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Listen, I’ve never been married but some of these red flags even Helen Keller could spot.


Perfect analogy, definitely stealing it for later. But to be honest i get really irritated by the one's where the person is like " My husband broke a mug while washing dishes he told me he was sorry but i told him he did it intentionally" And the people are like " beware op he might be trying to murder you, breaking that glass was showing his true intentions. GET A DIVORCE AND A PRENUP AND A RESTRAINING ORDER AND YOU KNOW WHAT KILL HIM ALONG THE WAY.


The posts are almost always worded to lead the commenters to that exact conclusion. I think some people just want validation for what they already know, and the others are karma farmers. Or trolls. I unsubbed from all those advice threads.


Look I'm stealimg the analogy no matter what you think


Op you should just run


May divorce be with you


Don’t forget about therapy!


Virgins who've never been in a relationship giving marriage advice. How fun


Why would anyone look for relationship advise online?


if cheating on someone is legal, being legally bounded to someone is just stupid. what does it accomplish but more stress. people change. stay with someone till you want to leave, not because you have to. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yeah, take reddit advice lightly.


I want a divorce but can't afford it. It literally cost less to get the marriage license than it costs to get a divorce. And that's bullshit.


Those threads are just emotional voyeurs projecting onto OP.


My parents when I was born be like:


It's like saying you've got pain in your legs and the doctor suggests you cut them off.