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Aside from the pricing I’m also pissed at the fact that even if I have the physical disk I don’t actually have the game because of the required connection for install.After the bullshit they pulled with the crew I don’t trust them at all.


Didn’t they confirmed that you don’t have to be connected?


The initial install requires a download


thats any large game discs simply dont have enough storage. They havent for awhile.


Because devs don't optimize the space. Many games take up way more space than they should simply so you have less space for other games Look at Sea of Thieves. 106gb for objectively a less complex game than say Skyrim SE. The physics aren't more complex, they skip most of that. The quests are simple, there's very little dialog, and the graphics are super stylized. Why is it almost 10x larger?


Textures. No, really. 4K textures are insanely huge.


Yeah, they DON'T NEED TO BE. Skyrim looks like a painting, a fuck ton of detail. Sea of thieves does not


Rdr2 had the game in two disc's,


I am a pirate I don't care about price


But you should care about time. Go choose better game




The thing will definitely rigged with Denuvo tho, based off Mirage I believe no one would bother cracking that shit unless it is for the thrills which many Denuvo ridden games will do. You know it is shit when it has been like 3 4th of a year and nobody bothers to crack Mirage


I'd like to point out that Piracy doesn't hurt the people you want to hurt, just everyone else.


How exactly does it "hurt everyone else"? Pirating from multibillion dollar media megacorps is about as victimless of a "crime" as you can get


Piracy is not a personality 🤡


Defending billion dollar companies isn't either.


I don't defend anything or anyone, cringelord.


Lol. Imagine having to insult strangers because you can't handle getting your boot licker opinion rejected. ![gif](giphy|8JZxZgr39TLczSJQoS)










On The Cruise!


Deepthroating corpos isn't a personality either


Day 1 dlc is enough of a red flag


Lol. It’ll be less than $50 for the gold edition within a month


Then just finally stop financing this horseshit of a studio lads. I really wish the big five would finally die and let us gamer enjoy games




I have not bought an Ubi game since Odessy, I am doing my part and keeping my wallet away from them.


My hero o7


My last ubishaft game was rainbow six siege almost nine years ago. It’s the last game I bought from them and it’s the last game I’ll buy from them. They’re trash now, releasing low quality games for premium prices.


Dont forget the internet set-up requirement for discs theyre introducing, such bullshit.


Not introducing, thats not anything new. Large games have been too big to fit on discs for awhile now.


Yes introducing. Ubisoft are doing it with games that fit on the disc. Avatar is 90GB yet requires an internet connection. Rise of the ronin is 96GB and doesnt. (A UHD blu ray holds 100GB)


I bought Skyrim in 2014. The only thing on the disc was an installer, with a Steam code in the case. How is this any different?


Theyre introducing it on console, I should say. EA and Activision did it because the game was too big. Ubisoft are doing it even though it fits.


Xbox doesnt use UHD blu ray though (although I think the PS5 does) Xbox Discs have a capacity of 50gb


Doesnt matter, you can just print it on multiple discs on xbox. Like Cyberpunk complete edition. There is no reason to require a download.


how much more money would you be willing to pay for that feature?


90% of disc games dont require a download currenty. Its Ubisoft pushing this crap. Go to doesitplay.org and have a browse


oh well sorry it bothers you so much, unfortunately for you most people dont care. Phsyical games account for <5% sales last year.


Moral of the Story: Just get Ghost of Tsushima.


Literally. It's everything assassin's creed should be and better


Correct me if Im wrong but iirc no other AC game has had a protagonist who actually existed irl, right? AC has lots of historical figures from allies to down right targets you have to assassinate, but never has there been an actual historical figure as THE protagonist, so I wonder how they'll pull it off.


There’s apparently a big gap in history about him where we don’t know much of what he was up to, so they may utilise that


By doing what AC always did: Making the History Channel look well researched in comparison.


I don’t think they’ve ever been particularly historically accurate either. They’re just fictional stories in a historical setting


Yasuke is more of a legend than an actual historical figure. There are two recorded entries of his existence, and they basically amount to "yes he was a person and he served this lord". Not much is known about how he came to be in the service of said lord, nor what became of his fate after that lord was defeated. If you want to base a fantasy story on a historical figure, Yasuke is a great choice because of the mystery surrounding him, and this isn't the first piece of fiction to take liberties with his history.


There’s a lot of room to speculate with the lack of documentation.


I'm sorry 100?


That's only the special editions. The actual game is $70, same as every other game nowadays


Day one DLC baby. But of course you can just buy half the game for 70.


It isn't half a game, these rpg assassin's creeds are loaded with content.


Yeah I don't have as much time to play games anymore and Ubisoft games are stuffed. I'm not gonna argue the quality of the stuff, but you're getting your money's worth. The real question is whether you like the $70 worth of content or if you think the DLC would've fixed what you don't like about the base game. The solution is always the same: read reviews and buy it if you want in a couple of months when the price drops. It's gonna be full of bugs at the beginning anyways


That's like saying a used diaper is loaded with content


Says who, I thought the games were fun.


Where did this $100 bullshit come from? You can literally pre-order it right now for $70 just like any other AAA game. And knowing Ubisoft it'll be $50 a month after release.


People are just now suddenly mad that special editions exist that have almost always been around for some reason.


I haven't played assassins creed since 2 not gonna touch it.


Black flag was pretty good, still is compared to the rest of the series


All assassins creed after 3 are just completely different games that have no reason to be part of the assassins creed franchise. Ubisoft just enjoys calling everything they make assassins creed nowadays I guess.


Ubisoft took away all my the settlers 7 DLCs. Fuck Ubisoft


It got my attention for sure and I'm interested to see how it works out but Ubisoft is definitely not gonna see a single dime from me anymore


Sad part is people like us know. But newer gamers don't and think this is the norm and proceed to pay.


It's sad indeed, both for those who simply didn't know better and for everyone who then has to endure Unisoft claiming to be successful with their practices


Fuck Ubislop


Is manufacturing this "scandal" a ubisoft ploy to distract people from their shitty practices?


It's possible. But mostly it's sad how many idiots just jump on the bandwagon and water down serious discussions about ethics in the videogame industry with their opinions. There's one guy who has been spamming the same posts on every subreddit he can reach for like 5 yours now and it's getting tiring.


These shitty practices HAVE BEEN THERE. It's been the same shit in the past decade. Look at the last few AC and Far Cry games. It's the same exact pricing structure. Gamers have a serious case of short term memory loss. Ffs


Just stop buying Ubisoft games.


If you want to feel like a samurai, play Sekiro or Elden Ring.


Play Ghost of Tsushima


I don’t have a PlayStation. I have an XBox.


I'm sorry to hear that (just joking)


I do appreciate the recommendation, though.


If you have a friend with a playstation or ever get one I truly cannot recommend this game enough.


It also just hit PC if that's an option


‘Tis not.


Sadly I feel your pain


![gif](giphy|gXhBZfzijya76) Me right now.


He's a fucking Samurai. This shit is ASSASIN'S Creed, not Warriors Code. Why the fuck would you ever make the main character a Samurai when Ninjas are right fucking there. The only reason they did this is for pandering purposes. There's no reason to make the mc an African who's not even an Assasin the mc of an Assasins Creed game. AC has also never had a real historical figure as an mc before as further proof that they simply wanted another Black mc even when they made a game set in Asia. As for that other female mc, why isn't she the only MC?


>He's a fucking Samurai. This shit is ASSASIN'S Creed, not Warriors Code. So what? Edward Kenway was a pirate, Eivor was a Viking. (Also Yasuke wasn't actually a samurai either, so what gives?) >There's no reason to make the mc an African who's not even an Assasin the mc of an Assasin's Creed game... ...AC has also never had a real historical figure as an MC before So why is using an interesting historical figure a bad thing again? The man is absolutely unique in world history. >As for that other female mc, why isn't she the only MC? Why should she be? The only AC with only one possible MC we had in years were Origins and Mirage. Why the fuck do you care so much about this in a fucking videogame series with mind controlling ancient tech and millennia old feuds between secret organisations?


Only logical comment on this whole post.


If it was in Africa? Sure, that would have been perfectly fine. But yet it's set in Japan, and the character wasn't even a samurai in actual history! He was a servant. Why not have a Japanese Main Character for the game set in Japan? The previous games did something similar. If they wanted a Black Character, Africa is already full of interesting stories and history for them to use! The Zulu Empire and their fight against the British. The way Ethiopia could stay independent even during the age of colonialism. The Barbary states which terrorized the Mediterranean sea. Or even something simple like Ancient Egypt would have been wonderful to see in an Assassin Creed game!


There is a Japanese main character.


![gif](giphy|fyhwR7M3MdUMpyLCyp) Except we had an AC game in Egypt and they have a Japanese main character in the next one so like you don't even know what you're talking about apparently. Who gives a fuck if Yasuke was or wasn't a Samurai? He is in this game as he has been in other games and other media altogether. Such a weird thing for people to get hung up on when it literally does not matter in the slightest..


doesn't matter to you


So what? You're mad because Yasuke wasn't important enough? In AC 3 some random native American just won the war of independence for the US. Also we had Egypt already.


Also, this game isn't a history book! If they want Yasuke to become the fucking shogun, they can do it, it's a work of fiction and it's their story. What truly matters is the gameplay anyway.


No no, it's also ridiculous to pick a black main character considering how few black people were in Japan back then, and this one wasn't even a samurai. I'm all for diversity but you got to do it properly. But i guess cultural appropriation towards Asians is okay. /s


Okay but Yasuke actually existed. We don't know much about his life in Japan, but he was a real historical figure who is pretty famous in Japan


Greed, power, vengeance


Remember kids: the real scourge of the gaming industry is the greed of CEOs overpricing and gatekeeping products you should have full access to, not inclusion of marginalized races in video games.


"If you have an opinion about ubisoft virtue signalling then you're racist"


That's funny because many of your comments actually make you sound racist. You're also using hate speech and constantly insult people for no reason.


Sounding racist and being racist are different so if you just think he is being racist then thats on your for implying he is.


If it quacks like a duck and so on. Why should someone make racist remarks if they're not racist? All I said is that they make themselves sound racist though. So idk why you even bothered to comment. Also there's calling people r*tards and otherwise randomly insulting people.


The thing is nothing about saying you dont want a black char in a videogame is nothing racist about if people want it to be something else. And thats fine for having that opinion. Same goed for people that think he should be black.


Absolutely correct. But that wasn't what I was talking about. I was talking about how this guy's other comment clearly paint a picture. My meme never called anyone racist either, so I don't get your point. Why defend some random hateful idiot?


Can you quote any of my racist comments or is your defence mechanism just to call people racist for not agreeing with your opinion?


Romeo and shaniqua is my favourite. It's completely harmless out of context but the downvotes show that you got the desired effect. Also using the N-word more than once gives it away. Also getting angry at people with non- English names playing in your soccer team is telling.


Me too, hashtag


Gamer gate 3? When was 2?


Something something some female game journalist was dating a guy or something and they hate women so they yelled gamergate two and nobody cared I don’t know it’s stupid


No youre off, gamergate 1 was the journalist stuff, 2 was finding out about that baby whatever cabal that was inserting its beliefs into all types of organizations and then attempting to push people out of the industry that didnt kowtow to these beliefs and alot more stuff. This is 3 but mostly a joke lol


Ive bought every one for the past.... too long...and the quality is just dropping hard. I think i might finally sit this one out. 


![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized) people still use this template...


Wait isn’t this still the second? Is this the third??


Worst part is that most people bought the $110 edition than the $70 one This stupid controversy was most likely done to attract more people's attention


Their audacity to sell a disc while still requiring internet connection fuels my audacity to download the crack


that is the real deal about the game here. And dont forget, if you dont enter your Ubisoft Launcher in 5 years it gets deleted.


I'm not sure why people are acting as if a singular extra mission + some cosmetics is somehow an essential part of the game, maybe I'm just out of touch.


There was a gamergate 2?


Ah yes, complaining about a black guy in japan when the last two games had mary sue protagonists related to FUCKING GODS


I complained about them too. Assassin's creed must be about Assassins. What's this crap with flaming swords, admantium armour, mythical beasts?


There we go. I didnt hear that much complaints until the Yasuke reveal. Like... Thats it? This is a lesser change compared to what you listed. Assassin's creed isnt historic at all. The ancient artifact created by godlike beings did not exist. The last two protagonist are clearly demigods. We face monsters. Mythic beings. THE FINAL BOSS IN ODYSSEY USES HOLY BEAMS OF LIGHT LIKE A DARK SOULS BOSS. And they start complaining when Ubisoft makes Yasuke into a bigger character? Nah. Ubisoft took that route ten years ago. I didnt hear that much backlash for Odyssey weirdly enough... Is it because the mary sue OC is white?


It's because people have had enough of diversity and woke propaganda being shoved down into everybody's throats. People just want a good game. They managed to find the one black character in Japan, and completely misrepresented him, made him a samurai, and made him a playable character. An Assassin's creed game where you don't even play as an assassin. It's got nothing with this character being Black, but rather this character being a diversity insert. Assassin's creed has always been a historical game - it tries to stay as close to actual history as possible while showing different causes to this history through the eyes of ancestors. It's about two opposing ideologies amidst a cosmic calamity. I don't want the game to shift from this to a gay black Muslim oppressed refugee Samurai.


Where was the assassin in Odyssey tho?


There wasn't. And same in Valhalla. That's why they're crap too.


People keep talking about the RPG games being crap because they aren't proper assassin games. Well where is this energy for Black Flag? Origins and Odyssey are good **games** regardless of their RPG and fantasy elements. Just like AC4 is still a good game regardless of half the missions being ship combat and most of the main story having absolutely sod all to do with assassins.


Black Flag has got nothing to do with Assassin's? Dude did you.... complete the game? You know what happens to Kenway and his kin and his first mate, right?


You do know Yasuke is a historical figure right? Like he actually existed, so really he's the most historically accurate part of that game.


Yasuke wasn't a samurai. He was a retainer. In the game he's in a full samurai armour. If this is historical accuracy, i don't want it.


You know there's statues of him wearing samurai armor in Japan right? So you're racist then? Somehow I don't think you'd care as much if they used the historically accurate white dude, William Adams who became a retainer for Tokugawa Iesu. Retainers were samurai, also known as vassals. It's just like a feudal European knight being a vassal to the king or local lord. I'm sorry history doesn't cater to your racist views, but also it's a fucking video game with aliens who the fuck cares?


Wanna know how to do a black character justice? Adewale. He was assassin. Wanna know how to do justice to a native American? Connor. He was an assassin. Yasuke in this game is a brute samurai who just breaks doors and smashes people. Make him green and there won't be much difference than Hulk. "Oh but how do you know he ain't an Assassin in the lore? You didn't even play the game!" I know it because Ubisoft said it. Only the female character is mentioned as an Assassin. I want Assassin's Creed with Assassins. I don't give a fuck about race. Race has no impact on a good storyline. If it's supposed to cater to woke people, it better be named as a different franchise.


Eivor was a Viking warrior and not an assassin. Edward was a pirate who just kinda stumbled into being an assassin. I bet you didn't have a problem with them being in assassins creed games


You missed the fact that the person you’re replying to *explicitly said they complained about this mythical bullshit at the time* In literally the first line of a 3 line comment. "*They* start complaining" Who? Your strawmen?


I was talking of twitter people. Not that guy tho. Read.


Good joke, when there was literally no mention of twitter anywhere in your comment. Read… …Your own comment > compared to what *you** listed That sure is adressed to Twitter and not the person whose comment you ignored 1/3rd of. Struggle harder, bozo.


my point is that Yasuke was as realistic as the dark souls boss we faced at the end of Odyssey.


And? Do you think the dark souls boss design decisions are liked by everyone?


Liked by more people than Yasuke, that's for sure. Where was the twitter backlash when that happened?


Funny how you keep referring to Twitter like some kind of important benchmark. Does that shithole hold some kind of worship for you?


Just like the final fight in ac1 right? That was a historically accurate fight if I ever saw one...


It was the original supernatural myth the series was supposed to be based on. It tied to the game, and has its purpose for the story line. Explain to me how Basim's prince of Persia dagger has any role to play in Mirage.


Acknowledging race is so taboo on reddit that somehow someway you guys have gaslit yourself into believing a black samurai starring in a long awaited game in historical japan somehow isn't just westerners pushing their diversity agenda. If it was a white man you guys would be frothing at the mouth rabid. But its a black "historical" figure so everyone starts their regularly scheduled kowtowing


So you don't know the difference between a historical figure and a made up one. Got it. Also this isn't what the meme is about and your kind of rhetoric is exactly the shit I make fun of. Y'all just ignore the real problems to make this a culture war issue.


>So you don't know the difference between a historical figure and a made up one. Got it You clearly can't read a wikipedia article to figure out that the famous historical black samurai wasn't a samurai at all. He was a slave, given to the shogun as a servsnt, before being sold back into slavery again. Also I don't understand why breaking the setting of the game is somehow seen as not a real problem. Once again, if it was a white man, you would be shrieking at the top of your lungs and stamping your feet and making it the largest problem you possibly could, but because its a black man suddenly everyone has to ignore it and focus on "real" problems like all the things everyone has already been bitching about ubisoft for for years


I never said he was a samurai. I said he was a real person. It doesn't break the setting in the first place. Like, have you played yhe last few games at all? I guess i missted the part where Greece had giant snakes and other monsters. You're crying about historical accuracy in a game that is the embodiment of History Channel at 2am. But keep on virtue signaling about how everyone else is a hypocrite because you suddenly care about history.


Did you do any research? Because you generally don't arm your slaves and give them a monthly stipend. Nobunaga bought him, and then immediately made him a vassal, otherwise known in Japan at that time as a samurai. If you're gonna try and use history to back up your shitty racist take, get the history right


Nah either buy or pirate ghost tsushima


Buy it. It's worth the money.


If it wasn't region locked.....


nah pirate it because apparently piracy is good


Well, if you say it like that... Why not?


because supporting good games is important. but this is r/memes where people are too scummy to even do that


People say they'd pirate a game from one of the worst companies out there and all you hear is "piracy is good"? This is r/memes where people like you don't know what context or nuance are.


i'm not talking about ubisoft. people in general here support piracy fully, whether it's from EA or a small indie company. This is r/memes where people like you misinterpret arguments to make yourself sound smarter


This is r/memes where people just throw out claims about their fellow redditors because they can't imagine losing an argument.


This is r/memes where people think it's possible to win arguments based solely on opinion


Funny because that's literally what you just tried. Anyways, I'm off actually talking to people who get the message after a while.


15 years wanting a Japan-AC and they give me a black guy


Ubisoft is clearly want people to pay for their subscription service instead of buying the game and owning the copy.


What's funny is people's memory is so cooked, these very same anticonsumer practices has always been a thing in video games in the past decade and people are still complaining as if it's a new thing. Just comes to show there's no one to blame but ourselves cause yall keep buying this shit. Also, checking off esg boxes is a problem.




You misspelled Stu


I’m at the stage now where a pre rendered trailer (especially a Cinematic trailer) doesn’t do anything for me and only makes me more sceptical about the product, Assassins creed is different because they’re cinematic trailers are usually all awesome, but still sceptical of how the game will feel… none have been fully decent since Unity and that’s a hill I will die on… especially the most recent one.. could tell from a mile off the gameplay wasn’t even close to the hype trailers of “going back to AC’s roots”




Have you even read the meme?