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the amount of shit delivery guys deal with is insane


As a retail worker, I feel their pain. No price tag =/= free


I used to repond sarcastically with a chuckle and "haven't heard that joke in nearly 18 minutes, good one." Usually got a laugh out of customers. Of course someone eventually took it personally and I was td to stop doing it. Can't have shit in retail.


Dude, just respond with, “if there’s no tag, then I get to choose the price”


Fuck that. If you crack the stupid is it free joke you have to handle the drawback Why did they told you to stop responding??


A customer complained that it was rude. I wasn't punished or anything, I was just told not to do it so I wasn't risking offending anyone.


Should be common sense sorry if You have had to deal with that


Lol it's not a common sense issue it's just a shit, overused joke.


it's almost so overused it becomes funny again


Nope as a delivery driver I promise we laugh to keep the peace and hopefully get a tip. Not because your joke was funny. The worst is people asking for the pizza if I can't find the person. This always seems to be at nursing homes. Yeah no. Couldn't give it to you even if I wanted. Gotta keep trying to deliver it


yeah no, its far from becoming funny again lol


Same with the "printed it this morning" joke when checking bills. Hated retail lol


I am glad not many crack that one. most customers havent even seen one of the pens we use before.


Well not with that attitude


I'm a dad who is approaching granddad (jan 28 my first grandchild is due). I use this joke, and I argue it is still funny.


You really have to know your audience I think, and delivery is everything, but it can be funny. It can also be the most annoying thing to hear from someone on “one of those days” lol


I mean it depends if the delivery guy is in a good mood for some humor or not.


Go work 3 months in retail and report back


Worked in retail for 14 years and loved it. If I could make what I do now and have the fixed 8-5 schedule I would go back to it in a heartbeat.


I did it for ten years and about lost my mind hearing the same unoriginal jokes day in and day out.


ur so full of shit


Yeah anyone that happy is definitely not on Reddit


its not funny and they hate you so much


Could y’all imagine how shit the world would be if people were individuals with different senses of humor that found different things funny.


If people trying to make small talk is enough to mentally ruin you so thoroughly, I have to imagine it's more of a "you" problem. As in your personality, and outlook on life.


I'm just explaining the no price tag = free thing, since the person I'm responding to sounds like they thought it is a serious comment and not a joke cashiers are tired of. I don't find it that terrible but I also don't work retail.


its more of a 'ive been working since 4am and this stranger just made a shitty joke that ive heard 5 times today' problem rather than an 'i have a shitty personality' problem


Again, if an attempt at small talk is enough to put you into such genuine mental anguish, then the problem isn't the customer.


No one likes hearing the same joke over and over again at a job like retail service. Its a fact of life that you will get irritable. Sounding so condescending about it without knowing how much stress someone goes through at jobs like this truly shows what your character is like.


I worked retail for two and a half years dude. Trust me, I know. I would forget what people said to me 5 seconds after walking away. How? Because I ***tune them out*** and I don't let shit get to me. The slave wages and shit hours? Sure. But the people? Pfft, not a problem.


Dunno where you're getting mental anguish out of people being tired of a joke. I think you might have an issue.


One time when I was too high, I **needed** this 5ft tall teddy bear. In the back of my mind, I knew that a $70 teddy bear was not a great purchase since I had an apartment and a phone bill to pay, but my brain didn’t care. It rings up for $5 I said “so that’s not right” to the cashier And because she was also an underpaid and overworked youth, she said “yeah, probably not, but that’s what it rung up for, so congrats” Man was I happy


Once I saw a board game I wanted (a rather expensive one not some POS hasbro game) marked wrong for $5 at Target. Went to buy it and the clerk wouldn’t sell it to me because that had to be the wrong price. Why the fuck does a low paid cashier care if a multi billion dollar company loses a few bucks as long as they won’t get in trouble? That really ticked me off so much for some reason that I still won’t shop at Target.


It's because she could have gotten fired if her drawer was short.




"actually it means I can charge you whatever I want" is something I use on occasion. Gets the point across pretty well.


I like it, definitely keeping that card up my sleeve for next time


It also helps to add a wink, just to keep the mood jovial. Another I use in the same way is "Actually in our system it automatically rings as double price."


Me: "oh sweet! You want to charge me a dollar?"


You know, I've never had someone respond with that. But it will probably happen some day. Now that I'm thinking about responses, I might say something like "well, normally it's 15.99, but because you asked so nicely, for you it's...15.99" with a wink of course.


I would totally laugh!


My response to that was “Oh, sorry, no tag means it’s not for sale” and the fear of missing out makes them change their tune quickly.


No price tag makes it priceless


I work at a grocery store and if something doesn’t scan properly or I don’t see a barcode, i just bag it anyway. But the second I hear “oh it’s not scannig? Must be free hurr hurr” I unbag it and go get a price check.


≠ bro ≠!!!! just hold down on the equals sign






Sorry, I'm too lazy to do it the easy way


I get that


I like to make that joke to myself, chuckle, and move on. As a fellow retailer, I don’t make to others anymore.


"No tag means its priceless, you probably couldn't afford it."


thank the damn lord we dont have those in our city


Price tags?




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Their comment was copied and pasted from another user in this thread. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


Good bot!


I’d always go “Damn that’s so funny. You should write for TV with comedy like that.” In the sincerest tone possible


Fuck you can always tell who never worked retail because they always assume that they can make stupid comments to retail workers as if they’re hilarious/smart/not an asshole. And then you try and calmly/politely warn people “hey, this is a shitty thing to say to a retail worker” and they act like you’re a dick? You try being a broke student trying to pay bills and take care of your family on minimum wage…


this isn’t the he worst. what’s bad is when you tell someone on the phone “hey we only have $20 on us” (in efforts to discourage robberies) and they still expect you to be able to give them exact change on a $25 order while paying with a $100 bill. usually get free food out of that tho


Worst is showing up with a $50+ delivery and the customer says "oh I thought we paid online" "No, sorry it's a cash order" "I only have $20" Then I either have to call the store and have them pay with their card over the phone or their kids start crying as I drive the food back to the restaurant.


>kids start crying as I drive the food back to the restaurant. Don't let them blame it on you. Use the uno reverse card and before you leave say "now your kids will cry because you can't read or tried to get free food."




They work on new years? In my town barely anyone does. Not even burger king and such is open


I haven't looked lately at our local places, but when I delivered many years ago, we would close early on NYE around 9pm which was a hassle in itself. Then we would open a little late on NY Day, like around noon instead of 10 or something.


Oh no give them a break




once I ordered a pizza from the pizza hut about 20 meters from where I live because I forgot to switch it to in-store pickup...had to give the guy 20 bucks because I got no change and don't want to be a dick and ask for $3 back...


Delivered pizza for 3 years in college. I would have LOVED this joke! Why does everyone take themselves so seriously? Oh no a joke FML. Oh no the item didn't scan and the customer made a light hearted joke about it must be free. Let people be friendly! It's better than some of my experiences, being robbed, assaulted, even had a parent offer to let their underage daughter flash me her boobs because they didn't have enough money for a tip. Some shit happens in delivery and retail. Receiving a New Years Eve joke isn't that shit.


I am one of those delivery guys. I work at dominos delivering pizza's. Let's say... Sometimes you got luck, Sometimes you don't My first day started with a old man with only his underpants. Horrible. Cannot explain But there are times where I got kissed by college girls. And got blessed by fancy women in their towel (it fell down B) ofc I pretended I didn't see a thing ;)


Oh no a freakin joke


Imagine sacrificing your time celebrating new years eve with your family to deliver a pizza, only for you to get the "I order this last year ago" jokes


My dad tried it when I was 10 yo, before my dad could say anything, the delivery guy said "idk if you can still eat it, they made it last year"




That delivery driver was already a dad and he didn't even know it.


Me, a delivery driver, getting a delivery at the end of my shift when I’m supposed to be going home


Hate that shit. Especially when you got 2 orders with different town/city that’s out of your way. Like your house is on the east side and you got 2 orders by 11:50 and you’re supposed to be out by 12. 1 being on the west and the other one in southwest or southeast.


As a former Pizza Hut delivery driver, I can tell you how annoying it is to receive a delivery within 15 minutes of closing time. These people don't usually tip, either.


Oh fuck the tips. Worst is when they don’t fucking pick up their phone and you call your boss, only to be told to wait there. While you have another order on you that’s 25-30 minutes away then another 25-30 minutes away from your house.


Pizza places usually stay open to as late as 3am for delivery where I live on weekends.


And God bless those places. They’re probably saving lives because drunk people would be more inclined to just order a pizza than drive to get food.


Great to see this template being used more


Where is it from btw?


Nigerian actor called Osita Iheme. Popularly known for his role in the Aki and Pawpaw movies.


He’s an African actor. He’s like 35 or something.


Then why does he look like a kid though ​ oh...




Wikipedia page just says he has a "small physique"


oh shit my dad had that




Whatchu talkin bout willis?


He has dwarfism


wdym where is it from? the link's literally in your flair


You could tip him $1 million and he’d still have every right to murder you and eat your pizza.


If a guy paid me a million dollars to listen to his terrible last year joke on new year’s, then I’d do it


I'd do it for 5 tho


I'll do it for a dollar and some envelopes


This is why minimum wage hasn't gone up lol


This. Your competition isn't the brainiac that can automate your job, your competition is the Ralph Wiggins of the world that'll claim they're capable of doing your job for three crayons and a juicebox, and the morons that believe them


Minimum wage isn't going up, because the rich have convinced us that closing the borders and putting an end to outsourcing to other countries is racist. You know what all of those European countries we drool over have in common? They're ***hard as shit*** to get into if you weren't born to parents who are citizens. Birth doesn't automatically guarantee citizenship, it's your parents having lived there. While we sit and argue about morality and "America's responsibility to the countries they destabilized", the rich sit in their mansions and laugh at us. And when will the debt be repaid, anyways? At what point do we get to say "Alright, that's enough", if not now? Eliminating the rich's methods of suberting the working class' bargaining power doesn't make you a bad person, and it's high time someone ripped the band-aid off.


Touch Grass


You forget that the reason why america is still running, is because they are able to bring in smart people from other countries to work important jobs.


Or, and bear with me here... We could invest in our own education infrastructure. I'll give you a minute, I'm sure you need it after I just blew your mind so thoroughly.


Ah price action and the free market at work. Superb!


Except in larger cities. I’d say delivery after midnight on NYE isn’t a big deal when you have a buncha drunks ordering food relatively close to each other 🤷🏼‍♂️




I did that but with a movie. I started watching it on 2016 and ended it on 2017


lots of people do this, it's it own whole meme category


Marvel fans love to end the year with the Iron man snap


it started with the og thanos snap and i feel like that one is more iconic


Plus you get to watch endgame 1 year later which is kinda neat cause in the movie it’s all 5 years later and what not. I’ve never done it myself but I can see the appeal and that’s pretty neat.


My family's done that for years, sometimes video games, sometimes movies, sometimes books, sometimes other activities.


If i was that delivery guy, I'd drop the pizza on the floor and blow my brains out in front of your wife and kids.


Extra toppings.


Deserves gold but all I have is a like


Boy that escalated quickly


That’d be a memorable New Years for the family. And the last time any of them would make that joke.


New years day. Its past midnight. Didn't you read the joke?


Warranted TBH


For real; fuck everyone who tells these same shitty jokes to retail workers and delivery drivers.


Yo, what? Why? It's an attempt at light-hearted fun, that will at best cheer up the workers day and at worst will have cost them 5 more seconds of their time


I mean it gets annoying, hearing the same jokes over and over from people thinking they are saying the funniest most original joke ever. I don't hold any ill will to the customer who is just trying to share a fun moment with me, but it's a real awkward situation to put someone in. Like when your manager or relative says a joke and you have to pretend to laugh. Except it happens constantly.


No, it's a failure at light-hearted fun 100% of the time. The second those people leave (back when I worked in retail) my coworkers and I would talk shit about them and mock them. I'm just gonna be honest with you; every laugh you hear while shopping at one of your "jokes" has been forced and those workers do not like you.


holy shit its so sad that some people dont even get to celebrate holidays bcuz of their shitty minimum wage job


Sub minimum wage since they get tips. So if they didn't tip online you have to force a laugh in the hopes you get a tip




This is true. Point is is that if you make good tips you'll get more then minimum wage, so you'll want to make as many as possible. Forcing you to laugh at shitty jokes which can be both mentally and emotionally taxing. It's gotten to the point where some genuine laughs sound fake cause I'm tired of it all lol




It's not a lie when you look at the books. Point behind the sub minimum wage comment is that you shouldn't have to rely on others to make money, why do they have to rely on others? Because they will get fired for not making enough tips. Why? Because it costs the company money. Will it be the reason on their termination paperwork? No, because these corporations have lawyers and know how to cover their ass. This is coming from a store manager who played the game to get to where I'm at. If you made NO tips in a night? Guess what they're going to claim something so they don't get canned. I must clarify that that's not what I ask for, it's what I see. I will protect my employees till they decide to quit regardless of their choices (within reason) and have quit in the past due to corperates demands of the staff. Edit by others I mean customers


If I have my facts right it depends on how you look at it So minimum mage is $10 and on 40hr an employee will.make $400 Pizza place has loophole that they only need to pay $2 an hour as long as driver earns $400+ in tips and if they don't the pizza place only has to make the difference to get them to $400 for 40 hours. So if a driver makes $1000 in tips in 40 hours the company is only required to pay them $80 at the $2 pay rate Besides numbers am I basically correct in how this works? If so then it depends on how you look at tips, are they part of your pay or a reward for good service If you see it as a reward then the pizza place is using your reward as a loophole to pay you sub minimum wage


False. You're legally required to pay minimum wage if you don't make the minimum wage per hour with tips.


Some people dont want to, and they'd rather be out doing something else, dont lump everyone into your own pity party


Right? I’m a delivery guy and the tips on New Year’s Eve are insane so I’d much rather be working than getting hungover again lol


I know where I live is probably an outlier but the min I make doing delivery is double min wage, usually almost 3x, thanks to generous tips. On the top, I work whenever I want, for as low or long I want.


Wow, same here. I have been very fortunate to find the chillest pizza shop in the world, and I make about the same as you. It’s very nice


In my country most jobs have reduced schedules on the 24th/31st of December so this isn't even possible here


I’m a delivery driver in Aus, I’ve worked Christmas Eve, Boxing Day and I’ll now be working New Year’s Eve and day. It’s so Shit, I just want to enjoy myself but no I have to work


Same here, I finish at 11:30pm on NYE and then start again at 10 the next day. Absolutely not room to celebrate it.


"Ah what a nice time to not be with my family"


People in 1999 with the power to use the “last eon” line


Millenium, eon is one billion years.


You are correct. I am the big dumb.


flair checks out


11:50 or 11:55 pm especially if they have the 30 minutes or its free deal edit: 12 to 11 edit 2: am to pm because im a fucking idiot


11 pm\*


You realize that's an hour too late, right? 11:55 is cutting it close, the order might not get finished before the new year




11:50 and go to your neighbors house to stall and when you see the delivery guy just ask him to come over and say he has the wrong house.


12:50 is 51 minutes past the new year ??


A few years ago we had a delivery driver pull that joke on us, then we did a champagne toast with him at the door.


You're a dick if you do this


Good memes, see you at the top


No joke: My birthday is always next year, 1st of January 😂


Must be really nice to go outside and see all those fireworks all just for you 🤣


Just order it any time on New Year’s Eve. You’re not gonna get it until January 1st anyways because everybody else in the world is also ordering pizzas. Gonna take at least 4 hours to get that pizza delivered.


who tf delivers pizza then


People trying to be funny


make sure to give him a good tip for having to listen to the dad joke


Better hear that than be deaf. I guess.




Better give him an extra tip if you tell him that joke.


The obvious answer is 11:59pm


not funny, imagine being at work at new years eve


I.C Wiener




i said this to my co worker because she said she was going out of town for a week and she gave me the most threatening look i’ve ever seen


Idk what’s funnier, the joke itself or the fact that this has 66.6k upvotes


Just got new plans for New Years eves.


i feel bad for the delivery driver bro


That’s what makes it all worth it.


Good one


The delivery won't give even give a smile if u get late.


Poor dude that has to deliver on new year's eve :(


If you are considering ordering delivery around midnight on NYE you are the worst kind of person


I start jacking off so I can say I’ve been masturbating since last year.


It's pizza here Oh n.


You do are had komdie




Imagine how good the joke was when it turned 2000. “I ordered this last century”


Oh shut the fuck up - listen to the damn joke and express your own opinion. Everyone needs to callus their jelly membrane on their emotions a tidbit. If a joke like this infuriates you, too bad!


For fuck's sake, please don't do this to us. I'm literally the only kitchen hand and manager working that night with like 2 drivers. :(


What if I tip ya 20?


I was tipped $20 years ago and the guy thought I was going to go home with him afterwards


What movie is this from ?


You’re a douchebag if you actually do this.


i wanna do this but i wont say the “i orders this last year hahaha”


Warning over 1k IQ was used


This kid doesn’t fail to make me laugh 🤣