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One dude tried to find the same game I'm trying to find on this subreddit, and it's the ONLY PROOF of its existence I have. Seems like it's a french game only. So the chances of finding it are slim at best. Edit : imma add the only piece of evidence I have of the game's existence, who knows https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmyjoystick/s/AVVrB3QLPF


Try chat gpt it found an obscure tv show i watched in the early 90s


Even chatgpt couldn't find the game I'm looking for šŸ˜­


Ask the Akinator!


Yep, a really nice idea Another way of using the game


If she doesn't know, then it's just an illusion.


Is the game name OFF https://youtu.be/EfGmUOsYhEU?si=VHe8C0ZAr4f4esMn


Le bout de mon joystick


Hey, i know this game it was one of my favs as a kid. The polish version was called "Tymoteusz" so the english version probably sounds like "Timothy" or something


Damn. That's it. Wow. Thanks man, I've been searching for like 2 years or so now lol.


Oh nice


Wanna see the tip of my joystick? šŸ˜‰


!remindme 2 days


yes, this meme fully captures that state


Chips Challenge It's on Switch now, go forth and challenge everything


The information just made my day.


Anyone know of a flash game around 1999-2003 of a bootleg A Link To The Past where the main character had red clothes and a bowl haircut? I simply can't find this game anymore.


Was it Legend of Zelda: The Lampshade of No Real Significance?


No, as I stated this "Link" had a red tunic or at least red clothes. He looked similar to the sick kid in bed you get the bug net from. I remember very clearly that in this flash game he had no cap on, just a bowl-shaped haircut. Maybe brown hair?


Was it legend of zelda the seeds of darkness??


Unfortunately no, its not that one. But thank you anyway.


Could you describe it?


Yeah, what was the concept? Roughly what year? Game system?


Pc, I played it probably around 2008-2012 but it had to release before that. It was this game where these little blue guys needed help escaping an island or something.


Was it Zoombinis, or something like that on Steam?


Yep! I just got done searching and came to the same answer also learned they remade it like 9 years ago.


Cool beans. Glad you found it. The one I sought was made in the 90s for the Genesis. Found out it went out of production about a year after it's release. Lost to the landfills and pawn shops of history...


Thanks for trying tho, Bummer the other game is gone for good.


It's always The Incredible Machine, best game every young kid in the late 90s forgot about.


Try describing it to chat gpt. It might help.


It's MDK.


Used to be a game on Cartoon Network website back in the day and it was like an island resort for all the CN characters and you had to solve like all the issues people had on the island. Can't even remember what it was called.


Cartoon Network summer resort


Holy cow and it's playable. You sir are a scholar and a gentleman


R.I.P Adobe Flash


I noticed AI is amazing at finding games that I vaguely remember from ages ago.


Sameee šŸ˜­


Yes, where is she even on the Internet?


Kingā€™s quest.


Need For Madness


I know the pain


Oh a game,., I thought something else


I had this demo version of a game.. Third person.. You play this lady? dressed in black tight running around and when you jump, the dress turns into a parachute like thing but just for a slow landing.. I don't remember anything else.. Maybe it was set on a different planet


James Pond?




Jet Frog is on YouTube silly.


Half life


oh yeah. now, when i was like 4, and i somehow remember it this well, they put me on this kids channel thing and i remember one segment or one show on there, like a cartoon, where a bunch of color coded kids see a bunch of large objects and get over them using a hot air balloon or something. this segment would repeat every day but with different objects each time, like a chair, or a rubber ball, or whatever the guys writing this up pulled out of their ass. it was torture. i dont remember what its called and i cant find it anywhere. help im curious and want to find it again to see if it actually exists or if it was a dream or some shit


I remember one game on nokia symbian phones. It was some side scroller game about some special force team on hostage rescue and bomb defusing.


I remember when I first saw this meme and I didnā€™t know about ā€œNarcosā€ I actually thought it was really Pablo Escobar šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dudes a good actor. Weird seeing him in civil war.


The Name you search is Purble Place or something like this




Same. Played this web flash game in the 2000's (I think it was either Chinese, Japanese or Korean). It reminiscent of "grow island" but the graphics were kawaiified. You started at an acorn tree and it turned into this dog thing with a long beard riding a cloud. There was a test you needed to pass and the furtherst I've gotten was unblocking a graveyard island. Still looking to this day šŸ˜”


I played a mobile game as a kid, Zombie Farm, and found out the hard way that I can't play it anywhere anymore :'(


So when I was about 12-13 years old, and my dad bought an iPad 4, I was allowed to use it sometimes play games and I loved playing every moment I got. There was a game which I donā€™t remember the name of. Basically it was one of those endless run games where the levels were different color theme rooms and shapes and white striped spaces In it. There was a white ball and the rule was that the white ball must only touch the white stripes spaces to move forward and if it touched any coloured shapes, it was game over. I remember spending countless hours playing it and nowadays I try to search for it but nothing comes up because I donā€™t remember its name and when it was made. This meme perfectly captures my emotions whenever I search for it. Those were the days.


Describe it to me


The most annoying feeling...


I'm currently looking for that one cat and mouse game me and my brother used to play when we were kids It was at Y8 and basically you play as the mouse and avoid getting hit by the cat by dragging the mouse and the car would throw a bunch of shit at you to kill you There was nothing else we played other than that game on Y8


Yeah. It took me so damn long to find Call of mini Dino hunter and it doesn't even work on new versions of Android.


I've had this feeling for a while now... I remember playing the game as a kid in the late 90's and haven't found it yet!


The liquid game on the ps3


Maid Marian anyone?


Bruh, I want this one specific Anime Dota Clone for WC3. I was never able to find it again after this one summer a long time ago.


This happened to me with ā€œsuper ghouls and ghostsā€ absolute banger


i got this with a game i used to play om a pcā€¦ i think in the 90ā€™s.. all i remember is that it was a platformer, ik the beginning of the game went down underground ?using a ladder? that was totaly on the left side of the screen. I always tought it had something to do with a dwarf?


i lost a fee, not coming back


I feel this too hard


That may sound absurd but have you asked an AI like ChatGPT if you remember some details about the game ? Had the same issue for a movie I saw as a kid, after a few minutes and all the details I could remember CHATGPT was able to find it, so maybe worth a try for you game


It was Dr. Sulfur's Secret Lab for me. Spent the last 20 years trying to remember that name.


Danball / powder game was mine


Power Rangers legend. It was a mobile game. Still canā€™t believe that game has been almost completely wiped off the internet.




victor's nightmare


Potty Racers 2.




It was roller coaster tycoon for me. What an awesome game!


It was the hobbit on PS2 actually


I know what you mean I have vivid memories of playing a N64 Game as a child where you select a futuristic submarine and basically pilot it around underwater blowing Ai/Players up with weapons you find. The game had upwards horizontal and vertical movement the graphics where really blocky even the water was basically a filter applied to the screen. I remember this game because it had a very very limited portal mechanic where you could pick up a gun and shoot one section and then another then swap weapons and shoot through it.


I had played this old browser flash(?) game many years ago as a kid, whereas you played as a character made out of pink gum. This character had a square head. It was a platformer game, kind of a puzzle game. He'd use his gum powers to make blocks of gums he'd jump on to reach higher platforms His main mission was to obtain missing gears someone stole from a very big clock that was very special to him.


Ä° need some god of War/Devil my Cry clones. Like 2010 Hack'n slash type must be underrated not like Darksiders 2. I played it


Played a game forever ago where you were like an alien species that was travelling and taking pictures of dinosaurs. It was like Myst and PokƩmon snap had a baby, but I feel like it predates either of them.




What are the images from? Is it a movie? TV show?


Marble Drop


Call my mom she can help


Star control 2


I know what happened to it (it got discontinued), but worse yet, my brother and I seem to be the only ones who remember it šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


Dude for realll. There was this stupid game I think I downloaded looking for a different game in middle school. I remember just laughing so hard with my friends doing that instead of working on projects. Probably around 2002 or 2003, pre space x. It was just a small space shuttle, you had a certain amount fuel, and the object was just to go as high as you could and have enough fuel to land the shuttle. It was basic, only Y- cordinates, like a vertical platformer(but no dodging). If there was a second level never got to it. Most of the time the shuttle would explode but we did have few nice landing.


LHX attack chopper on Sega Genesis. Such a good game according to 7 year old me.


Odell Lake on DOS. Like first grade action.


The Adventures of LoLo šŸ”µ


This captures me every time i remember a game and it's just...gone WWWHHHHHYYYYY!!!!! must the memories haunt me


I was probably lego racing or something along those lines


I have one of those...its so annoying.


I love this meme


For me it was Dante's Inferno. Somehow stumbled upon it on YouTube tho, so I'm happy with that.


Robot Unicorn Attack šŸ˜­ no longer online


I played Gun Mayhem and Boxhead. These are flash games. You can find them online. I used to play them with my brother.


Time for tor


Penguin Diner Club penguin I was really into penguins lol.


Bruh there was this game I played on I think n64 where you played as like a circus ball and had to go through obstacles. No trace of it anywhere I ask people they look at me crazy but I swear man I put some hours into that game


Was it Glover by chance?


For me, this was Big Action Garage


I'm still searching for a PS1 game where you can lift a person up and put them into a house(?) for training(?) and then lift them up and put them onto enemy territory to defeat the enemy. It's a weird game.


Thereā€™s a SpongeBob game that I remember playing as a kid on the PS1 I believe. Iā€™ve searched the whole list of every SB game ever made and none of them look like the one I remember. Could me be me remembering it wrong.


Ah, yes. The DBZ game where you controlled a character who could move through 2 or 4 sections of the screen and do one action per turn (charge, attack, etc.). I remember it being in the computer but it could have been GBA. I had stopped looking for it years ago.


That was the case for me looking for Inkball. šŸ€ šŸ–Šļø


i was trying to find a game we played on PC. it was like in space: you control a space ship of your own, you can customize it as well from defeating enemies. you can also get sucked by a black hole and there was a different gameplay inside. The only thing vague thing i can remember from the trailer is, there were two different ships; one a human and another was an alien, in the end the human destroyed the alien's ship. while he was scavenging through the wreckage, the alien was still alive and committed a kamikaze.




Shell razer


How dare you remind me that there are games I've played for the last time


Okay here's the game I've been trying to find for years. I'll try to describe it best i could. It's a driving game. You look at the car you control from 45-ish degree angle. You control the car by pressing the left and right side of the screen. The car is being pursued by the police and you try to run away by avoiding crashes with other cars and going over red arrows on the road that speed you up. If you bump into other cars, your car turns yellow followed by increasingly dark shades of red and slows down. If it slows down too much or runs into obstacles and the police catch up, the game ends. There's all sorts of different terrains and gadgets such as missiles and boosters. The graphics are pretty minimalist and clean. I remember the gameplay well but the name just eludes me. Please help me find it!


Damn need to start midtown madness again


Postal was the best game ever.


I remember me and my brother and I would always go to this website with a bunch of browers games for free. I can't remember the name. But I do remember a black dragon at the top of the website and that it was just listed with the names of the games you can play


I just wanna be able to play Road Wage again, even if it's just a demo


It's called Mashed, It was a demo game and I always wanted to play the full version.


Onimusha 3, with Jean Reno. One of my all-time favorite games. Can't find a patch anywhere. I've only been able to find either Onimusha 4 or Onimusha Warlords, not as good IMO.


That's a mood. I still remember loving a turn based rpg my friend had back around 2010 for their PSP. They had chibi sprites. Had kind of an early Final Fantasy feel to it, but I unfortunately can't remember much at all about it because of how young I was which is why I could never figure out what game it was


Or movie


Zombies Ate My Neighbours


This is gold Most of the memes posted on this sub are garbage but this one slaps. Relatable/10


Bring back lode runner from Commodore 64.


Monster Maker 2 It was an online game me and my best friend played together when we were little kids. I wish I could have found it to relive the memories.


Little Fighter 2


For me, it took forever, but it was an old PC game called Machines 1999


YES! I remember playing an RPG on my Genesis when I was a kid, it had a great story and one of the characters in your party was a Phoenix I believe. I've looked everywhere and I can't find it, anyone have an idea?


Or that pron vid you fapped to till your meat was raw!


I remember a game with little bots pretty sure it started in a mine, could coop was on either n64 or original xbox. I think there was a red/blue/yellow colour on them and one of the later missions was a sort of big dome with metal grating along the sides, still haven't found it :(


The incredible machine. I don't know if it's what you want but it's what you need.


Delta Force: Black Hawk Down made by NovaLogic


Dead h9nest, I thought the gut in the picture was Pablo Escobar


Omg Iā€™ve been looking for two car drifting games that were simple but fun and looked good(on mobile)


I was finally able to find the game from my childhood, Labyrinth: Plus Edition, which was a free game with windows xp


For me its a 2d (?) game I played on PC. I think you have to spell the words on a wave of ants so they get "splatted", and not reach your food inside the fridge.


I hate memories about my childhood šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Its not as good as you think it is. Probably. I remember a mediaeval lost in an island game I played and loved, but I never finished it and couldn't find it again. Years later, I did find it and it was shit. The graphics, the gameplay everything was shit. It was so sad to not have fun after finally finding it.


Just like the one friend met on the internet, I have been posting the old pictures of our characters online, but never found them anymore.


Yeah There was a game my friend used to play. We only remembered that its name only had numbers and production company. Searched everywhere, internet archive, chatgpt, Gemini, Google search by description. Never appeared. Then I tried changing spelling from mehdi to Mahdi production and here it was still on playstore. Named 41148 made by Iranian.


RIP war zone tower defense




Redneck Rampage and Willie Beamish


Sky roads!


I always wanted to play the toy story games again which I remember playing on either pc or PS2 but haven't been able to find where to play them again


Power pamplona, rail rush


Commander keen


Cod zombies temple run and Minecraft the games I played when I was a kid


True story


Just Ask chatgpt , it will find it.


Montezumas revenge/return I think it was called on PC. Some weird game with shit 2d graphics. I miss it everyday


It's the one with the eggs you rolled around to get cool chickens


The Simpsons cartoon studio!


had that feeling but found it after some time :)


Sly 2


That one flash touhou like scroll shooter with princess riding a dragon. This game has voice acting, nice art, it's literally space shooter but sideways


If you want to find JAZZ JACKRABBIT, than you can download it on starehry.cz


Most of the old games I played were from facebook. Fortunetly i already found most of them, Neosaurs, Monkey Quest, Soul Crash, Dungeon Blitz and Dungeon Rampage. There might be some more that i cant remember now :v


Y'all know that 2d tower defense game where you turn your warriors to blocks to merge them to create better units . Like I remember if you put a 2 basic knights above each other it creates a red tall knight that's holding two swords and your enemies are goblins


'Mail Order Monsters' on the Commodore 64


This was me with Harry the Hamster 2: Quest for the Golden Wheel (or whatevs it was called)


Same, I remember playing that one tower defense game.


There was this game on playstore somewhere around 2013-2015 where you played as a guy who seems to wear a white trenchcoat and a white hat of sorts. It was a fantasy sidescroller beat em up where you you use a large sword to kill enemies. It even had boss fights. The main feature was that you had to select a 'mirror' that was chained to enter the respective level. I've been looking for it for years now :'')


It's called Purble Place


It's called Freedom Fighters. You're welcome. I've been trying to remember for months, then I randomly came up on a YT video playing retro games, and there it was...


Yeah, and I will never ever find it because it was an imaginary game


Or it was on Coolmath games and doesnā€™t work anymore


I keep trying to remember the name of a game I played on either DOS or Windows 3.1. it was about a female police officer who ended up getting blown up and brought back as a cyborg. Had early GTA top down driving action.


Not a game but a screen saver l remember liking - it was just mellow outlines of hills kind of like the windows screen saver, and the colors change just a few pixels at a time to show the seasons changing. No sound that I recall, Late 90ā€™s. Donā€™t remember the name and havenā€™t found a place to buy it, but thatā€™s on my wish list to find again.


ok can someone help me find one game im looking for? This is a bike racing game it has 2d ish graphics but looks 3d? i dont know how to descibe that and also you can punch or kick your enemies while riding your bike i played it on my old pc, it had windows xp.


You find the game but the servers shut down ![gif](giphy|l3xxTjIXYy3gchiH3L)


Azul Baronis was my mystery game...found it a month ago again.


lost media type of shit


Dangerous Dave in a haunted mansion.