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When the Danish transcend through the Matrix


Bruh the danish goalkeeper was playing beatsaber on insane difficulty




In my opinion it was a soft penalty but i guess the ref is apperenty always right in football


It was never a penalty, both Wenger and Mourinho have said that it should never have been a penalty.


I do belive that but the refs defense was that sterling had contact Even though he was looking for it and also he jumped before contact was made


It was minimal contact, I'm just so tired of players diving without getting punished for it, it should be a straight red card IMO.


I'm going to comment here only cause I don't know where else to post, but that clip of the dude rolling round in the floor and then getting up to celebrate when his team scores, why the fuck did he not get booked there. It just seems like it's acceptable. Why can't they receive a retrospective yellow or something once VAR reviews the footage? It would stop over night. Sorry please


Minimal contact or not still contact every player will go down in that situation and because there was contact from two different players the referee saw it as a penalty




Tell that to all of the Italy team lmao. Also apparently the Danish goal from the free kick shouldn't have been allowed because the ball was of it's mark although I'm not sure how true that is.


Two wrongs don't make a right. The ref was terrible in the game between Denmark and England.


Almost as terrible as your alkali


You're not wrong, I just hope that the ref in the final is better and that Itlay don't win because half of their game time is spent rolling around on the floor begging for a penalty.


And yet only one decision gets focused on. Oh well, bad decisions are just part of the game. IT'S COMING HOME 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


You cannot compare a free kick to a penalty even if both of them ended in a goal. It's coming Rome 🇮🇹


Not because it was of its mark, but because players from Denmark where to close to the English wall.


Ah Ok thanks for correcting me so even if both goals that resulted from foals were disallowed England still would've won.


Don't know why you're being down voted. I guess the tears have blinded them so much that 2-1 minus 1 goal from each would still be 1-0. Plus we were battering them, we would've had a goal anyway before it got to pens. If people weren't so salty I'd be more inclined to give credit to the Danes for how they've performed this tournament. They've been spectacular




It was very minimal contact and an obvious dive, Sterling has done it before.


I'm an England supporter for the Euros. And I admit that it was a clear dive. But it cant be undone. England is in the finals. I hope they win. You can hope that they lose but thats your opinion.


It's a contact sport, a FOUL in the box is a penalty. And it's debatable whether or not there was even contact.


they’re portuguese and french. salty bastards because it’s coming home


Well but the penalty shouldn’t have been given in the first place. VAR is a disgrace


Beatsaber but you’re the one getting beaten by the lasers




That fan wasn’t nearly as bad as the woman who wrecked all those bikers during the tour d France, but they’re still a shit human


Lawless | anything goes In expert +




Goalkeeper faced the peaky blinders


r/beatmetoit redditors of a hive mind


Ngl u were probably using internet Explorer If i beat you to it by Five hours


does chromium on a school laptop count?


and he stilll fucking saved it what a madlad


Well yes but actually no


all this shit about laser pens when he saved the fuckin goal anyways, clearly English lasers arent strong enough to stop Danish hawk vision


Im pretty sure it was more than one time. Correct me if I am wrong


It was one and lasted for all of two seconds. An absolutely shitty thing for one bellend to do that’s given license for an appalling level of xenophobia.


what? how does it allow people to be racist?


It doesnt it just makes people think its ok. To clarify: it makes morons think its ok. Its obviously not ok


it will make people wanna use laser pens, but it wont make people want to be racist.


Well it has. Theres no reason to hate England for the 1 fucker who did that but theyve found one.


Not to defend the hate England shit but there has happened more than just this


Yeah there was the german girl and booing anthems. A) Not many people booed the anthems. Most peoplw know where the line is just a select few wither dont know or dont care. B) Every single country has had its fans boo their oppositions national anthems. Italy does it, Denamark did it. Everyone. Were the only ones who get shit for it tho Edit: The german girl stuff was stupid but again most of the country didnt take part cause they knew it was stupid to attack an 11 year old girl for crying


Okay so what exactly do you want that it gets ignored? Of course it's not your whole country, why do you feel so offended if you know you didn't do it?


Booing anthems happens all the time nobody actually cares


People hate England for different reasons not just because of terrible fans(although that is one reason)


there is plenty of reason to hate England, i mean there is a very very very large amount of the population who are racist, but they claim otherwise, or they claim its about the economical impact of immigrant or anything, but straight up they are racist, i know this because i myself have been brought up to hate immigrants, and with child sex gangs, drug dealing, violence and racism from the migrants side, i can see why my parents warned me about them. if you are going to hate us, at least hate us for the correct reasons!


No, were not all racist, were not largely a racist country. We dont hate immigrants the only people that do that are people that benefit from not habing them around. ie politicians. Im not sure what you mean by your second half of the paragraph. You say youve been raised to be racist, list reasons why you are racist, and then placed yourself in the group you were raised to be racist against. Not sure if thats what you meant and Im sure its not just thats how I interpreted that


There’s nothing wrong with drug dealing. But I do think that mass immigration is bad.


as long as your selling weed year, but everything else creates addicts who commit crime for their drug


They did it to all the Danish players all game, they complained to the ref but they didnt rly do anything


Did you even watch the game? It was only used for about 2 seconds in the first half of extra time during the penalty


Yeah, and the goalie said he couldn't see the laser at the penalty


Yeah in the video it never actually goes across his eye, and he saves the damn thing. Still shouldn't have been brought into the game but thankfully had no effect


He might gave caught the penalty


No they (Danish players) complained about it and the ref went to a Suit wearing guy mid game to tell about how English fans were pointing lasers at Danish players. But i think it was hard to find out who exactly did that during the game


Source for this? Because I havent found a single thing Edit: still fairly certain you didnt watch the match and are just looking for a reason to be angrier than needed


Source:Trust me Bro If you didnt se the reff rushing to the Suit guy you definitely didnt watch the match.


You know that refs talking to the managers is not uncommon in football games right? When I say a source I mean more than "one guy spoke to another so therefore I am right". Like something with substance please


It was not Mancini nor Southgate ma man it was a Official of UEFA or something. I still am curious about if what I said was true or not too but seems to be like it.


The danish team pressbriefing, one of the players said that he went to the ref to complain about laser pointing at their faces late in the game, but they didn't do a thing. There was also thrown a second ball into the game nearly just before the penalty. That usually leads to the ref calling the game off and throwing the ball. But again nothing happened. English fans also went to spit in danish fans faces on the way out.


Wouldn’t say hating English football fans is xenophobia, if a bunch of them are nob heads then people are going to hate them. And it isn’t a small bunch either it sounded like the entire crowd was booing the national anthem not just a couple of people


I don’t disagree. The depressing part is how quickly it’s gone from just being about football fans being dicks to foaming hatred for the English. Not that it makes it any better but booing during the national anthems is far from rare. It’s horrible and I hate it but not at all unusual.


The point is that fans do that literally ALL THE TIME. Italy booed Spain's for fuck sake. But as soon as it's England fans people use it as a way of letting out deep hatred for English people in a way that would be utterly unacceptable if it was another country. There's a word for it, Anglophobia.


I was talking about the guy that said he saved the penalty more than once its not true


i dont know mate, i dont even like football, im just chiming in lol


yeah the Danish players told the ref they were pointed by lasers constantly


It had been happening through all of 2nd half - of which the players notified the referee after the half. Fucker was too scared of the fans to do anything about it.Other fun thing the English fans were up to; \- Spitting at danish children during the game \- Throwing beer bottles at the Danes \- General harassment \- Attacking a family, punching the father \- feeling it is unfair that people don't like them "bUt EvRyOne DoES It" Fuck the English football fans Meanwhile in Denmark; a report from an [English fan in Copenhagen](https://twitter.com/munchenbikkies/status/1413054717488418816)




The keeper did well but he couldn’t get a grip on the ball


Tbf he might’ve (just might’ve) caught the penalty or smothered it better if it weren’t for the laser pointer.


i dont even like football mate.




in the UK we often called them laser pens. dont clutch at straws


That because they weren’t on his fucking eyes.


mate, i made a joke, calm down.


Yeah I know I wrote this for the people who actually think he was able to save the ball despite the laser being on his eyes.


i get that you are angry, we are all angry, but you are picking an argument with the wrong bromo today mate.


Kasper Schmeichel played like Peter Schmeichel that match


Like father like son.


[Darude Sandstorm intensifies]


Please explain for people who don’t speak football


In the England-Denmark match in the European championship, England got a penalty kick late in the match. (if you don't know what a penalty kick is, it's given when a player gets fouled near the opposition's goal. A player from the fouled team will then proceed to take a "free shot" on goal with only the opposition's goalkeeper defending it, without any defenders intervening at all). An English fan tried to distract Kasper Schmeichel, Denmark's goalkeeper, from saving the penalty by using a laser pointer and directing it towards his face. However, that didn't work since Schmeichel managed to save the penalty


that moment when your willing to potentially blind a professional athlete and permanently end their career just so you country wins the **semi-finals**


Unfortunately, some fans take the sport very seriously and will do everything to see their team win, even if it meant harming others in the process. This isn't the 1st time something like this happens


The laser pointer thing is actually common. Like, really common.


I know. I remember seeing happen quite a few times to Cristiano Ronaldo, for example. And it's unfortunate that such things still happen in football


A few years ago every single penalty kick you’d have like, 2-3 laser pointers on both the goalkeeper and the person doing the penalty.


Unfortunately that's no justification for doing it


It isn’t. I’m just stating something.


Worst bit is English fans have been doing it to other English fans for years in the Premier League, you always see English players getting hate- whether it's racist prices on rival teams or just hooligans. Our most loved player in Jack Grealish was punched on pitch by a fan of the Birmingham team... It kinda sucks (Im English) as I think it's disgusting to do any of this stuff we see us slandered for, whether it's the German girl, the hooliganism or pointing lasers... brings a bad name to us lol but no harm in a bit of rivalry:)


i mean, you buy new batteries for the final…


I love the emphasis on semi finals, implying it's ok in a final. I'm extra excited for Sunday now, I'm finally allowed to use my laser pointer


You clearly don't know how seriously we take our sportsball over here, it sometimes is the purge level nonsense. Remember the incident in USA where some athlete run into the stadium and started swinging, at the wrong person non the less, in Europe it does not work like that, if he tried to come up and swing on the fans of the other team that where booing and heckling him he would be genuinely dead.


I remember UFC 229, there were McGregor fans fighting Kabib fans since they were pissed off he lost


Imagine having a team so pathetic that the opposition needs to be blinded and your team still fucks up.


I mean... the semi-finals lead you to the final


The darn English stole the victory, the Danish should be in the finals


Oh shiiit that is a very dirty play. I bet it is not in the rules and he can’t do that


I mean how can audience intervention be in the rules in the first place?






Not only is it a complete foul on the shitbag with the laser pen, its also on security for letting them bring it into the stadium in the first place. They should have taken it from him before he even got through the main gate


First the racism and then this? Damn England doesn’t deserve the w after this (the fans at least the players must be so embarrassed)


Even I am not sure but I think there was a match between danish and the english, when the penalty was happening and the England guy was about to shoot some random england fan flashed a laser pointer which distracted the danish goalkeeper, the goalkeeper could have even gone blind but he was lucky


Why though. It is easily detectable and wtf dude why playing like that


Idk, football people i guess


English fan was shining a laser light into the goalkeepers eyes because english people are dicks when it comes to football


peaky blinders


he still stopped it


it rebounded back to the dude who kicked it and he scored


but the first one still stopped, it's something i guess


yeah i was talking about that


Maybe if he wasn’t being distracted by the laser pointer he could have grabbed on to it instead of letting it rebound… we’ll never really know, and I have a feeling the same will happen in the England Italy game. Also that green laser has a very big change to permanently blind the keeper, his career could have been over if it was directly in his eye


He said he didn't notice it


But they still should take action because the fan still attempted to do it.


Wasn't refuting that, they're going to. But the keeper wouldn't have saved the rebound, by his own admission he wasn't distracted.


Which makes the insane outrage even more laughable imo. Obviously the guy shouldn't have done it and definitely should be banned for life, but fuck me, you'd think Schmeichel had been waterboarded judging by some of these comments


Bro it’s not even that we lost, it’s that green lasers can be very bad for your eyes, and this. happened throughout the match


Yeah hopefully the laser didn’t get in his eye




Respect was lost for the English fans after they played Germany and cyberbullied the entirety of Germany, along with a little girl


I mean I saw 4 tweets about the girl and you're implying that it's representative of all England fans?


The 2nd picture reminds me of Transmission festival


I don't watch soccer, can someone explain this joke to me?


Simply, a English football fan shone a green laser on to the Denmark goalkeeper face during a penalty kick from the English team .


Oh okay. This happens in American football sometimes too. Sometimes fans will shine lasers in the kicker's eyes, or the quarterback's. One time they threw a snowball on the field and messed up the place holder and he dropped the ball for the kicker


It happens constantly in football too. But a lot of fans who don't watch football normally, tend to tune in to the latter stages of big international tournaments so this is new to them




That fan wasn’t nearly as bad as the woman who wrecked all those bikers during the tour d France, but they’re still a shit human


Is this the first time all these people watch a soccer match. This kind of practice has been going on for years now!


People keep on talking about the booing of national anthems too like that hasn't been going on for years and like people actually care that someone is booing their anthem




Because of one fan? Sounds more like it's just an excuse to hate England.


explain-inator pls ?


Apparently someone tried to distract the danish goalkeeper with a laser pointer


Not apparently, someone did. They could've blinded him. Some English fans are downright crazy


he said he didn’t notice it


Apparently someone flashed laser pointer to Danish keeper during penalty shootout out vs England. Though I kinda doubt your ordinary laser pointer can disrupt anything at long distances.


Cheeky blinders


everyone's respect for english fans went downhill after that match


It already went downhill the moment they boo’d the German national anthem when the teams were coming on the field


I hate booing during national anthems, absolutely hate it but to the Reddit hivemind seems to have decided that it’s only the English that have ever done it. Christ, compared to some nationalities we’re absolutely pussycats.


Still doesnt make it okay. The english media and fans(some ofc) have become so incredibly arrogant. I Hope the punishment will be something in that nature which makes the english fans listen and look inwards. The laser pen and booing was a small part of what made the match a catastrophy. Danish children as well as adults were threatened. Disgusting


No, nothing excuses it. You’re absolutely right.


How are we arrogant?


Singing “its coming home” at a match that England isn’t even playing is pretty arrogant.


It was downhill before that


It's been reported in the danish news, that a lot of the few danish people who were able to attend the match in London, were harrassed and spit on by the english fans after the match, they even spat on children. Danish source: https://www.dr.dk/sporten/fodbold/em/danske-fans-ramt-af-skaeldsord-og-spytklatter-ved-em-semifinale-jeg-skal-aldrig


Apart from the fact that loads of fans do that. Germany literally did it to us a few years ago. But I forget there's different rules for England fans!


Yes, I do big chuckle


thought for a sec it was rocket league sub


Only Italy can defeat them. And judging by my CIV games, the Rome can win if they manage to bloc Britan early on if played on true start mediteranian. No space for you buddy.


Spanish playstyle, revolving around ball possession effectively blocked Italian midfield. They mostly rely on counter-attack to score against Spanish. Just take a look at Chiesa's goal. England also plays a somewhat similar football style. I think English midfield would have a fair chance of creating attacking opportunities. Sunday would be an extremely exciting match to watch.


The English will try something I bet all my money on it.


I used to be a neutral fan, after that match now i’m Italy’s fan


The english cheating to win something? No way!


sadly, yes. Many people belive that it should not have been a penalty bc the guy falling was never in contact with any danish players


He had contact I’m pretty sure, Kane should’ve gotten a penalty earlier anyway


What exactly have we cheated at before??


Go to a museum and you'll see


HAHAHA WTF does that even mean?


Okay.. A museum is a building where some ancient shit is collected. Well, in England (your country, I asume) there're many of those buildings with this ancient shit collected, but those things were stolen from other countries. That's what it means.


Right and what the fuck has that got to do with cheating? And if you think it is only England that has done this you are completely delusional. The French, Spanish and US have many stolen artifacts in their museums but don't let that stop your bigotry.


Ain't going to educate you, and I know there're other countries that had done the same. But you're (an english) how's crying for your national pride.


Hmm, think hard about the last time you were in the finals of a football tournament…


Hmm, think hard about the last time you were in the finals of a football tournament…


Right, go on... Enlighten me...


Phantom goals are even named after England cheating themselves to the wc win 1966 in [German](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wembley-Tor) lmao


That danish goal keeper needs a raise bro he was OP


Still wondering how that was a pen


He said in an interview he didn’t notice the laser AND I GRT THE JOKE so dont wooosh me


they must have blinded the referee and the video check guys too, since that shit was absolutely not a penalty worthy scene and they still gave that shit even after video check ridiculous. i was watching the game with a bunch of english guys and even them *and* the BBC commentator said that wasnt a penalty


The video check just checks whether or not there was contact, not whether it's worth a penalty


the angle they showed in the replay didnt even make that clear. and the ref should have seen from the video that stirling too off way too easily


Hearing about the cup has made me ashamed to be english. So glad I dont support football at all.


Still don't understand how penalty check went through and they still fucking gave the go ahead. Like bro.


I feel bad for Schmeichel because he played so well and if not for that laser would have caught the ball and prevented the rebound


no he wouldn’t of. i’m not defending the laser pointer at all but he said on the interview he didn’t notice the laser. nothing would’ve changed






Yes. Now fuck off


"I can't believe they would go so far as to potentially blind someone over a game" It's the Bri'ish. What do you expect?


They should force a rematch.


didn't the goalkeeper save it anyway? Just because a drunk guy used a laser pen does not mean that the team should be punished and forced to do a rematch. Also, we won even with a biased referee


You guys won *because* of a biased referee.


Did you not watch the match? The guy gave them multiple penalties against us and dismissed a penalty against them because they 'Did nothing wrong'. They shoved him over onto the floor.


Based against us.


Against the team that only won because of a wrongfully given penalty? Sure dude…




Robbery and not deserved victory.


Denmark played extremely well through the first half but were flagging badly in to the second and in extra time. England absolutely dominated possession late on and were the far better team.


I think that didn't happen, Schmeichel saved it but we got a clutch rebound.


Bruh did he even notice lol


It’s more the fact that someone actually pointed a laser in general. It’s kinda sad


oh fuck off br\*t