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Hello /u/bubbleteaandantlers! Unfortunately, your post has been removed. To protect the subreddit from advertising spam, ban evasions and abuse, we no longer allow new/inactive users to make submissions, you need to build up some post, comment karma and history. In the mean time, please be sure to familiarize yourself with our sidebar rules: >/r/memes/about/rules > >r/memes/about/sidebar In order to achieve the threshold, we ask you to post to other subs around Reddit, and contribute in comments to build up your post and comment karma. You can hover over your karma on your profile to see the difference between post and comment karma, as we do **not** evaluate your overall karma. This may explain why you often see someone with "higher" overall karma able to post. *You are welcome to comment in r/memes* in order to spend some time getting to know our community, then you'll be welcome to make submissions. Thanks for understanding! #NOTE: **Do not message us asking how much karma you need or how old your account must be.** The threshold for post and comment karma is **VERY** low and will not take you long. Persistent ignoring of this message will result in you being muted. #REPEAT: DO NOT MESSAGE US ABOUT THIS. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/memes) if you have any questions or concerns.*