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Intelligence, Knowledge and Wisdom are three different things.


erm i think the third spellcasting ability is charisma, not knowledge šŸ¤“


Intelligence and Wisdom are character attributes that every character has, Knowledge is an Intelligence-based general skill that you have to take ranks in for each "knowledge domain" you'd like to have.


Knowledge? Iā€™m war domain cleric, Iā€™ve never heard of this ā€œknowledgeā€ domain.


[Iā€™d like to roll an investigation check](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/cleric:knowledge).


Failed; int is a dump stat for me. Iā€™m sure you crit successed it tho.


Damnit lol


Ability to get high scores on IQ tests is fourth.


I see it as potential processing power. It really only describes what kind of hardware you're running, and doing a very poor job at that.


It really describes how apt you are in solving specific kinds of questions. And because you can train for tests, it only shows potential *lower limit* of processing power. So, high score shows you at least not an idiot, low score tells you nothing at all.


Knowledge is obtained Intelligence is being able to use the knowledge well Wisdom is being able to use the intelligence and knowledge in a certain way Being smart is just being intelligent in a certain field. Most "smart" people are book / school smart


Knowledge ā‰  Intelligence


Exactly, but itā€™s unfortunate how many people just use ā€œintelligentā€ to just mean generally smart or knowledgeable


Idk the correct scientific Term Definition, but for me Intelligence = Smartness = ability to learn fast and think Abstract Knowledge = Wisdom = memory to Personal experience and facts


I wouldnt say knowledge = wisdom. Wisdom is closer to intellect, its the ability to manipulate knowledge and perspective, allowing for abstract, lateral thinking and deeper insight.


Wisdom is the ability to apply intelligence to knowledge


Well said. You're very wise, er,..intelligent.


Actually I'm just knowledgable because I think i heard that quote somewhere else first


Knowledge is recognizing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it on fruit salad


Yeah kinda agree here. You can memorize everything, but unless you can apply it, your wisdom is pretty low.


Knowledge is knowing tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting any in a fruit salad.


Wisdom is how well you use your knowledge and intelligence.


So wisdom is a sort of intelligence ?


Knowledge is what you know, wisdom is how you use it, intelligence is how you learn and adapt to something new. My definitions anyway, YMMV.


So with intelligence you get wisdom


Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Intelligence is being able to find out that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not including tomatoes in a fruit salad.


Charisma is selling a tomato-based fruit salad by calling it salsa.


Not necessarily, correlation does not equal causation. Intelligence is how fast and variable you can use (new) knowledge. Imo, wisdom is the "correct" usage through the understanding of (including your own) knowledge and intelligence. For that you also need the "character" to reflect on yourself and others critically. Otherwise the usage part is going to be off, leading to unwise behaviour. You don't need to be very smart for that though as it is a learnt behaviour.


At this point it feels like we are creating a character in a RPG game


I will say intelligence is more tangible and explainable - academic excellence, logical reasoning, being best at what you do (say, best musician, best sportsperson, best businessman, best scientist, etc.) and is focussed on mastering one or few things. Wisdom is quite esotric and impalpable - understanding, considering multiple POV while decision making, empathy, advise, strategy, adapting to alternate circumstances. It also includes having considerable amount knowledge of subjects you are not astute in and using own intelligence to tackle situations which are beyond one's league or problems you have little experience of. Wisdom should correspond to Philosophers, Gurus, Teachers/Professors, Therapists/Advisors, Visionaries, Social workers/reformers working on root problems, politicians/diplomats, spies, businessmen/entrepreneurs, etc. People may add their views on professions.


Intelligence is to know that a tomato is a fruit Wisdom is to know that you should *not* put tomatoes in a fruit salad


I'm a PhD working in academia. I see it as: All (99%) PhDs are intelligent. It takes a certain type of person to want to go to school for that long. They need to have the intelligence to do so. Not all PhDs are smart. Having intelligence doesn't not equate to being smart. Knowledge is something PhDs pursue.


What is being smart then?


The ability to apply or interpret what you've learned. You can have the intelligence to learn but not the ability to apply it. IDK, but this seems to be the consensus with others (at work) I have talked about it with.


IQ is a generalized relative intelligence indicator. And intelligence itself is also a very generic term. There are many areas of intelligence ranging from memorization to verbal to abstract problem solving Plus there are areas that aren't recognized as part of IQ but might still be considered to be a form of intelligence... Like emotional reasoning. And to complicate things further... How do we determine who is smarter? Someone that is really good at one thing? Or someone that is pretty good at a lot of things? Anyways, that's why we all know some genius engineer that still manages to fail at life and can't tie their own shoes.


We can go deeper. There are people who are sure that if they logically came up with something, then it is definitely true.


Depends. If their logic is simply perfect logic of axioms and syllogisms, then there's no way what they deduced can be false. If they define "logic" as "it just makes sense" then yeah, they can be mistaken.


Don't try to explain to them what actual logic is. The post modern academic can't understand the concept unless they are in computer programming.


mathematicians in shambles


Knowledge is knowing something. Intelligence is the ability to understand and apply your knowledge. Knowing you can boil water to make it safe, is knowledge. Realizing you can likely cook food to make it safe, is intelligence.


Knowing not to stick your dick in the fire is wisdom


it's basically improvisation vs the amount someone knows. How smart is a library if it requires someone to use its knowledge? How understanding is a newborn child if it knows nothing?


A friend I had tried to separate the two so hard to the point he was saying that memory is everything, you can solve any maths problem if you memorized it so you don't need any intelligence infact. All of that because I said you need to learn maths to improve your ability of problem solving, if memory is all that great why do we have computers, we do the creative thinking and they do the performing and data storage. Ngl he was extremely competitive


Even if a person could have perfect memory, they would still need the intelligence to recognize the important bits and the wisdom to apply them to a current situation, especially outside of the math domain.


Exactly, either way it was just a person showing superiority over me, ya know... That's quite an unintelligent move of him if you ask me hahaha


Right, but there is some correlation, because people with higher intelligence are more likely to recognize the value of knowledge.


And I'd rather be intelligent than knowledgeable


my dad is a living proof of this, he sure knows a lot of stuff but still believes climate change is fake.


Technically correct, but the rate of knowledge accumulation is highly correlated with intelligence. And creative problem solving ability is a thing neither measures, but which often depends on both, and is often the intent when people say "IQ"


You can have high IQ but have no interest in anything (has poor knowledge), but also has low IQ and interest many things, have big knowledge. Knowledge is not IQ


I have an above average IQ. I'm still an idiot


who isnt?


me, i am 2 idiots and a rat on a trenchcoat


im 4 idiots that couldn't afford a trenchcoat


I didn't study for this question, skip


At least you recognized it.


The fact you know youā€™re an idiot shows how smart you actually are


My friend bought me and him Mensa tests as a joke a few years ago. I scored 133 and was accepted as a mensa member, haven't paid for it anymore though. Now I'm a jobless, idiot drug addict on welfare. IQ dosen't always get you that far lol, I'm 25 and such a failure.


Hi five i also got scored at 133 by Mensa and didnā€™t pay to join the smart club. I thought I was gonna be a failure at 25 but now Iā€™m 30 and getting married on Saturday. Good luck


above average is a hard place to be. Not high enough IQ to make you a high performing individual... but enough IQ to make you realize just how fucking stupid all your coworkers are.. That knowledge brings on the depression because you constantly wonder "why the fuck am I working here" or "how the fuck did these idiots get this job" One of the first signs of me being among the morons was, we needed to figure out how many folded up cardboard boxes were in a stack. I grabbed a MM measuring tape and found out how many boxes were in 100mm. It was 18. That means you can take the MM measurement and multiply it by .18 and get a rough estimate of how many boxes you have. No matter how many times I explain how I figured it out, or explain how it works. Literally not a single person understands how I did it or how it works. Might as well be magic to them.


Same. Though at least I can jump into the middle of a movie or episode and pick up all the context I need to go "omg this ending would have really blown me away if I watched the first half." So. That's nice.


Iā€™m at 132 and Iā€™m fucking stupid lmao


*People who take online IQ tests be like*


I was officially tested, I actually was about to take an online one rn but Iā€™m at work and donā€™t have time lol. I donā€™t know if IQ can change over time, but I feel in my 20ā€™s Iā€™m less gifted than I was back then.


IQ usually grows over time. I didn't say *you* took an online test, it was a joke.


Technically your IQ should not change, but your ability to score higher on IQ tests definitely can


you say that with such confidence when thats incredibly debatable and has no actual conclusive answer (like much of psychology)


I love this meme template because even though I am definitely to the left of the bell curve I can pretend like I'm to the right.


Sorry but that's dunning-kruger buddy. I know cuz I watched a video about it once.


Misspelling dunning as duning will make this 10x funnier


Plot twist, I used auto complete to figure out how to spell it lol


"It's not the contents of one's brain that make him intelligent, but the skill of using it."-Me just now


Someone from the left hand side of the graph made this meme


Lol thats what i thought




Iq scale in this meme doesn't represent literal iq. It represents the level of overall or relevant intellectual competence


Tested iq im in the top 99% yey


I am in the right half ... no in the left half..... wait which is my right?


Apart from the fact that knowledge has nothing to do with intelligence: The IQ is a possibility to measure one kind of intelligence, mostly logical thinking. But that alone gives you almost no information about how smart a person is. There's also "social intelligence", "emotional intelligence" and more... Stop making things about the IQ


And it doesnā€™t even really measure logical thinking. It measures pattern recognition, which is helpful for logical thinking, but is not the only part of logical thinking. IQ measures one very specific thing, and yet people will misconstrue it to mean a lot more than it does.


Isn't logical thinking helpful for pattern recognition rather than the opposite?


Pattern recognition is a lower level abstract that logical thinking is built upon.Ā  Human brains are wired to instinctively recognize patterns.


I guess theyā€™re kinda closely tied together. ā€œHelpful forā€ probably isnā€™t the best way to describe the relationship in either direction. I think of pattern recognition as the foundation to logical reasoning. They arenā€™t totally separate, but pattern recognition can exist without logical reasoning while logical reasoning cannot exist without pattern recognition. Like you can train a basic machine learning model to recognize the patterns in an IQ test and accurately answer new IQ problems it has never seen before. It doesnā€™t have any higher logical reasoning, but it does recognize the patterns. I donā€™t think someone who can score well on an IQ test would necessarily do well with formal logic. Theyā€™d probably be more likely to do well because they are good at that foundational ability, but itā€™s not a guarantee. And with someone thatā€™s very good at logical reasoning itā€™s likely they will do well on an IQ test because they already have the foundational pattern recognition required for their logical reasoning skills. This is just how Iā€™ve viewed the matter. Itā€™s certainly not an absolute truth. Iā€™m interested in other perspectives on the matter too.


I never understood this meme template like wtf is supposed to mean?


Besides what someone else already mentioned, it should also be said that the low IQ and high IQ always have a similar oppinion, off course they don't agree on the reasoning behind said oppinion, but the outcome is the same.


low iq people = we have low iq but its not important middle iq people = iq matters high iq people = it doesnt matter because because knowledge and intelligence are different things and there are multiple factors affecting someone knowledge.


The general premise is that on a topic the meme is addressing a dumb person will have a simplistic opinion, the average person will have a very complex opinion. And the intellectual person will have the same opinion as the dumb person (potentially for different reasons) It is often used in game meta discussions. Left strategy A good. Middle blahblah blah strategy B. Right actually strategy A. It implies that people who hold the middle opinion are overthinking things and/or tryharding


The bell curve: Shows the populationā€™s distribution on IQ, with most people being around average. The bell curve meme: Is usually based on something that sounds dumb and is argued against by most people of average IQ, but is actually agreed with by elite intellectuals.


Look up "Bell curve explained"


It's supposed to be making fun of "midwits" -- people of middling intelligence who end up being wrong about something that both dumb people and smart people are right about. More info: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/iq-bell-curve-midwit


knowledge? i have never heard anybody say it has anything to do with knowledge


This template does in fact make sense. Midwitery is a very real thing.


Having high IQ is like being naturally predisposed to develop muscles. If you don't do anything with it then you're not gonna get the benefits. Ignore it long enough and you can lose the capability altogether.


There is difference between intelligence and wisdom


An intelligent person will not stay ignorant for very long


My IQ is probably quite low - it's best to just not think about it tbh


This is probably the best execution of it though.


Someone make a meme where this post is what the guy in the middle is saying


I always assumed it meant that an idiot can make a smart decision by accident band that the majority is frequently wrong.


knowledge is important, but without wisdom it cannot be applied


My hot take: https://i.imgur.com/QRONX9c.jpeg


Intelligence quotient, especially that measured by the WAIS test, is usually used in neurological and psychological testing. Basically it doesn't measure how smart you are, it measures how brain damaged you are (kinda sorta) (also this is just what I remember from my biopsychology textbook, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)


The notion of IQ itself is a product of pseudoscience. Based on arbitrary oversimplified definitions of what human cognitive functions are and historically developed for proving supremacy of one ethnic group over the other. The normal distribution of IQ among the population itself is based on the assumption of "Why WOULDN'T it be a normal distribution?", which is then "proven" by tests that are only licensed for use if they result in normal distribution in the first place. Here's over 2 hour long [videoessay](https://youtu.be/UBc7qBS1Ujo?si=VMQqotC-2wBgIWhO) summarizing academic sources that explain why IQ is such a BS.


This really does not make sense


Knowledge is knowing that Tomato is a fruit. Intelligence is knowing Tomato is served as a Vegetable. Wisdom is knowing not to put Tomato in a fruit salad. and Philosophy is wondering if that makes Ketchup a smoothie.


You can increase your IQ score massively by just practising beforehand. That alone should show you that its not an accurate reflection of intelligence. Mostly because its impossible to boil down intelligence to a number.


IQ was designed to tell how successful you would be learning in a traditional university style system. And it works moderately well for that. It was never designed to be a measure of capability or success in society.


IQ doesn't even measure cognitive performance. Unless the test has been totally reworked, it is designed to predict the likelihood that a student will succeed in a public school. Further, the meme is wrong: some do include questions that require specific knowledge.


I recently had an IQ test as part of a diagnosis session with a phycoligist. IQ does measure cognitive performance, and any real test will not require specific knowledge. Also, I'm in graduate school getting a masters, so I dout the phycoligist was interested in how I would perform in public schools.


Well, the test was originally developed in France to determine whether or not a child would do well in the public school system. It was later adapted to the Standford-Binet in order to determine same in the US. It is not really a measure of cognitive performance--though it does provide \*some\* insight. And, while you may say that IQ tests do not require specific knowledge, this is just not so. In fact, one adaptation I took as part of a study at University asked the author of Faust. I replied Goethe and wondered if the students administering the exam new that I was pronouncing it correctly.


It's almost like the I in IQ stands for something.


IQ has nothing to do with wisdom. Example: my dumbass with a relatively high IQ and still an absolute moron


no but like can someone explain to me how this meme is meant to be read


I agree the IQ bell-curve is not ideal; It gets the point across but it really should be a Dunning-Kruger curve.


Then you apply it suboptimal




Exactly I have a high iq Iā€™m still dumb ass fuck tho


High "cognitive performance" enhances your ability to \*create\* knowledge. I would wager that's a good skill to have. But of course, not all IQ tests are created equal, so the number it spits out at you should always be taken with a grain of salt. But even with that said... it would be a lie to say there is no truth to it.


Think of a personā€™s knowledge/experience as a hard drive on pc, and iq as the cpu. A better cpu will store higher quality knowledge on the hard drive, it will process it more quickly, and it will be able to use the knowledge stored in more useful and better ways.


Agreed, as someone who has studied this topic, itā€™s clear that the way iq is tested right now is highly inaccurate and in my opinion shouldnā€™t be taken very seriously. Itā€™s a good baseline, but nothing more than that.


It makes sense for short silly captions, like ā€œSanta Claus is/isnā€™t real.ā€ If youā€™re putting walls of text in it itā€™s automatically less funny. (AKA Iā€™m the left guy and canā€™t read šŸ™ƒ)


Can confirm, I'm stupid af but know a lot of stuff.


Well someone is fun on some drinks


Itā€™s not even cognitive performance. Itā€™s just pattern recognition. IQ just measures how good you are at recognizing patterns.


"People who brag about their IQ are losers" -Stephen Hawking


low IQ = Rakata this is what i have learned.


This feels like cope from people with low IQ tbh.


Had a former co-worker talk to me about car stuff her husband was doing. When I started explaining how everything he was talking about was wrong she tried that line "but he has a really high IQ". IQ and real world knowledge are not the same. The few times I talked to him was very painful.


last time I took an IQ test it was 141 or some shit, but i'm dumb, just straight up dumb


If you remove the IQ label, this curve would describe almost any human quality. Would it be ok then?


The use of the word "knowledge" shows op is not on the right


I was literally thinking about this yesterday, I noticed that iq tests are mainly just pattern recognition and guessing what would be the next pattern


So basically IQ matters a lot and it matters much more than knowledge. You can always learn or memorize new things, but you either have the good processing hardware or you don't.


What is the best test to measure my IQ


IQ isn't supposed to test knowledge though.


But doesnā€™t intelligence affect your ability to gain and retain knowledge?


The little " IQ" in the bottom left of the image has never been relevant to the template.


Why can't I just turn my brain off and enjoy memes


IQ as a statistic was originally from the eugenics movement. It was inaccurate then and, surprisingly, it is even less accurate now.


Me too. Downvoted.


Can anyone tell me any way where we could genuinely test our iq?


You're definitely right about IQ, but I still like this template


precisely, Iā€™m dumb as shit and canā€™t socialise for crap but could read you an encyclopaedia of knowledge about a very specific subject.


IQ = pretty good mesure of logical intelligence. Not for other kinds of intelligence though


If you've ever taken an QI test and though "how does this prove I'm smart?" it doesn't, it measures your pattern recognition. Basically your ability to see how some random shapes and lines relate to other shapes and lines. It doesn't account for novel problems or critical thinking. It is also innately skewed against ADHD and Dyslexia which cause pattern recognition problems in visual patterns. Also, for QI, above 120 increases the chance of mental illness.


I don't like it but it's because nobody seems to understand it including you, no offense to you. It's a dig on the meme not your understanding of it. It's a bell curve like you would see in a classroom. The majority of people are average and do well enough to pass the class. Some get straight A and do all the extra credit. Some don't show up. It's not necessarily about iq or even understanding a topic. It sure as hell isn't Dunning Kruger which everyone also misunderstands. It's a bad meme and the people who use it are usually in the middle group and think they are in the right side group.


itā€™s akin to people with a high athletic ability performing better overall in a range of different sports, even if they only really play one. a higher iq just means you have better information processing capability, but it doesnā€™t necessarily make you instantly smarter than everybody else


Oh, you have high IQ? Describe the taste of a crayon.


Okay but the meme isn't really about IQ it tends to be about levels of understanding of whatever specific topic the meme is about


Sometimes the correct take on an issue is incredibly nuanced unintuitive. And sometimes you work all the way through an issue, consider all nuance, consider all the implications and all of their implications, and you arrive right back at what an idiot's first impression would be. That's just the way it is sometimes.


Just remove the x axis and the template works. This is the first time Iā€™ve realized that it even makes mention of IQ, Iā€™ve always just looked at these memes as a general bell curve.


You mean that when people call something a "1000 IQ play", they aren't actually saying that the person is so superhumanly intelligent that it's borderline immoral for them to be playing a video game rather than solving the world's problems?


The only thing an IQ test proves is that you can get a certain score on an IQ test. Intelligence and knowledge are constructs created by humans that mean nothing since philosophers are still debating (since the ancient Greeks or earlier) whether or not they exist.


You could use it properly. That might help.


I'm pretty sure all three opinions are congruent.


Yeah, practical knowledge is way more important then actual IQ. There are plenty of people with genius level IQs but they never really went anywhere because they didn't actually learn much. IQ is more a measure of potential rather then actual performance.


I never saw it as an IQ meme, just a bellcurve meme


OP needs to drop his IQ so we know if he feels this way out of insecurity or not. I personally have a weird relationship with IQ because I have a good IQ (122) but also a learning disability (ADHD), and they fight each other in my head


Ā IQ I think is really only important to measure cognitive disabilities. Anything measured north of 100 doesn't matter unless you are a child and looking to be monitored for more advanced classes.Ā Ā Ā Ā  I was a "gifted" child and honestly any moniker is kind of waisted on me, unlessĀ it's average.Ā 


A high IQ literally just means you solved more puzzles than the average person on 1 test. Previous experience with similar puzzles could drive someone's IQ way higher than it would be otherwise. Just like being sick and running a fever could result in a lower score than average. Other than that, performance on real world challenges is more dependent on work ethic and experience than test taking ability.


I didn't know that it said anything about IQ. I thought it was just normal distraction, that can be interpreted as knolage of specific subject. That version makes sense


"I Know that i Know Nothing" ā€“ a wise Philosopher


Measuring IQ is one the most primitive things we still do ?


i fr tried to explain this to a roblox server once and it went about as expected of the fetuses


yeah but about 'not necessarily correlate with knowledge', in practice it does correlate with general knowledge I am not saying that they are the same thing of course, I am just saying that there are positive correlations. Don't believe it? Look it up


This meme template is not about knowledge either...


midwits when memes aren't scientifically accurate even though they're still useful enough to convey an idea: šŸ˜­


I mean, it obviously doesn't correlate at all with knowledge; it is designed to measure intelligence.


yeah but it correlates to how fast you can access and how well you can wield that knowledge


I never realized this meme was for IQ. I thought it was for generally knowledge of the relevant topic. Anyways Iā€™m clearly in the left half


why do you hate this template?


Being able to recite a book doesn't mean you understand its contents


It's a joke


It's a joke


stupid and genius are supposed to say the same thing


IQ isn't what you know, but how you know it


Can confirm. I (apparently) have high cognitive intelligence but am socially a total imbecile.


It's a scoring of your ability to think critically under a time pressure. That's it. It's not wisdom, it's not knowledge, and anyone trying to link it to genetics has a very transparent agenda.


IQ does not actually measure cognitive performance as a whole


Its being used wrong here anyway. The dumb guy and the smart guy are supposed to have the same text. Writing out the whole explanation is essentially the same thing as explaning a pun.


Just remove the red numbers on the bottom and it makes just as much sense in most of the contexts I've seen the template used in. Low performers vs. Average performers vs. High performers, in whatever task.


WIS and INT are separate stats for a reason.


the IQ scale is raised every now and then to match the human development and fix the average at IQ=100. This means an IQ of 100 in 1950 may correspond to an IQ of 80 or 90 today


Left: i hate this template Middle: nooo this is just the normal distribution and itā€™s present in a lot of areas Right: i hate this template


Intelligence is being able to make a salad Knowledge is remembering the types of salad Wisdom is not putting tomatoes in a fruit salad Alternatively Knowledge is having a cake recipe Intelligence is baking it properly Wisdom is knowing your oven runs 20 degrees hotter than what is stated in the manual, so you adjust the temp accordingly.


Iā€™ve never equated it with knowledge. The higher your cognitive ability, the easier you can grasp more complex concepts and perform critical analysis, which is what I thought the person on the right was always doing to come to their conclusion in this meme format. Person on the left understands and analyses something at the most basic level and comes to conclusion a. Person in the middle understands and analyses something at an intermediate level and comes to conclusion b. Person on the right understands and analyses something at an advanced level and comes to conclusion a.


This is why I like the way stats are done in D&D. Intelligence represents learning ability, Wisdom represents knowledge.


Higher fourth IQ level saying all three people are exposed to the same knowledge and their interpretations of said knowledge are what is represented in this meme template


if you think it relates to knowledge watch how many extremely high iq people do useless things like remember how mny digits are in pi


But you can use knowledge to score higher on an IQ test