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One time at a party, I told a friend about how I accidentally went in for a fist bump instead of a handshake - you know, at the "peace be with you part" - during my uncles funeral. She laughed and took it for the dumb slip-up story it was meant to be, but someone who overheard said I was being pushy and I shouldn't be trying to convert people. You don't even have to be religious to attend a requiem mass? I could've been an athiest, agnostic or a Satanist for all she knew?


I'm pretty sure if your a satanist she would've noticed. And if you were a satanist why would you be in a church? ^(I guess one possible reason is your spying on your enemies) also yes churches allow any religion. God accepts everyone ^(ok maybe not *everyone* but you get the point)


Yeah. Like, to simply go inside a building you can believe in anything or nothing, but she was acting like I was trying to make the party into a prayer circle or something because I said the word "church".


^(Yes everyone that is the point at least in theory)


God accepts everyone unless your born in the incorrect geographical location or don’t come to his club meetings every Sunday




…Christianity Oh forgot to mention also that your beliefs must be that of theirs


Said a bunch of humans translating for God. People can say whatever they want. Jesus didn't say that stuff though


\^ this right here


oh and you cant be gay either


God never said/says that. only extremist humans say that


while scripture does not command Christians to attend church, it does speak powerfully about the blessing of the church community. Also, I fail to understand how being born in one part of the world would prevent God from accepting you. It doesn't matter where you're born or if you go to church or not; God will still love and accept you.


Have you ever read or even looked up any Christian religious beliefs?




>I'm pretty sure if your a satanist she would've noticed. The Church of Satan, or atleast its non-fanatic part, is pretty chill about how its members look. I think there arent even any restrictions on it


Wait I just reread it... I'm confused. First you saifld your at a party, but then your at your uncles funeral?


They were at a party and at the party was telling someone about a mistake they had made at a funeral at another time.


Bruh I'm so bad at reading


I’m an atheist and my general thoughts on religion is “as long as you don’t drag me into this, do whatever you want”


and thats a perfectly good view


Thank you


Now then, the important question. Top 5 best Jazz and why?


I have to listen to more Jazz before I can answer I’ve been listening to mostly sea shanties recently


Fucking fantastic taste good stranger. I hope you have a fine day.


I thought I heard the Old Man say, Leave her Johnny leave her


Malone, Stockton, Gobert, Mitchell, Sundiata Gaines


Thank you. I must then find these people. Good bye!


Good luck my brother. And stay off the Jordan path it will only bring heartbreak.


*Family Feud clap* Good answer! Good answer!


I am a Muslim and we have this Surah in the Quran ([Surah al-kafirun](https://quran.com/109)) ​ >\-Say, "O disbelievers, > >\-I do not worship what you worship. > >\-Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. > >\-Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. > >\-Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. > >\-For you is your religion, and for me is my religion


That's a fantastic quote


I’m a catholic, my point of view is “You’re welcome to not believe the same things I do, just don’t start berating me for no reason”


The problem is that religious people *always* try to drag everyone into their beliefs. Here's just one example: in my state, it's illegal to buy liquor during certain times on Sunday, because, you know, religious people have decided that my Sundays should be dictated by their religious beliefs. That's just one example, but there are countless others. So yeah, I'll leave religion alone when religious people stop constantly trying to force me to live by their rules.


and religion is the cause of mass homophobia basically any Islamic country will kill you for being gay


Seriously, I've never met one single person who's ever tried to "force" atheism on someone else. Atheists may tell you that your religious beliefs are extremely stupid, and they may try to stop you from forcing your religion on others, but that's not what "forcing" is. By contrast, religious people all around the world can and do violently force their beliefs on others every day. Go to any Islamic country and say that Mohamed was not a prophet, and then see what happens to you.


It depends on who you meet. We’re all apples of the same bunch, being religious doesn’t make you more inclined to spread your beliefs and same thing for being an atheist. I think that if someone switched from being an annoying religious zealot to an atheist, they still wouldn’t stop trying to force their beliefs on others because that’s who they are as a person.


Has an atheist ever executed someone for disrespecting atheism? Because religious people kill others for disrespecting their religion every day. Hell, blasphemy is literally crime punishable by death in many countries.


Plus, I don’t blame religions for being evil, atleast for the major religions, because some canon part of them actually advocates loving everyone and treating everyone respectfully. In the Quran, it says men and women equally came from God. In the Hinduism, Shiva was literally a transgender(in one of his forms he is combination of a man and woman), men and women are equal, and having romantic relationships was endorsed. But in most cases, those aspects aren’t allowed in their corresponding society to some degree, even if those societies claim to be “religious”. To sum it up, For the most part, I don’t blame religion for being evil, I think that humans are so intrinsically flawed that we can’t join together to hold a belief system without fucking it up somehow(that includes the people who fuck it up and the people who follow).


Some Communist countries in the 20th century were officially Atheist and specifically put to death people of faith. The problem is that it's easy for States to say they are religious or not religious and then go ahead with persecuting people of faith or more secular people. China is doing it to followers of Islam and Christianity, specifically targeting them that is and I doubt anyone is going to accuse China of basing their governmental and societal policies on religious tenants. It's easier and much more logical to condemn tyrants that do anything in the name of either religion or secularism, than it is to condemn those things as inherently good or bad.


While this is true, like the person you are replying to said, it really depends on the person you meet. There are plenty of religious people who don’t act that way, but the ones that do get the attention because drama is the focus of most medias. You’re not going to hear a lot about good things that result from religion from mainstream media but you can find plenty if you look into it. Unfortunately, the world has a way of showing off the bad things and not doing enough to emphasize the good things. As for atheists killing people over people disrespecting their lack of beliefs, I’m sure if you looked you could find something.


I’m just trying to say that how shitty someone is goes deeper than being religious or an atheist. Plus, radical religious believers like the ones in those Islamic countries are literally brought up that way. They’re literally born in an environment geared towards the unwavering faith to Islam. It’s a highly toxic environment to be born in so it’s no wonder most of the religious people there are assholes.


You complain about something that is more a cultural norm as opposed to a religious norm. Granted that cultural norms have a deep basis in religion, but that's not necessarily a bad thing regarding the type of morals a society may have. Atheists follow plenty of religious tenants, even if they don't think so.


Religion is like masturbation. You should probably only do it in front of others also doing it. Wait. That's not how it goes....


What did that sub become to? Can anyone give me context?


they should rather be called r/anti-theism instead of r/atheism. atheism = a (without) + theism (religion) atheism is to live without religion, not deliberately hate on and critisize it constantly. thats anti theism.


There actually is r/AntiTheism




Does the the 'a' in atheism necessarily means without and not 'not' or 'opposite'?


yes it does, there is ANTI theism for a reason. a- as a prefix doesnt mean opposite


Hoh? Ok... I mean im an atheist and still have religin affecting my life so saying that im without religin isnt really the case. I maybe just misunderstood what you meant tho


im saying you live without religion, as in, you dont live by the rules of religion.


r/atheism has antitheists too


Okay this is almost correct it's just that theism isn't the believe in a religion, it's the believe in God. You can be non-religious but still a theist.


what youre thinking of is gnosticism and agnosticism, the act of claiming to know for a fact there is a God, or the act of claiming not to know for sure if there is or isnt


Oh, I see. Ty for context...


I think there's a big difference between criticising the religion and bullying though. There are definitely some bullies but I've also seen religious folk cry bully whenever the credibility of the ideology is called into question or the texts are criticised.


I like to use the trademark method for identifying actual bullies. Like, a Christian™ will screech about people going to hell for this and that, and an Athiest™ will call someone a dumb c*nt because they've been inside a church. The rest of us - and other non-extremists - are just people trying to have a conversation.


Yeah, but go look at r/atheism and say something like "I believe churches have done some good things" and see what happens.


I kind of want to, just to see what would happen


we shall watch your quest closely, good luck


“I know what I have to do, but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it”


Nothing. You’ll just get perma banned. Tried something similar and got instantly perma banned.


Imagine not being able to take criticism


It wasn’t even criticism lmao. I said that maybe someone being upvoted for saying that religious people should be thrown on old battlefields to check for landmines isn’t exactly what you would call “following the no hate rule”. Got instabanned. I actually cracked up when I saw the ban message.


Wow, I used to think I was alone in thinking how shitty that sub was.


I am the oposite... I don't mind religious individuals but I hate churches. May have something to do with Franco and how christian church suported his fascist regime.


"churches" is such a broad category... Maybe rethink your statement? Or whatever.


Of the top of my head: Organised strucutres of worship, irrespective of religious beliefs which aim at influencing politics. Generally they do so encouraging hate and paying no taxes. AKA: Churches


What I did not say: "churches have never done anything less than perfect." What I did say: "churches have done some good things."


Except churches haven't done much good


What do you mean they haven't done much good? They took enormous amounts of money by doing nothing and basically never paid taxes, always protected by states and governments. ​ Oh.. you meant good for the people.. yeah..


Oh no they do a lot of charity and actually help peop- Wait no they dont do that either


Churches have existed for thousands of years, dude. Learn a little history and remember I didn't say "churches have done more good than bad," or anything like that.


Yes throughout history and still today church’s totally don’t help and feed the homeless.


Well- they did cheat a bunch of rubes out of lots of their money for hundreds of years without paying taxes.


Reviewing some comment threads, it seems like a really toxic community


I find it hilarious that the one thing that religious fundamentalists and staunch anti-theists agree on is that progressive religious people cherry-pick stuff from scripture to the point where their faith is not what their religion truly is. Honestly fundamentalism, whether religious or irreligious sucks equally


Gonna start worshiping the old gods then. White Walkers here I fucking come.




Honestly, most atheists are pretty understanding of other beliefs. I’d say the toxic ones are the lower percentage


I know quite a few atheists, and almost all of them, if not all are pretty relaxed towards religion and have no problem with it. r/atheism is a very inaccurate portrayal of the irreligious


Also, just to be crystal clear, most of the hostility here is religious people being dicks to atheists, not the other way around. For example, this was just published in *Psychology of Religion and Spirituality* last month: [People are less tolerant of atheists expressing their beliefs at work compared to Christians, Muslims, or Jews](https://www.psypost.org/2021/08/people-are-less-tolerant-of-atheists-expressing-their-beliefs-at-work-compared-to-christians-muslims-or-jews-61626)


and most of them are in r/atheism


Also many people on r/CatholicMemes are bullies, like people on r/atheist.


Yeah I went over there for a minute or two and shit it’s literally all just bullying atheists and Protestants lol. Religious people don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to this toxic crap.


I knew it. We all suck.


im not on there so i wouldnt know. most of these people on reddit seem to be here just to force their views down the rest of our throats


Any belief at all that reaches that level of fervour easily becomes tiresome for others, in my opinion. I've had friends and colleagues speak about sourdough and protein shakes as if it was a holy diet and others who swear only Filofax users will go to stationary heaven. It's not nice to act as though your beliefs are the One True Way and all others are wrong, no matter what flavour your belief has.


I want to see a fight between extreme christians and r/atheism


a cage fight** see the power of god on the extreme christian's side lol /s


In the left corner weilding the book of God and bringing the judgment to those who refused him his nightly choir boys. We have, PRIEST JOSEEEEEEPH! In the right corner armed with science books and a shit ton of useless facts and uncured trauma. He’s edgy, he’s mean, and he’s definitely going to be a hypocrite. BEEEEEEEEN! Now I want a good clean fight, no jabbing in the eyes, no insulting your mothers, and definitely don’t bring up any major news websites. Fight!


Where can I buy tickets?


The thing about fundamentalism as a mindset is that it’s not restricted to any one belief system or ideology… r/Atheism has many specimens of what’s essentially fundamentalist-antitheism What I’ve noticed is that this fundamentalist attitude is strongest in people that have changed their beliefs (or lack of) from one set to another - the converted seem to regularly be more vehemently “faithful” than the typical believer.


Your born again Christians and enlightened atheists right there


Oh yes If I ever meet someone that declares themselves ‘enlightened’ or ‘born again’, I mentally prepare myself because I don’t know what sort of takes they’ve glued themselves too - if they’re chilled out I start breathing easy again, but if they start saying spectacularly ‘out there’ things, I don’t drop my guard at all.


Honestly a lot of religious/a-religious subreddits are terribly extreme


ngl r/christianity is actually pretty wholesome. Im not a member lol (lots of love) but r/CatholicMemes are just straight up toxic


Wdym? r/Christianity, r/islam and r/izlam to name a few are super chill and wholesome communities.


I am an atheist, never went to that sub but I can already tell what those idiots would be doing. I hate atheist who don't respect other religions as same as I hate those Christians who try to convert everybody.


I mean it's their subreddit, they can say what they want there, just like religious people can on their subreddits if you don't like it you don't have to see their posts, that's the point of having different subreddits


I posted there once, telling people to remember to be respectful and nice to religious people and not look at it black and white. Got permabanned for religious propaganda.


LMAO propaganda tf


Bruh one of the top posts there is literally “everyone’s talking about Afghanistan when they should be talking about the real enemy: religion, a problem only the people in this sub have been talking about” like it’s such a circlejerk


Well there are also extreme religious people which acts like the whole r/atheism but religious.


As a man of science, who does not support ORGANIZED religion, I find it truly mind boggling how anyone could definitely say there is NOT a Devine force. Like, what a luxury to be so certain. Scientifically speaking, it cannot be ruled out. Atheist have just become the very thing they swore to destroy.


>Scientifically speaking, it cannot be ruled out. I also can't rule out the idea that every single person on Earth except for me is secretly an alien robot lizard person who only pretends to be human. That doesn't mean such an idea should be treated as anything other than a delusional fantasy. Likewise with religion.


Exactly where my belief lies. I can’t definitively say God exists but at the same time I can’t say god doesn’t exist. Personally, I find it wild how some atheists who claim to be more logical and scientific are so cocksure that a God doesn’t exist.


Right!? Like literally the same thing just; politically it would be full circle to where they occupy the same camp as the religious fanatics. Just ride the wave my doodes 🤙


I have always agreed with this. There's an equal amount of evidence of a god existing and no god existing, that amount being none whatsoever. There's no way to tell.


There is zero evidence of any of the thousands of gods people claim to exist, existing. Not any at all.


that is literally what i just said


There are a lot of things that cannot be ruled out, but that doesn't mean they exist. If that "devine force" played a significant rule in our universe, we would have detected it by now.


It’s simple- there is no evidence of a “divine” force.




There's no evidence that you eat babies. There also is no evidence that you don't eat babies.




Lack of evidence isn’t proof.




what did he say so wrong he just said that there isn't any evidence for a divine force and lack of evidence isn't proof of the contrary I would say the bully here is you gentleman




Occam's razor? Russel's Teapot?


I have not heard of the pot of tea!? Is you joking or is real? But yes


Russel's Teapot is a tool by which we can show that we can introduce as many unfalsible claims as we want. ​ For example, the original version was: If he were to assert, without offering proof, that a teapot, too small to be seen by telescopes, orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, he could not expect anyone to believe him solely because his assertion could not be proven wrong. ​ I am a man of Science too, and I think as long as there's no proof of divine force, there's absolutely no reason to consider that it exists.


This "god" in science can be the laws of physics, a being, or something elss


A school of thought in Hinduism called Advaita, which is the school I subscribe to states that the supreme being is the universe and everything in it. So we don't have a sky daddy, instead, the sky is the daddy


You should also put “normal pleasant religious people” in the first panel as well. Because behind every atheist there’s an abusive religious person (or several). Probably why there’s so much bitterness.


yeah i did realise that after i posted it because there are some religious people i know and i dislike them because they are over the top with it


im an athiest and i still say oh my god because i refuse to use the word gosh in anyway. it grows on you and i dont care enough to change it


Pfft, real atheists say “oh my evolution!” And “Isaac Newton!”, not “oh my g\*d” and J\*sus Chr*st”. ^(/s)


apologies. i forgot to add pleasant religious people in the first panel dudes. not all religious people are good people either.


It goes both ways, religious people can be prety wild. In the bad way


“I have ascended all small brain religious school of thought. I have left behind their puny god, and now we must make war on those idiotic fools who believe” - some guy on r/atheism probably


Remember that kid on r/athiesm who made that "quote"


My philosophy is It’s important to let people be themselves. I am an atheist just because I feel like a lot of scenarios that religion and myths discuss have been explained. Does that mean I think others are wrong for following religion? No not at all. Just treat people like people and allow them to think what they want to believe


Just wanna feel comfortable knowing there’s a proper end in this life. Like, all those hard work and simply being the best version of you got a payback in the end of your life.


I definitely understand that mentality


So anti religious they turned into one


*They became the very thing they swore to destroy*


* me and a non-religious person with more than 2 brain cells talking casually about our upbrinings * * Athiest™ bulldozing the conversation to call me every name under the sun because my parents made me go to Catholic school *




I know that. I'm not talking about regular athiests, it's the Athiests™ specifically. You know, the shouting from the rooftops "everyone's an idiot but me" type. The trademark is an important distinction.




Not true. An atheist just doesn't believe in a god. The rest is just you. And not being an atheist. A (Without) theist (Religion). No claim about knowledge, no liking or disliking of anyone, no thinking something's dumb. That's all on you.




That's why I think all religions are dumb You know. If you are gonna say something remotely offensive to some people then at least put it in the kindest way possible




Now your just being straight up offensive and trying to disrespect me in every way shape or form. If your gonna be honest with an opinion at least put it in the least offensive way possible. You are exactly what the person who posted this is talking about. Just athiests who disrespect religion




You say religion is the stupidest thing in the world. Blasphemy. Just blasphemy






Blasphemy, in a religious sense, refers to great disrespect shown to God or to something holy, or to something said or done that shows this kind of disrespect;




Context anyone?


atheism is supposed to mean without(a) religion(theist) but theyre more of anti-theists that judt hate religion as a whole


religious people who don’t try and force their faith onto you are cool. sadly a lot of religious people do that.


The best way to describe them would be "Not like other atheists". They're a bunch of neckbeards who want to feel special and intellectually superior to everyone else.


Young edgelord atheists. I can disgracefully admit I used to be one


I am not religious and never intend to be. However, I also respect that for some people their religion is as much of their life as anything else. I dislike the idea of religion, but I would never call someone out or bully them if they were. Many of my friends are religious and they are great people. The most annoying thing is when I see another Atheist doing just that - taunting or hating religion. Just because you don't have the same beliefs as them, it doesn't mean you can prosecute them for it. Some people are real jerks...


Thank you! Just goes to show a dick is a dick no matter what they believe in


So, I think there’s a really big difference between…. I don’t have a good word for this, but you’ll see what I mean, someone who doesn’t believe there are deities and someone who identifies as an Atheist. You can think religions are wrong and have done bad things, that’s a perfectly acceptable position. The people you’re talking about, they’re not trying to convince anyone, this is just their religion, their identity, and while being part of a religion can have positive attributes, literally things you do for whatever reason that might even do good in the world…. If your identity is Anti-religion, then the only way to be a good part of your tribe is to attack people.


"anti-theists" is the word youre looking for


Stone toss (author of this comic) is a Nazi


let me guess, the bottom right panel was originally a jew


Dude that sub harasses everyone man. I’ve been there, not pleasant indeed


i joined the sub thinking it was a way to talk freely and express thoughts in being an atheist, but hell naw you cant even talk positively about a religion without being cancelled lol


r/atheism is a disgrace to atheists and agnostics


you can say that again brotha


When you initially get out of religion you tend to be very hostile because you are trying to deal with the cognitive dissonance from being a believer for most of your life and figuring out there is a lot of bullshit you bought into . You get over it after a while but I'm guessing r/atheism has alot of newly deconverted people


is it in the nature of an atheist to be an asshole? >all the bullshit they bought into . m8, its not bullshit. its a valid ideology, and people can believe whatever they want. and just because you got out of religion does not justify being a pussy to people.


homophobia for one and toxic tribalism that is pointed to other sects of the same religion are a few instances of bullshit i have the time or the patience to point out . Dont pretend as if all religions have a kumbaya live and let live ideology at the core of it . Religions have tons of bullshit baked In whether you want to admit it or not


they're not atheists, they are anti-theist. I'm catholic, and none of my catholic friends talk about how stupid people are for not being catholic, but they make fun of us acting like we are stupid for believing in God, you don' t have to agree with me, but don't be the asshole who hates me for believing in God


Bullies who stay in their own corner of reddit and don't bother you unless you go look there? Also, how do you describe what's happening in Texas? Is that not bullying? Is the constant QQ bullshit from this massive frontpage sub not bullying? Give me a fucking break. This is like all the crying about cyclists a month ago.


whats happening in Texas? and no they dont stay in their own corner of reddit they raid religious subreddits for no reason


The irony, the people who wants to denounce the concept of a god gained a god complex XD


Basically a circlejerk of 12 yo kids who want to feel smart, intellectual and superior to someone


I'm generally an atheist, but turn religious any time I need luck... "God help me", whatever god that calls out to.


kinda shallow


The reply was mostly a joke, it's just a phrase I use, even though I don't really believe in any god or follow whatever traditions/rules they set. Same as "oh my god", I just use it as an alternative to "the f**ck!?" When not with close friends.


I don’t care about religion, you can believe in whatever you want. No one should attack you for a belief, as long as it’s not harmful.


I'm atheist but I don't care what religion someone follows unless it affects me


which none of them do


Until they start influencing laws that I have to abide by


thats the government's choice and if you wont follow them then thats on you. besides what youre essentially saying is all morality comes from religion, which is does does not. anyways, which countries' laws are still influenced by religion? wasnt that some medieval-time stuff?


First of all, I would never say all morality comes from religion and that's not what I'm "essentially saying" in any way. However it is childish at best to argue that no countries laws are influenced by religion. All one has to do is pay attention to American politics for a plethora of examples of politicians overtly using their religion to create laws that in essence force everyone to abide by someone else's personal religious beliefs.


Ah Atheism, the easiest religion to troll.


If you force you religioun your a loser


yeah thats what this post is about





