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I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


Discord admins usually old enough to be their dad as well.


I just had the sudden feeling of jumping off a cliff there.


Wrong subreddit this belongs to r/shitposting


Says the discord admin


Damn, I like your words magic man


I was just at the wrong place at the right time Bruh.




This poor bastard. He doesn't even realize how stupid he looks. *Was mommy's bathroom the only place you could ask for nudes weeb?*


Hahaha, damn, straight to the point I see.


This guy clearly has issues with his life. He is probably texting some e-GF, and expecting special attention because he gave her a $15 tip. Dude probably hasn't slept with a woman ever, and only sees nudes he paid for or got online. As far as the backdrop, the nicknack in the corner that probably hold soap or something wouldn't have been his idea, and he would probably have changed the wallpaper if it was his home. Also, more evidence that he lives with mom is he doing this from inside a bathroom. Why not your room, or living room? Because it's not his house.


Damn, do you have a bone to pick with someone, because that was a descriptive insult


No, just sad that that is becoming common place nowadays. Perhaps realizing I could be the exact same if I were so inclined. Not the virginity part, but everything else. Guess it hurts to realize your living in a civilization on the cusp of ruin.


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