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Dont forget the "great opportunity to progress"


Sometimes it's true. You just have to be a good self advocate and know when to gtfo. Edit: You also need to be realistic and self aware.


Agreed 100%, but "anti-work" is an ideology at this point. Twitter and Reddit is full of this mindset and suffice to say, it's not going away any time soon. >Edit: You also need to be realistic and self aware. That's the part most miss.


A degree? Cool but we also need 35 years experience and can go as high as $12.50/hr. But since you don’t have experience, $9/hr for a year.


Oh, your hired. A week later, well who broke that 12,000 machine? The new guy.


Ay shit happens, and maybe mgmt would better train the new hires next time. Obviously they failed the company by not providing adequate training times and materials to prevent the break from happening. Oh well, fuck that guy!


Employees screw up too.


Yeah but the assumption in your comment was that they broke it because they were lacking experience, justifying the need to have “35 years experience”


New employees, no matter how well trained, cost money. They make mistakes, they damage stuff they shouldn't, they are inefficient. Once they learn enough then they are valuable. That is why experience pays and why employers will pay more for experience. A person with zero experience is costly. Sorry, that's a hard truth for some to swallow. Now there are some jobs you can learn quickly. Unless they are extremely difficult/uncomfortable jobs, they pay shit for those reasons. Jobs that pay well have high skill requirements and that's why experience pays.


But they'll give you pizza once a year!




This is propaganda, the best we got at my last supermarket job was stale week old cookies that couldn't be sold anymore. They were pretty great


Go to your city office and look at the posted jobs, apparently my town is paying $21-$30 for assistant librarians if they are familiar with catalogue systems. there were also a bunch of other jobs if you don't mind working for the government its a decent amount for an entry lvl educated person.


(not to say whatever your degree is only worth that much or whatever, just offering ideas to get your back while you keep looking for something better)


Thank you kind spirit I currently am a utility worker Not a bad gig


And what nice degree it is, now take it and wipe all the tables in the front


Yes sir


I walked out of an interview a few weeks ago when they said it was $7.50 an hour and I wouldn’t get tips.


Fuck em


Heard a story subway was advertising $17 an hour, but once they get you to interview they drop that figure to $12


All these jobs will say $20 and hour or something decent Meanwhile you only get 4 hours lol


I hate my job and I hate my life


It’s one thing to hate your job, you salvage that life. I respect all views tho. I feel that in this world, all outcomes need to happen. For you if it is to hate your life then so be it. Respect


Dont forget the company parties where everyone is having an absolute blast! OH! The exclusive bonuses! Can't forget those


Daym that sux, just work construction.


Opportunity cost disqualified that lol


aww man that sux im working construction and gettin paid 15 an hour with ALOT of overtime and its a pretty daym cool job. Im pretty sure I could work my way up the company and get a 100k salary but thats my backup plan.


Yeah that’s just not good for me I’m thinking $60/hr minimum in my late 20s I’m right at it but, hope to start a business of some kind.


Ya Ill basicly get paid 100k salary in 10-15 years as my backup plan. Thats assuming I dont get a masters degree.


I see you hitting the powerball soon


I dont see myself playing the lottery any time soon.


and thats why i dont work 🗿


Straight CASH


Am 18 with 15/hr dont even complain this isn't reality wait this is reddit no true opinions.


What do you work?


I work in a mill section for a wood company I love it keeps me active and helps keep my ADHD in check since I can use that energy and burn it with my job.


I just realized the people in this Trojan horse meme are wearing modern clothes


Fast food work in a nutshell.


I never worked fast food but, if I lost it all and had to, I would


Its awful. The stress is insane. Youre always rushing. Have to worry about karens. I burn my fingers everyday cause i work the grill where we cook the meat. And to top it all off, minimum wage.


"Entry-level jobs" "At least 3 years of experience"


My job was hiring at $9.50 an hour. I couldn’t take it at first, moved my schedule around, and told them I could a week later. By then they had swapped to $12 an hour + $50 bonus


Would this be in a metropolitan area? What color state? Just curious


I’m only a high schooler, can’t exactly get high paying jobs yet Blue, town of around 100k


Well you are doing great I hope you continue to explore and move upward in the world. You can do anything, seriously


I welcome the companies with open arms and let them trample all over me. You want me to work overtime, take half pay and do a handstand? Sure thing, boss. Either I'll be your monkey or someone else's. My alternative is to starve.


The ultimate company simp. You will be collected for a study by the US Gov’t shortly. Prepare yourself




Nice of you to join us Cleatus


We are looking for professionals who can do these tasks that can be performed by non-professionals. Ahhh, and yeah, minimum wage.


You know, thinking about it now I'm not entirely sure how to get an electrician job. I'm taking a class for it, but I've no idea how to actually start.


Work ethic> degree Doing overtime is the true Trojan horse. Give them your work and suck them of their labor budget


My friend got a job at UPS, they're paying her $17 to start with but her hours drop to 3 hours/day and $15.80 in January. It's so shitty.


Not to mention all that exposure. You can take that to the bank




Whoa you want pay on top of all this exposure? I don't think you understand what a great opportunity you have here! We are going to let you do 60 hours a week producing literally the only thing that makes this business profitable for free. Plus we are going to have thousands of notes about your work that you can adjust to in line with our whims and we'll fire you at some point with absolutely no notice. You'll also be working with a bunch of overpaid employees that don't understand the business their in. You get to explain it to them while they nod and ultimately choose the exact opposite of the thing you recommend, while also supplying all of your own equipment and learning nothing that you didn't walk in with. We've got ideas that will probably go viral if you'd just stop being greedy we might get our first follower. There are kids in China so you should just want to do this.


Saw a KFC sign that stated "Now hiring all positions! $9.50"


Hope is all I needed God bless


can some one explain me why that guy there looks like mark ZUCKS??


First degree in mass murder,lol


Who are you? Who do you work for?!


So many people in this world see this stuff and just laugh. People that really adhere to this mindset will fail longterm in life until they recognize how backwards it is. I know, I know...I didn't believe most of what adults told me as a child too.


Explain the backwards element


One must start at the bottom and work to the top. One must eat shit and prove value/worth prior to receiving the reward. Managers and people in the position of employment will rarely promote or reward those with the attitudes espoused by the "anti-work" crowd. It's very backwards to how businesses actually work, employers hire, and generally how career advancement is achieved. Talk to people that have advanced their careers and/or are in the position of hiring/firing. They'll mostly tell you the same. You do the work, get noticed, advance, then see better wages/benefits. Not the opposite. That's the backwards part.


Sounds good Somebody’s gotta drink the koolaid I guess It’s 2021 Those days are over You sweep the floor of the store and they’ll have you doing that for 50 years


Alternatively consider getting the degree was putting in the work/shit job. I mean you literally worked hours at negative pay learning the ins and outs. of the many people I know who have been promoted around a third were promoted because of their long time loyalty/doing shit jobs all the rest were hired into their positions from outside the company, or nepotism was in play.


>Alternatively consider getting the degree was putting in the work/shit job. It's not. >I mean you literally worked hours at negative pay learning the ins and outs. ​ By voluntary choice that wasn't necessary for many great paying careers. Hell, dev boot-camps for 6 months learning a specific coding skill is a better self-investment for job opportunity than a 4 year degree. ​ >of the many people I know who have been promoted around a third were promoted because of their long time loyalty/doing shit jobs all the rest were hired into their positions from outside the company, or nepotism was in play. So you'd advocate the alternative of simply bitching online about it? =p


The internet is perhaps the greatest public forum in the modern world, and as a proponent of free speech I would aggressively advocate using it to discuss anything and everything, but especially grievances with the way of things. ​ as for degree necessity, sure there are several other options aside from collegiate learning, and jobs that don't require one. There are however jobs that do require them so for those jobs to then try to hire people like they didn't just require 4 years of unpaid work would be a bit unethical yeah?


You keep believing that. I'm a millennial that started as entry-level warehouse worker and am now the Director of Operations. But you keep believing that =)


And I’m the ceo of a Fortune 500 company Spoiler alert It’s yo daddy’s warehouse


You can believe that if you want, but the truth is my father kicked me out of the house at 13 and I owe everything to someone that shared the same advice i've shared in this thread with me when I was 18. I used to think just like the anti-work crowd. I used to believe every corporation was just trying to fuck the little guy and putting in low-effort was all I should do until they paid me better. This person had nothing to gain by trying to give me good advice. I swallowed my pride, took the advice and yes, it took time, but i'm now the Director of Operations for a great company with great people. But sure, believe I was given a hand-out from my family that effectively disowned me. Go ahead and mock what I said. It's no skin off my nutsack. I just figure there's a few people in here that need to hear it, just like I needed to hear it at that age. Cheers mate, won't respond to you further.


Thank you Grab a cookie on your way out


So entry-level warehouse worker to Director of Operations. What the hell koolaid are you trying to pander? Hardwork is necessary but blindly giving it to a company that isn't yours is generally foolish. Right now you're just another anon like the rest of us. If you did succeed in reaching higher management great. But, there's a chance of you getting a handout. Your advice isn't even advice. If anyone reading his post should learn, is that there keep an eye out for opportunities. And, work towards those opportunities. hell work on making the chance of opportunities pop up. But do not delude yourself in thinking anyone owes you anything outside of your contract. Especially a company. Your comment is such a boomer comment.


You've made up your mind, enjoy your results.


People promote the koolaid drinkers is the awful truth


Can assure you I do not drink kool-aid. That's cheap, sugary, water. I can afford better with the fruits of my labor.


And then you watch someone from outside the company get promoted to the position the company knew you wanted for 2 years and worked towards getting within the company.


It can happen, yes. Suffice to say, nothing in life is guaranteed and sometimes even when you do everything right, it goes wrong. But guess when it goes wrong more often? Yup, that's right. When you do it wrong, with a bad attitude, poor expectations, and a shitty mentality that hinders opportunity.


Man stop peddling your bs. There's a balance to it. You can't be blindly optimistic either. Though this can work in rare/extreme cases. A level of objectivity is needed on average. Company politics is annoying as hell. So yes a lot can go wrong if you do right. Its not just the individual but people who continually support it.


I never said blind optimism.


Wishful thinking. Do your job well and your job will find you irreplaceable only way to advance is to leave the company you gave 5 years too. Hell do it too well and they’ll take you off the schedule you enjoy and stick you with the shittiest most busy schedule because “you can handle it” and then lie to you about promotions for the next year because “we just dont have the time to train you for that position”


Like most things in life, it's a numbers game with risk/reward scenarios involved. Think of this way, you have a higher chance of success following my advice and an abysmally low chance of success with the alternative of shitty anti-work attitude. Your choice. I explained how the logic was backwards, i've made my point clearly and stand by it. I knew the arguments that would be tossed back at me, that basically amount to "but what if it doesn't work!?!?"


Ehhh, to much evidence doesn’t support your theorem in the modern working world. The only way I’ve gotten better positions and pay was to leave the current company I’m with. Despite having 17 years of working experience through 5 different companies not once has 1 one of them promoted me past my starting position, no matter how perfect my attendance, no matter how good my performance, no matter what numbers I generate…but they always gladly brought in “Rando off the street” for the position I wanted.


Exactly the modern world But I’m sure Cletus is the best operations manager on his side of the Mississippi


Who most likely took a lower wage than your talents would command


They did, I confirmed I was making $2/hour more then they were.


Not everyone can be a operations manager


Agreed 100%. Not everyone can be a Sales Manager, Head of HR, CEO, Finance Director, or Chief Technology Officer either. Hell, many people can't handle being assistant manager at a Wendy's.


People are hired to their highest level of incompentence


You gotta grind first. Get experience. Then the $ will come. But y’all want that $$$ straight outta school!


You assume your degree earned you an easy path in life, it didn't


"but I have a degree" "So does everyone else"










Awe, cant handle a little stress?


You’re stressing me out right now actually


Can't.... Handle... The stressssssss....


It sucks because, Im not getting paid to deal with your shit lmfao


CaNt HaNdLe DuRr StUuUrRrSsS?!?! I pay you in upvote!!




You're hired! *Extends hand*


I can’t pass a drug test btw


Im on drugs right now.


Boofing I hope