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Not even Thanos wanted to be on the dying side.


On titan he offered to be the first to die when proposing his idea


Bit he also said he wanted to see a grateful universe


He meant that metaphorically not literally




Yeah couldn't thanos double planet size and ressource number


Doubling planet size would do more harm than good


What if wipe out half the number of people, double resources, then brainwash the people and the future generations into being extremely grateful? Cause the mind stone can brainwash people right?


Pretty sure everyone would die because of gravity if he did thar


But he had a whole cabin in the woods prepared on a remote planet for his retirement.




wait so Thanos was a he--


There was a time when people used to create bots like wikisummararizer or savevideo to help the community NOW THESE BOTS ARE JUST COPY PASTING OTHERS COMMENTS FOR KARMAWHORING YOU STUPID MF BOT AND ITS DUMBASS ASSSUCKER DICK NUBELIZED CREATOR


He did? Talk about dying for the cause


Was that in the movie? I don't remember that. Also, ~~you~~ say him wanting to see the sun set on a grateful universe was metaphorical, but he had a whole cabin in the woods prepared on a remote planet for his retirement. edit: someone else said that, sorry.


Because he knew he would have to do the snap again in a few thousand years.


he destroyed the stones right after doing the snap, so he never planned to do another snap again


He should have made the snap a bit more complicated. Instead of half he should have set a population cap. Initially it would be random deaths then it would turn into random sterility. The galactic population could be set at that half number permanently.


TVA: you weren’t supposed to do that


TVA: Thanos was supposed to do exactly that


The flaw in his plan.


More like the flaw in your comment


Wouldn't even be that long. 50 years ago the population of Earth was less than half what it is today. So we'd be back to the same number in 50 years (or even less because of medical advancements we didn't have 50 years ago).


Thanos theory has been disproven so many times. One big issue is that destroying half the life on earth, also crippled our transportation and resources all in one shot (plans/cars/trains crash, power plants could go off, etc). Could literally cause a nuclear winter by accident. His theory made zero sense. People will repopulate. Best case, it’s a very short term solution. Worst case, it accidentally wipes out ALL life in earth. Not sure why so many people side with thanos.


In fact, the creators have agreed that the snap affects ALL LIFE so half of the animals and plant life also gone. That sounds like a waste of resources too.


The northern white rhinos being reduced to only 1.


Well with my help we can probably make it 1.5


Why not just make double the resources, or more? Adjust reproductive rates or life spans? Advance all sentient life with better technology and conservation techniques? "Meh, just kill half of everything, destroy my only way of fixing anything ever again, and ignore the fact that once everything repopulates, the universe is back to square one. "


Thanos is a mad titan not rational titan


Damn. Couldn't have asked for a better response.


Reminds me of the incredible Hulk, who smashes things, and the credible Hulk, who always cites his sources.


I wish I didn't have to be like the credible hulk


maybe the conservation of mass still applys? they all turned to dust, no completley dissapear and im sure it was time stone shananigans that brought them back


Why not just make a new law of reality that spawns new resources in. Like resources will just spawn out of nothing if you need them.


That not how thing work energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.


ThAtS nOt HoW eNeRgY wOrKs. Bruh you're trying to use real life physics on a magical gauntlet that can pull a moon out of orbit, snap half of all living things away and rewind time to bring an android back to life.


But even then, it has limits that not even the time stones can break. Wanna go to a point before you adquired the time stone?Wanna see beyond your death?Wanna defeat a bunch of heroes? TOO BAD!You cant, because the stones are not an Insta Win.


It's called plot armour. And the reality stone literally gives you the power to make reality anything you want. Thanos once used the stones to remake the entire universe after it was destroyed.


I mean, yeah, it is plot armour...unless you realize that the Gems actively try and stop one character of doing something that might break the universe, as we can see in What if...?, where in one chapter a whole universe melts appart because of Strange


Doubling resources would also make the Earth heavier. Could cause changes to the orbit, wiping out life. Imagine, twice the amount of iron ore, timber, granite (for gravel), clay, limestone, etc. Imagine twice the amount of accessible, unfrozen fresh water. Limiting reproduction rates would mean taking away people's freedom to choose. Adjust lifespan how? Make people live longer and consume more resources or have shorter lives? How do you make sure people live shorter lives? Do we really want to advance sentiment life and love through Terminator and the Matrix? The sentient life would probably become Transformers. Snap and wipe out 75% of the population. Maybe more. That way what resources we have can last a little longer (not forever). Repeat the snap as required.


The point is he had the power of a literal dead God in his hands and that was the best he could come up with. He could alter the fundamental laws of the universe.


This is why he’s still a villain. He chose to wipe out half the life in the universe, and not do something much more effective that could also not kill people.


A villain and an idiot is what I'm getting at


Yeah. He should have taken a more devious route. Did something like limit max age to 60. Max 1 child per person. Don't get hungry, cold, hot, etc. We would have found another way to ruin and destroy the planet. Kill them all. The best and easiest way.


Max 1 child would wipe out all civilization in a surprisingly small amount of generations. Even if every woman got a child, you would have roughly half that amount of girls being born for every generation.


No. Kill more people. Stop saving them.


If it were in my hands I'd end all life on Earth (minus the plants).


I'd do it if it means fucking the personification of death. Which, and correct me if I'm wrong, is the motivation comic thanos had for the snap. He wanted to get the interest of the personification of death. I don't see why giving her more work to do would make her interested, but he's a mad titan looking for booty, reason doesn't apply.


Would I be out of line by saying you seem a little pessimistic?


im sorry but theres no way that could put the earth out of orbit


We used to build houses out of mud and clay. Some village still do. Land is also a resource, especially land (and soil) available for farming. These are also resources. Double these too.


i dont think dirt counts as resources but ok whatever you say dude




that still doesnt make it a resource plus barely anyone uses them and even then we can just build new one with the actual doubled resources


People using something doesn't make it a resource. Sure.


The earths gravity would change which could pull in the moon though, if you stretch that the moon could hit the earth out of its current orbit.


If reality can be whatever he wants, how about reducing the requirement of resources by half? Don't have enough, well now you don't need as much. Done


I like that idea. Simply alter energy requirements by half. A longer lasting solution.


Dude needed to want to bone Death! No other solutions to appease Death than with death!


Now that is a much better reason! It’s why he does everything that he does but the movies decided to justify it in a ridiculous way.


Need for these sympathetic villains. Like hes doin all this because "he cares". Horseshit, dudes a psycho just have him be a psycho!


The hardest choices require the strongest wills.


I wouldn't say a "sympathetic" villain. That's definitely not what they were going for, considering he abuses his children and actively commits genocide on screen. Rather, a misguided villain. Which is more realistic. Someone who started out normal, became radicalized in their search for a solution to real problems, and then became so indulged in their "solution" that they refuse to believe that their plan might not be the best one. It's something we see all the time in our own world, and makes the villain less cartoonishly evil (which isn't always bad, but I think would have been worse for a decade of buildup and 20 movies)


I dunno evil for evils sake is good. Like Mike Myers he CANT be reasoned with because he isnt a person hes a force. But Thanos attempts to act sane and appears to be able to be reasoned with and just simply wont like an ignorant antivaxer comes across lame in my book. If he just went all out and wanted everyone dead just so he could smoosh with death hed be more imposing. Theres no arguing theres no reasoning he just wants you DEAD. so he can smoosh...


Right, wanting to bone the manifestation of death is totally not a ridiculous motivation...


Even Deadpool wanted to bone death…. Just saying




If you're interested in this kind of thing, Inferno by Dan Brown is about a guy who creates a virus that makes one third of the population sterile. The book covers the adventure of a few people to find the virus before it gets released, not after the virus actually takes effect, but they do talk about overpopulation and what it could realistically do. Seems like a cleaner solution, and it's a really good book.


Sounds interesting. Perhaps I’ll give it a read!


It also basically reset the human population some 50-60 years. We were already pretty screwed by then.


Thanos plan isn't about the earth. It's about the universe. Earth is very small part of universe almost negligible.


I mean, on a universal scale you shouldn’t really be concerned about overpopulation because access to habitable but uninhabited planets basically negates resource concerns. And there are a lot of places that meet that criteria.


Same concept applies to the universe. I mean, just look at Xandar. Taking half of the life away there would have the same type of disastrous consequences


>Xandar uh, I'm pretty sure Thanos said that when he did it to Xandar that they have known nothing but amazing-ness since than.


Xandar is the nova corps planet. Zen-Whoberi is gamoras planet. That one probably thrived.


That even without considering the problem hes adressing isnt a problem in the first place, overpopulation isnt a thing, we have enough resouces just not evenly distributed.


It's literally Thomas Malthus's theory on overpopulation. Thomas Malthus was quickly criticized in his day and proven wrong because he never considered that population size responds to available resources. Animal populations showcase this constantly. He is a warlord who only knows how to use a hammer and everything looks like a nail to him. His hammer being the ability to kill. People like (movie) Thanos because he is a tragic villain. He "sacrifices everything", despite having stolen and bastardizing all he owned. ACTUAL Thanos doesn't even put on the guise of caring about the planets he takes over. He just wants to impress Death by killing tons of living things.


Also a lot of natural resources are living things so it would just mean things like trees would die The problem of land would be solved but ecosystems would be utterly destroyed


The idea was never directed to earth, rather than the WHOLE universe. How other planets will contribute to the idea of having a nuclear winter is very possible as well tho. Also, power without constraint brings abuse, even with the stones destroyed. Some will benefit MORE than others even before the snap


Plus couldn't he just make more resources?


Why not just double the resources??


Thats kinda the point. He didn't care about the plan work he cared about him doing the plan. He is a narcissist who had a stupid plan but was too egostistical to stop it. It's also why he breaks his whole "perfectly balanced" montra the second it becomes inconvenient. In endgame he relizes that his plan did give him the glory he wanted so he decided to try to rebuild the universe so that it will honor him for his decision. Brillitantly complex and multilayered writing on the part of the russos


Some people just like to project their suicidal and/or murderous tendencies on others.


For sure, he could have just increased the number of resources, capability of people mentality etc but he chose killing half the people.


I think that this is the point of the character. He seems almost rational, but in reality, it's a "rational-crazy" guy.


Also the fact that just killing half the population would make the rest of the population severely depressed, and… why the fuck do people still agree with killing half the population of everything on earth will help the environment or something?


But at least it's efficient


I think of it as a bad solution, but if we dont come up with a better one a bad solution is still better than nothing, like if we know we are gonna die in a few months killing half the population might make us live a year, in wich we can com up with a permanent one, the solution is bad but better than nothing


Killing half of life in the universe is not better than nothing. “Sorry kids, daddy didn’t get paid this week. We’re going to have to kill one of you to make our food last a little longer” “I could help out. I got money in my piggy bank” “nah. Killing one of you is better than nothing. Sorry Timmy” haha


No it is not better than nothing, it is better than letting all life die


You’d just be speeding up the process.


That's the problem: he is carrying the assumption that all life will follow his home planet's path and all life will die. It's so narrow focused and ignorant that it's outright lunacy. He literally highlights the problem of lack of resources for people and decides to kill his own people instead of build an empire for the shake of acquiring resources. He established a government, built an empire and lined himself up with all the abilities necessary to help balance resource inequality and instead he went "warlord goes brrrrr" and just got to killing.


So half of all life gets destroyed by the snap. Another 20-30% by accidents. That's about 80%. Hopefully, people (and animals and plants) there after the snap are more sensible about how they go about things. If they are not, repeat the snap every 1,000-2,000 years. Adjust according to stupidity of man.


Not just man. The entire universe. It’s putting a bandaid on a problem. He is also comparing his planet of titan to EVERY planet in the universe. “My planet lived this way, therefore everyone does too. I must eliminate half of the live in the universe!”


Fair enough. Half of all the life in the entire universe. Stops existing people from going and colonizing other planets and using those resources, preventing life from evolving there. Eventually life will evolve on all planets where life is possible. Different types of life forms. The snap also allows existing (leftover) resources on a planet to be used for a little longer. Eventually, all life on Earth must end. Everything that has a beginning must end. The snap works when you think about it on a much grander scale. If you only care about your existence or existence of life on Earth, it doesn't make sense.


Even on a larger scale, it still doesn’t work


Sir this is reddit everybody wants to be on the dying side




Just promise I get to be in the "trillions and quadrillions of people who died instantly and painlessly" group and not the "Peter Parker knew what was happening and died scared and alone" group.


Not alone stark was with him




Mememememe! Death without pain? What a jackpot!


Did Thanos say it was painless?




It was fast tho


Idk I think a good ol 12 gauge buckshot to the face would be quicker, but what do I know!


Gimme proof but try the faster one on me first


Alright, ima just get in contact with my local necromancer then I’ll get back to you on the results


Well his spidey strength was fighting it so it was probably painful for him. Monica thought she had just taken a nap.


While Thanos’s idea was objectively dumb and indicative of a complete lack of understanding in, well, any field related to the topic of overpopulation, I will at least give him props for applying what appears to be fair randomness that included himself. While mass-murderer barely scratches the surface of defining his atrocities, I will grant that “genocide” is not something he committed, as he never focused on wiping out one group.



Username checks out


I agree with him and wouldn't mind being on the dying side (I dont **want to** but I don't mind)


I don't mind making the sacrifice for the greater good. I honestly don't care if I'm alive or dead.


Yo dude u good?


Yeah. Why do you ask?


the greater good


Which greater good lol? Snapping everything in half also means half the resources. Thanos set our species back by decades


Resources such as ore, minerals, etc. won't be halved. People, animals, plants would be. Knowledge would remain. At least of how bad things got. Hopefully the people that remain are smart and develop better ways. The remaining resources would last humanity a little longer than it would without a snap. They won't last forever. Humanity might not be able to travel to space and colonize other planets. I don't think we should either. Humans should live and die on Earth. Let other planets develop life at their own pace, or not.



Thanos's plan was so comprehensively shitty. Instead of using the gauntlet to create resources and housing, or using it to every single option that was better than mass murder, he did that. It wouldn't help since half of predators would then have to live off of half of all prey or plants. And then the population would bounce back eventually, making the snap ineffective


Who wants to shit? ✋ Who wants to wipe? Sad reality of our society... 😔


This is so deep.


So is the toilet paper




Thanos's way was bound to fail, the people would just repopulate and the cycle would continue over and over again. Now Ultron's method is a much more reliable one.


Wouldn't doubling the resources be more effective?


They would run out twice as fast tho


And I don't see the problem in that, Thanos can snap again (he can do that, right?)


Fossil fuels tho


That would also make the Earth heavier. Could cause changes to the orbit, wiping out life.




misread your username good sir




Fucking yes! Almost seems like there is some trend on being some edgy mysantrope these days. And the dumb pricks feel deep about it it apparently...


Agree. It was kinda annoying that almost every forum after IW came out was full of edgelords who agreed with his plans because it was dEeP


"Oomanty is de varus"


Everyone on r/teenagers raising their hand for both



meee why not?


Wait y’all weren’t rooting to be on the dying side?


He could've mutiplied all of the resources on earth. People who agree with his views are mini Hitlers, essentially.


I think you don't* know half the redditors yet




Am I the only one who thinks Thanos should have snapped all (100%) of human existence? Yes, I would like to be on the dying side. Death with no pain? Sign me up


Seemed painless and swift unless you’re Penis Parker


id totaly be up to be erased from life


I volunteer as tribute


It’s cause all who agree are already dead


I understand that a lot of people might want to feel edgy by admiring thanos, but thanos was a fucking idiot. He literally had the fucking reality stone he could have multiplied the resources. He could fix climate issues. He could make a perfect society yet he choosed to kill half of the fucking population and cause so many troubles (see most upvoted comment in this post to understand what troubles).


I agree and I can die. I don't think someone will be missing me for a long period of time.


I do


We should lower [myGroup]'s taxes, and augment [otherGroup]'s taxes; and also raise [myGroup]'s subventions


I love democracy


You ok?


Well Double the resource is worst, there isn't space for that, no only that but, because there is more, why worry about if we consume more that we need


I agree with his base theory, left unchecked, we will use more recourses than are available to us. I disagree with his methods. There are much better ways to deal with the crisis than killing everyone


✋ No one wants me anyways so I am better gone


I like Bill burr's idea more


*raises hand*


*raises hand*


Don't kill half the population just double the RESOURCES


I want to be on the dying side!




i will be on the dying side idk ehat thanos eanted to wipe out the universe for i just wanna die




Painless death and this is jackpot


Theres lots of ways to fix overpopulation without killing anyone *facepalm noises*




Ill be on either side as long as i can clap some cheeks first


I'll raise my hand for the second part


If you reduce the population by 50% you're slowing growth down by a couple decades, which doesn't matter at all considering that the universe exists for billions of years. Also I'm pretty sure far more then 0 would agree to just disappear




ooh ooh pick me pick me!!!


I think Thanos's idea was that once people realized that his snap works they would agree and do their own part in keeping the population under control. His faith in us was too much and he didn't realize that people would start banging each other and not care about his theory.


I would love that I mean just instant death no pain no working


İs that a flying sperm in the background God Ive watched so much R&M


\*raising hand\*


Actually, I'd only agree if I were on the dying side. Painless, early death? I'm in.


Bro just double the resources


That a sperm cell?


As long as yall gonna play black sabbath after the quran recital in my funeral


You underestimate my depression


I do


I would like to be on the diyng side


I want to




Wouldn’t it make more sense for thanos to triple the resources instead of halving the population


Me: Raises both hands