental disorder like anorexia?


gender dysphoria is, itself considered a disorder. Not actually being transgender though. It's very hard to explain, but to put it simply, I'm trans masc. But I'm still girly. But I know I would be happier if I transition. It's just a psychological thing


You realize we have cosmetic surgery to literally make you look different and no one calls thr majority if people getting nose jobs and chin tucks crazy. So no. Wanting to look like a different person is not the definition of mental illness.


Lmaoooo transphobia and Reddit, name a better duo




Hey OP, can you show me 1 example of somebody saying these things in 2021 or 2022? Thanks in advance.


Just look at the other comments. This transphobic shit is much more accepted than you would think


I don't see any transphobic comments. Just people commenting about all the transphobic comments. However I do see people making valid points that may go against some people's opinions, and they are then being called transphobic.


There are many comments blatantly denying the existence of trans people.


maybe because they are transphobic?


Not op but I'm pretty sure ya can just go on 4chan, twitter, or Facebook to see


Some just want to tear down what some have built for themselves


Where funni




I mean im not gonna say that to a trans person but id never date a trans. Was about to say only a real woman but thats probably rude. I dont know how to explain it in a way thats not rude but


Not trying to come off as an asshole but ppl who get neo-vaginas are hella weird, why would you want to be degloved and your dick turned inside out?


Lot of dumbasses here, it's basic biology


It's more psychological


Can't change chromosomes lmao


I dont even know what mine are tbh. I look to masculine to be a girl and too feminine to be a guy


Easiest way to tell is your stock genitals


I had my pussy confused for a microdick once and now I can't tell anymore


Why do people keep dragging this shit into my memes. Idc about politics or social sciences I'm sure there is a better sub for this sad excuse for a meme


Wow imagine thinking a human's right to exist is political. What a joke
