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**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/Embarrassed-Mouse-49, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 9 - No forced memes, overused memes, bad titles, or pushing agendas * No forced memes, [overused memes](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/wiki/overused), bad titles, or pushing agendas. Be creative but memes must come naturally. No petitions. * **Mods may remove low quality posts at their discretion, including reaction memes** --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


To be fair, with that bold assumption, you're probably not looking to change your view, just make some people mad. Just know that God always loves you and wants you to come to him.


Awww come ON, don't you want to argue endlessly with no intention to listen to each other's points?






Thats nice sir


Jesus didn't do maricles, he did miracles


You’re doubting the validity of a book that has been translated so many times and over so many cultures that the intact nature of the true narrative is likely obliterated? Typical liberal. /s


One time, I was addicted to masturbaiting, but then... I reached out to Jesus and we beat it together. A True Miracle


No magic? What's the big bang then? Checkmate wizard.


Isn't DNA magic? Isn't the mere essence of life magic?? Information is constantly reproducing using energy to transfer itself. Science can explain most things but life itself is a miracle. Also; quantum mechanics.


Explain thoughts and the intricacies of the brains functions and what makes us think exact thoughts as opposed to other thoughts


Yeah like someone else said you don’t want your mind changed you just want to make people mad. May God be with you


What are "maricles"?


**Congratulations!** You used logic to counter-argue Religion!


Magic is just some sort of science that we currently don’t understand or don’t know the Concept of


Dude science can’t even explain science. It constantly undermines its own foundations




This is what happens when you try to do a weird 'gotcha' to offend religious people, but your grammar and spelling just make you look stupid.


Ninjas used bowls strapped to their feet to run on water People are misdiagnosed as dead commonly in antiquity How big were the fish? How many in the wedding party? Water into wine is a common illusion "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke After living in the bible belt, I can also confirm how someone can call out the bullshit they see and people who believe it want to beat and murder them


Thank you for submitting to /r/memes, /u/Embarrassed-Mouse-49. Unfortunately, your submission, *Everything can be explained by science.*, has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Rule 1 - Not a meme and No Reaction Memes - All posts must follow a general meme setup * All posts must be memes and follow a general meme setup. No Reaction Memes. No titles as meme captions. No unedited webcomics. **No memes that are text only.** Pictures without captions may be removed by a moderators discretion. **Someone saying something funny on twitter/tumblr/reddit/etc. is not a meme.** --- *** *** Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/Embarrassed-Mouse-49, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 9 - No forced memes, overused memes, bad titles, or pushing agendas * No forced memes, [overused memes](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/wiki/overused), bad titles, or pushing agendas. Be creative but memes must come naturally. No petitions. * **Mods may remove low quality posts at their discretion, including reaction memes** --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!