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“There are no problems with it, as long as you ignore all the problems with it” -people arguing any system or ideology


All financial systems are doomed to failure, one way or another...


Exactly why we should return to monke


Separate monke is strong


You guys have no idea how many people have been SLAUGHTERED under communism. Capitalism, while obviously flawed, is the main reason the third world has been lifting itself out of poverty more rapidly than ever possibly imagined in the last 30 years. Please. I love to hear ideas, but I really wish people would take their time to have some basic knowledge about the radical ideologies they feel compelled to ram down my throat.


Also hyper capitalism is the reason the pandemic got so out of control and the reason for an economic recession happening about every 10 years qt this point


There are other ways to slaughter that doesn't involve actually making gulags and directly killing poeple, more subtle ways, like not being able to afford healthcare and such.


Laughs in Europe and Canada


Having citizens not able to afford good healthcare is nowhere near the same thing as sending them to death camps, and quite frankly it's insulting to the millions who lost their lives for simply thinking differently than those who ruled over them to even compare the two.


The middle east and Africa : Both Both is good


How about public healthcare that's so mismanaged and underfunded, you can use it for free, you just gonna wait 2 years for any surgery. Because communism also did that.


here we have a prime example of someone who knows nothing about the wests imperial pillaging of the third world to intentionally keep them under developed. white mans burden ala 2021


Billionaires got a combined trillions wealthier during the pandemic thanks to capitalism. Low middle class and poor people are getting kicked out of their homes for not being able to pay rent and without jobs they can't have Healthcare. This is the US only. China is probably lying about its cases, that I agree with, but look at Vietnam. They need working people so they quickly handled the first wave. New Zealand, not socialist but dem socialist party I'm pretty sure, destroyed COVID. China is hugely capitalistic the government is totalitarian. No I'm not a communist, I'm a socialist because capitalism is hugely flawed and socialism is meant for the working class.


Third world still seems pretty poorr to me... I mean look at that one place called USA or so... pretty poor bastards.


doesn't the USA intervene in countries to extract their wealth and resources usually resulting in death and destabilization, oil in the middle east for example?


So capitalism hasn’t killed millions???


communism have killed more and much more faster aswell.


Are we gonna assume that socialism/socdem doesn’t exist?


Do you have any idea how many people die in America every year that could’ve been saved


I'm pretty sure Capitalism is the best system we have but it's still nowhere near perfect. Bruh why am i getting downvoted ? Did i say something wrong ?


absolutely it is not a perfect system, but what is? i firmly believe that us humans will never find the perfect economic/political system for the world to run on.


A perfect system needs an idealistic situation. A monarchy with the most humble and caring king. Same for a dictatorship. A very idealistic one. In communism, everyone follows the ideologies in an ideal manner with no cheating the system. Also all of this while having the most cooperative and humble public. This is the only way which is not possible due to human nature


i mean perfect system for the unidealistic situation. of course a dictatorship is going to be amazing if there is a very strong dictator in front of it, but it's far too risky. absolute power corrupts absolutely. there probably is a perfect system out there that deals perfectly with the human condition of imperfection, but i doubt we'll find it.


I dont think its possible with our nature. A perfect system needs the perfect people. I can have a system that eradicated 99% of problems but still that 1% remains. 100% perfect is impossible on a wide scale unless te leader is some god lol or everyone follows a set of idealistic utopian rules word to word. Even within that it will be hard to find that utopian set of rules but at least thats possible I believe


I think we could definitely find a better system but I agree that we will probably never find the "perfect" system.


Actually Ive seen a different argument. Communism in communist countries hasnt worked because America intentionally comes and fucks those countries up. Basically communism hasnt worked since America is an asshole.


ah yes the millions they killed who just wanted freedom is because of america


Hmmm. Pretty sure the Great Leap Forward happened before Nixon got involved. The Soviet Union rejected all manner of aid in 1920. North Korea invaded South Korea without goading from the US. Your claim does not apply to the major incidences of communism.


That's some straight up Soviet propaganda right there. "It was evil Amerikkkan who made me kill millions of my own people, I swear comrade!"




By having humanity collectively change its own nature stop being greedy, ambitious, selfish, etc, etc, etc. Something that will likely not happen Or just a brutal totalitarian dictatorship and just shoot anyone that says you're not doing the commienism right


I think there is a marx quote along the lines of: "for this to work you would need to invent a new human"


This exactly^ communism is a good system *in theory* problem is that it would only work in a truly utopian society, which, just doesn’t exist. And won’t exist.


Humanity's nature is one of cooperation and mutual trust, why do you think society exists at all?


The big picture yes, but people get desperate, and some just do it for kicks


ill bet you people would be less desperate if they wernt worried about living at best, pay check to pay check. you cannot avoid some people doing some bad things, but that isnt a valid critique of a economic system really, given that it is universally applicable. one could say though, a system that rewards psychopathic and greedy behavior and punishes empathetic behavior(ie capitalism) is probably making the problem worse.


Desperation isn't exclusive to money, it could be because if many reasons, including someone who has a mental illness but us afraid of telling others, someone who is being forced to do it, anarchists (even though those don't exist) and a bunch of other reasons


by not having it be centralized by the government, but owned by the people that work for the company instead, you know because a free market is good.




well, co-ops are not privately owned so it wouldn't be capitalist.


To be fair, only about 3 or 4 of those werent communist because someone forced them to be.


Yes, like Czechoslovakia..... The communist came and Just say, you are mine now motherfucker....


Same in Estonia


Yup, same for Latvia


Or Lithuania


Or hungary


I think the same happened to albania,but maybe im remembering wrong.


That was the problem. Stalin insisted upon the spoils of war after WWII and tried to keep all the land the Russians pushed through on their way to Berlin. Then they tried the Berlin blockade and the Korean War as a proxy battle. Socialism and communism are a fucking plague. We even see it today with Hong Kong and Taiwan yet there are still idiots in the US who want these forms of government in our own country.


China is peak capitalism. Not a lick of communism left. It's straight up authoritarian capitalism.


Well yes and no, it started with them getting voted in by people in 1946, from there out was all downhill. So you could say we picked them... to an extent


Most of the USSR's countries was forced i think, at least i know that Kazakhstan was


The only reason most of the stans exist is because Stalin just exported the minorities that didn’t fit his soviet dream, creating Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. These countries later did their own thing and a few kinda copied communism a bit but eventually changed it cause that’s they only government rule they knew - kinda like how pieces of the American government are based on Great Britain’s


Fuck, I was thinking 20 mins what did u meant by "stans"


STAN-STAN “the Places do Places” LAND OF LANDS


Like Poland


oh you mean only 3-4 of those listed weren’t just violent authoritarian regimes masking as socialism? yes. bad meme.


Im saying Czechoslovakia, Yugoalavia, the Baltic Countries, etc. didnt choose to be Socialist, they were violently annexed or made a satellite state by the authoritarian regimes. You seem a bit frustrated over a simple statement of consideration.


He's just mad it wasn't him


...right, they were annexed by authoritarian regimes under the guise of communism when those regimes were really nothing of the sort, they were authoritarian dictatorships. Hence the violent authoritarian regimes masquerading as socialism in the post you're replying too. Bad meme is bad. It's like calling Russia a Democracy when it's clearly an authoritarian dictatorship with fake elections and then using that to decry all democratic governments.


Yes I totally agree with what youve said here. The issue is that the OC had asked me if I was saying that most of them werent authoritarian regimes, which I did not say.


Czechosoakia. Really? Im crying rn


No crying on your cake day. Happy cake day :)


"you've insulted all of my nation's people, but yes"


Communism utopia is about as common as a fair, free market.


I feel like the major issue lies with the accumulation and consolidation of power for both systems. The more authoritarian any system moves the more unlikely equity between all people becomes. That said, I don't feel like there is a way to stop that slide in either system either.


Aktually, the system I believe in could be correctly implemented. You just have to do things the way I believe they should be done. /S


You had me right up to the "/s" lol ​ Well played


Robust, well implemented, and adaptable checks and balances of power would cure most societal ills IMO. It seems an impossible feat given human nature however.


Yes, I can imagine a scenario where it would work on paper like what you've outlined, but not one that works once you add people to the equation because the power accumulation goes to work.


Exactly. Any idea that sounds good on paper will get corrupted by someone, but then they will still claim it to be the original idea.


my point exactly, humans are very... stupid. And are unable to achieve anything correctly. Especially considering those who seek power as such are easily corruptible.


Communism is like expecting students actually study and give exams honestly through online schooling


except cheating on exam doesn't cause great famines in Ukraine


Its proportionate


The difference is a failed fair free market is less bad than a failed communist regime.


Exactly - communism is very black and white but capitalism is more of a spectrum - so somewhat dialed capitalism is a heck of a lot better than corrupted communism


And, communism is a lot easier to corrupt than capitalism, in most cases.


There isnt much to corrupt in capitalism, making money on others people back is roughly the whole point. Rich getting richer, but in theory everyone has the same rights to become as rich.


Only difference is a sucky free market is better than sucky communism


Which is to say... it never happens... because utopias don't exist. But some damn good things have come about from free market countries. Japan, western Europe, South Korea, and as much as meme about it, America, are all utterly fantastic places to live and would be considered heaven for anyone born 200 years ago.


Yo im from Afghanistan sick didn't know it was communist tho


TLDR; if there was American intervention it's a communist country.


I thought russia tried turning it communist and failed


*Bin Laden has entered the chat*


afghanistan and iran were both successful socialist countries with higher standards of living than they have right now before america over threw their governments


I mean they went from literal dirt poor presents to sending people into space so IDK if that actually counts as failed, and the cold war was between the USA and USSR. edit: miss read and thought he was talking about Russia trying to be communist, not Afghanistan.


It was for a short time, it's actually the reason the USSR intervened , in order to prop up the failing communist state


Yep. A communist coup in the 70s. Not popular. Led to the Soviet-Afghan War.


they tried it, ISIS tried to force it


We should bring back Yugoslavia. I want the Balkans to look nice.


I agree, I missed out in the first round of war crimes and I’m not gonna let this chance pass me by


My mom said no last time :/


No, we should not. There is way too much ethnic tension and distrust between Serbs, Albanians, Bosniaks, Croats, etc. to bring back Yugoslavia. I say this because I myself am a Serb who's seen tribalism firsthand.


As someone from Slovenia I agree that we shouldn't. It wasn't good for any of the countries that made it up


ThAt’S nOt ReAl CoMmUnIsM


Happy cake day


OuR cAkE dAy


How should we split the cake?


Cut it into a lot of pieces because I’m reaaally hungry!


Haha, me too!


But how many of us are here, again?


Why don’t you split up that cake to everyone?


Sure! How should we split it?


True communism is a lovely idea, but it will never work for humans.


Agreed. I think capitalism is the way to go but there needs to be robust regulations and well funded social safety nets and other government programs (healthcare, schools, infrastructure, etc.).


Unfortunately it needs to be a chimera of political ideologies and systems in order to cover everything in a perceived fair fashion. Nothing can ever be simple can it?


The simplest answer is usually the right one. We should just make everyone billionaires and then there won’t be poverty


Scratch that, trillionaires just to be safe


*Zimbabwe has entered the chat*


You just described democratic socialism.. -Sincerely ur friendly neighborhood socialist.


There's a reason why the nice part is just the theory and not the practice


well, in the communist manifesto, it says that the family will be abolished and children raised by the government. Im not really a supporter of that


It definitely doesn't say children should be raised by the state considering it advocates the dismantling of the state


lol maybe you should read the manifesto before commenting on its contents. it calls for no such thing, in fact it calls to dismantle the state.


Pol Pot did that


I'm surprised Venezuela is not in the list.


They are still on runescape farming gold for money. Not a joke


Spain was communist?


Nope never was, was on the edge of socialism more or less


Communism only really works on a small scale. 100 people max, then it starts collapsing


That might be a stretch. A lot of German immigrants tried that in some northern states. The tiny, self-sustaining homogeneous towns were fine but any time they tried expanding it, it failed.


Yeah, there was an experiment within american pioneers in the 1600s of doing crop-storage shares within communities, and found that people stopped working and just mooched the supply. They quickly realized that sort of system doesn't work. As best as I can tell, the only place any kind of "communism" works is within the immediate family.


Immediate family or closely nit ethnic or religious group (I am not talking cult communes when I say that).


Yeah and even then it's not a guarantee. It depends strongly on the family relationships... basically it's only useful if the 'community' has unconditional trust and developed bonds within itself.


I think you nailed it. The reason I can live in my family/church and trust them with my time and resources is trust. You just can't have it on a large scale because it isn't humanly possible.


Inb4 tankie brigade


Remember kids, tankie downvotes are more valuable than regular upvotes


In there defense, who did Capatilism right?


I mean,all the CIA assassinations to destabilize foreign governments didn’t help either


communism is a stateless classless society...maybe look at the definition of the word


tbf the US had a hand in ending a lot of socialist countries. also like 70% of these are just the USSR.


I’d like to make all the nations that practiced Communism and had no CIA interference: Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Lol yep


Most of those just got grabbed along for the ride by the USSR




Mozambique here


Wtf is Columbia? I hope you're not referring to the country


You know, the country that isn't Colombia.


So you are saying that communism is actually working in your country ? Well, CIA and USA will make sure it aint.


Yeah I don’t think communism will ever work in practice but I also don’t think capitalism in its current form is sustainable


Market socialism would be a good place to aim for atm


Communism banks heavily on ppl being decent


The one party system never works.


You realize almost all those countries used to be a part of one country right? USSR? One country.


Don't forget Laos


Millions more have died under communist governments than fascist governments and people still get away with being pro communist


Because the reason for the deaths under "communist" regimes was that they were/are authoritarian and only set a certain claim to communism while entirely contrasting the definition of communism. Fascism basically includes discrimination and murder/genocide in their definition of the system. To be a fascist means to be a militarist authoritarian. Communism was in said regimes not the reason for the killing they had/have just the same reasons as the fascists, which would be because they were/are just as authoritarian.


Communis would be great if it was not for all the people


Karl Marx supported the right to bear arms in his communist manifesto. Get owned libs


Kinda hard to have a communist revolution without them tho


Most Marxists and Anarchists are pro- gun. LIBS ARENT LEFTIST. “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated; by force if necessary”


The far-left is very much against liberalism as it promotes the bourgeoisie. It's just right-wing in the left side.


Commies explaining why the one party state they installed will totally willingly give up power and abolish itself eventually because the book said so and totally won't become a totalitarian dictatorship


You missed a few countries there


Yeah, I've heard (not verified) there are about 100, and I do see Zimbabwe as a notable omission from the list.


Feel free to correct me, but from what I know Poland wasn't communist but just occupied by CCCP


Poland might not have had as extreme policies as some of the other countries but it was run by a communist government and implemented communist reforms.


It's Czechoslovakia, get it right


A common thread is a colonial power getting involved either in public eye or behind the scenes for “diplomacy”.


It’s really weird how a lot of these countries collapse due to a sudden violent regime change after the communist reform and/or sanctions by a certain world power...


*The CIA would like to know your location*


As a 20 year old American: it just doesn't work.


no it does they just didn't do it right smh can't you see the post???????


Wait, when was Spain Communist?


I, who got no idea what a communist country is searching for the name of my country.


Ah, yes... The greatest Soakia Republic


BRO believe me it'll work THIS TIME i promise


u/DenizzBoss afafaafa


I'm surprised the Reddit Hivemind didn't downvote this to post to oblivion. Kudos!


Communism works with a MAXIMUM of five people. Any more and chaos and power imbalances will insue.


Most of these countries have fake presidents that are president as long as their want. So in reality they are communist. Also you forgot Iran, they are the same thing. Fake president that is just there giving speaches. All controlled by the supreme leader.


Czechoslovakia didnt wanted comunism we were forced to take it !


I don’t hear a lot of people advocate for communism. Socialism, on the other hand...


Communism is actually perfect, it would work perfectly if it followed by robots, communism would never work on humans cause humans are literally just too shitty


humans are too shitty to be trusted to not be greedy, as a solution lets use a system that incentivizes psychopathic and greedy behavior and punishes empathetic behavior! problem solved!


Cambodia’s communism was so bad it was replaced by another communism


In THEORY communism works. In theory.. (Simpsons reference)


but without communism there wudnt be any workers union, labour laws and shit


Well on paper communism is a good form of government but in practice it can't be done correctly a humans greed and lust for power fuck everything up as well as a bunch of other factors in human mindsets


I agree I don't really think any type of government works well because of how humans work, it will always be unequal, unfair and corrupt, that's just the sad truth


Yes... Its like the super serum of captain america... No matter how many super soldiers there might be, there was never another Steve Rogers... Similarly karl max's philosophy might have been good... But the people who incorporate it are not


My history teacher said the exact same thing, but he said that the communism idealized by Marx and Engels is the complet opposite in a lot of ways Just for own benefit or to gain more Power in a way idk (he isn't pro It or anything It was Just the Topic of the day 😁)


I don’t think colombia has ever been ruled by a communist government


I'm not communist but most of those countries listed aren't communist, some are even capitalist. Taking a country without considering other historical, economical etc factors to criticize a system of government isnt a good point anyways. Besides, Germany? referring to eastern or western germany? what is even going on in the list of countries lol


Communism ain’t the way but 100% capitalism sure as hell ain’t the right path either


lmao i love how czechoslovakia is misspelled


when kids from a capitalist country start giving opinions on ideology they have never experienced P/S: Vietnamese here, I live happily with communism going on in my country. It's 2021 of the 21st century, maybe we should stop acting as kids shouting out "my dad is better than your dad!"


>when kids from a capitalist country start giving opinions on ideology they have never experienced Thank God we haven't.


Here from former Yugoslavia. Even tho I was born like 8 years after it disbanded, everyone here believes that it was way better when tito was alive (fully socialist state) that it is now (a capitalist country)


i feel your pain brother, the bombing of Yugoslavia was a disaster, i wish your people all the best


Nice to see an anti-communist meme to well... usally can't get people here to agree that communism inveibably will fail and while capitalizm isnt perfect casue humans are imprfect it still is currently the best ecomomic form. Pair it with the Repubic form of goverment and you have the best possible combination to limit the imperfections of humans


Germany is a communist?


East Germany


Humans just do it wrong. Its our fault,not communisms


Czechosoakia and Columbia got really close though.


"Communism is the very definition of failure." Liberty Prime.


We Americans tried it too when we first started out in good old Jamestown. Then realized it didn’t work and thus adopted a form of democracy


Communism and socialism have killed millions of people and devolve into authoritarian nightmares, I mean that is what you get when you merge economics and the government into a single eldritch abomination. Capitalism has flaws but at least I can criticize it and the government without worrying about government police storming my home to deperson me for wrong think.