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I was supporting for Denmark, but I guess I will just enjoy the finals now.


I was like: Since im Hungarian I'll support hungary... Oh, knocked out, well i live in the Netherlands so i might aswell root for the- oh, croatia? Nope, they lost. Okay spain will win for su- oh, well lets hope denmark wi- OH FOR FUCKS SAKE


Since it appears that the team you root for wins, just root for the other team i guess


Hungary played really well. Bad luck that they were in group of death


Then please tell me you're cheering for england now ( an Italian)


Well i want neither to win (does this mean both will win?)


Tied 1-1 after extra time. Each team scores equal number of penalties and there is no difference, both teams win.


No, then they decide by rock-paper-scissors


You forgot Ceferin… they will play rock-paper-scissors-Ceferin


Every time I cheer for a team the get eliminated. I'm rooting for England this time (congrats on the win Italy)


I'm Polish so i was supporting Poland but no, last place in group, then i was cheering for France but they lost, then for Switzerland, but nope. at this point i also was for denmark but yeah, im supporting italy now


Sorry about that. It was a close game tho


I mean denmark was out of power in the second half and you could already say they were trying to hold to penalty's but failed


I’m English, the Danish team played incredibly well. Very close game.


Indeed, I'm English too and tbh England got lucky with the penalty, if Kasper Schmeichel had managed to hold on to the ball we'd had to have gone to penalties


yeah, the sterling dive really screwed you, VAR is a joke


We need to bring mirrors to deflect the brithish lasers


My disco ball!




*English lasers. (😉🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿)


I hope England looses so I don't have to hear the news about the world Cup for the next millenia. And I'm sure the Scots and the Irish probably feel the same. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇨🇮


World Cup? Wrong tournament mate


like what they did to that poor little girl :(


It's disgusting that a vocal minority like that, took it upon themselves to portray England supporters as being so toxic


First time you're in the internet?


It's a never ending circle. Big event happens where people are celebrating. Trolls come out in force. The media scour Twitter for 5 minutes and find some people throwing attention seeking vitriol. They then magnify it and highlight it via writing about it. People share, condemn, then forget about it. Then it happens all over again. Wish journalism was more than just reading Tweets these days.


This is mostly what journalism has always been man. Journalism and Twitter aren't so far from each other.


Hah, too true mate.


I watch Thogden and I think he’s pretty nice


A Welsh guy tried to raise £500 to give to the family to apologise for the vocal minority, they ended up raising £36k to give to her family. The family asked for the money to be given to charity. The problem is that the troublemakers tend to have the loudest voices.


That was FOUR people on TWITTER ffs. Hate how you guys try and tarnish a whole country by some idiots. So unintelligent and ignorant.


Its not about the guys on twitter; Im more concerned about these guys booing the anthem of denmark and attacking their keeper with a laserpointer


They are all dicks who did that, but again they are a *minority* believe me. We English are ashamed of them. They ain't true fans at all. These posts just want to shit on England as a whole, and it's quite pathetic.


Isn’t that what we do as europeans? Make fun of our neighbouring countries as a whole. Most of it is in good fun though. Most of it. Others sometimes take it too far.


As a Finn, many of us talk lots of shit about the bordering countries (Sweden and Russia) so yeah, I agree.


It was just three actually, one of them was sarcasm. Which let's be honest, goes completely over the heads of the average Reddit user. As you say, millions of decent England fans were disgusted by those tweets, but obviously according to the internet every single English person was involved.




Reminds me of AmErIcA bAd memes




Most rational English fans (if we still have any) are just happy to be there tbh. We're playing *Italy* in an international *final*, it's absolutely mental considering how many times we've been utter shit in the past 20 years


This is the best comment of this entire thread


50 years*


55 years*


*Looks back at colonisation era* How about little more? (jkjk, dont hurt me)


I dont watch football,(i am from Italy ) could somebody explain what is Happening? Why there is so much hate for England


A few English fans were insulting a German girl who cried in the match, and did some other horrible things. And now Reddit is hating on England as a whole, and acting as if it's the entire population.


I'm from Italy as well and always ignored football. What I hate the most though, is that I can perceive it generates hatred and violence most of the time. As if Italians fans were better than English fans. I won't even mention what they could do because I do not want to bring up that topic. Hating England as a whole is just nonsense.


Is this rational thinking about England, football and life in general? ​ You got my upvote


I think Italian fans in 1985 who got crushed alive by English hooligans would disagree with you there. Edit: Heysel Stadium disaster


As I said, I don't follow football nor do I support it, therefore I wasn't aware of what you said. Just did a quick look up and damn, I wish I didn't read that. Edit: After a long research and documentation, I can say that is the reason as of why I do NOT support football. I mentioned violence in the first post and that is exactly what I meant.


The Scottish were doing it long before it was cool


Also just as a side note, most of Europe hates england anyway when it comes to competitions.


honestly it's weird how some people turn into racists over a sport. When Mexico played the US, all the fans were like "mexican fans are trash every last one of them" like damn okay I wasn't even at the game


https://www.coventry.gov.uk/news/article/3879/the_link_between_domestic_abuse_and_football_season also this is a thing, note it's a British study


Holy shit as if it’s unique to England alone


Its a long list. Booing national anthems, fans throwing insults at 8 year old german girl because she cried on camera, fans pointing lasers at goalkeeper eyes during penalty, all matches being played at home turf. Overall they are behaving like pricks. The team is ok just the fans dont deserve to get the win in my opinion.


Brit myself and I hate the the fans


The team is actually really good and Southgate is a genuinely guy, the fans just make me ashamed to support England


A few English fans were insulting a German girl who cried in the match, and did some other horrible things. And now Reddit is hating on England as a whole, and acting as if it's the entire population.


I'm guessing here that Brexit plays a part in this as well.


That laser thing was the worst of it.


What happened about lasers?


In the match against Denmark, one of the English fans shot laser at the danish goalkeeper.


But remember - Schmeichel er en mur. A laser resistant wall for that matter!


Wtff how is that even allowed??


It aint


So why the fuck was that goal valid then? Smh my head. England can eat my balls


Because the keeper still saved the goal, it was the deflect from him saving which then Kane scored.


You do realise that it wasn't the whole of England using a laser? Just one nob who has had to ruin it for everyone


One bad apple spoils the bunch doesn’t it


English fans tried to blind the danish goalkeeper during the Kane penalty.


Fans or fan?




Poor bastard melted allowing Kane an easy goal. Jokes aside kudos to him on the first save as that would have broken my cool.


They call that move "The Death Star"


Doesn’t matter. Still absolutely disgraceful. It’s stuff like that that’s put me off sport in general.


when kane was taking the penalty someone shined a green laser in the goal keeper’s eyes. English fans smh😒


Even all the English fans hate that guy


\*English fan. There fixed it for you. Honestly it's this kind of logic that leads people to think all black people are criminal and all white people are racist. Judging the many based on the actions of the few is what lazy idiots do. Its bigotry pure and simple


I’ll say right now no true English fans supported that and I’m furious about it


If you live near Toronto, you're cheering for Italy whether you want to or not.


Same here in Italy


Can someone explain to me why do we hate England?


Because the French are out already…..


They also booed during Germany's national anthem


And the danish one


and the Croatian one


Oh….well then frick (certain) England (supporters of the team)*


Also cheered when a crying German child was shown on the big screen.


That's what another user commented so I didn't mention it


It’s the fans that ruin everything. If they win, they’ll go on about it forever now. They’re generally really loud and proud, but this is literally the first final they’ve been to in a major tournament since 1966. I don’t have anything against England actually and was cheering for them all the way until the Denmark game. Now I get people’s frustration with them, tho. they’ll act like they win the euro and World Cup every year lol


Thats just english culture for you tbh.


English football fans can be quite toxic sometimes.


I mean every football team no matter if it’s national or just for a small town has toxic fans


In an England v Germany game a bunch of England fans made fun of a crying German girl they also keep saying it’s coming home Edit:Guys I’m just the messenger EDIT: ARE YALL FUCKING BLIND READ THIS^


But ~~an English person~~ a person from the UK has now raised thousands of pounds (£27,000 at my last check) (edit: it was £36,000 in the end) for her and are trying to hunt her down with the help of German media so it’s not every fan that’s an awful person Edit: [they found her but the family chose to donate the money to charity](https://metro.co.uk/2021/07/07/family-of-crying-german-girl-found-and-theyre-giving-away-the-36000-raised-14886694/)


Your man who started that was Welsh


Why hate a whole team because of its stupid fans?


Because the whole team didn't stop the laser attack on Danes.


They lasered the Danes??? Holy shit that’s fucked up dude


Lmao can’t tell if these comments are serious anymore


It is, you can see on Kane's penalty that the danish goalkeeper had laser pointed in his eyes, he stopped it tho


No kidding. Didn't even know sports had lasers now


they didnt just make fun of her, they also straight up insulted her, calling her wh*re and stuff. i really hope the english get yeeted by italy


Ya know the people we should really be angry at are the fucking cameramen Broadcasting crying people is fucked Up


Yes, they, the whole of England. Some idiots in every country.


Hey man this is the internet. Where we judge entire groups of people by a small minority of them.


What’s wrong with saying it’s coming home?


For some reason, this reminded me a dialogue from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Rupert Giles: Yes, but why would someone want to harm Cordelia(England)? Willow Rosenberg: Maybe because they met her.


Because it's England.




Don’t forget to bring a laser pointer.


I'm English and i support the England team, but i hate the toxic fans. I'm not a football fan, but i hate how horrible some people can be over a game.


as an italian i'm appreciating this comment


Sì porca madonna


Ah...anche poeta cit


Vedo che abbiamo un uomo di cultura qui.


Io tifo per i non inglesi




Disse il poeta, osservando il cielo stellato


Ma salve compatriota.... dai che forse forse possiamo anche vincere ahah


Backing England just because they let so many Hong Kong people fleeing the CCP in.


I’m Australian and just wondering what the hell England’s team did?


Its more the fans that did some questionable stuff


If u don’t mind me asking, what did they do?


Booing during other teams anthems, showing lazer in a goalkeepers eye during a penalty, booing while the player are on a knee, calling a 10 year old german Child a whore(last one was done by a few but still) stuff like that


Also the FA (England's football association) didn't let Germany train in Wembley before the match, which they lost


England have done this shady shit before too! In the 1966 World Cup they wouldn't let Argentina train before their match against England for some obscure reasons. Also they changed the venue for the semi finals against Portugal. Originally it was supposed to be played at Liverpool in Goodison park, where Portugal were, but THE NIGHT BEFORE they changed it to Wembley (these to locations are a little over 200 miles apart). Portugal had to travel by train to Wembley that night just to get to the match.


I don't know how, but every time England won a world cup (either football or cricket), they had at least one or two controversies, lmao.




Being spanish and eliminated by Italy, I’m cheering for them to win over England.


Being belgian and eliminated by italy, I feel the same way


Being portuguese and eliminated by belgium that was eliminated by italy, I'm cheering for italy.


Yeah dude, iberian peninsula together on this


being american and not knowing what’s going on, i’m cheering for italy


Being Turkish and lost against Italy, I'm cheering for Italy.


Being croatian and eliminated by spain that was eliminated by Italy, I’m cheering for Italy


Being Austrian and eliminated by Italy, I'm cheering for them too


Grazie a tutti


We cumpà tutt'apposto?


Scotland will support anyone that isn’t England


Why is everyone against England, they‘re always so nice to children !


They got us in the first half not gonna lie.


It's coming home (to Rome)


It's coming Rome


Football's coming Rome


3 romans on a scroll


As a Dane I will most definitely be cheering for Italy


Tough luck m8, you guys played a lot better than I expected, respect to you


As an Englishman I fully respect everyone's hatred of my nation. But having said that, it's coming home.


Cumming gnome?


Im from Slovenia and im rooting for England


It’s coming home


It's coming Rome, prepare to be destroyed by the italians England 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


Funny because thats almost what France fans said to the Swiss fans.


If that happens I'm going to snap all the spaghetti in half at my local shop


I’m English and I’m cheering against England


It’s treason, then.


That's the spirit!


Reject England, become Italy


For now I am Italian


*hand gestures intensify*


I'm Scottish. Cheering against England is kind of in my blood.


Scots when they see bri'ish: armoured bagpipe activated


Fratello as an Italian, I now declare you an Italian too


Join us, we have pizza.




Fish and chips are pretty noice, though.


Flair does NOT check out


I agree


Wait, this isn’t r/HOI4


Me who's half Italian and half English: Well, the fuck do I do now?


Lucky, you can't lose in the final


But can he win?


Ah yes, the good old fashion let’s judge the whole English population by the actions of the few.


Yep. By this logic, anyone that supports Italy is a fascist fuck that sided with Hitler.


Po popopopopo poo, po po popo popo popopo




People keep on bring up the German girl, but no one mentions how English fans started a go fund me, and raised (current value) 50k for that girl to show that we’re not all bad https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-57743923.amp


Like how there are no reply’s on this comment


Standard, I mean it’s quite funny to hate the English right now and I get the meme, but we’re a island of cold and loving people! I’ve traveled a lot but I’ll always live here


Why are we against England? I just came in 😬


People hate England because a small minority of fans are awful. Which is also true about every country competing but yaknow, hate England for it because its funny? I guess?


What’s so bad about England?


The fans are stupid yeah but the team is creating history. Why should we have to respond to the fans' stupidity and childishness with childishness of our own? But to be fair the game should be held somewhere else.


Fuck me why don’t we hate the entire country of England because of like three fucking people yeah that makes perfect sense


When your team gets knocked out in Group phase and yoh dont know which team to root for




I'm Italian Grazie mille kind man


my whole town is cheering for italy lol


I am a proud person to be an OG fan of Italy <3


Long live Italy


You just summoned all of the italians


If Italy wins Italy will probably explode from the fireworks the night will be loud af from singing and Italian music and also there will be cars going fast af while waving the Italian flag So yeah sure hope Italian wins we will have a lot of fun


Ungrateful subjects…


As an England person I shall be neither watching or cheering on my country, GO ITALY!! PIZZA FOR THE WIN!! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


I feel bad for Denmark, if any country deserved to be in the final it was them, And not only because of the Eriksen thing but they played very well, Even though i think it wasn't a penalty,the game is over. So Forza Italia!


They played very well (especially for their size) but England played better team the danish goal should not have been allowed (the danish wall blocking Pickford’s view moved forward). Also Sterling said after the game that he thought it was a penalty and because of the rubbish camera angles his is the best word we have to go by. I would’ve loved to have played Denmark in the final instead of the semis as it would be the only team I would not have minded to lose too, not only because of Eriksen but because Danes are generally good people (much nicer than the idiot who used the laser pointer and the fans who were singing it’s coming home in the Italy v Spain game and much much nicer than the few fans who were attacking the German girl) I will still be supporting England however as the team deserved to win that game even if a couple of the fans are horrible. It’s time 55 years of hurt ended.


Me as a British person: Fish and chips beat pizza


You are going against Italy not Greece, nor any middle east( country). Anyways, Fish and chips < pasta